Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

I don't care how they file their taxes.

Change the tax code, I don't give a shit.

But they make the choice whether or not to participate in marriage...and they can live with that choice. They aren't going to force me to acknowledge them as a part of a construct they have rejected.

i'm pretty sure they don't give a shit what you *think*, allie.

did you and buford ride the bus together back in the day?
That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.

Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that.

See? You can't even explain yourselves. No rational reason. Just "it's always been that way". A justification used throughout history for all kinds of wrongs, and used in the workplace to justify the continuation of inefficient methods.

Sheer ignorance.

Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.

It always amuses me that homophobes think calling someone a fag is hurtful to that person.

Newsflash, Wonder Boy. Calling someone a fag is hurtful only to people like you! :lol:

I never used the word "fag". You did. Looks like your confusion goes beyond your definition of sex organs.

So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed marriage is a man and a woman were guilty of being wrong. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. I'm sure it will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.
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FAG: Hi! Whatcha doin?

PHOBE: Filling out my taxes.

FAG: A federal married tax return, I see.


FAG: I would like to be able to do that.

PHOBE: JESUS SAYS NO! You want to fuck me in the ass, don't you? That's what you are really saying, isn't it, gay boy. SHOW ME IN THE CONSTITUTION WHERE A MARRIED TAX RETURN IS, DOG FUCKER!!!!
The fact is you will never win a war against bigotry by being a bigot. Better deal with it.
I don't care how they file their taxes.

Change the tax code, I don't give a shit.

But they make the choice whether or not to participate in marriage...and they can live with that choice. They aren't going to force me to acknowledge them as a part of a construct they have rejected.

i'm pretty sure they don't give a shit what you *think*, allie.

did you and buford ride the bus together back in the day?

And we don't give a shit what you think. Now what?
why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...

That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.

Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that. Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.

Bullshit. Homosexuality has been with us since the dawn of civilization, and well before that. Rituals and laws regarding marriage arise in common law. Even the Catholic Church had same sex rituals.
Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that.

See? You can't even explain yourselves. No rational reason. Just "it's always been that way". A justification used throughout history for all kinds of wrongs, and used in the workplace to justify the continuation of inefficient methods.

Sheer ignorance.

Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.

It always amuses me that homophobes think calling someone a fag is hurtful to that person.

Newsflash, Wonder Boy. Calling someone a fag is hurtful only to people like you! :lol:

I never used the word "fag". You did. Looks like your confusion goes beyond your definition of sex organs.

So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed marriage is a man and a woman were guilty of being wrong. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. I'm sure it will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.

Still working on why two guys filing a tax return is scary, I see.

While you are working on it, try searching on the word "concubine" in the Bible.

Marriage was not always one man, one woman.

Also, homosexuality was an accepted behavior for nearly two millenia in the Roman Empire. There were even a few gay emperors.

I know homophobes like to say that was why the empire fell, but gee, it took nearly two thousand years for fags to bring down the Roman Empire? Really?

Here's another news flash for ya: For thousands of years slavery was legal. So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed slavery was okay were guilty of being wrong. So there's another pearl of wisdom I'm sure will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.

The wheels are falling off your cart, my friend.
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You are grossly mistaken.

I believe every category of human contains members who are prejudiced, ignorant, bigoted, or otherwise weak-minded and fearful.

Great. Then its safe to assume that, in your mind, the bar-owner at issue is a bigot.

Is it not you and the other anti-gay people in this thread saying "homos" and "poofters" and all the offensive terminology? Do you think this one bar not allowing bachelor parties somehow indicates you, a heterosexual man, is being discriminated against? Or means anything at all?

Have you ever faced discrimination for being straight? Now, have you ever seen a gay person experience discrimination?

Forget it. Logic will do nothing to you. No point in arguing with the fools that find their way to a computer.

So, now I am anti-gay? Thats news to me. And yes, I have been discriminated against for being heterosexual. Not that it bothered me. I just asked the lesbians I was with to order my drinks.

As for this one bar owner's actions.... unless I plan on attending a bachellorette party there then he has not discriminated against me. But he certainly is discriminating based on sexual orientation and gender. Which does not seem to bother you. And that is fine and well. But that sort of logic is rather infantile, dont you think? Just because an act of discrimination does not occur to you, does not make it less provocative. imagine the stink the poofters would make if I stopped letting allowing the celebration of the birthdays in my restaurant if the person being celebrated was gay.
But forget it. Logic will do nothing for you. no point in arguing with fools that cannot control their emotions.
That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.

Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that. Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.

Bullshit. Homosexuality has been with us since the dawn of civilization, and well before that. Rituals and laws regarding marriage arise in common law. Even the Catholic Church had same sex rituals.

I never denied the existance of homosexuality. If you have to be dishonest to make a point, then go play by yourself.
Overall, this thread shows how desperate anti-gay conservatives are to find "evidence" supporting any of their theories. A freekin article about one bar owner not allowing bachelorette parties until marriage is equal for all - that's your "proof" that gay people are bigots, that being gay is wrong and harmful?

Show some more evidence - I dare you. Not what is "common sense" to you, as the majority of people are morons. Why not one single article, scientific paper, research study, anything?

And yes, gay people can't produce, though they can raise children who have no families. Have fun using evidence to explain the 'wrong' and harm that comes from it.

