Gay dads may make better parents according to a major new study

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More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

The sample size is so small that their conclusions are not credible. Furthermore, they went in with assumption that gay is better. That is stupid. I can make any assumption I want, and skew my questions accordingly.

That ain't science.

That is pseudo science.
Then see post 220
Children of gays still have higher suicide rates

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

The sample size is so small that their conclusions are not credible. Furthermore, they went in with assumption that gay is better. That is stupid. I can make any assumption I want, and skew my questions accordingly.

That ain't science.

That is pseudo science.
Then see post 220
Children of gays still have higher suicide rates
If so, you bigots and bullies have blood on your hands

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

The sample size is so small that their conclusions are not credible. Furthermore, they went in with assumption that gay is better. That is stupid. I can make any assumption I want, and skew my questions accordingly.

That ain't science.

That is pseudo science.
Then see post 220
Children of gays still have higher suicide rates
If so, you bigots and bullies have blood on your hands
Nope because I am not mocking these children, the mockery happens in schools and it can not be stopped. If laws are passed protecting these kids they will be fully outcast from school society as they are such a small number that they have no peers, just queers for parents. Then they hang themselves
Your fault not mine

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

The sample size is so small that their conclusions are not credible. Furthermore, they went in with assumption that gay is better. That is stupid. I can make any assumption I want, and skew my questions accordingly.

That ain't science.

That is pseudo science.
Then see post 220
Children of gays still have higher suicide rates
If so, you bigots and bullies have blood on your hands
Nope because I am not mocking these children, the mockery happens in schools and it can not be stopped. If laws are passed protecting these kids they will be fully outcast from school society as they are such a small number that they have no peers, just queers for parents. Then they hang themselves
Your fault not mine
Horseshit ! You have no idea what you're talking about or what is going on in schools there days. Gay-straight alliances are commonplace. There are in fact laws against bullying and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, but they apply equally to all. Gay kids nd kids of gay parents are not singled out.

The problem is the wider society where people like you are responsible for these families being marginalized and ridiculed. A society where these families are still subjected to discrimination, in employment, housing and public accommodation, all of which puts pressure on them, resulting in anxiety and depression. YOU have blood on your hands
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.
I will not deal further with you juvenile taunting horseshit
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.
LOL, why defend gays if you are going to hide in the closet? Furthermore the moment they posted their opinion we are allowed to post our opinions. If you do not accept that then leave

Good fucking God, cut the moronic flaime bating already!
Are you gay or lesbian. I am not here to judge you and if I did it should not matter to you if I did. However if you start a thread about how great gay parents are who expose their children to mockery you should expect that people will assume that you are gay yourself. So are you gay or lesbian
I don't give a fuck what you assume. You're just trying to make this about me in order to avoid dealing with the actual topic and I won't let you. The only one being ex[posed to mockery here is you
I am heterosexual. You refuse to state your sexual preference, I have actually dealt with the topic of how gay parents expose their children to mockery that has lead to mental disorders and suicide in many instances

I feel sad that you are ashamed of yourself.

Why not be gay and proud?

Are your parents gay

There is no reason why he should divulge any information about his personal life to anyone if he does not wish to do so. There is no reason to demand that anyone share any personal information. There is no basis for assuming that PP is ashamed of himself, either.

Gay parents don't "expose their children to mockery." The responsibility for mocking anyone belongs solely to the people doing the mocking, who apparently have issues with socialization and self-control.
Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.

The fact is that gay parents have been the cause of childrens suicides, you need to accept this

Research has found that attempted suicide rates and suicidal ideation among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc. (LGBT) youth is significantly higher than among the general population.[1] LGBT youth have the highest rate of suicide attempts.[2]

The passage of laws that discriminate against LGBT people have been shown to have significant negative impacts on the physical and mental health and well-being of LGBT youth; for example, depression and drug use among LGBT people have been shown to increase significantly after the passage of discriminatory laws.[3] By contrast, the passage of laws that recognize LGBT people as equal with regard to civil rights may have significant positive impacts on the physical and mental health and well-being of LGBT youth; for example, a study of nationwide data from across the United States from January 1999 to December 2015 revealed that the establishment of same-sex marriage is associated with a significant reduction in the rate of attempted suicide among children, with the effect being concentrated among children of a minority sexual orientation (LGB youth), resulting in approximately 134,000 fewer children attempting suicide each year in the United States.[4]

