Gay dads may make better parents according to a major new study

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More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

Having a dad, is better than not having a dad. But if you think those kids are going to be proud of their disgusting parents, when they get older, and people are laughing at them for having two dads.....

Not likely. Short term gain.. long term damage to the child.
You're another one who seems to be stuck in the last century. You should get out more.
Have you had an AIDS test yet this week?

Are AIDS test fun?

I only knew of one girl who had two mothers. She was so mercilessly ridiculed by everyone (in a largely left-wing school), that she dropped out of high school. Never saw her since.
Sad but true, thank you for sharing. Hopefully she did not die of AIDS. I had a neighbor who's son was gay, I found out when I saw the mother waiting for him at dance class. Something happened, the neighbors got divorced and moved. It's a good bet the boy got AIDS and the marriage could not take it.

It's good to see that you're making friends here. Maybe you should arrange a circle jerk and commiserate about how gay you are not.

esalla Glad you are here. We need more people to fight against the ignorance on the forum :)

You can fight but you can't win! Not one of you jerks have posted any documentation to back up your bullshit

Yeah, other than 6,000 years of human history, no documentation at all.
What about human history?? What the fuck are you talking about?
He's talking about human history.

What about it!??

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

Having a dad, is better than not having a dad. But if you think those kids are going to be proud of their disgusting parents, when they get older, and people are laughing at them for having two dads.....

Not likely. Short term gain.. long term damage to the child.
You're another one who seems to be stuck in the last century. You should get out more.
Have you had an AIDS test yet this week?

Are AIDS test fun?

I only knew of one girl who had two mothers. She was so mercilessly ridiculed by everyone (in a largely left-wing school), that she dropped out of high school. Never saw her since.
Sad but true, thank you for sharing. Hopefully she did not die of AIDS. I had a neighbor who's son was gay, I found out when I saw the mother waiting for him at dance class. Something happened, the neighbors got divorced and moved. It's a good bet the boy got AIDS and the marriage could not take it.

It's good to see that you're making friends here. Maybe you should arrange a circle jerk and commiserate about how gay you are not.

esalla Glad you are here. We need more people to fight against the ignorance on the forum :)

You can fight but you can't win! Not one of you jerks have posted any documentation to back up your bullshit
LIke all faggots and all progressives you won't accept anything that goes against your perverse BS.

Neither you or the other bigots here have posted a damned that that is factual and that is backed up by a source. So, you don't know what I would accept or not because all that you do is post inane opinions based on nothing tangible. That is not a debate. It's a pissing match.

Thanks. Your evidence is fake news anyway. Made up crap.

Everyone who is informed, knows that science journals will publish made up nonsense, if it fits the left-wing progressive agenda. This is well documented, by wide scale fraudulent papers published.

And when you add in the fact, that people were bribing their way into ivy league schools..... it's real clear we have no reason to trust any of the left wing trash you post on here.

Fake news. Moving on.

Is that really the best that you can do?
View attachment 323481
View attachment 323483View attachment 323482

Yeah, and it was both right, accurate, and buried your position.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.

Never stopped you Lysistrata, from attacking me and my personal life.

It's amazing how quickly people trip over their own standards, in just minutes from one thread to the next.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.

Never stopped you Lysistrata, from attacking me and my personal life.

It's amazing how quickly people trip over their own standards, in just minutes from one thread to the next.

Did I ever attack your participation in marriage and parenthood, whatever it has been? I've been called all sorts of names that bigoted people call lesbians, even though I have not hidden the fact that I am a heterosexual by birth.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.

Never stopped you Lysistrata, from attacking me and my personal life.

It's amazing how quickly people trip over their own standards, in just minutes from one thread to the next.

Did I ever attack your participation in marriage and parenthood, whatever it has been? I've been called all sorts of names that bigoted people call lesbians, even though I have not hidden the fact that I am a heterosexual by birth.

Yeah, you have attacked me numerous times. Sorry, but you can't attack and insult people 100 different ways, and then claim "well I didn't attack your parenthood, so I'm a victim, and never did anything wrong".

