Gates to Shadowlands: Capitalism and the Devil


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Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism make you think of the Tower of Babel?

This yarn was inspired by The Jewel of the Nile.



A young American named Ajay was so intrigued by the strategic war-themed board-game Stratego (a game requiring the tactical positioning of ranked soldiers arrayed to strike at the invisible enemy in a rank-based procession) that he decided that the game would surely invoke the spirit of the Devil. Stratego was after all an intricate war-game and hence inspired ideas about the complexities of politics and capitalism in modern civilization.


Ajay had good reason to contemplate superstition, for Stratego was a very iconic humanity-symbolic board-game/war-game. Ajay also believed that if there was a game that closely represented the intricacies of politics and war and tactics of leadership that there surely must be 'correlates' of such 'intellectual spirit' in the real world. Ajay reasoned that there were ghosts and spirits and angels inhabiting the halls of prestigious universities, public high schools, and also libraries, creating 'gateways' to the mysterious, where capitalism complexity shrouded the 'answers' to friendship and civility.


A guardian-spectre named 'Batman' would haunt the halls of his high school where he believed the Devil was lurking and had sent a dangerously seductive siren (the spirit of an evil woman!) to create intimations of darkness in the sphere of education in modern society. Batman protected his high school but was wary that this 'evil siren' would reach the minds of wayward young students too curious about the temptations of capitalism and gambling. It was a Batman versus Siren 'scenario.'


Ajay knew that capitalism and consumerism were very deep and imaginative but also conducive to convenience-based gratification, sensuality, and even gluttony. Burger King, Facebook, Wall Street, Toys 'R Us, and Energizer were creating imaginations about indulgence in modern America. As consumers purchased bottles of savvy Opium (YSL) cologne/perfume, they 'fed' the matrix of commerce-based etiquette in society. This was the new aesthetic, and Ajay believed there were enigmatic 'gates to shadowlands' where mathematics could not solve the riddles of uncertainty inherent in Wall Street economics. That's where the Devil would the realm of mystery and perfume(!).


American soldiers/patriots uniformly assigned to defend capitalism and democracy across the globe were considered diplomats of civilization-optimism. However, Batman knew that the Siren would continue to haunt the hallways of his high school to defy the religious notion that capitalism was fostering the American Dream and not some crude gambling joke. Would the defenders of civilization be able to stand against the forces of nihilism and the Devil in this new age of NATO, the European Union, and the World Bank?


Ajay visited an arcade and couldn't help but marvel at the display of glowing lights and lasers symbolic of modernism and technological creativity/imagination. Ajay knew that such an arcade would be a 'signpost' for the existence of these enigmatic 'gates to shadowlands' of capitalism complexity. How would youngsters conceive of the American Dream while playing video-games such as SimCity, Monopoly, Mortal Kombat, and Grand Theft Auto? Would the Devil preside over such fanciful fantasies about fortune and adventure?


A consumer in America appreciates the aesthetics creativity of various iconic tokens of commerce and culture such as Disney wrist-watches, Barbie toy-phones, Gameboy handheld video-games, and Cabbage Patch Kids. These toys are purchased liberally by the children of the world whose parents embrace the frivolities of consumerism (and hence capitalism!). Ajay wondered if Stratego reminded humanity of capitalism 'tactics' then perhaps consumerism tokens such as Disney wrist-watches reminded humanity of capitalism 'consciousness.' Would Batman be able to draw upon Ajay's idealism to stand against the evil Siren haunting the hallways of his high school and enticing students (future leaders of America) to gamble with American money?


As the Siren continued to haunt, Batman continued to guard, and Ajay continued to play Stratego. This was the great modern human drama of civilization --- traffic fitness and lifestyle yoga. Consumers purchased GNC vitamins, American comic books, Gap Kids denim clothing, and Aunt Jemima pancake syrup. Commerce was a part of culture and hence politics (e.g., World Bank). Would the Siren haunting Batman's high school harken the coming of the adversarial AntiChrist, warrior of the Devil and antagonist of civics? Batman wondered if he should play Stratego (or even chess!) with the defiant Siren (a real 'witch')!


A nifty new American sci-fi horror film presented a story of human space-explorers engaging with a terrifying alien creature known as the 'Xenomorph' (a new age Godzilla!) and reorienting their sense of survivalism ethics and wisdom. Such a film was surely reflective of a civilization paranoia regarding the consequences of extreme competitive behaviors bordering on savagery (e.g., colonialism). Ajay and Batman both appreciated this new sci-fi horror film, and its posters were popular among high school students fascinated by new age characterizations of ruthlessness(!).


GOD: Why did you send your Siren to haunt Batman's high school?
SATAN: Batman needs a challenge...
GOD: I destroyed the vanities of Egypt, Sodom, and Gomorrah!
SATAN: And now you're seeking to protect America (from itself).
GOD: Shouldn't I? I like the studies of Ajay.
SATAN: Yes, Ajay's keen perception of Stratego makes him a good diplomat.
GOD: I'd rather kids play Stratego than Ouija...
SATAN: Yale professors find more clout teaching courses about Ouija.
GOD: That's because modern pluralism makes it chic to discuss the Occult.
SATAN: Well, religious tolerance surely must extend to Luciferianism...
GOD: I fear that many devotees of alternative beliefs may seek extreme measures.
SATAN: Christianity in civilization (e.g., the Vatican) suffers from its own problems!
GOD: Perhaps there are vices, but regardless, there should be 'digestible standards.'
SATAN: Yes, in a streamlined Wall Street world, it's helpful to have a singular deity!
GOD: That's why Americans appreciate films like The Last Temptation of Christ.
SATAN: I prefer the Satanism-films of Roman Polanski.
GOD: Polanski's The Ninth Gate (Johnny Depp) and Rosemary's Baby (Mia Farrow) shine.
SATAN: Americans are thrilled by outlandish stories (e.g., The Outer Limits).
GOD: Perhaps modern capitalism creates fantasies about exploration...
SATAN: What do you make of the recent Vegas shootings?
GOD: Such news is as tragic as the Columbine shootings!
SATAN: Maybe consumers want to see a 'Catwoman Casino.'
GOD: It seems that commerce makes for terrific 'Freudian folklore.'
SATAN: It's all a game...




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