Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

I don't care how they file their taxes.

Change the tax code, I don't give a shit.

But they make the choice whether or not to participate in marriage...and they can live with that choice. They aren't going to force me to acknowledge them as a part of a construct they have rejected.

i reject you as a human being and therefore whatever happens happens.....

Why don't you stick a banana up your ass and squawk like a chicken and we'll call it "gay fun".
i hope they sewed up your hole a long time ago.

Still a PIG I see. don't you bother asking for tolerance you don't deserve any tolerance.. asswipe.

i dont expect any from Bigots. You people should be wiped from the earth. You are a mistake of nature. If there was a god it should of wiped you out the way of evolution. You literally serve no purpose.

The homo owner of the gay bar is an intolerant bigot. You need to go talk to him so he gets right. The rest of your post is just a typical homo hateful rant.
i hope they sewed up your hole a long time ago.

Still a PIG I see. don't you bother asking for tolerance you don't deserve any tolerance.. asswipe.

i dont expect any from Bigots. You people should be wiped from the earth. You are a mistake of nature. If there was a god it should of wiped you out the way of evolution. You literally serve no purpose.

The tolerance of people like you is astounding. When someone believes that "you (insert demographic) should be wiped from the earth", no statement from them concerning the need for tolerance should ever be taken seriously.
i dont expect any from Bigots. You people should be wiped from the earth. You are a mistake of nature. If there was a god it should of wiped you out the way of evolution. You literally serve no purpose.

The homo owner of the gay bar is an intolerant bigot. You need to go talk to him so he gets right. The rest of your post is just a typical homo hateful rant.

hush troll, we have enough of you on here already.

The hateful homo calls me a troll. Isn't that cute.
i dont expect any from Bigots. You people should be wiped from the earth. You are a mistake of nature. If there was a god it should of wiped you out the way of evolution. You literally serve no purpose.

The tolerance of people like you is astounding. When someone believes that "you (insert demographic) should be wiped from the earth", no statement from them concerning the need for tolerance should ever be taken seriously.

doesn't bother me in the least. I am just treating you like you treat others.

Actually, in all my life I have never believed in wiping large numbers of people off the planet. I have never even approached such intolerance, not even towards pederasts. That is simply not how I treat others. What is standard fare at your table is simply never served at mine. But, I am a tolerant person. Even with those that I have strong disagreements with. I am even tolerant of people that are so intolerant they want entire bloodlines to disappear.
So far as I've seen there have not been any heteros in this thread who want to wipe out millions of people. Good thing there is no hate and bigotry among the homos.
I think they are a private organization who can admit who ever they want.

I think they are a private organization who can admit who ever they want.

Last time I checked, businesses are prohibited by law from discriminating based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, creed, etc. As the law stands right now, they can no more refuse to do business with women having bachelorette parties than they can refuse to do business with black people.

Mind you, I have to wonder why women would WANT to have bachelorette parties in a gay bar, but that's their issue, not mine.

I agree with Don't Taz Me Bro but also know that Cecilie is correct under our current laws.

This buisiness can be sued for discrimination just like business that refuse to serve gays, whites, or women could be sued....errr i meant blacks, oh what is the difference ;)

The Masters doesn't accept women into their membership and it's perfectly legal.
I think they are a private organization who can admit who ever they want.

Last time I checked, businesses are prohibited by law from discriminating based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, creed, etc. As the law stands right now, they can no more refuse to do business with women having bachelorette parties than they can refuse to do business with black people.

Mind you, I have to wonder why women would WANT to have bachelorette parties in a gay bar, but that's their issue, not mine.

because the decor is ...uhmmm, friendly and malleable? ;)
It's so fun to stir up the homo nest. I need to bet a beer and some popcorn. This is getting fun.

I can't speak for anybody else; but I'm not gay. I just think that gay people should have equal rights. Freedom is funny like that; it has no boundaries. When are you freedom-loving "patriots" in the GOP going to catch on?

