Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

Still a PIG I see. don't you bother asking for tolerance you don't deserve any tolerance.. asswipe.

i dont expect any from Bigots. You people should be wiped from the earth. You are a mistake of nature. If there was a god it should of wiped you out the way of evolution. You literally serve no purpose.

The homo owner of the gay bar is an intolerant bigot. You need to go talk to him so he gets right. The rest of your post is just a typical homo hateful rant.

How can the bar owner be an intolerant bigot if he had been hosting these parties. An intolerant bigot would never have hosted them at all. Oops, I am so sorry...did I employ logical reasoning? I should never have done that to YOU. I apologize.
Still waiting for someone to show me where the constitution states that we all have the *right* to marry any person we so desire.

The SCOTUS was able to see the right to marry:

Loving v Virginia (1967)

Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)

Turner v Safley (1987)

The way this works is YOU have to come up with a valid reason to deny gays and lesbians this fundamental right. You must have an overriding societal harm in allowing non-familial consenting adult couples the fundamental right to marry. In court, no one has been able to which is why Federal judges keep ruling DOMA unconstitutional.

And let us keep in mind, simplistic mantras that one uses whenever the urge to visit the gay bathhouses become overwhelming are NOT valid legal arguments against legalized equality in civil marriage.

I wonder who this Respectable Moderator would be Directing that at?... :dunno:

You could really use a New Script Dumptruck.

Using your Defiance of your Natural Design as a Weapon to try to Silence those who Disargree with you is Weak.

Why not have Courage to Address those you Disagree with instead of calling them Fags?

Because you are a Coward. :thup:


Still waiting for someone to show me where the constitution states that we all have the *right* to marry any person we so desire.

The SCOTUS was able to see the right to marry:

Loving v Virginia (1967)

Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)

Turner v Safley (1987)

The way this works is YOU have to come up with a valid reason to deny gays and lesbians this fundamental right. You must have an overriding societal harm in allowing non-familial consenting adult couples the fundamental right to marry. In court, no one has been able to which is why Federal judges keep ruling DOMA unconstitutional.

And let us keep in mind, simplistic mantras that one uses whenever the urge to visit the gay bathhouses become overwhelming are NOT valid legal arguments against legalized equality in civil marriage., it certainly isn't.

There are no valid legal arguments. That was obvious in the Prop 8 trial. The proponents of Prop 8 actually had documents of testimony from George "Rent Boy" Rekers. :lol:
The SCOTUS was able to see the right to marry:

Loving v Virginia (1967)

Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)

Turner v Safley (1987)

The way this works is YOU have to come up with a valid reason to deny gays and lesbians this fundamental right. You must have an overriding societal harm in allowing non-familial consenting adult couples the fundamental right to marry. In court, no one has been able to which is why Federal judges keep ruling DOMA unconstitutional.

And let us keep in mind, simplistic mantras that one uses whenever the urge to visit the gay bathhouses become overwhelming are NOT valid legal arguments against legalized equality in civil marriage., it certainly isn't.

There are no valid legal arguments. That was obvious in the Prop 8 trial. The proponents of Prop 8 actually had documents of testimony from George "Rent Boy" Rekers. :lol:

None that you will Acknowledge...

Enjoy your Echo Chamber.

When you can make the Legal Argument that Homosexual Coupling is Equal to Heterosexual Coupling without Leaning on Court Rulings Regarding Race and making that False Analogy, let me know.

Make your Coupling Stand on it's own. :thup:


Marriage is, quite clearly, a fundamental civil right. That has been well established by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion. What is the compelling state reason to deny gay and lesbian couples this fundamental civil right? Where is the overriding harm (that will stand up in court)?
Keep Your Bachelorette Party Out of My Gay Bar

Some gay guy friends I know have complained about this very thing....would a bar owner be bigoted if they are trying to protect their regular clientele from becoming "props" as the article says?

Exactly. He was getting complaints from his regular paying customers, his "bread and butter". It was a business decision couched in a protest against marriage inequality.
Marriage is, quite clearly, a fundamental civil right. That has been well established by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion. What is the compelling state reason to deny gay and lesbian couples this fundamental civil right? Where is the overriding harm (that will stand up in court)?

The same Argument can be made for Consenting Aged Same Sex Siblings.

Make the Case FOR Homosexual Coupling being Equal to Heterosexual Coupling in Law.


Keep Your Bachelorette Party Out of My Gay Bar

Some gay guy friends I know have complained about this very thing....would a bar owner be bigoted if they are trying to protect their regular clientele from becoming "props" as the article says?

Exactly. He was getting complaints from his regular paying customers, his "bread and butter". It was a business decision couched in a protest against marriage inequality.

Well, he also says that he doesn't feel like he should be providing a service for people who get a legal advantage over himself and his regular clientele due to discrimination. I agree with him. Open to bachelorette parties when marriage equality finally comes....if he wants to.
Keep Your Bachelorette Party Out of My Gay Bar

Some gay guy friends I know have complained about this very thing....would a bar owner be bigoted if they are trying to protect their regular clientele from becoming "props" as the article says?

Exactly. He was getting complaints from his regular paying customers, his "bread and butter". It was a business decision couched in a protest against marriage inequality.

Well, he also says that he doesn't feel like he should be providing a service for people who get a legal advantage over himself and his regular clientele due to discrimination. I agree with him. Open to bachelorette parties when marriage equality finally comes....if he wants to.

I agree with him as well and it has nothing to do with bigotry and everything to do with equality.
Marriage is, quite clearly, a fundamental civil right. That has been well established by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion. What is the compelling state reason to deny gay and lesbian couples this fundamental civil right? Where is the overriding harm (that will stand up in court)?

The same Argument can be made for Consenting Aged Same Sex Siblings.

Make the Case FOR Homosexual Coupling being Equal to Heterosexual Coupling in Law.



That's what I Thought. :thup:


Marriage is, quite clearly, a fundamental civil right. That has been well established by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion. What is the compelling state reason to deny gay and lesbian couples this fundamental civil right? Where is the overriding harm (that will stand up in court)?

They aren't denied it, any more than single people are denied it. When they choose to participate, they can reap the benefits.

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