Yes, you have attacked me numerous times. Numerous.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

Having a dad, is better than not having a dad. But if you think those kids are going to be proud of their disgusting parents, when they get older, and people are laughing at them for having two dads.....

Not likely. Short term gain.. long term damage to the child.
You're another one who seems to be stuck in the last century. You should get out more.
Have you had an AIDS test yet this week?

Are AIDS test fun?

I only knew of one girl who had two mothers. She was so mercilessly ridiculed by everyone (in a largely left-wing school), that she dropped out of high school. Never saw her since.
Sad but true, thank you for sharing. Hopefully she did not die of AIDS. I had a neighbor who's son was gay, I found out when I saw the mother waiting for him at dance class. Something happened, the neighbors got divorced and moved. It's a good bet the boy got AIDS and the marriage could not take it.

It's good to see that you're making friends here. Maybe you should arrange a circle jerk and commiserate about how gay you are not.

esalla Glad you are here. We need more people to fight against the ignorance on the forum :)

You can fight but you can't win! Not one of you jerks have posted any documentation to back up your bullshit
LIke all faggots and all progressives you won't accept anything that goes against your perverse BS.

Neither you or the other bigots here have posted a damned that that is factual and that is backed up by a source. So, you don't know what I would accept or not because all that you do is post inane opinions based on nothing tangible. That is not a debate. It's a pissing match.

Thanks. Your evidence is fake news anyway. Made up crap.

Everyone who is informed, knows that science journals will publish made up nonsense, if it fits the left-wing progressive agenda. This is well documented, by wide scale fraudulent papers published.

And when you add in the fact, that people were bribing their way into ivy league schools..... it's real clear we have no reason to trust any of the left wing trash you post on here.

Fake news. Moving on.

Is that really the best that you can do?
View attachment 323481
View attachment 323483View attachment 323482

Yeah, and it was both right, accurate, and buried your position.

Horseshit!! You are offering a you tube video as proof that all academic research is fraudulent? !! Are you fucking serious. ? Can you really be so stupid that you believe every that you see and hear as long as it aligns with your subterranean views In addition to it being Gish Gallop, it is also a false equivalency and an over generalization logical fallacy. That kind of shit is useless and just further erodes your credibility, as if that were possible

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.

Never stopped you Lysistrata, from attacking me and my personal life.

It's amazing how quickly people trip over their own standards, in just minutes from one thread to the next.

Did I ever attack your participation in marriage and parenthood, whatever it has been? I've been called all sorts of names that bigoted people call lesbians, even though I have not hidden the fact that I am a heterosexual by birth.

Yeah, you have attacked me numerous times. Sorry, but you can't attack and insult people 100 different ways, and then claim "well I didn't attack your parenthood, so I'm a victim, and never did anything wrong".

Yes, you have attacked me numerous times. Numerous.

Your problem, or should I say one of your problems is that you are so pitifully thin skinned that you think that someone calling you out on your bigoted bullshit using facts and logic is a personal attack. Grow the fuck up!

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.
Thank you! The jerk is trying to make it about be in order to avoid defending his bullshit.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast
You forgot to mention how many kids you have?

It's ok, you can come out of the closet, we will accept you as you are.

Besides comedians are important

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

Having a dad, is better than not having a dad. But if you think those kids are going to be proud of their disgusting parents, when they get older, and people are laughing at them for having two dads.....

Not likely. Short term gain.. long term damage to the child.
You're another one who seems to be stuck in the last century. You should get out more.
Have you had an AIDS test yet this week?

Are AIDS test fun?

I only knew of one girl who had two mothers. She was so mercilessly ridiculed by everyone (in a largely left-wing school), that she dropped out of high school. Never saw her since.
Sad but true, thank you for sharing. Hopefully she did not die of AIDS. I had a neighbor who's son was gay, I found out when I saw the mother waiting for him at dance class. Something happened, the neighbors got divorced and moved. It's a good bet the boy got AIDS and the marriage could not take it.
So say the voices in your head.
At least the voices in his head aren't gay.

