Gay dads may make better parents according to a major new study

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Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
Nope, the fact that he's passing HIS sickness ONTO his children and grandchildren is quite disturbing. Learn how to read dumbf*ck. The last time I checked, our president is NOT a confused homosexual. Thank you.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
Is double anal fisting fun
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Yep, Lys is obviously gay, herself. She's brought absolutely NOTHING to this hideous thread. And, again, very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Yep, Lys is obviously gay, herself. She's brought absolutely NOTHING to this hideous thread. And, again, very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Actually she is bringing lots of schizophrenic denial to the thread
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Yep, Lys is obviously gay, herself. She's brought absolutely NOTHING to this hideous thread. And, again, very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Actually she is bringing lots of schizophrenic denial to the thread
Yep, SO sad.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.

When I was a kid, I was born in 1956, we didn't have any homo children in my school. None. There were adults in the city who were, but not the children. In the mean streets of the big city there was no room for kids who were sissies.

The thing is that the adults actually encouraged the boys to be masculine children. Ditto with the TV programs. Rock Hudson and Gomer Pyle were homos, but these guys didn't encourage kids to take it up in the movies and television programs.

The idea back in the day was that children would be raised normative. Once they became adults, if they wanted to be light in the loafers, well, that would be their own affair.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
I‘m glad I never had to explain having parents of the same sex to friends when I was growing up. lol
And when was that? It might come as a surprise to you but kids today don't have a problem with it, probobly know someone who is gay or someone who has same sex parents
Despite the push from you and the gay community to normalize their odd behavior, kids know it’s weird.

Thank you for that brilliant and informative commentary on the issue. You must have numerous advanced degrees from top notch universities in child psychology, sociology and human sexuality. We are so impressed by your vast knowledge about what kids know. Please tell us more
Nope. I’m just a straight guy who doesn’t think you faggots should be targeting children.
Us faggots?? What exactly do you think that you know about me? Are you really so fucking stupid as to assume something about my sexuality based on my politics. And no, I will not confirm or deny anything about my sexuality because that would only validate you bigotry

Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
Nope, the fact that he's passing HIS sickness ONTO his children and grandchildren is quite disturbing. Learn how to read dumbf*ck. The last time I checked, our president is NOT a confused homosexual. Thank you.

I don't see why you think that he is sick, dickhead. Your "president," not mine, is a confused something, and he
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

You didn't read your own links. I did.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
Nope, the fact that he's passing HIS sickness ONTO his children and grandchildren is quite disturbing. Learn how to read dumbf*ck. The last time I checked, our president is NOT a confused homosexual. Thank you.

I don't see why you think that he is sick, dickhead. Your "president," not mine, is a confused something, and he
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

You didn't read your own links. I did.
Have you had an aids test this week
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
Nope, the fact that he's passing HIS sickness ONTO his children and grandchildren is quite disturbing. Learn how to read dumbf*ck. The last time I checked, our president is NOT a confused homosexual. Thank you.

I don't see why you think that he is sick, dickhead. Your "president," not mine, is a confused something, and he
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

You didn't read your own links. I did.
Well have you had an aids test this week?


Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.
I will not deal further with you juvenile taunting horseshit
You can't deal with your own life choices

Get an aids test
I told you that I am not going to deal with your moronic, juvenile inane equine excrement. If you can't have an adult conversation, get the fuck out of here
Sure there is a reason why he is refusing to say whether he is gay or heterosexual
1. His parents are gay and this has messed up his mind as to what he is or is not
2. He is gay and can not accept his own behavior
3. He wants to tell others what they need to believe yet does not know what he believes himself, indicating schizophrenia
4. He is just a troll with no real opinions
5. He is straight and is mocking gays with reverse psychology as he knows his own beliefs will be relevant
6. He is really straight but his gay parents destroyed his mind, see 1.
I will not deal further with you juvenile taunting horseshit
You can't deal with your own life choices

Get an aids test
I told you that I am not going to deal with your moronic, juvenile inane equine excrement. If you can't have an adult conversation, get the fuck out of here


Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.

When I was a kid, I was born in 1956, we didn't have any homo children in my school. None. There were adults in the city who were, but not the children. In the mean streets of the big city there was no room for kids who were sissies.

The thing is that the adults actually encouraged the boys to be masculine children. Ditto with the TV programs. Rock Hudson and Gomer Pyle were homos, but these guys didn't encourage kids to take it up in the movies and television programs.

The idea back in the day was that children would be raised normative. Once they became adults, if they wanted to be light in the loafers, well, that would be their own affair.
Seriously? You believe that there were no gay kids back then?? That is ridiculous! They just were not visible-not out like now. One of your problems, as we know , is that you still think that being gay is a choice.

You also have some strange ideas about the relationship between masculinity and sexual orientation, and you stupidly believe that leach boys how to be "real men (whatever the fuck that is) will keep them from being gay. You are living in an alternative reality .
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.

