Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon Only Because Of........ F R A C K I N G, Not Obama

Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...
given whats going on in the middle east, Russia and such, i am amazed its dropping like it is. I know one factor is they are switching to the winter stuff, so that drops the prices somewhat...Otherwise i dont get it, it should be up around 4 with all this turmoil.

Plasma, seriously, since you seem interested in a real debate....fracking and other private sector innovations are doing it. It's pretty amazing, I agree
i never agreed with this. i dont know the real cause and im not about to specualte as to why the price drop till i go and read about it. Fracking may or may not have anything to do with it

It DEFINITELY does. But recommend you do your own independent research.

Sooo...Obama is willing to spill blood for oil by bombing civilians in Iraq and Syria.

He is probably being paid by Exxon.

Yep. Obama bombs women and children so Americans can have cheap gas and the left defends him. Hypocrites.

I was being absurd to prove a point. As it happens, several points:

  • Popular rhetoric about the relationship of Republican administrations and the oil industry is invented. It has no basis in reality.

  • The proposition of opening access to oil fields in the mid-east, and thus bringing more oil into the world market, reduces prices. It does not increase prices.

  • Obama is just making stuff up as he goes along, without regard to things people have said and done in the past.

btw, OPEC market share is threatened by US and Canadian oil production increases and they plan to flood the market with low lifting cost oil. If they do that, prices will drop for about a year, and then they will go through the roof. There is not much a Democrat or Republican president can do about that.


EXACTLY. Well said. It's a global commodity. I can't tell you how many arguments I've gotten into trying to explain this.

That's why people have to look at what impact ALL the players are having on the TOTAL production.
Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

lol, I knew I could trick you into claiming another job on your fake resume.
given whats going on in the middle east, Russia and such, i am amazed its dropping like it is. I know one factor is they are switching to the winter stuff, so that drops the prices somewhat...Otherwise i dont get it, it should be up around 4 with all this turmoil.

Plasma, seriously, since you seem interested in a real debate....fracking and other private sector innovations are doing it. It's pretty amazing, I agree
i never agreed with this. i dont know the real cause and im not about to specualte as to why the price drop till i go and read about it. Fracking may or may not have anything to do with it

It DEFINITELY does. But recommend you do your own independent research.
based on what? The only way would it would go onto to the world market and drive down the price of the overall value of oil right now. Or you have to factor in if China is scaling back with their economy, Plus what Russia is doing, Plus the ME, which ive already stated in my other post.

This isnt a case of OMG Fracking and private drilling is driving down the prices of gas. Sorry not going to happen.
Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

You still haven't topped the pathological liar I once worked with who claimed he'd been in the CIA.
Fracking has caused domestic production to rise by 8.87 Million Barrels a Day......The most since 1986.

So Fracking has increased the world's oil supplies.

So anyone who tries to claim that President Obama has been any sort of an obstacle to domestic production is full of shit.

That's a matter of opinion. After the Gulf Oil spill they weren't giving out any permits to the point of being called into contempt of a court order for failing to issue drilling permits.

He has pushed back on expanded drilling in Federal Lands, so the increase is PRIVATE not Federal.

He has also put the brakes on the pipeline from Canada.

He hasn't been exactly the sweetheart to fossil fuels in this country.

But you can give him credit for killing coal.

We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist.

You're blaming him for conditions that are better under him than they were under Bush.

You couldn't be more irrational.

So it is your contention that because Obama has loosened restriction on Federal lands we are getting more production?
Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

Fascinating. Where's all the free oil the Bush administration promised we'd be getting from the Iraqis to pay for the war. Did you see any of that?

lol, was that moved to Syria too?

Fracking has caused domestic production to rise by 8.87 Million Barrels a Day......The most since 1986.

So Fracking has increased the world's oil supplies.

So anyone who tries to claim that President Obama has been any sort of an obstacle to domestic production is full of shit.

That's a matter of opinion. After the Gulf Oil spill they weren't giving out any permits to the point of being called into contempt of a court order for failing to issue drilling permits.

He has pushed back on expanded drilling in Federal Lands, so the increase is PRIVATE not Federal.

He has also put the brakes on the pipeline from Canada.

He hasn't been exactly the sweetheart to fossil fuels in this country.

But you can give him credit for killing coal.

We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist.

You're blaming him for conditions that are better under him than they were under Bush.

You couldn't be more irrational.

So it is your contention that because Obama has loosened restriction on Federal lands we are getting more production?

My contention is that production is where it is. At record levels. So fuck off.
Fracking has caused domestic production to rise by 8.87 Million Barrels a Day......The most since 1986.

So Fracking has increased the world's oil supplies.

So anyone who tries to claim that President Obama has been any sort of an obstacle to domestic production is full of shit.

That's a matter of opinion. After the Gulf Oil spill they weren't giving out any permits to the point of being called into contempt of a court order for failing to issue drilling permits.

He has pushed back on expanded drilling in Federal Lands, so the increase is PRIVATE not Federal.

He has also put the brakes on the pipeline from Canada.

He hasn't been exactly the sweetheart to fossil fuels in this country.

But you can give him credit for killing coal.