Again, I know I'm wasting my time. Like a forum of Islamic terrorists discussing the virgins awaiting them, I can't help but think reasoning might appeal to one of them, but wrong I likely am.
Why do you feel threatened if two people in a marriage are allowed to file a joint federal tax return? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Why do you feel threatened if someone is able to claim their spouse's Social Security death benefit? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Why do you feel threatened if someone is able to visit their spouse in the ICU? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Because it undermines the traditional family. Just as no-fault divorce and the sexual revolution did. And we are paying today for those things. Enough is enough. If they were actually being denied anything, that would be different. But they can participate, they choose not to, end of story. They can live with their choice, or opt to participate.

i hope they sewed up your hole a long time ago.

Still a PIG I see. don't you bother asking for tolerance you don't deserve any tolerance.. asswipe.

See? You can't even explain yourselves. No rational reason. Just "it's always been that way". A justification used throughout history for all kinds of wrongs, and used in the workplace to justify the continuation of inefficient methods.

Sheer ignorance.

It always amuses me that homophobes think calling someone a fag is hurtful to that person.

Newsflash, Wonder Boy. Calling someone a fag is hurtful only to people like you! :lol:

I never used the word "fag". You did. Looks like your confusion goes beyond your definition of sex organs.

So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed marriage is a man and a woman were guilty of being wrong. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. I'm sure it will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.

Still working on why two guys filing a tax return is scary, I see.

While you are working on it, try searching on the word "concubine" in the Bible.

Marriage was not always one man, one woman.

Also, homosexuality was an accepted behavior for nearly two millenia in the Roman Empire.

Here's another news flash for ya: For thousands of years slavery was legal. So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed slavery was okay were guilty of being wrong. So there's another pearl of wisdom I'm sure will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.

The wheels are falling off your cart, my friend.

Of perhaps more pertinence is why, in an ambiguous picture of two well-dressed gentleman looking at a piece of paper, you conclude that the two are poofters examining tax forms.
Overall, this thread shows how desperate anti-gay conservatives are to find "evidence" supporting any of their theories. A freekin article about one bar owner not allowing bachelorette parties until marriage is equal for all - that's your "proof" that gay people are bigots, that being gay is wrong and harmful?

Show some more evidence - I dare you. Not what is "common sense" to you, as the majority of people are morons. Why not one single article, scientific paper, research study, anything?

And yes, gay people can't produce, though they can raise children who have no families. Have fun using evidence to explain the 'wrong' and harm that comes from it.

Again, I know I'm wasting my time. Like a forum of Islamic terrorists discussing the virgins awaiting them, I can't help but think reasoning might appeal to one of them, but wrong I likely am.

Why do you feel threatened if two people in a marriage are allowed to file a joint federal tax return? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Why do you feel threatened if someone is able to claim their spouse's Social Security death benefit? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Why do you feel threatened if someone is able to visit their spouse in the ICU? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Because it undermines the traditional family. Just as no-fault divorce and the sexual revolution did. And we are paying today for those things. Enough is enough. If they were actually being denied anything, that would be different. But they can participate, they choose not to, end of story. They can live with their choice, or opt to participate.

i hope they sewed up your hole a long time ago.
Such tolerance from the "HOORAY GAY" crowd.

See? You can't even explain yourselves. No rational reason. Just "it's always been that way". A justification used throughout history for all kinds of wrongs, and used in the workplace to justify the continuation of inefficient methods.

Sheer ignorance.

It always amuses me that homophobes think calling someone a fag is hurtful to that person.

Newsflash, Wonder Boy. Calling someone a fag is hurtful only to people like you! :lol:

I never used the word "fag". You did. Looks like your confusion goes beyond your definition of sex organs.

So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed marriage is a man and a woman were guilty of being wrong. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. I'm sure it will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.

Still working on why two guys filing a tax return is scary, I see.

While you are working on it, try searching on the word "concubine" in the Bible.

Marriage was not always one man, one woman.

Also, homosexuality was an accepted behavior for nearly two millenia in the Roman Empire. There were even a few gay emperors.

I know homophobes like to say that was why the empire fell, but gee, it took nearly two thousand years for fags to bring down the Roman Empire? Really?

Here's another news flash for ya: For thousands of years slavery was legal. So all the billions of people who lived through the history of the earth who believed slavery was okay were guilty of being wrong. So there's another pearl of wisdom I'm sure will be on many statues and plaques long after we're all gone.

The wheels are falling off your cart, my friend.

Another dishonest post. I said marriage is a man and a woman throughout history. If you want to include polygamy then go ahead. It's still male and female. You're deliberately confusing the fact that homosexuality existed throughout history with marriage.

HOMOSEXUAL MARRIGE has never been a standard in the history of civilization. Deal with it.
Why do you feel threatened if two people in a marriage are allowed to file a joint federal tax return? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Why do you feel threatened if someone is able to claim their spouse's Social Security death benefit? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Why do you feel threatened if someone is able to visit their spouse in the ICU? Why does that scare the bejeesus out of you?

Because it undermines the traditional family. Just as no-fault divorce and the sexual revolution did. And we are paying today for those things. Enough is enough. If they were actually being denied anything, that would be different. But they can participate, they choose not to, end of story. They can live with their choice, or opt to participate.

i hope they sewed up your hole a long time ago.

A frustrated homo.
You clamped your hands over your eyes when you read it, didn't you.

Thanks for demonstrating you haven't a clue what the Constitution contains or its meanings.

You all are the ones who claim that we're "walking all over the constitution" when we refuse to re-define marriage, to include those who have opted out of participating in the original.....despite the fact that they're free to participate, if they so desire...

Then when asked "what part of the constitution guarantees the right to marry anyone you like?" you cry "LOGICAL FALLACY"!

It's pretty typical of the dishonesty and stupidity of progressives.:cuckoo:

stating marriage is between one man and woman and redefining the word stupid.

So how many billions of stupid people have lived on earth do you think?

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