Gay issue What say you to this.

"Pro gay stance"
Says it all.
At least someone has the guts to admit this is and has never been about religious beliefs.
Some folk hate gay folk and demand they be treated like 2nd class citizens.
A lot of people hate them because of how the militant gay mafia treats everyone who doesn't bow down and worship the same sex gods. Or should I say su... never mind.
The hetero fascists,like you, victimize the victims, and the great mainstream of the American public forced you to back down. Indiana and Arkansas were the far right's Gettysburg, where they lost the battle that will cause them to lose the war.
1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
We will have to call you hissy hortysir..............

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.


1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Not surprised you missed my point
1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Not surprised you missed my point
You did not have one worth discussing.
The pastor understands Christianity, and you loons do not.
I'd debate that. While he is correct we are to treat everyone with love you can't just cherry pick one verse of scripture because it backs someones agenda and toss the rest of the book. Jesus never hesitated to love people but he also never hesitated to point out wrong doing. Even the woman caught in adultery he said he wouldn't condemn her but he also told her to "go and sin no more". This pastors totally ignoring his responsibility to uphold scripture. To me he's looking for the least controversial way out of a awkward situation.
"Pro gay stance"
Says it all.
At least someone has the guts to admit this is and has never been about religious beliefs.
Some folk hate gay folk and demand they be treated like 2nd class citizens.
You're right, some do just simply hate gays. I've seen it on this board but that shouldn't be allowed however people also have a right to disagree with the gay lifestyle based on their religious beliefs and they also should not be treated like second class citizens. Two wrongs don't make a right. Everyone is also assuming that it's just Christians but the truth is the Jews and Muslims who also don't believe in Homosexuality. Would you say it's not about religion then?
"Pro gay stance"
Says it all.
At least someone has the guts to admit this is and has never been about religious beliefs.
Some folk hate gay folk and demand they be treated like 2nd class citizens.
A lot of people hate them because of how the militant gay mafia treats everyone who doesn't bow down and worship the same sex gods. Or should I say su... never mind.
They don't seem to understand that people don't have to agree with their lifestyle anymore than they have to agree with ours. I blame Hollyweird.
"Pro gay stance"
Says it all.
At least someone has the guts to admit this is and has never been about religious beliefs.
Some folk hate gay folk and demand they be treated like 2nd class citizens.
A lot of people hate them because of how the militant gay mafia treats everyone who doesn't bow down and worship the same sex gods. Or should I say su... never mind.
The hetero fascists,like you, victimize the victims, and the great mainstream of the American public forced you to back down. Indiana and Arkansas were the far right's Gettysburg, where they lost the battle that will cause them to lose the war.
I know you're not comparing this to a major Civil War battle where about 46,000 men died in a blood bath because that would be disrespectful. This battle is NOTHING like Gettysburg. The highly intolerant gay movement made a big enough stink that the candyass politicians crapped their pants out of fear of losing votes. That's it. But it's far from over. Right now you are only dealing with Christians. I can't wait to see what happens when someone tries to force the Muslims to cater to the gay agenda.
1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Really Jakey? None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs? WTF do you think is happening now? The gays are telling the three major religions in the USA that they have to accept them regardless of what their religion says. Basically they are making them choose between leftist agenda and their God. The religious right isn't asking for anything outrageous. All they are asking for is a right to respectfully bow out of having to serve specifically gay events without fear of lawsuit for discrimination. It's not like they are going to have the right to refuse you a birthday cake or a box of pastries.

I.E. A gay man walks into a Muslim bakery to get a wedding cake. The proprietor is asking to be able to say "we don't do gay weddings due to out religious beliefs however here is the name of a few very good businesses that do cater to gays."

That's it. It's not unreasonable. There will be plenty of establishments that will not only cater to gay events and will no doubt advertise that they proudly serve gays events. Any gay couple will be able to get the wedding of their dreams and still allow those whose religious beliefs are opposed to their lifestyle to also have their rights and freedom of religion. However the rainbow gestapo seems hell bent on doing exactly what they accuse straights of doing to them. Nice job LGBT:clap2: hippocrates.
1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Really Jakey? None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs? WTF do you think is happening now? The gays are telling the three major religions in the USA that they have to accept them regardless of what their religion says. Basically they are making them choose between leftist agenda and their God. The religious right isn't asking for anything outrageous. All they are asking for is a right to respectfully bow out of having to serve specifically gay events without fear of lawsuit for discrimination. It's not like they are going to have the right to refuse you a birthday cake or a box of pastries.

I.E. A gay man walks into a Muslim bakery to get a wedding cake. The proprietor is asking to be able to say "we don't do gay weddings due to out religious beliefs however here is the name of a few very good businesses that do cater to gays."

That's it. It's not unreasonable. There will be plenty of establishments that will not only cater to gay events and will no doubt advertise that they proudly serve gays events. Any gay couple will be able to get the wedding of their dreams and still allow those whose religious beliefs are opposed to their lifestyle to also have their rights and freedom of religion. However the rainbow gestapo seems hell bent on doing exactly what they accuse straights of doing to them. Nice job LGBT:clap2: hippocrates.
Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you gay? If so, it's a pleasant surprise to see you defending religious rights from the militant gays. It's rather refreshing.
The Bible is crystal clear about this. Homosexual behavior is an abomination.

