Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

A homophobe's worst nightmare...


Got heterophobia?
A homophobe's worst nightmare...


why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...
So, do you believe you can fight bigotry by being a bigot? why?

I think g5000's basic belief on this matter is that homos cannot be bigots. Homos are, to some, above reproach, no matter what they do. Unless, of course, they happen to be priests enjoying the flesh of young boys. They hate those kinds of homos.

Who's claiming that a homosexual can't be a bigot? And the fact is that the homophobes here are using this anecdote to justify their bigotry.

What bigotry are you referring to?
Nope. And gays aren't denied equal protection of the law. They choose not to participate in marriage.

Wrong. They are denied state-sanctioned marriage by asshole bigots like you.

So tell us how many billions of asshole bigots have lived since the dawn of civilization who believed marriage is a man and a woman.

There were asshole bigots who believed marriage was one white man and one white woman, or one black man and one black woman.

Were they right?
A homophobe's worst nightmare...


why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...

In his mind, they are barefoot and play footsie.
Now this is very revealing. What do you think?

'Best Gay Bar' Bans Bachelorette Parties

In My experience it seems the Public is all to willing to Accept the Very Same Discriminatory Practices they hate in others, if it a group the Perceive to be a Minority that is Discriminated against.

I mean when you talk to them about Blacks who are Racists against whites, It is almost as if they are telling you it's ok Blacks are Racist against whites, They deserve to be.

Guess their Mamma's Never taught them that 2 Wrongs do not make a right.
why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...

That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.
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Now this is very revealing. What do you think?

'Best Gay Bar' Bans Bachelorette Parties

In My experience it seems the Public is all to willing to Accept the Very Same Discriminatory Practices they hate in others, if it a group the Perceive to be a Minority that is Discriminated against.

I mean when you talk to them about Blacks who are Racists against whites, It is almost as if they are telling you it's ok Blacks are Racist against whites, They deserve to be.

Guess their Mamma's Never taught them that 2 Wrongs do not make a right.

Exactly. The old double standard.
So, do you believe you can fight bigotry by being a bigot? why?

I think g5000's basic belief on this matter is that homos cannot be bigots. Homos are, to some, above reproach, no matter what they do. Unless, of course, they happen to be priests enjoying the flesh of young boys. They hate those kinds of homos.

Who's claiming that a homosexual can't be a bigot? And the fact is that the homophobes here are using this anecdote to justify their bigotry.

How is pointing out an act of discrimination by one poofter somehow an effort to justify bigotry?
I don't know why people are arguing with these people who are against gay marriage. They are a dying ideological belief, the final screams of the intolerant foolishness that causes all our planet's problems.

And that argument - "penis + vagina = babies. penis + penis/vagina + vagina = no babies. therefore being gay is wrong."

Look it up yourself. Look at logical fallacies and validity. Use some real reasoning and find out yourself why that doesn't mean a damn thing.

"mouth + mouth (kissing) = no babies. therefore, kissing should be illegal and looked down upon."

Theres yer reasoning right there.

But again, theres no point arguing. You won't change. You're beliefs will just become less common, and how happy our world will be without it.
why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...

That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.

Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that. Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.
You said a lot, but you missed the point. The point is a person who demands tolerance being intolerant. That's the point.

So you're using this anecdote to justify your own bigotry? That's weak.

I used this article to show how those who demand tolerance can be just as intolerant.

There's a quantum leap of logic. it's not a denial of equal protection under the law to not allow bachelorette parties in your establishment. It may be stupid, and even intolerant (I'm not arguing that it is or isn't). It's certainly not illegal,and comes nowhere close to the blanket ban on equal protection, that you seem to favor.
why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...

That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.

You are making some tremendous assumptions. One, that the two men are somehow filling out a form. Two, that the two men involved are homos. Three, that I am somehow fearful of two homos filling out a form they are not allowed to file with the government and their employers. In the absence of any evidence to support even one of those assumptions, i have to conclude that some form of feminine hysteria has overcome you. Have ye the vapors?
I don't know why people are arguing with these people who are against gay marriage. They are a dying ideological belief, the final screams of the intolerant foolishness that causes all our planet's problems.

And that argument - "penis + vagina = babies. penis + penis/vagina + vagina = no babies. therefore being gay is wrong."

Look it up yourself. Look at logical fallacies and validity. Use some real reasoning and find out yourself why that doesn't mean a damn thing.

"mouth + mouth (kissing) = no babies. therefore, kissing should be illegal and looked down upon."

Theres yer reasoning right there.

But again, theres no point arguing. You won't change. You're beliefs will just become less common, and how happy our world will be without it.

Yeah, homosexuals have higher rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, ,mental illness and suicide than heteros. What a wonderful world when perversion is accepted. Don't even bother telling me it's because of the bigoted heteros. I've heard it all before.
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I think g5000's basic belief on this matter is that homos cannot be bigots.

You are grossly mistaken.

I believe every category of human contains members who are prejudiced, ignorant, bigoted, or otherwise weak-minded and fearful.

Great. Then its safe to assume that, in your mind, the bar-owner at issue is a bigot.

Is it not you and the other anti-gay people in this thread saying "homos" and "poofters" and all the offensive terminology? Do you think this one bar not allowing bachelor parties somehow indicates you, a heterosexual man, is being discriminated against? Or means anything at all?

Have you ever faced discrimination for being straight? Now, have you ever seen a gay person experience discrimination?

Forget it. Logic will do nothing to you. No point in arguing with the fools that find their way to a computer.
why would you think a homophobe would be afraid of two men examining a document? Is there any indication that the two men pictured are poofters? They look like professionals in an office to me. You do realize that, just because two men examine a document together, it does not make them queer, don't you? Talk about bigotry...

That's what you are afraid of. Two men filling out a form.

When you boil it all down, gays are asking for the right to file certain forms they are currently not allowed to file with the government and their employers.


But this scares the living shit out of you. Too bad all of you collectively are incapable of articulating a good explanation for why that is.

Marriage is a man and a woman and has been since the dawn of civilization and billions of people have accepted that.

See? You can't even explain yourselves. No rational reason. Just "it's always been that way". A justification used throughout history for all kinds of wrongs, and used in the workplace to justify the continuation of inefficient methods.

Sheer ignorance.

Grow up and stop playing with other boy's pee pee.

It always amuses me that homophobes think calling someone a fag is hurtful to that person.

Newsflash, Wonder Boy. Calling someone a fag is hurtful only to people like you! :lol:
So you're using this anecdote to justify your own bigotry? That's weak.

I used this article to show how those who demand tolerance can be just as intolerant.

There's a quantum leap of logic. it's not a denial of equal protection under the law to not allow bachelorette parties in your establishment. It may be stupid, and even intolerant (I'm not arguing that it is or isn't). It's certainly not illegal,and comes nowhere close to the blanket ban on equal protection, that you seem to favor.

Thanks for agreeing with me.
So you're using this anecdote to justify your own bigotry? That's weak.

I used this article to show how those who demand tolerance can be just as intolerant.

There's a quantum leap of logic. it's not a denial of equal protection under the law to not allow bachelorette parties in your establishment. It may be stupid, and even intolerant (I'm not arguing that it is or isn't). It's certainly not illegal,and comes nowhere close to the blanket ban on equal protection, that you seem to favor.

So you seem to be saying that you don't care if a homo expresses his own intolerance. Its only intolerance towards homos that bothers you. Got it.

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