Gay issue What say you to this.

Clearly you do not understand scripture or the 14th Amendment. Your religious belief is not a shield from serving others in public commerce. LGBT rights are human rights just as human rights are for anybody else living in America.

You have no civil right based on religion to deny others their rights.

Your feelings are no different than those who did not want to serve blacks or folks they did not like.

Biblical literalism is heresy because it denies the gift of common sense given by a loving God, because your worship of it descends you into idolatry.

Many of you folks are no different than the KKK except for the physical violence, but the immoral stubbornness you all display marks you social cons as fools and no follower of Christ on issue.
They are gay, they admit they are gay It's by their own admission I call them gay. All I'm saying is for my own soul salvation I don't want to participate in something the bible calls sin. That's my right. If they feel otherwise that's their right, they have to stand before God alone and God will judge whether they did right or wrong. What makes their rights more important than mine?

I have a similar, yet bit different take on it. Scripture does identify homosexual acts as a sin. The definition of sin is missing the mark. Scripture also insists sins will be forgiven.

God did not identify sin for us as some type of win-lose game. This is no game, He cares about our well-being, about living up to our full potential. If we go for a nature walk, we want to know where the quicksand, cliffs, wild animals, and mosquitoes are so that we remain safe and content; happy.

Studies show, even after homosexuality is accepted by entire countries, the physical and mental health issues of homosexuals are (percentage wise) greater than heterosexuals. They are at greater risk. This does not mean many cannot (and do) dodge this proverbial bullet. We all take risks, we all try to beat the odds and we do not condemn people for taking other risks. It is a personal decision.

Shifting gears for a moment. The ideal sexual experience is not only to express love, but to gladly accept a child should the act produce one. With the advent of the pill and other methods of birth control (including abortion) came the advent of the idea of recreational sex. With it came an overall attitude from society at large of, "Teach the kids about the pill and let them experiment all they want." Now, with homosexual marriage, the kids are hearing, "Any act between two consenting adults is okay!" So they begin experimenting with homosexual acts. Some are even proud to label themselves bisexuals.

Some are of the opinion this won't hurt young people at all. I don't share that opinion because I happen to know what it cost two young people. This, by the way began with the heterosexual attitude of, "I give my sexual desires and proclivities more weight than my children. I believe my children will be happy if I am happy." With society giving the nod to homosexual marriages, we have given the nod to heterosexual young people that it is okay to experiment with this act.

If this isn't a message most homosexuals wanted to send, then they should be more accepting of not having one hundred percent approval from everyone. Divorce doesn't have a hundred percent approval from everyone either.

Sometimes an act is a sin not because it does great harm to an individual, but because it has that domino effect of adversely affecting the lives of others--especially the young and vulnerable.

I think we adults with our birth control (including pills and abortion), with our divorces, adulteries, and homosexual acts are happy with our state of getting the sex without consequences we desire.

I think we look at the multitude of teens who are affected taking their cue from us, yet we look at them, shrug, and say...

"Am I my brother's keeper?" That is our sin--no longer assigned to just heteros, but now to the gay population as well.
The pastor understands Christianity, and you loons do not.
I'd debate that. While he is correct we are to treat everyone with love you can't just cherry pick one verse of scripture because it backs someones agenda and toss the rest of the book. Jesus never hesitated to love people but he also never hesitated to point out wrong doing. Even the woman caught in adultery he said he wouldn't condemn her but he also told her to "go and sin no more". This pastors totally ignoring his responsibility to uphold scripture. To me he's looking for the least controversial way out of a awkward situation.

I wonder how many of the people using this point habitually sin in other ways. Steal stuff, lie, cheat, wear poly-cotton blends, eat shellfish in certain months, go to church with eye problems, so on and so forth. How many of the vocal members of the anti-gay God Squad really examine their lives on a daily basis and really work to try to live right and how many just don't like fags.
1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Really Jakey? None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs? WTF do you think is happening now? The gays are telling the three major religions in the USA that they have to accept them regardless of what their religion says. Basically they are making them choose between leftist agenda and their God. The religious right isn't asking for anything outrageous. All they are asking for is a right to respectfully bow out of having to serve specifically gay events without fear of lawsuit for discrimination. It's not like they are going to have the right to refuse you a birthday cake or a box of pastries.

I.E. A gay man walks into a Muslim bakery to get a wedding cake. The proprietor is asking to be able to say "we don't do gay weddings due to out religious beliefs however here is the name of a few very good businesses that do cater to gays."