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.
LOL, why defend gays if you are going to hide in the closet? Furthermore the moment they posted their opinion we are allowed to post our opinions. If you do not accept that then leave

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.
LOL, why defend gays if you are going to hide in the closet? Furthermore the moment they posted their opinion we are allowed to post our opinions. If you do not accept that then leave

Good fucking God, cut the moronic flaime bating already!
My sexual orientation and my family are none of your f•••ing business.

If it's none of anyone's business, then why do you insist on waving it around in everyone's face?
Thank you
What exactly am I waiving in your face? My political views? Once again, you prove yourself to be too narrow minded and intellectually deficient to understand that someone might support and defend a minority without being part of that group

More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.
LOL, why defend gays if you are going to hide in the closet? Furthermore the moment they posted their opinion we are allowed to post our opinions. If you do not accept that then leave

Good fucking God, cut the moronic flaime bating already!
Are you gay or lesbian. I am not here to judge you and if I did it should not matter to you if I did. However if you start a thread about how great gay parents are who expose their children to mockery you should expect that people will assume that you are gay yourself. So are you gay or lesbian
My sexual orientation and my family are none of your f•••ing business.

If it's none of anyone's business, then why do you insist on waving it around in everyone's face?
Thank you
What exactly am I waiving in your face? My political views? Once again, you prove yourself to be too narrow minded and intellectually deficient to understand that someone might support and defend a minority without being part of that group
And I own stocks on 6 continents


More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

View attachment 323044

“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”
Too bad 99.9 percent of gays do not want kids in the first place which is why they married a man
you have link to back up that wild claim..newbie?
Math does not need a link

Are you claiming that everyone in the gay bar is married and has an adopted child?

There are 65000 children living with a gay parent, 4.5 percent of adults are gay meaning 14805000, 65000 times 2 is 130000 so to be technical after the division .87 percent of all gays have a child.

Math works
Indeed it does..indeed it does...but you claimed..that 99.9% of all gay men who married did not want a child..because they were gay. That has nothing to do with math..and you cannot know just what these gay men desired out of being married ....or that the decision to have..or not to have... a child somehow played into their decision to be married.

You made a sweeping assumption that you have no way of backing up..and thought that some fancy footwork with the calculator would save you...ROTFLMAO!

Also..the current number of Gay men with children has absolutely nothing to do with the unknown number of gay men who may want kids..since you have no way of knowing that figure.

If you are truly new here..know that you have to bring up your game..if you are someone's sock..nice try!
Fact 99.13 percent of gays are childless. Sheesh if they really wanted a child they would have married a member of the opposite sex.

Argue the math all you want because 99.13 percent of gays are childless

By choice by the way

Fact: You are an arrogant ass who has nothing to offer but appeals to ignorance fallacies

Gay people do not have to marry someone of the opposite sex to have children and the fact that they marry the same sex in no way proves that they do not want children. That is just another logical fallacy, a non sequitor

Gay couples come to have children in their care by a variety of means , just like many hetero couples do

Thank you. That said I am not picking on gays, however several truths are not deniable.
1. 99.999 percent of humans who want children choose a mate of the opposite sex.
2. 99.16 percent of gays do not have children
3. You want to believe that what 50 percent of gays have kids, well they do not, only 0.84 percent of gays have children.
4. I have not said anything about the parenting abilities of gays, but the mockery that kids get from other kids on parent teacher night is actually sad as kids are unfortunately for the most part very mean, as you well remember


Your just making shit up!! You must be living in a place when time stood still around 1970 That is just pathetic
99.16 percent of gay people do not have children. If I was making this up you could prove me wrong. The fact is that you can't and never will precisely because I do not make anything up.

So gay person how many children do you have?

Now is when you make up a number


My sexual orientation and my family are none of your fucking business. Did I say that I was gay? The fact that you assume that. based on my advocacy for gays deflates your credibility and my ability to take you seriously even further below zero than it already was, and clearly demonstrates your intellectual limitations which are vast

Left-winger "I know what I'm talking about, and you are wrong!"