The Bible also says judgment is reserved for God and we should love even our enemies.
Doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade. ;)

You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
Pointing out sinful behavior, and trying to get someone to repent is not judging them. On the other hand, those who delight in sin, and mock God's word, should be challenged in public and often. At least that's how I see it.

I see your point of view. But let's just suggest, for the sake of argument, that all those Bible passages are problematic. In fact, I would argue that they are. Let's not go into debating each verse because it's been done on these boards 1,000 times and no one ever changes anyone's mind so let's not go that path. But just for the point of the argument, we accept that those verses are problematic for whatever reason. Now we go to a homosexual and encourage him to "pray away the gay" so to speak. He finds a love for God and repents, but spends the rest of his life unhappy and unfulfilled because he denies his own feelings for other men. Then we die and go to God and say "hey did you see how I saved that man from the sin of homosexuality?" and God says "you know all those verses are problematic right?" Well now what we have done is made this guy's life miserable for no reason. This is why I try my best to leave things like this between God and the individual.

I completely understand what you are saying and if you believe the Bible is against homosexuality,then trying to save someone from that sin is an act of love. I get it. It's just not a jump I am willing to make

You know...maybe as Christians we should actually listen to what Jesus told us and worry about the log in our own eyes instead of worrying about the splinters in someone else's? As Christians we hold Jesus so high...I don't know...maybe we should listen to Him once in a while
The Bible also says judgment is reserved for God and we should love even our enemies.
Doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade. ;)

You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
Pointing out sinful behavior, and trying to get someone to repent is not judging them. On the other hand, those who delight in sin, and mock God's word, should be challenged in public and often. At least that's how I see it.

I see your point of view. But let's just suggest, for the sake of argument, that all those Bible passages are problematic. In fact, I would argue that they are. Let's not go into debating each verse because it's been done on these boards 1,000 times and no one ever changes anyone's mind so let's not go that path. But just for the point of the argument, we accept that those verses are problematic for whatever reason. Now we go to a homosexual and encourage him to "pray away the gay" so to speak. He finds a love for God and repents, but spends the rest of his life unhappy and unfulfilled because he denies his own feelings for other men. Then we die and go to God and say "hey did you see how I saved that man from the sin of homosexuality?" and God says "you know all those verses are problematic right?" Well now what we have done is made this guy's life miserable for no reason. This is why I try my best to leave things like this between God and the individual.

I completely understand what you are saying and if you believe the Bible is against homosexuality,then trying to save someone from that sin is an act of love. I get it. It's just not a jump I am willing to make

You know...maybe as Christians we should actually listen to what Jesus told us and worry about the log in our own eyes instead of worrying about the splinters in someone else's? As Christians we hold Jesus so high...I don't know...maybe we should listen to Him once in a while

There is nothing wrong with preaching the Gospel. The Bible says that queers are going to hell. It's up to us to try to set them on the straight and narrow, and you can't do that without letting them know that practicing gays can't go to Heaven.
Doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade. ;)

You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
Pointing out sinful behavior, and trying to get someone to repent is not judging them. On the other hand, those who delight in sin, and mock God's word, should be challenged in public and often. At least that's how I see it.

I see your point of view. But let's just suggest, for the sake of argument, that all those Bible passages are problematic. In fact, I would argue that they are. Let's not go into debating each verse because it's been done on these boards 1,000 times and no one ever changes anyone's mind so let's not go that path. But just for the point of the argument, we accept that those verses are problematic for whatever reason. Now we go to a homosexual and encourage him to "pray away the gay" so to speak. He finds a love for God and repents, but spends the rest of his life unhappy and unfulfilled because he denies his own feelings for other men. Then we die and go to God and say "hey did you see how I saved that man from the sin of homosexuality?" and God says "you know all those verses are problematic right?" Well now what we have done is made this guy's life miserable for no reason. This is why I try my best to leave things like this between God and the individual.

I completely understand what you are saying and if you believe the Bible is against homosexuality,then trying to save someone from that sin is an act of love. I get it. It's just not a jump I am willing to make

You know...maybe as Christians we should actually listen to what Jesus told us and worry about the log in our own eyes instead of worrying about the splinters in someone else's? As Christians we hold Jesus so high...I don't know...maybe we should listen to Him once in a while

There is nothing wrong with preaching the Gospel. The Bible says that queers are going to hell. It's up to us to try to set them on the straight and narrow, and you can't do that without letting them know that practicing gays can't go to Heaven.

