Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon Only Because Of........ F R A C K I N G, Not Obama

Like the game Candyass is playing with saying one thing in a title and reversing it in the gas prices drop because of Obama....

Have you worked in the gas/oil industry?

Do you know where Kirkuk and Irbil are?????

Do you know what they're known for???????????????????????????????

I've been to both. Can you even find them on a map????????????

So you haven't worked in the oil/gas industry which by YOUR OWN STANDARDS means you're too uninformed on the subject to be posting about it.

So shut up and quit embarrassing yourself to yourself.

I was directly involved in providing support to their very protection in Iraq you stupid fucker.

I looked at the pipelines from rotary wings on a regular bases. Don't you even realize what I told you.


I keep telling you limp dick liberals I won't start it but I'll sure return fire...

You still haven't topped the pathological liar I once worked with who claimed he'd been in the CIA.

AWWWW, I know I intimidate the hell out of you and Candy. You 2 always run when it comes time to put up or shut up. You represent the liberal coward persona perfectly.

You still don't understand oil prices.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810 000 bpd in September Reuters

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810,000 bpd in September

Fracking also played a part. The lion's share was OPEC.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810 000 bpd in September Reuters

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810,000 bpd in September

Fracking also played a part. The lion's share was OPEC.

Gee, the "economist" was wrong? I find that really hard to believe <sarcasm off>
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810 000 bpd in September Reuters

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810,000 bpd in September

Fracking also played a part. The lion's share was OPEC.

Gee, the "economist" was wrong? I find that really hard to believe <sarcasm off>
Fracking played a part, and it is a great step forward for this nation. We have again increased production in this country and it continues to increase.

It didn't play the major role in current price drops, but it had a role.

Record Corn crops also played a role.
The inflated value of the dollar versus other currencies also played a part, but it's a bubble.
Oil production in Libya is finally coming back.
Iraqi oil production is back up.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

From your link.

"Many Gulf Coast refiners are taking advantage of the boom in shale-oil drilling in the Midwest and producing ever more diesel for export to Europe and Asia. That's a lucrative business. And that refining process also produces more gasoline for domestic consumption. So, as The Wall Street Journalreports, refiners can still make a profit from exporting diesel abroad even if they're creating a glut of gasoline here at home."

This is what we have been saying.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810 000 bpd in September Reuters

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810,000 bpd in September

Fracking also played a part. The lion's share was OPEC.
yes its jumped because they are pumping diesel to europe and haven't cut back any. which creates more gas for us as well. One factor in about ten
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

From your link.

"Many Gulf Coast refiners are taking advantage of the boom in shale-oil drilling in the Midwest and producing ever more diesel for export to Europe and Asia. That's a lucrative business. And that refining process also produces more gasoline for domestic consumption. So, as The Wall Street Journalreports, refiners can still make a profit from exporting diesel abroad even if they're creating a glut of gasoline here at home."

This is what we have been saying.
but its not the main reason nor should it be stated or implied as the reason. The OP Implies its a major reason. its why we make threads on here.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

From your link.

"Many Gulf Coast refiners are taking advantage of the boom in shale-oil drilling in the Midwest and producing ever more diesel for export to Europe and Asia. That's a lucrative business. And that refining process also produces more gasoline for domestic consumption. So, as The Wall Street Journalreports, refiners can still make a profit from exporting diesel abroad even if they're creating a glut of gasoline here at home."

This is what we have been saying.
but its not the main reason nor should it be stated or implied as the reason. The OP Implies its a major reason. its why we make threads on here.

There were no %'s given so we really have no idea how much it is responsible for.

But here is an undeniable truth.....there is a reason that they have tagged us as in the US as going to pass Saudi Arabia next year as the World's leading producer and it has EVERYTHING to do with Fracking.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

From your link.

"Many Gulf Coast refiners are taking advantage of the boom in shale-oil drilling in the Midwest and producing ever more diesel for export to Europe and Asia. That's a lucrative business. And that refining process also produces more gasoline for domestic consumption. So, as The Wall Street Journalreports, refiners can still make a profit from exporting diesel abroad even if they're creating a glut of gasoline here at home."

