Gay issue What say you to this.

The LAW, the CONSTITUTION ain't the Bible.
Get over it. If you are really a Christian, which I doubt it as you do not act Christlike, you will live and let live, LOVE thy neighbor and DO NOT JUDGE.
But you mental midgets talk a mean game, you are wannahbe Christians.
Deep down you are fat, ugly, busy body, mother hen sexually frustrated and confused scared of God freaks.
Hire a good shrink and leave all the gay folk alone.
I'm not a Christian and you aren't a thinker. The reason homosexuals and public accommodation laws have been added to some governments is because it isn't a Constitutional right to be served. You are clueless about the issue, Christianity and judgement but it's funny as hell to see you go off on what you accused them of.

A "thinker" is someone that does not march lock step with the sheep and formulates their conclusions based on fact, not emotion and opinion. You offer opinion based on your ideology and emotion which does not take any thinking. You have such a difficult time articulating what you believe you polish off your crystal ball, rub it, chant and feebly tell us what you believe others believe. Anyone that is proficient at reading and has a little bit of patience at researching can easily locate numerous precedent cases of the constitutionality of public accommodation laws Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Common law for centuries, which public accommodation laws are based on, is that any person in commerce that holds himself out as a provider of goods for everyone as a business is a common carrier and thus any member of the public has a right to contract with that business provider. Nothing anywhere about any "religious" rights or "freedoms" for a business to opt out of that anywhere. That warped distortion of THE LAW is an American thing only as many Americans need to have some group of folk to look down on as beneath them. Religion is their excuse.
Got it now or do you need a list of the hundreds and hundreds of court cases that support the fact that United States Federal District Courts have upheld the CONSTITUTIONALITY of public accommodation laws?

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