We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist.

You're blaming him for conditions that are better under him than they were under Bush.

You couldn't be more irrational.

So it is your contention that because Obama has loosened restriction on Federal lands we are getting more production?

My contention is that production is where it is. At record levels. So fuck off.

"We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist."

My,my,my.......but you are IMPLYING it is BECAUSE of when called on the lie you are backing away?
So anyone who tries to claim that President Obama has been any sort of an obstacle to domestic production is full of shit.

That's a matter of opinion. After the Gulf Oil spill they weren't giving out any permits to the point of being called into contempt of a court order for failing to issue drilling permits.

He has pushed back on expanded drilling in Federal Lands, so the increase is PRIVATE not Federal.

He has also put the brakes on the pipeline from Canada.

He hasn't been exactly the sweetheart to fossil fuels in this country.

But you can give him credit for killing coal.

We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist.

You're blaming him for conditions that are better under him than they were under Bush.

You couldn't be more irrational.

So it is your contention that because Obama has loosened restriction on Federal lands we are getting more production?

My contention is that production is where it is. At record levels. So fuck off.

"We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist."

My,my,my.......but you are IMPLYING it is BECAUSE of when called on the lie you are backing away?

I didn't imply any such thing. I questioned the merit of blaming him for conditions that are better than when Bush was president. What the fuck is Obama's fault? It's a negative reflection on Obama that domestic production is now excellent?

Are you now even more retarded than you've already proven to be?
That's a matter of opinion. After the Gulf Oil spill they weren't giving out any permits to the point of being called into contempt of a court order for failing to issue drilling permits.

He has pushed back on expanded drilling in Federal Lands, so the increase is PRIVATE not Federal.

He has also put the brakes on the pipeline from Canada.

He hasn't been exactly the sweetheart to fossil fuels in this country.

But you can give him credit for killing coal.

We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist.

You're blaming him for conditions that are better under him than they were under Bush.

You couldn't be more irrational.

So it is your contention that because Obama has loosened restriction on Federal lands we are getting more production?

My contention is that production is where it is. At record levels. So fuck off.

"We're getting record production under Obama and you're still blaming him. You're now blaming him for a problem that doesn't exist."

My,my,my.......but you are IMPLYING it is BECAUSE of when called on the lie you are backing away?

I didn't imply any such thing. I questioned the merit of blaming him for conditions that are better than when Bush was president. What the fuck is Obama's fault? It's a negative reflection on Obama that domestic production is now excellent?

Are you now even more retarded than you've already proven to be?

LOL, you are so damned weak easy to fuck with.

You indeed implied it,and you no doubt believe he IS responsible for just can't "prove" it.

The truth is the King had/has NOTHING to do with it...the Market and Free enterprise has EVERYTHING to do with it.

So slink back under your rock "precious".
Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

You still haven't topped the pathological liar I once worked with who claimed he'd been in the CIA.
So why do you support a pathological liar like Obama?
Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

Fascinating. Where's all the free oil the Bush administration promised we'd be getting from the Iraqis to pay for the war. Did you see any of that?

lol, was that moved to Syria too?

Bush never said that. Show us the quote. I think perhaps you're a pathological liar like your President.
We've cornered the rats and they are IN THE CORNER, LOL.

Rats don't know how gas prices work. These rats don't either.
Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

lol, I knew I could trick you into claiming another job on your fake resume.

And I knew that would be another $2000 I would put up to make it up but would make you run for the hills....LOL

Here dumbass, let me give you a clue. Research Iraq PMO. Now figure out what they did. Stupid ass.
I would love to see the Repup Nominee for 16 say that on his/her FIRST day in office he/she will sign an Executive Order mandated America get every ounce of oil from every domestic source they can....AND streamline refinery red tape.
The weak minded have run out of stupid quips. They certainly don't have anything substantive to say. Look at the idiot Candy in her FRAUD thread, LOL.

I think she goes to the dictionary and flips to arbitrary pages and then throws the first word out her finder hits, LOL

Her posts have NOTHING to do with the topic. LOL NOTHING
I have always acknowledged that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier and I am having serious problems with this one.

It seems that those who are giving Obama credit for the slight reduction in gasoline prices are the same ones who defended him when prices soared during his administration. For years when prices were sky high the Obama worshipers claimed the president has nothing to do with the price of gas. Now that prices are going down (at least temporarily) they are claiming that the price of gas is solely determined by the actions of the president.

I just don't get it. Maybe one of you kind folks can explain it to me.
I have always acknowledged that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier and I am having serious problems with this one.

It seems that those who are giving Obama credit for the slight reduction in gasoline prices are the same ones who defended him when prices soared during his administration. For years when prices were sky high the Obama worshipers claimed the president has nothing to do with the price of gas. Now that prices are going down (at least temporarily) they are claiming that the price of gas is solely determined by the actions of the president.

I just don't get it. Maybe one of you kind folks can explain it to me.

I think for the OP most of it is tongue in cheek and a dig at those that pulled the same thing on our side.

I have no lost for Candy Cane but she is smarter than the the contention she is "making" in the OP.

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