Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

Obama has zip (directly) to do with the rise or fall of gas prices. It's just that when it was up, he got all the blame and when it drops below $3.00 a gallon, you don't hear anything about it.

Leveling the playing field is all.

We send troops into Iraq and the price jumps 20 cents in a week though. That is an indirect thing he has to do with it.
Check the threads and you'll find very few (if any) posts blaming Obama for high prices.
I certainly never did.

You've got no clue, so you conveniently "thank" this thankless boob any chance you get. And let me remind you that his proposed budget still contains over $40 billion in new taxes on oil and natural gas. :slap:

LOL, loved your quote so pasted below again!!

You've got no clue, so you conveniently "thank" this thankless boob any chance you get. And let me remind you that his proposed budget still contains over $40 billion in new taxes on oil and natural gas

Obamacare working
$2.90 gas
5.9% unemployment

All just in time for the elections. Can you feel the butthurt Republicans?
Is this country great, or what? Yes, thank you President Obama!

Loook, look, the leaves on trees now turning orange and red like they always do and IT'S OBAMA!! LOL

Got nothing?

LOL... and I love it!

When posts are THIS silly....there' s nothing to respond to. LOL

Give it a few days and those of us who understand the economy will easily show prices down in SPITE of Obama.

Yea, we're supposed to believe your partisan bullshit despite your taking cheap-shot after cheap-shot at Obama. What a hypocrite.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

Who are you sucking?

Oh come on, you can retort better than that. That's a Dot Cum type response.

That you're on your knees giving us a "blow by blow"'re right it's probably so common that it's no longer newsworthy. Comment withdrawn.

Nope, still they typical "no YOU are doing it" retort that doesn't really cut the mustard. Again, you are at the Dot Cum/Frano-tard level of response right now.
LMAO The POTUS, whoever he may be, has nothing to do with the price of gas.

If you're going to thank someone then thank the speculators. Those are the folks who control the price be it up or down.

Gas is still 3.25 and up here in Florida and its a shame because we have billions of barrels sitting off our coast. The Chinese are slant drilling for it and thats what we should be doing.

Thank Obama for the price of gas? Not fucking hardly. Nor would I blame him for the high cost eigther because he has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it either way.
LMAO The POTUS, whoever he may be, has nothing to do with the price of gas.

If you're going to thank someone then thank the speculators. Those are the folks who control the price be it up or down.

Gas is still 3.25 and up here in Florida and its a shame because we have billions of barrels sitting off our coast. The Chinese are slant drilling for it and thats what we should be doing.

Thank Obama for the price of gas? Not fucking hardly. Nor would I blame him for the high cost eigther because he has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it either way.

Obama has a remote control in the Oval Office where he can adjust the gas prices. Looks like he is dropping them just like Bush did

It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

Who are you sucking?

Oh come on, you can retort better than that. That's a Dot Cum type response.

That you're on your knees giving us a "blow by blow"'re right it's probably so common that it's no longer newsworthy. Comment withdrawn.

Nope, still they typical "no YOU are doing it" retort that doesn't really cut the mustard. Again, you are at the Dot Cum/Frano-tard level of response right now.

Give it up martybegan. candycorn owns you. You've been reduced to a slurp.
Is this country great, or what? Yes, thank you President Obama!

Loook, look, the leaves on trees now turning orange and red like they always do and IT'S OBAMA!! LOL

Got nothing?

LOL... and I love it!

When posts are THIS silly....there' s nothing to respond to. LOL

Give it a few days and those of us who understand the economy will easily show prices down in SPITE of Obama.

Yea, we're supposed to believe your partisan bullshit despite your taking cheap-shot after cheap-shot at Obama. What a hypocrite.

Just look at the polls honey pooo. The people know the truth.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.
Obama's Fault.
And why is is that?
Domestic oil supply is up
Why did that go up?
Drilling and fracking.

Why did you oppose drilling and fracking under GWB but applaud your secular messiah for the results?

Obamacare working
$2.90 gas
5.9% unemployment

All just in time for the elections. Can you feel the butthurt Republicans?


Manipulation of numbers and facts (AQ is decimated. I won the Iraq War. ETC.) is what fooled a lot of people for 2012 but they're about to slammmmmmmmmmm you liars and manipulators with a vengeance in four weeks.

Just watch.

Every poll shows it. Every poll.

Just listening to people talk shows it.

LMAO The POTUS, whoever he may be, has nothing to do with the price of gas.

If you're going to thank someone then thank the speculators. Those are the folks who control the price be it up or down.

Gas is still 3.25 and up here in Florida and its a shame because we have billions of barrels sitting off our coast. The Chinese are slant drilling for it and thats what we should be doing.

Thank Obama for the price of gas? Not fucking hardly. Nor would I blame him for the high cost eigther because he has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it either way.

Obama has a remote control in the Oval Office where he can adjust the gas prices. Looks like he is dropping them just like Bush did


LOL but I doubt it. Bush had no more control over it than Barry does.
Ok, so anyone still confused about this topic can stand back and read the posts for each side.

One side makes personal comments. The other side throws out facts and data.

Oooops, dumb libs have no idea how they come across.
Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

Who are you sucking?

Oh come on, you can retort better than that. That's a Dot Cum type response.

That you're on your knees giving us a "blow by blow"'re right it's probably so common that it's no longer newsworthy. Comment withdrawn.

Nope, still they typical "no YOU are doing it" retort that doesn't really cut the mustard. Again, you are at the Dot Cum/Frano-tard level of response right now.

Give it up martybegan. candycorn owns you. You've been reduced to a slurp.

The only thing owned by the two of you cretins is a lack of message board gravitas. Watching you compliment Cuntycorn is like watching one idiot congratulate another on getting "first pants, then shoes" right.
Ok, so anyone still confused about this topic can stand back and read the posts for each side.

One side makes personal comments. The other side throws out facts and data.

Oooops, dumb libs have no idea how they come across.

And don't forget my contribution of implying Candycern likes blowing Obama for fun AND profit.
Ok, so anyone still confused about this topic can stand back and read the posts for each side.

One side makes personal comments. The other side throws out facts and data.

Oooops, dumb libs have no idea how they come across.

And don't forget my contribution of implying Candycern likes blowing Obama for fun AND profit.

When did you contribute that? Last I heard, you were sucking off some hobo somewhere
Food & Gas Prices are very high. Families are suffering. So no, i'm gonna hold off on thanking your Dear Leader.

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