This is what we have been saying.
but its not the main reason nor should it be stated or implied as the reason. The OP Implies its a major reason. its why we make threads on here.

There were no %'s given so we really have no idea how much it is responsible for.

But here is an undeniable truth.....there is a reason that they have tagged us as in the US as going to pass Saudi Arabia next year as the World's leading producer and it has EVERYTHING to do with Fracking.
i thought we already passed them?
take my washington post link....I think there was 5-6 reasons? So lets say 20%? seem far for the moment?
Fracking and Measuring Current Impacts The Energy Collective

Recent Growth of Shale Gas Production – The development of U.S. hydraulic fracturing technologiesbegan over 50 years ago. Successful development of this slowly evolving technology began accelerating at historic rates about 6 years ago. As a result of recent innovations in hydraulic fracturing U.S. shale (natural) gas production has increased 10-fold since the end of 2006. Refer to the following chart.

Figure 1 – U.S. Shale Natural Gas Production

Billion Cubic Feet per Day

From a purely fact based stand point, prices are going down because the trading market is anticipating an OPEC flood of crude into the supply chain.

It is a response to the recent OPEC meeting commentary. Oil traders follow this stuff like bond traders sniff every fart in a Federal Reserve meeting.


From a purely fact based stand point, prices are going down because the trading market is anticipating an OPEC flood of crude into the supply chain.

It is a response to the recent OPEC meeting commentary. Oil traders follow this stuff like bond traders sniff every fart in a Federal Reserve meeting.


They are pushing prices down by increasing production as an economic hit on fracking. They don't want competition........The World is now fracking it's ass off, and for the U.S. it creates jobs we desperately need. And lowers our dependence on foreign suppliers.
Fracking is what will deliver us from our dependence upon "other" sources and the LEFT....ALL of them have been not been helpful in this.
I have always acknowledged that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier and I am having serious problems with this one.

It seems that those who are giving Obama credit for the slight reduction in gasoline prices are the same ones who defended him when prices soared during his administration. For years when prices were sky high the Obama worshipers claimed the president has nothing to do with the price of gas. Now that prices are going down (at least temporarily) they are claiming that the price of gas is solely determined by the actions of the president.

I just don't get it. Maybe one of you kind folks can explain it to me.

I think for the OP most of it is tongue in cheek and a dig at those that pulled the same thing on our side.

I have no lost for Candy Cane but she is smarter than the the contention she is "making" in the OP.

yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810 000 bpd in September Reuters

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810,000 bpd in September

Fracking also played a part. The lion's share was OPEC.

Gee, the "economist" was wrong? I find that really hard to believe <sarcasm off>

You don't recognize satire in the title, dum dum? I was ONLY mimicking your little title game.

Of course there are many variables....I've posted that over and over. I just got through posting that it's a global commodity, nit wit.

I'm talking about from the domestic standpoint. Domestically it's fracking (and a few other innovations) and NOT anything to do with Obama.

Keep up.
yeah so anyways here we go:
GasBuddy More Prices Under 3 Coming To Great Lakes - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
Great Lakes states will likely see more stations dropping their prices under $3/gallon in the weeks ahead as crude oil prices take a beating amidst global economic concerns, falling demand, and a huge drop in corn prices.

The surprising reasons why gas prices have fallen sharply - The Washington Post

In the second link they talk about the shale oil helping,but its not the main reason why gas has been dropping, Nor private. You have a lot of factors going on here to drive the price down.

If you want to know the real reasons, read the second link.

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810 000 bpd in September Reuters

TABLE-OPEC oil output jumps by 810,000 bpd in September

Fracking also played a part. The lion's share was OPEC.

Gee, the "economist" was wrong? I find that really hard to believe <sarcasm off>
Candyflakes, you're too stupid to even read the articles, let alone understand them.

Oh, and also darling, I don't get my economic analysis from the Washington Post.

They sometimes come close on economic news but ummmmmm.....they're wayyy down the list of sources, sugar buns.

Andddd, because you don't have the first clue about "weighting" you're too stupid to know they didn't really say much different.

Did that explanation go over your head dum dum??? LOL
So Candy, dumb ass, explain what economists mean by "weighting."

Let's watch you squirm.


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