Actually I respectfully disagree. The Bible is unquestionably anti-homosexual and gay are condemned to hell when you read it in English. When you read it in Greek and Hebrew....weeeeeeelllllll maybe not so much. But again, that has been discussed 1,000 times and I don't want to make the same argument's yet again. Furthermore, I am not sure we should preach the Gospels until we first listen to and obey the Gospels. I know I don't obey the Gospels. Who the hell am I to dictate to someone else when I can't even do it right myself? Are you ready to look God in the eye and say that you are sinless and cast the first stone? I sure as hell am not
You are free to hold whatever interpretation of the Bible you choose, my brother, as do I. If one wishes to hold the view that the Bible encourages discriminating against or oppressing homosexuals, they are free to feel that way (and I am not saying you necessarily do). I simply choose to focus on the passages that suggest I leave judgment to God and treat everyone as a child of the best of my ability at least. When I can walk on water, I too, will pass judgment.
Pointing out sinful behavior, and trying to get someone to repent is not judging them. On the other hand, those who delight in sin, and mock God's word, should be challenged in public and often. At least that's how I see it.

I see your point of view. But let's just suggest, for the sake of argument, that all those Bible passages are problematic. In fact, I would argue that they are. Let's not go into debating each verse because it's been done on these boards 1,000 times and no one ever changes anyone's mind so let's not go that path. But just for the point of the argument, we accept that those verses are problematic for whatever reason. Now we go to a homosexual and encourage him to "pray away the gay" so to speak. He finds a love for God and repents, but spends the rest of his life unhappy and unfulfilled because he denies his own feelings for other men. Then we die and go to God and say "hey did you see how I saved that man from the sin of homosexuality?" and God says "you know all those verses are problematic right?" Well now what we have done is made this guy's life miserable for no reason. This is why I try my best to leave things like this between God and the individual.

I completely understand what you are saying and if you believe the Bible is against homosexuality,then trying to save someone from that sin is an act of love. I get it. It's just not a jump I am willing to make

You know...maybe as Christians we should actually listen to what Jesus told us and worry about the log in our own eyes instead of worrying about the splinters in someone else's? As Christians we hold Jesus so high...I don't know...maybe we should listen to Him once in a while

There is nothing wrong with preaching the Gospel. The Bible says that queers are going to hell. It's up to us to try to set them on the straight and narrow, and you can't do that without letting them know that practicing gays can't go to Heaven.

Actually I respectfully disagree. The Bible is unquestionably anti-homosexual and gay are condemned to hell when you read it in English. When you read it in Greek and Hebrew....weeeeeeelllllll maybe not so much. But again, that has been discussed 1,000 times and I don't want to make the same argument's yet again. Furthermore, I am not sure we should preach the Gospels until we first listen to and obey the Gospels. I know I don't obey the Gospels. Who the hell am I to dictate to someone else when I can't even do it right myself? Are you ready to look God in the eye and say that you are sinless and cast the first stone? I sure as hell am not

You've probably seen this before. I'm posting it for the others though. I don't think it could be any clearer.
If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.
I don't see any wiggle room there at all.
The pastor understands Christianity, and you loons do not.

More like she's polishing a turd. Christianity on the whole is completely anti-sex and misogynistic, while pro-violence and anti-woman. Claiming Jesus said this and that is all well and good, but so long as the majority of what is Christianity is defined by what Paul said (the actual creator of Christianity hence the term Pauline Christianity) trying to make Christianity into a warm fuzzy Carebear religion requires one to ignore the vast majority of it.
Christianity on the whole is completely anti-sex and misogynistic, while pro-violence and anti-woman. Claiming Jesus said this and that is all well and good, but so long as the majority of what is Christianity is defined by what Paul said (the actual creator of Christianity hence the term Pauline Christianity) trying to make Christianity into a warm fuzzy Carebear religion requires one to ignore the vast majority of it.

This is as much an incorrect assessment of Christianity as is claiming homosexuals are all assigned to hell. Gay-Lesbians have their militant fringe, and there is that militant fringe in Christianity as well.

The Catholic Church will not witness the marriage of the divorced, will not witness the marriage of homosexuals, and dislike, hatred, contempt isn't even in the equation. The focus is solely on the criteria for a sacramental marriage. 1) It takes place between a man and a woman; 2) It is for life until death parts the two.

Note, I used the word that the Church "witnesses" because it is Catholic teaching that the couple themselves perform the sacrament with the priest as a witness the sacramental union of a man and a woman.

Here is the real problem. I cannot control Christianity's militant fringe, I have no real voice. The news media chooses to amplify the voice of the unbalanced and ignore the reasonable. In the same way, I am relatively certain the balance of gay-lesbians cannot control their fringe, because like me, they have no voice. The news media chooses to amplify the voice of the fringe. Behind the media...I wonder if there is a very powerful, very wealthy sociopath who sees the world and its people as his puppets. He pulls our strings; he yanks our chains. He likes the excitement that imbalance brings. Besides, he hates the West.
The pastor understands Christianity, and you loons do not.
I'd debate that. While he is correct we are to treat everyone with love you can't just cherry pick one verse of scripture because it backs someones agenda and toss the rest of the book. Jesus never hesitated to love people but he also never hesitated to point out wrong doing. Even the woman caught in adultery he said he wouldn't condemn her but he also told her to "go and sin no more". This pastors totally ignoring his responsibility to uphold scripture. To me he's looking for the least controversial way out of a awkward situation.
Very good, Christians cannot cherry pick scripture to condemn their fellow humans.

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