Yeah, you're so in favor of "equal rights" that you're in here defending something that'd have you screaming if anyone else did it. You're not in favor of "equal rights"; you're in favor of LEFTIST rights, ie. the ability to whine and piss and cry about what a victim you are, while oppressing everyone else and bludgeoning all opposition into silence.

Keep talking, pusbag. Leftists are always the best argument against themselves.
If y'all really want him to keep hosting bachelorette parties, the solution is simple...legalize gay marriage.

Yes, I'm sure that same logic would work in reverse. "If you want us to allow gays in our restaurants, the solution is simple . . . make them pretend they're hetero." I'm certain you would accept that. :cuckoo:
Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that. Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.

Bullshit. Homosexuality has been with us since the dawn of civilization, and well before that. Rituals and laws regarding marriage arise in common law. Even the Catholic Church had same sex rituals.

I never denied the existance of homosexuality. If you have to be dishonest to make a point, then go play by yourself.

What you did do, liarboy, is to claim that same sex marriage was never recognized. That's pure bullshit. But if you want to justify your bigotry, based on what ONE bar owner did, your value system must be very weak.
I would love to hear about a few of those businesses, so i can be sure not to patronize them. link, plz....

Knights of Columbus.....the local VFW post....and the Freemasons in the next town over. We've had gay friends denied their halls for wedding wedding receptions.

Not to worry. They went elsewhere without the whining we're hearing here.

And now the bachelorettes will have to go someplace else because of this homo bigot.

I think they should go out in his parking lot and host a big, media-heavy protest against what a hypocritical piece of shit he is.
If y'all really want him to keep hosting bachelorette parties, the solution is simple...legalize gay marriage.

Yes, I'm sure that same logic would work in reverse. "If you want us to allow gays in our restaurants, the solution is simple . . . make them pretend they're hetero." I'm certain you would accept that. :cuckoo:

That is about the stupidest logic that I've heard from you wingnuts all day. Who know's you might even be on the two day leaderboard.
Knights of Columbus.....the local VFW post....and the Freemasons in the next town over. We've had gay friends denied their halls for wedding wedding receptions.

Not to worry. They went elsewhere without the whining we're hearing here.

And now the bachelorettes will have to go someplace else because of this homo bigot.

I think they should go out in his parking lot and host a big, media-heavy protest against what a hypocritical piece of shit he is.

Good idea. Women who are about to get married, really would love the media attention of protesting not being able to get all crazy in a gay bar.
Ahhh.....the worthlessness of anecdotes.....

You asked, I answered. If you didn't want to hear about a few of those businesses in the first place, why did you ask? Did you think I wouldn't have an answer?

I was hoping you would be able to point to private establishments that maintain a policy of prohibiting celebrations based on gender. Something I could verify. Because I have been to gay wedding receptions hosted by the VFW, the KOC, and the Freemasons. Do my anecdotes trump yours?

I wonder if people would think it's okay for a divorced person to refuse to host a gay reception because they're "flaunting" their marriage at him? How dare they be happy when he's not, and all that?
You asked, I answered. If you didn't want to hear about a few of those businesses in the first place, why did you ask? Did you think I wouldn't have an answer?

I was hoping you would be able to point to private establishments that maintain a policy of prohibiting celebrations based on gender. Something I could verify. Because I have been to gay wedding receptions hosted by the VFW, the KOC, and the Freemasons. Do my anecdotes trump yours?

I wonder if people would think it's okay for a divorced person to refuse to host a gay reception because they're "flaunting" their marriage at him? How dare they be happy when he's not, and all that?

Was Newt married in a Catholic ritual? I really don't know. If he was, I wonder how much that cost him.
They're starting to wind down now that they see they aren't getting anywhere.

Arguing with people dense as wood is futile. Your extreme ignorance has been exposed. My work is done here.
Why didn't any homos get married in the first 200 years of our history?

Well, it certainly was not because there was a law banning it -- as you've proven with your inability to cite one after you claimed they existed.

What an utter, disingenuous fucktard. I stand in awe of your massive fucktardedness.

Jump head first off of the nearest, tallest building. You're a waste of oxygen.

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