Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

It's so fun to stir up the homo nest. I need to bet a beer and some popcorn. This is getting fun.

I can't speak for anybody else; but I'm not gay. I just think that gay people should have equal rights. Freedom is funny like that; it has no boundaries. When are you freedom-loving "patriots" in the GOP going to catch on?

Yeah, you're so in favor of "equal rights" that you're in here defending something that'd have you screaming if anyone else did it. You're not in favor of "equal rights"; you're in favor of LEFTIST rights, ie. the ability to whine and piss and cry about what a victim you are, while oppressing everyone else and bludgeoning all opposition into silence.

Keep talking, pusbag. Leftists are always the best argument against themselves.

You're the best argument against intelligent design. If there is a god, he/she/it surely wouldn't create an utter failure of a human being such as yourself.
I think they are a private organization who can admit who ever they want.

Last time I checked, businesses are prohibited by law from discriminating based on race, sex, religion, ethnicity, creed, etc. As the law stands right now, they can no more refuse to do business with women having bachelorette parties than they can refuse to do business with black people.

Mind you, I have to wonder why women would WANT to have bachelorette parties in a gay bar, but that's their issue, not mine.

They can refuse to serve pretty much anyone they want if their patrons do not follow set rules of the establishment.
Please refrain from trying to align yourself with people who struggled against the very real human rights violations that sprung from racism.

You have the same rights as everybody else at this juncture in our nation's history. Quit pissing and moaning.

Civil rights are civil rights...whether it is based on skin color, religion, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation.

This fact seems to escape some so-called Americans.

You have Civil Rights... As an Individual.

You don't have Special Civil Rights when you Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment and Couple outside of what Creates us.

Your Coupling is not "Fundamental to your very Existence and Survival".

Fact not Fiction. :thup:


Please refrain from trying to align yourself with people who struggled against the very real human rights violations that sprung from racism.

You have the same rights as everybody else at this juncture in our nation's history. Quit pissing and moaning.

Civil rights are civil rights...whether it is based on skin color, religion, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation.

This fact seems to escape some so-called Americans.

You have Civil Rights... As an Individual.

You don't have Special Civil Rights when you Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment and Couple outside of what Creates us.

Your Coupling is not "Fundamental to your very Existence and Survival".

Fact not Fiction. :thup:



Does that apply to people of limited mental capacity? You know - ahem - people like you.
Civil rights are civil rights...whether it is based on skin color, religion, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation.

This fact seems to escape some so-called Americans.

You have Civil Rights... As an Individual.

You don't have Special Civil Rights when you Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment and Couple outside of what Creates us.

Your Coupling is not "Fundamental to your very Existence and Survival".

Fact not Fiction. :thup:



Does that apply to people of limited mental capacity? You know - ahem - people like you.

^What People on the Left do when they don't have an Argument. :thup:


You have Civil Rights... As an Individual.

You don't have Special Civil Rights when you Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment and Couple outside of what Creates us.

Your Coupling is not "Fundamental to your very Existence and Survival".

Fact not Fiction. :thup:



Does that apply to people of limited mental capacity? You know - ahem - people like you.

^What People on the Left do when they don't have an Argument. :thup:



Argument? I thought we were just spewing hate here. Oh and ignorance. You have that in spades.
Please refrain from trying to align yourself with people who struggled against the very real human rights violations that sprung from racism.

You have the same rights as everybody else at this juncture in our nation's history. Quit pissing and moaning.

Civil rights are civil rights...whether it is based on skin color, religion, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation.

This fact seems to escape some so-called Americans.

You have Civil Rights... As an Individual.

You don't have Special Civil Rights when you Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment and Couple outside of what Creates us.

Your Coupling is not "Fundamental to your very Existence and Survival".

Fact not Fiction. :thup:



^It's right there Jose.


You all are the ones who claim that we're "walking all over the constitution" when we refuse to re-define marriage, to include those who have opted out of participating in the original.....despite the fact that they're free to participate, if they so desire...

Then when asked "what part of the constitution guarantees the right to marry anyone you like?" you cry "LOGICAL FALLACY"!

It's pretty typical of the dishonesty and stupidity of progressives.:cuckoo:

I will use small words. Just for you.

When you file a married tax return, you do so because there is a law which allows you to do so. You could not possibly file a married tax return if there was no law which created the married tax return.

When two gay people get married, they are not allowed to do so under that same law.

This means they do not have "equal protection of the laws".

Let's go to Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. I know you are probably surprised there are more than 10 Amendments, but it is true! There are!

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So once a law is created, everyone is protected by it. You cannot keep someone away from that protection without a good reason. A rational reason.

"I hate fags" is not a rational reason to prevent two people from filing a joint tax return that is in the law.

Are there any words that were too big for you to understand?

Nope. And gays aren't denied equal protection of the law. They choose not to participate in marriage. Just like single people choose not to be married, and people who just live together for years choose not to be married.

How can you ignore what is right in front of your face? We ARE denied equal protection. I AM legally married and yet my partner and I must file separate Federal taxes. How is that equal? If you were legally married in your state, you would automatically be married in mine or any of the other 49 states. I'm not. My actual rights vary from state to state. In some states I have none and in others I have some, but in no state do I have all the same rights as a heterosexual married couple. How is that equal? I am legally married in the State of California and yet because there is NO EQUAL PROTECTION, I get taxed more for my partners health insurance than a heterosexual couple because the Federal government considers health care for an opposite sex spouse as a benefit, but the health care costs of a same sex spouse is considered income. Income gets taxed, benefits do not. You call that equal?