That's it. It's not unreasonable. There will be plenty of establishments that will not only cater to gay events and will no doubt advertise that they proudly serve gays events. Any gay couple will be able to get the wedding of their dreams and still allow those whose religious beliefs are opposed to their lifestyle to also have their rights and freedom of religion. However the rainbow gestapo seems hell bent on doing exactly what they accuse straights of doing to them. Nice job LGBT:clap2: hippocrates.
Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you gay? If so, it's a pleasant surprise to see you defending religious rights from the militant gays. It's rather refreshing.
Uh, No I'm not gay. I'm married to a man with three kids. I am the religious right however I really don't have a problem with gays. What I have a problem with is them acting like hippocrates demanding their rights while stomping on other peoples rights.
same here. if they want to be gay, I have no problem with it. however, they need to keep it to themselves.
Good post but Catholic Church has so many loopholes

I don't see it as loopholes so much as knowing where the parameters begin and end. For example, Christ's teachings began with marriage between a man and a woman that was intended to last a lifetime. The end. We cannot take this as Christ advocating government withholding benefits from homosexuals which they allow to heterosexuals.

Further, when government gave the nod to divorce, countless Christians turned their backs on Christ's teachings, followed the government instead, and supported/got divorces. Countless Christians, but countless more continue to follow Christ's teachings on this.

Most all marriage for thousands of years were arranged. Not everyone is a Christian and in no way should Christian doctrine influence the laws of marriage in this country. Monogamy was not practiced in many marriages over many cultures and religions. Forced marriages were common with many European monarchies blessed by Christians. On and on and on. As a Christian I mind my own business and damn sure do not want marriage law based on religion.
1) what was once celebrated will be condemned

2)what was once condemned will be celebrated

3)those who don't celebrate these things will be condemned
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Really Jakey? None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs? WTF do you think is happening now? The gays are telling the three major religions in the USA that they have to accept them regardless of what their religion says. Basically they are making them choose between leftist agenda and their God. The religious right isn't asking for anything outrageous. All they are asking for is a right to respectfully bow out of having to serve specifically gay events without fear of lawsuit for discrimination. It's not like they are going to have the right to refuse you a birthday cake or a box of pastries.

I.E. A gay man walks into a Muslim bakery to get a wedding cake. The proprietor is asking to be able to say "we don't do gay weddings due to out religious beliefs however here is the name of a few very good businesses that do cater to gays."

That's it. It's not unreasonable. There will be plenty of establishments that will not only cater to gay events and will no doubt advertise that they proudly serve gays events. Any gay couple will be able to get the wedding of their dreams and still allow those whose religious beliefs are opposed to their lifestyle to also have their rights and freedom of religion. However the rainbow gestapo seems hell bent on doing exactly what they accuse straights of doing to them. Nice job LGBT:clap2: hippocrates.
Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you gay? If so, it's a pleasant surprise to see you defending religious rights from the militant gays. It's rather refreshing.
Uh, No I'm not gay. I'm married to a man with three kids. I am the religious right however I really don't have a problem with gays. What I have a problem with is them acting like hippocrates demanding their rights while stomping on other peoples rights.
same here. if they want to be gay, I have no problem with it. however, they need to keep it to themselves.
Why? Because you don't like gays? Can't enact that in law, sweet cheeks.
Most all marriage for thousands of years were arranged. Not everyone is a Christian and in no way should Christian doctrine influence the laws of marriage in this country. Monogamy was not practiced in many marriages over many cultures and religions. Forced marriages were common with many European monarchies blessed by Christians. On and on and on. As a Christian I mind my own business and damn sure do not want marriage law based on religion.

I don't think we disagree. If the government is going to applaud the Christian marriage, it also needs to applaud the gay marriage, the polygamous marriage, and any other kind of marriage the population can dream up.

However, Christians do not need to applaud all the marriages government applauds; Gays do not need to applaud all forms of marriages--and neither do polygamists.

The trouble with fringe elements is that the fringe on one end only wants the government favoring one type of marriage whereas the fringe at the other end insists that the government make everyone applaud and accept their form of marriage.

I say, Let the government lemming sleep! Back off you fringe elements! Wake the government lemming and the result is that too many will follow it off a cliff. Bet you anything, people at both ends intend to keep prodding the lemming.
The far right does not get to make the government favor only their form of marriage. The other side does not get the government to make the other side applaud their type of marriage.
My sister and I disagree on the issue of whether people should be forced to serve gay events. She recently posted this in defense of her pro gay stance. What say you to what she posted.