Bullying of LGBT youth has been shown to be a contributing factor in many suicides, even if not all of the attacks have been specifically regarding sexuality or gender.[5] Since a series of suicides in the early 2000s, more attention has been focused on the issues and underlying causes in an effort to reduce suicides among LGBT youth. Research by the Family Acceptance Project has demonstrated that "parental acceptance, and even neutrality, with regard to a child's sexual orientation" can bring down the attempted suicide rate.[2]

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention notes that there is no national data (for the U.S.) regarding suicidal ideation or suicide rates among the LGBT population as a whole or in part, for LGBT youth or LGBT seniors, for example.[6] In part because there is no agreed percentage of the national population that is LGBT, or even identifies as LGBT, death certificates do not include sexuality information.[7] A 1986 study noted that previous large scale studies of completed suicides did not "consider sexual orientation in their data analyses".[8]

Fantastic post, thanks. Of course we've heard NOTHING from Progressive Patriot concerning this. Oops, posted too soon. And he STILL hasn't answered our questions. Typical liberal deflection, diversion, or evasion. Pitiful AND pathetic.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your 2nd article . You have blood on your hands
, These kids a are not self destructive because they are LGBT. They are self destructive because of the way they are treated by people like you

“Adolescents facing ‘non-conventional’ sexual identity are at risk of higher self-threatening behaviors, independent of bullying and other risk factors,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Ester di Giacomo, a researcher in psychiatry at the University of Milano-Bicocca, in Italy. “I think that a difficulty in self-acceptance and social stigmatization might be keys for understanding such elevation in the risk of self-threatening behaviors.”

Many LBGT youth have trouble accepting who they are because of the way they are seen by others, di Giacomo explained in an email.
Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.
I will not deal further with you juvenile taunting horseshit
You can't deal with your own life choices

Get an aids test
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your 2nd article . You have blood on your hands
, These kids a are not self destructive because they are LGBT. They are self destructive because of the way they are treated by people like you

“Adolescents facing ‘non-conventional’ sexual identity are at risk of higher self-threatening behaviors, independent of bullying and other risk factors,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Ester di Giacomo, a researcher in psychiatry at the University of Milano-Bicocca, in Italy. “I think that a difficulty in self-acceptance and social stigmatization might be keys for understanding such elevation in the risk of self-threatening behaviors.”

Many LBGT youth have trouble accepting who they are because of the way they are seen by others, di Giacomo explained in an email.

Exactly. Look at how many heterosexual parents mistreat their LGBT kids and/or kick them out of the house. I remember that star student in Floriduh whose crazy cult parents insisted that he attend their cult gathering and then kicked him out of the house when he refused, and he didn't refuse to go to church at all, this was specifically about his parents' cult associations.

Thank God that his teachers made sure that he got into Georgetown even though his parents are failures.
Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.
I will not deal further with you juvenile taunting horseshit
Well that lasted 2 minutes
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your 2nd article . You have blood on your hands
, These kids a are not self destructive because they are LGBT. They are self destructive because of the way they are treated by people like you

“Adolescents facing ‘non-conventional’ sexual identity are at risk of higher self-threatening behaviors, independent of bullying and other risk factors,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Ester di Giacomo, a researcher in psychiatry at the University of Milano-Bicocca, in Italy. “I think that a difficulty in self-acceptance and social stigmatization might be keys for understanding such elevation in the risk of self-threatening behaviors.”

Many LBGT youth have trouble accepting who they are because of the way they are seen by others, di Giacomo explained in an email.

Exactly. Look at how many heterosexual parents mistreat their LGBT kids and/or kick them out of the house. I remember that star student in Floriduh whose crazy cult parents insisted that he attend their cult gathering and then kicked him out of the house when he refused, and he didn't refuse to go to church at all, this was specifically about his parents' cult associations.

Thank God that his teachers made sure that he got into Georgetown even though his parents are failures.
Lol enjoy your fisting party bimbo
Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.
I will not deal further with you juvenile taunting horseshit
You can't deal with your own life choices

Get an aids test

Why do you care so much about somebody's sexual orientation? Do you have some sort of problem? Cults, maybe?
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
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