Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

If he really has control over it, then why doesn't it stay low? Or doesn't he want it to? I notice the price tends to drop before an election, and that has been the case through other administrations, so I am guessing that Washington can affect the cost to some extent.
Ok, so anyone still confused about this topic can stand back and read the posts for each side.

One side makes personal comments. The other side throws out facts and data.

Oooops, dumb libs have no idea how they come across.

And don't forget my contribution of implying Candycern likes blowing Obama for fun AND profit.

When did you contribute that? Last I heard, you were sucking off some hobo somewhere

No, it was you doing the blowing, although I admit I can see how you confuse Obama with a Hobo.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

If he really has control over it, then why doesn't it stay low? Or doesn't he want it to? I notice the price tends to drop before an election, and that has been the case through other administrations, so I am guessing that Washington can affect the cost to some extent.

I stated already that he has almost no control over the price of gas. Anyone with two working brain cells knows this. It's just that when the price goes up, you guys blame him. When it goes down, you change the subject. Pay attention.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

If he really has control over it, then why doesn't it stay low? Or doesn't he want it to? I notice the price tends to drop before an election, and that has been the case through other administrations, so I am guessing that Washington can affect the cost to some extent.

I stated already that he has almost no control over the price of gas. Anyone with two working brain cells knows this. It's just that when the price goes up, you guys blame him. When it goes down, you change the subject. Pay attention.

That's not what your thread title says, shit for brains. You are a typical lib that wants it both ways.

We all know you lack brains and integrity. But by all means, give us more fodder.
Yo CandyLiar. What does your thread title say? What did your post #43 say?

You liars can't keep your lies straight from minute to minute.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

You were giving the summation of your day there...right?

Better attempt, but still fail.

I can see your daily planner now, fail, fail, fail, suck Obama's Dick, fail, fail fail, lunch, fail, fail, fail, make some piddling post claiming you are "smart," fail, fail, fail, afternoon tea.... do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

Obama has zip (directly) to do with the rise or fall of gas prices. It's just that when it was up, he got all the blame and when it drops below $3.00 a gallon, you don't hear anything about it.

Leveling the playing field is all.

We send troops into Iraq and the price jumps 20 cents in a week though. That is an indirect thing he has to do with it.

Your side is the one who started this Candy. When prices spiked in 2007-2008 your side all over the internet immediately started blaming Bush. I remember the comments everywhere, Bush was rewarding his oil buddies. So to come back now with your sarcastic thread, is dishonest as hell.
And by the way, in Oregon where I'm at it's still above $3.60 a gallon, double what it was when Obama took office. do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

Obama has zip (directly) to do with the rise or fall of gas prices. It's just that when it was up, he got all the blame and when it drops below $3.00 a gallon, you don't hear anything about it.

Leveling the playing field is all.

We send troops into Iraq and the price jumps 20 cents in a week though. That is an indirect thing he has to do with it.

Anywhere that Obama DOES have control of, the production of oil and natural gas is down. Everywhere that he DOESN'T have control of, the production of oil and natural gas is way up!

Thank you, Mr. President? That's some funny stuff, Candy! do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

Obama has zip (directly) to do with the rise or fall of gas prices. It's just that when it was up, he got all the blame and when it drops below $3.00 a gallon, you don't hear anything about it.

Leveling the playing field is all.

We send troops into Iraq and the price jumps 20 cents in a week though. That is an indirect thing he has to do with it.

Your side is the one who started this Candy. When prices spiked in 2007-2008 your side all over the internet immediately started blaming Bush. I remember the comments everywhere, Bush was rewarding his oil buddies. So to come back now with your sarcastic thread, is dishonest as hell.

Any blame/credit to the President for gas price manipulation is baseless.
When did you contribute that? Last I heard, you were sucking off some hobo somewhere

Fracken A shitferbrains, what do you think caused this decline?

You think you fracking Communist brought down oil prices?

How the frack did you do that?

It's a fracking mystery.

Who supported and who opposed fracking again, Comrade?
We need to see the proof of your statement.
Thank you! do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...
Hmmm...we get out of pointless and win-less wars in the middle east and the price of petroleum falls. Who knew?

Yep, you're a certifiable nut.

One soooooooo desperate you say something that ludicrous.

Hey everyone, did any of you see us get out of the Middle East in the past 4 weeks?????????????????????? LMAO

I guess Candy doesn't watch the news. Candy, PAY ATTENTION, Princess! Air know....Obama's air strikes.

Good fucking gravy...........
Hmmm...we get out of pointless and win-less wars in the middle east and the price of petroleum falls. Who knew?

THIS MIGHT BE DUMBEST FUCKING QUOTE OF THE YEAR. We're not in the Middle East now???????????????

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