Now, perhaps you can tell me why my 17 year relationship with my partner, a person who I am legally married to, isn't worthy of the same rights, benefits and protections of legal, civil marriage. When your done, perhaps you can explain it to my kids because they don't get it. Of course, they weren't raised learning bigotry and homophobia like you were...
I will use small words. Just for you.

When you file a married tax return, you do so because there is a law which allows you to do so. You could not possibly file a married tax return if there was no law which created the married tax return.

When two gay people get married, they are not allowed to do so under that same law.

This means they do not have "equal protection of the laws".

Let's go to Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. I know you are probably surprised there are more than 10 Amendments, but it is true! There are!

So once a law is created, everyone is protected by it. You cannot keep someone away from that protection without a good reason. A rational reason.

"I hate fags" is not a rational reason to prevent two people from filing a joint tax return that is in the law.

Are there any words that were too big for you to understand?

Nope. And gays aren't denied equal protection of the law. They choose not to participate in marriage. Just like single people choose not to be married, and people who just live together for years choose not to be married.

How can you ignore what is right in front of your face? We ARE denied equal protection. I AM legally married and yet my partner and I must file separate Federal taxes. How is that equal? If you were legally married in your state, you would automatically be married in mine or any of the other 49 states. I'm not. My actual rights vary from state to state. In some states I have none and in others I have some, but in no state do I have all the same rights as a heterosexual married couple. How is that equal? I am legally married in the State of California and yet because there is NO EQUAL PROTECTION, I get taxed more for my partners health insurance than a heterosexual couple because the Federal government considers health care for an opposite sex spouse as a benefit, but the health care costs of a same sex spouse is considered income. Income gets taxed, benefits do not. You call that equal?

Now, perhaps you can tell me why my 17 year relationship with my partner, a person who I am legally married to, isn't worthy of the same rights, benefits and protections of legal, civil marriage. When your done, perhaps you can explain it to my kids because they don't get it. Of course, they weren't raised learning bigotry and homophobia like you were...

It's not Equal because Homosexual Coupling and Heteroseuxal Coupling are not Naturally Equal.

Your Choice to Couple outside of your Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden. :thup:


I will use small words. Just for you.

When you file a married tax return, you do so because there is a law which allows you to do so. You could not possibly file a married tax return if there was no law which created the married tax return.

When two gay people get married, they are not allowed to do so under that same law.

This means they do not have "equal protection of the laws".

Let's go to Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. I know you are probably surprised there are more than 10 Amendments, but it is true! There are!

So once a law is created, everyone is protected by it. You cannot keep someone away from that protection without a good reason. A rational reason.

"I hate fags" is not a rational reason to prevent two people from filing a joint tax return that is in the law.

Are there any words that were too big for you to understand?

Nope. And gays aren't denied equal protection of the law. They choose not to participate in marriage. Just like single people choose not to be married, and people who just live together for years choose not to be married.

How can you ignore what is right in front of your face? We ARE denied equal protection. I AM legally married and yet my partner and I must file separate Federal taxes. How is that equal? If you were legally married in your state, you would automatically be married in mine or any of the other 49 states. I'm not. My actual rights vary from state to state. In some states I have none and in others I have some, but in no state do I have all the same rights as a heterosexual married couple. How is that equal? I am legally married in the State of California and yet because there is NO EQUAL PROTECTION, I get taxed more for my partners health insurance than a heterosexual couple because the Federal government considers health care for an opposite sex spouse as a benefit, but the health care costs of a same sex spouse is considered income. Income gets taxed, benefits do not. You call that equal?

Now, perhaps you can tell me why my 17 year relationship with my partner, a person who I am legally married to, isn't worthy of the same rights, benefits and protections of legal, civil marriage. When your done, perhaps you can explain it to my kids because they don't get it. Of course, they weren't raised learning bigotry and homophobia like you were...

There IS no good reason that can be provided legally, Seawytch. We all know it. And it's only a matter of time before we gain the equal rights we've been working for. I just look back since Stonewall and we have come a long way and will not stop until we are treated equally under the law federally and locally.
Still waiting for someone to show me where the constitution states that we all have the *right* to marry any person we so desire.

The SCOTUS was able to see the right to marry:

Loving v Virginia (1967)

Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)

Turner v Safley (1987)

The way this works is YOU have to come up with a valid reason to deny gays and lesbians this fundamental right. You must have an overriding societal harm in allowing non-familial consenting adult couples the fundamental right to marry. In court, no one has been able to which is why Federal judges keep ruling DOMA unconstitutional.
Still waiting for someone to show me where the constitution states that we all have the *right* to marry any person we so desire.

The SCOTUS was able to see the right to marry:

Loving v Virginia (1967)

Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)

Turner v Safley (1987)

The way this works is YOU have to come up with a valid reason to deny gays and lesbians this fundamental right. You must have an overriding societal harm in allowing non-familial consenting adult couples the fundamental right to marry. In court, no one has been able to which is why Federal judges keep ruling DOMA unconstitutional.

And let us keep in mind, simplistic mantras that one uses whenever the urge to visit the gay bathhouses become overwhelming are NOT valid legal arguments against legalized equality in civil marriage.

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