Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon Only Because Of........ F R A C K I N G, Not Obama

Obama will still take credit and probably claim it was his idea to allow the oil boon in North Dakota. Their economy is booming.

Government could help lower gas prices by reducing taxes on it and approving the pipe line.

The only entity the (Keystone) pipeline helps is Big Oil. Makes it easier to get Canadian Crude to a seaport with refineries (Houston) so it can be shipped to Asia. Anyone that thinks it would go to Indiana and Charlotte -- rather than India and China -- just doesn't understand how the oil biz works.

Hey genius.....Posts like the one above are a perfect example of why it is better to keep silent on subjects on which you have little or no knowledge.

So -- no retort beyond "I wish you hadn't posted that".

"Mo-om!! They're telling the truth again! Make them stop!"
Ok, so a member posts the following thread title:

Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

But a few posts down she says she lied in the title. She then goes on to say no president can control prices.

When called on it, member flat out admits "I lied about title of the thread."

Well folks, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and Candy thinks she has borrowed one of my techniques of using thread titles to get people's attention....haha. LOL.

One problem, though. My titles are true. Hers are false by her own admission. LOL

My recommendation is everyone move to THIS thread so THIS thread continues to reveal the correct title....(by her own admission) that lower gas prices have NOTHING to do with Obama. :)

Neither fracking nor POTUSing influences gas prices.
Wanna bet?
never mind. You are a left wing partisan hack.
We're done.

Captain Gainsay strikes again.
Ok, so a member posts the following thread title:

Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

But a few posts down she says she lied in the title. She then goes on to say no president can control prices.

When called on it, member flat out admits "I lied about title of the thread."

Well folks, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and Candy thinks she has borrowed one of my techniques of using thread titles to get people's attention....haha. LOL.

One problem, though. My titles are true. Hers are false by her own admission. LOL

My recommendation is everyone move to THIS thread so THIS thread continues to reveal the correct title....(by her own admission) that lower gas prices have NOTHING to do with Obama. :)

Thank you President Obama! We Love you so, so much!

PS... Thank you Candycorn for your wonderful thread thanking President Obama.

She admitted she lied about Obama having anything to do with prices dropping dummy. LMAO. She's posted it about 10 times, LOL

Aren't you paying attention to how her reputation is completely decimated on this topic?

And aren't YOU paying attention?

I'm thanking President Obama Obama because I can and I'll personally thank Him and give Him credit for the dropping gas prices if I'm so inclined and choose to do as such.

Also... thank you Candycorn for your thread and in the process, majorly pissing off EconChick in the process.

LOL... and I love it!

You're quite welcome.
Ok, so a member posts the following thread title:

Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

But a few posts down she says she lied in the title. She then goes on to say no president can control prices.

When called on it, member flat out admits "I lied about title of the thread."

Well folks, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and Candy thinks she has borrowed one of my techniques of using thread titles to get people's attention....haha. LOL.

One problem, though. My titles are true. Hers are false by her own admission. LOL

My recommendation is everyone move to THIS thread so THIS thread continues to reveal the correct title....(by her own admission) that lower gas prices have NOTHING to do with Obama. :)

Thank you President Obama! We Love you so, so much!

PS... Thank you Candycorn for your wonderful thread thanking President Obama.

She admitted she lied about Obama having anything to do with prices dropping dummy. LMAO. She's posted it about 10 times, LOL

Aren't you paying attention to how her reputation is completely decimated on this topic?

And aren't YOU paying attention?

I'm thanking President Obama Obama because I can and I'll personally thank Him and give Him credit for the dropping gas prices if I'm so inclined and choose to do as such.

Also... thank you Candycorn for your thread and in the process, majorly pissing off EconChick in the process.

LOL... and I love it!

You're quite welcome.

Thanks for bumping my thread. Now run along and let the adults talk about gas prices.
Well as always the far left wanted to blame Bush and the GOP for the spike in gas prices and now wants to credit Obama for gas prices (on average) over $3.00/ gallon,

"We are seeing prices go down for a number of reasons. It's the end of the summer season, and there's a huge amount of domestic production that is helping drive crude oil prices down, and there were no hurricanes," AAA spokesman Robert Sinclair said in a telephone interview.

The far left just does not have a clue about anything beyond their programmed talking points.
Candy admits her thread was nothing but lie....just propaganda. LOL
Ok, so a member posts the following thread title:

Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

But a few posts down she says she lied in the title. She then goes on to say no president can control prices.

When called on it, member flat out admits "I lied about title of the thread."

Well folks, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, and Candy thinks she has borrowed one of my techniques of using thread titles to get people's attention....haha. LOL.

One problem, though. My titles are true. Hers are false by her own admission. LOL

My recommendation is everyone move to THIS thread so THIS thread continues to reveal the correct title....(by her own admission) that lower gas prices have NOTHING to do with Obama. :)

Neither fracking nor POTUSing influences gas prices.

And I still can't believe this guy thinks fracking has nothing to do with prices dropping. LOL
Yep, Candy, thanks for admitting your gas price thread was nothing but a propaganda title. You yourself say you lied about gas prices in the attention-getting part of the thread. Love watching you destroy yourself in a lie.

Crickets Candy.......why haven't you answered what's meant by "weighting?????"

You can't understand topic of this thread without knowing.
Pogo, I can't believe you're still claiming fracking has no impact on gas prices, let alone in a good way.
Still waiting for you to answer Candy. Why is weighting important?

We know you have no idea what you're talking about on gas prices.

Gosh, I love destroying your credibility.
Oh, and Candy, are you using a government computer on government time to engage in what you yourself admit is egregious propaganda??? Someone said you work at NASA as a secretary.

Hmmmm, you DO know that's illegal, right? Just sayin


Now, back to topic, Obama had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with prices dropping. They have dropped in SPITE of his trying to stop fracking.

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