Right-winger "really? and how do you live it out?"

Left-winger "My personal life is none of your business!"

It is entirely possible, and even noble, to advocate for the rights of groups of people of which one is not a member. Progressive Patriot's personal life is none of your business.
LOL, why defend gays if you are going to hide in the closet? Furthermore the moment they posted their opinion we are allowed to post our opinions. If you do not accept that then leave

Good fucking God, cut the moronic flaime bating already!
Are you gay or lesbian. I am not here to judge you and if I did it should not matter to you if I did. However if you start a thread about how great gay parents are who expose their children to mockery you should expect that people will assume that you are gay yourself. So are you gay or lesbian
I don't give a fuck what you assume. You're just trying to make this about me in order to avoid dealing with the actual topic and I won't let you. The only one being ex[posed to mockery here is you
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More proof that gay men play an integral role is providing homes for the more than 125,000 children awaiting adoption is the US ( Foster care in the U.S. - number of children waiting for adoption 2018 | Statista )

Highlights of the study:

The study looked at a total of 92 fathers as well as their 46 children, each aged between 1 and 6 years of age. The families were all adoptive, and mainly came together using adoption services of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Approximately 1/3 of the children in the care of CIUSS are adopted by gay fathers, which has been legal in Quebec since 2002.

What researchers found were that these parents were highly involved in their children’s lives, with both parents sharing the duties.

Both parents also displayed a wider palette of expression with their children versus straight couples. “They could be playmates, caregivers, protectors, role models, morality guides,” noted Feugé.

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“What’s really interesting is that they don’t conform to roles of conventional fathers,” added Feugé. “They were able to redefine and propose new models of cultural notions of paternity and masculinity.”

Having a dad, is better than not having a dad. But if you think those kids are going to be proud of their disgusting parents, when they get older, and people are laughing at them for having two dads.....

Not likely. Short term gain.. long term damage to the child.
You're another one who seems to be stuck in the last century. You should get out more.
Have you had an AIDS test yet this week?

Are AIDS test fun?

I only knew of one girl who had two mothers. She was so mercilessly ridiculed by everyone (in a largely left-wing school), that she dropped out of high school. Never saw her since.
Sad but true, thank you for sharing. Hopefully she did not die of AIDS. I had a neighbor who's son was gay, I found out when I saw the mother waiting for him at dance class. Something happened, the neighbors got divorced and moved. It's a good bet the boy got AIDS and the marriage could not take it.

It's good to see that you're making friends here. Maybe you should arrange a circle jerk and commiserate about how gay you are not.

esalla Glad you are here. We need more people to fight against the ignorance on the forum :)

You can fight but you can't win! Not one of you jerks have posted any documentation to back up your bullshit
LIke all faggots and all progressives you won't accept anything that goes against your perverse BS.

Neither you or the other bigots here have posted a damned that that is factual and that is backed up by a source. So, you don't know what I would accept or not because all that you do is post inane opinions based on nothing tangible. That is not a debate. It's a pissing match.

Thanks. Your evidence is fake news anyway. Made up crap.

Everyone who is informed, knows that science journals will publish made up nonsense, if it fits the left-wing progressive agenda. This is well documented, by wide scale fraudulent papers published.

And when you add in the fact, that people were bribing their way into ivy league schools..... it's real clear we have no reason to trust any of the left wing trash you post on here.

Fake news. Moving on.

Is that really the best that you can do?
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Yeah, and it was both right, accurate, and buried your position.

Horseshit!! You are offering a you tube video as proof that all academic research is fraudulent? !! Are you fucking serious. ? Can you really be so stupid that you believe every that you see and hear as long as it aligns with your subterranean views In addition to it being Gish Gallop, it is also a false equivalency and an over generalization logical fallacy. That kind of shit is useless and just further erodes your credibility, as if that were possible

His proof is as trustworthy or moreso than the BS link you posted.
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