When I was a kid, I was born in 1956, we didn't have any homo children in my school. None. There were adults in the city who were, but not the children. In the mean streets of the big city there was no room for kids who were sissies.

The thing is that the adults actually encouraged the boys to be masculine children. Ditto with the TV programs. Rock Hudson and Gomer Pyle were homos, but these guys didn't encourage kids to take it up in the movies and television programs.

The idea back in the day was that children would be raised normative. Once they became adults, if they wanted to be light in the loafers, well, that would be their own affair.
Seriously? You believe that there were no gay kids back then?? That is ridiculous! They just were not visible-not out like now. One of your problems, as we know , is that you still think that being gay is a choice.

You also have some strange ideas about the relationship between masculinity and sexual orientation, and you stupidly believe that leach boys how to be "real men (whatever the fuck that is) will keep them from being gay. You are living in an alternative reality .
There were no children with gay parents because this was illegal back then, and no kids with gay parents were hanging themselves
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Yep, Lys is obviously gay, herself. She's brought absolutely NOTHING to this hideous thread. And, again, very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Deciding peoples sexuality based on their politics and advocacy is as stupid as stupid gets, and depletes any credibility that you might have had, which is not much. Grow the fuck up. This is not a special ed. school yard.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Yep, Lys is obviously gay, herself. She's brought absolutely NOTHING to this hideous thread. And, again, very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Deciding peoples sexuality based on their politics and advocacy is as stupid as stupid gets, and depletes any credibility that you might have had, which is not much. Grow the fuck up. This is not a special ed. school yard.
You might want to grow up yourself and get tested

Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.

When I was a kid, I was born in 1956, we didn't have any homo children in my school. None. There were adults in the city who were, but not the children. In the mean streets of the big city there was no room for kids who were sissies.

The thing is that the adults actually encouraged the boys to be masculine children. Ditto with the TV programs. Rock Hudson and Gomer Pyle were homos, but these guys didn't encourage kids to take it up in the movies and television programs.

The idea back in the day was that children would be raised normative. Once they became adults, if they wanted to be light in the loafers, well, that would be their own affair.
Seriously? You believe that there were no gay kids back then?? That is ridiculous! They just were not visible-not out like now. One of your problems, as we know , is that you still think that being gay is a choice.

You also have some strange ideas about the relationship between masculinity and sexual orientation, and you stupidly believe that leach boys how to be "real men (whatever the fuck that is) will keep them from being gay. You are living in an alternative reality .
There were no children with gay parents because this was illegal back then, and no kids with gay parents were hanging themselves
I don't know what the fuck your responding to but it sure ain't what I posted. It appears that you do not understand the difference between the issue of gay kids, and children with gay parents, or maybe you think that it is all the same thing.

And, it was not illegal for gay people to have children then. They just could not adopt and surrogacy was not widely available. But many gay people had kids. I have lost all patience with you.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

None of these linked articles involve kids with gay parents. Nada.

They all deal with LGBT kids who are experiencing bullying. It's the bullies who are causing this, whether in the home or at school. Who are the bullies and how their shameful behavior going to be stopped? They need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions by somebody, even if the bullies' parents are negligent.
All the links deal with the higher suicide rates of children with gay parents

You are a gay person in denial, you seem to believe that you can deny away reality. This is evidence of mental disease

Yep, Lys is obviously gay, herself. She's brought absolutely NOTHING to this hideous thread. And, again, very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.
Deciding peoples sexuality based on their politics and advocacy is as stupid as stupid gets, and depletes any credibility that you might have had, which is not much. Grow the fuck up. This is not a special ed. school yard.
You might want to grow up yourself and get tested

And his denial just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.............................Pitiful.
Actually it is a fact that children of gays have higher suicide rates

Would you please provide a link with material that supports this "fact"?

Here you go porker, I could post 500 more
You would already know this if you could think

From your own post Slick!! What the fuck is your point?

Jamel Myles was found dead of suicide just days after his mom said he came out as gay to his classmates, the Denver Post reports. Myles, who had come out to his family over the summer, reportedly faced significant bullying from his classmates as he began the new school year.

“My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Myles’ mother, Leia Pierce, told the Post. “He didn’t deserve this.”
Lol thanks for reading

I didn't

I guess the most disturbing thing about this whole f*cked up scenario is that PP has posted on these threads in the past that he not only has children, but grandchildren, as well. The sickness has most likely extended to two MORE generations. And, as always, this is very sad, but VERY preventable. Thank you.

There is sickness in the fact that he has children and grandchildren? Are you out of your mind? Shit, the orange whore in the Oval Office has children and grandchildren, so what is your beef? I'm not implying that PP is a low-life, but trump sure is.
Nope, the fact that he's passing HIS sickness ONTO his children and grandchildren is quite disturbing. Learn how to read dumbf*ck. The last time I checked, our president is NOT a confused homosexual. Thank you.
But he is confused, and much, much worse
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