Greetings, Ma'am:),

I think that people should try to read the Bible for themselves and reach their own conclusions and that a pastor's job as far as disseminating the Word would just be to remind about things that might not be in mind.

In America, I think that people should have the right to do business or not do business with whomever they choose to.

The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.

I think they are as likely to inherit the kingdom of heaven as any other long as they do their best to reject the sin, or at least not act on it.

I know Christ said that people who sin in thought are just as guilty as those who sin in action..and I believe that, which is why I know we're all depraved sinners. The problem we run into as Christians is when we're made to CONDONE sin. You can be, and are, a sinner all day long as you fight the sin and do not condone it. We all know alcoholics and cheaters and gamblers and greedy people who struggle with their natures and often are sucked into behavior. But they REPENT and they ask for forgiveness and they try their hardest to stop the sin.

What the homo lobby wants us to do as Christians we just can't do..because they want us to defy God and the Holy Spirit, and say "The bible is wrong and it's okay to sin if the sin is just depraved, homosexual sex...God's okay with THAT." We know it's not true, we know it's a lie, and we aren't going to say it.

And the people who DO say it...THOSE are the ones that won't inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Because they are deliberately lying and defying God. And they will be dealt with very harshly. Think what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. "9Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
When I pick up the New Testament and start reading it from cover to cover, the impression I get is that the hatred of gay people is about the LAST thing Jesus was all about. He never once mentioned it.

When Jesus said "Believe in Me", I don't think he meant "believe the preacher man thumping his bible instead of Me", "Believe in Paul instead of Me" or "Cherry pick some stuff from Leviticus instead of Me". He meant "Believe in Me" -- period.

If the hatred of homosexuality were as central to Christianity as people here are making it, then why didn't Jesus mention it? This absolute obsession with it among the reactionary Pharisees has nothing to do with Jesus' actual teachings, and only indicates that there are way too many people willing to listen to anybody BUT Jesus.
But wait. It's the retards that claim it's hate. Regular folks know better. I know it's hard for someone like you that is hypnotized but consider this, let's say a group of swingers got together and wanted to sponsor a church event, you know, to get their message out. The church says 'go pound sand', is that hate?
We will have to call you hissy hortysir.

Heterosexual marriage will not be condemned.

Marriage equality will be celebrated.

Both will be allowed to celebrate their beliefs.

None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs.
Really Jakey? None will be allowed to persecute the other in commerce because of their religious beliefs? WTF do you think is happening now? The gays are telling the three major religions in the USA that they have to accept them regardless of what their religion says. Basically they are making them choose between leftist agenda and their God. The religious right isn't asking for anything outrageous. All they are asking for is a right to respectfully bow out of having to serve specifically gay events without fear of lawsuit for discrimination. It's not like they are going to have the right to refuse you a birthday cake or a box of pastries.

I.E. A gay man walks into a Muslim bakery to get a wedding cake. The proprietor is asking to be able to say "we don't do gay weddings due to out religious beliefs however here is the name of a few very good businesses that do cater to gays."

That's it. It's not unreasonable. There will be plenty of establishments that will not only cater to gay events and will no doubt advertise that they proudly serve gays events. Any gay couple will be able to get the wedding of their dreams and still allow those whose religious beliefs are opposed to their lifestyle to also have their rights and freedom of religion. However the rainbow gestapo seems hell bent on doing exactly what they accuse straights of doing to them. Nice job LGBT:clap2: hippocrates.
Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you gay? If so, it's a pleasant surprise to see you defending religious rights from the militant gays. It's rather refreshing.

I am a strong defender of equal rights for everyone, gay or straight. Almost 61 years old, grew up in deep south, 6'5, 285 lbs, former athlete, own 3 corporations, vote Republican since 1972. Straight and married for almost 40 years, grown kids. Tobacco chewin, beer swillin, flannel shirt wearing, whiskey sippin, fishin, huntin, game skinnin, guitar playin, gun totin red blooded American. American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God. Played 4 quarters many a time years ago against some of the best. Was at church once again last Sunday and did not hear ONE WORD against gay folks. Your claims that folks that are fat, lazy, eat too much, eat pork and shellfish and the other 2 dozen sins in Leviticus are all going to hell are absurd. You single out gay folk ONLY as your example and all us that love hog BBQ sandwiches at Nicks in Athens, Ga. get a free pass. Ridiculous.

The NT allows Christians to eat pork. Nobody said gays were going to hell for being gay. I'm not singling out gays I'm just saying that people should be given conscientious objector status when it comes to certain things that the government should spell out in a law. IE specifically gay events like weddings and LGBT events. Honestly I also think this should cover hate speech and derogatory comments. IE. A T shirt shop keeper should not be made to make a shirt that says " God Hates fags". He should be able to decline without fear of lawsuit. No black bakery should have to cater a klan rally and no Jewish Deli should have to cater a Neo Nazi convention. I would cover a much wider range of people other than the religious right. By being specific as to what can be declined the law would prevent abuse like someone not waiting on a gay in a restaurant or department store. We aren't talking about everyday service, we are talking about specific events.

Luke 10:
Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two
7"Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house. 8"Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you; 9and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'…

1 Corinthians 10:27
If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience.

No shortage of folks here that state gay folks going to hell for being gay.
There is also no shortage of people for any kind of agenda you wish to name in this place. A broad brush is a broad brush.
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.

I think they are as likely to inherit the kingdom of heaven as any other long as they do their best to reject the sin, or at least not act on it.

I know Christ said that people who sin in thought are just as guilty as those who sin in action..and I believe that, which is why I know we're all depraved sinners. The problem we run into as Christians is when we're made to CONDONE sin. You can be, and are, a sinner all day long as you fight the sin and do not condone it. We all know alcoholics and cheaters and gamblers and greedy people who struggle with their natures and often are sucked into behavior. But they REPENT and they ask for forgiveness and they try their hardest to stop the sin.

What the homo lobby wants us to do as Christians we just can't do..because they want us to defy God and the Holy Spirit, and say "The bible is wrong and it's okay to sin if the sin is just depraved, homosexual sex...God's okay with THAT." We know it's not true, we know it's a lie, and we aren't going to say it.

And the people who DO say it...THOSE are the ones that won't inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Because they are deliberately lying and defying God. And they will be dealt with very harshly. Think what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. "9Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
I wasn't suggesting the Bible says one must achieve perfection, my point was only that the Bible has no issue with it, clearly it does. Not just that but you can't sweep it under the rug.

The homosexuals don't understand Christianity, and I've debated gay Christians long ago and even they move the goal posts where they want. The whole issue flies in the face of orthodox Bible believers because they believe God created man and woman for a reason. To be one flesh, the two together bringing different God given attributes to the table and becoming more complete, as designed.

I asked a gay Christian after a long drawn out debate (I think it lasted weeks) why he thought God created gays. He clearly wasn't ready for that one and finally said "to keep other gays company".
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.

I think they are as likely to inherit the kingdom of heaven as any other long as they do their best to reject the sin, or at least not act on it.

I know Christ said that people who sin in thought are just as guilty as those who sin in action..and I believe that, which is why I know we're all depraved sinners. The problem we run into as Christians is when we're made to CONDONE sin. You can be, and are, a sinner all day long as you fight the sin and do not condone it. We all know alcoholics and cheaters and gamblers and greedy people who struggle with their natures and often are sucked into behavior. But they REPENT and they ask for forgiveness and they try their hardest to stop the sin.

What the homo lobby wants us to do as Christians we just can't do..because they want us to defy God and the Holy Spirit, and say "The bible is wrong and it's okay to sin if the sin is just depraved, homosexual sex...God's okay with THAT." We know it's not true, we know it's a lie, and we aren't going to say it.

And the people who DO say it...THOSE are the ones that won't inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Because they are deliberately lying and defying God. And they will be dealt with very harshly. Think what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. "9Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
I wasn't suggesting the Bible says one must achieve perfection, my point was only that the Bible has no issue with it, clearly it does. Not just that but you can't sweep it under the rug.

The homosexuals don't understand Christianity, and I've debated gay Christians long ago and even they move the goal posts where they want. The whole issue flies in the face of orthodox Bible believers because they believe God created man and woman for a reason. To be one flesh, the two together bringing different God given attributes to the table and becoming more complete, as designed.

I asked a gay Christian after a long drawn out debate (I think it lasted weeks) why he thought God created gays. He clearly wasn't ready for that one and finally said "to keep other gays company".

I have a more simple approach. The bible says homosexuality is an abomination and we shouldn't engage in it. And as Christians, we believe that marriage is an outward symbol of an inner conviction..just as baptism is. Just as we can't be forced to attend or endorse Black Mass, we should not be forced to attend or endorse homosexual marriage. They can do whatever they like and call it whatever they like..but nobody can force US to agree with them.
And the people who DO say it...THOSE are the ones that won't inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Because they are deliberately lying and defying God. And they will be dealt with very harshly. Think what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. "9Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
That's you in the mirror, kg.
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.

I think they are as likely to inherit the kingdom of heaven as any other long as they do their best to reject the sin, or at least not act on it.

I know Christ said that people who sin in thought are just as guilty as those who sin in action..and I believe that, which is why I know we're all depraved sinners. The problem we run into as Christians is when we're made to CONDONE sin. You can be, and are, a sinner all day long as you fight the sin and do not condone it. We all know alcoholics and cheaters and gamblers and greedy people who struggle with their natures and often are sucked into behavior. But they REPENT and they ask for forgiveness and they try their hardest to stop the sin.

What the homo lobby wants us to do as Christians we just can't do..because they want us to defy God and the Holy Spirit, and say "The bible is wrong and it's okay to sin if the sin is just depraved, homosexual sex...God's okay with THAT." We know it's not true, we know it's a lie, and we aren't going to say it.

And the people who DO say it...THOSE are the ones that won't inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Because they are deliberately lying and defying God. And they will be dealt with very harshly. Think what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. "9Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
I wasn't suggesting the Bible says one must achieve perfection, my point was only that the Bible has no issue with it, clearly it does. Not just that but you can't sweep it under the rug.

The homosexuals don't understand Christianity, and I've debated gay Christians long ago and even they move the goal posts where they want. The whole issue flies in the face of orthodox Bible believers because they believe God created man and woman for a reason. To be one flesh, the two together bringing different God given attributes to the table and becoming more complete, as designed.

I asked a gay Christian after a long drawn out debate (I think it lasted weeks) why he thought God created gays. He clearly wasn't ready for that one and finally said "to keep other gays company".

I have a more simple approach. The bible says homosexuality is an abomination and we shouldn't engage in it. And as Christians, we believe that marriage is an outward symbol of an inner conviction..just as baptism is. Just as we can't be forced to attend or endorse Black Mass, we should not be forced to attend or endorse homosexual marriage. They can do whatever they like and call it whatever they like..but nobody can force US to agree with them.
If you cater to every one, then you will cater to a Black Mass if contracted. Redo your business model, babe.
The LAW, the CONSTITUTION ain't the Bible.
Get over it. If you are really a Christian, which I doubt it as you do not act Christlike, you will live and let live, LOVE thy neighbor and DO NOT JUDGE.
But you mental midgets talk a mean game, you are wannahbe Christians.
Deep down you are fat, ugly, busy body, mother hen sexually frustrated and confused scared of God freaks.
Hire a good shrink and leave all the gay folk alone.
The pastor is either a moron, lying or completely clueless. He may have got a degree online if he's ordained. The only sexual relationships the bible approves of is a man and a woman in matrimony. Everything else is wrong.

Homosexuals won't inherit the kingdom of heaven (along with others). You can accept it or reject it but to say it isn't there is just foolish.

I think they are as likely to inherit the kingdom of heaven as any other long as they do their best to reject the sin, or at least not act on it.

I know Christ said that people who sin in thought are just as guilty as those who sin in action..and I believe that, which is why I know we're all depraved sinners. The problem we run into as Christians is when we're made to CONDONE sin. You can be, and are, a sinner all day long as you fight the sin and do not condone it. We all know alcoholics and cheaters and gamblers and greedy people who struggle with their natures and often are sucked into behavior. But they REPENT and they ask for forgiveness and they try their hardest to stop the sin.

What the homo lobby wants us to do as Christians we just can't do..because they want us to defy God and the Holy Spirit, and say "The bible is wrong and it's okay to sin if the sin is just depraved, homosexual sex...God's okay with THAT." We know it's not true, we know it's a lie, and we aren't going to say it.

And the people who DO say it...THOSE are the ones that won't inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Because they are deliberately lying and defying God. And they will be dealt with very harshly. Think what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. "9Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”

What has a gay person ever done to you or forced you to do?
I bet top coin you are a closeted gay. Top coin.
The LAW, the CONSTITUTION ain't the Bible.
Get over it. If you are really a Christian, which I doubt it as you do not act Christlike, you will live and let live, LOVE thy neighbor and DO NOT JUDGE.
But you mental midgets talk a mean game, you are wannahbe Christians.
Deep down you are fat, ugly, busy body, mother hen sexually frustrated and confused scared of God freaks.
Hire a good shrink and leave all the gay folk alone.
I'm not a Christian and you aren't a thinker. The reason homosexuals and public accommodation laws have been added to some governments is because it isn't a Constitutional right to be served. You are clueless about the issue, Christianity and judgement but it's funny as hell to see you go off on what you accused them of.

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