Gay love is not against the law.

Yes, they still can conceive a child. No matter what.

Not every woman can conceive a child. Do you need someone to explain that to you?

They still haven't figured out that procreation isn't the only reason people have sex.
That does seem to be a sticking point with many of them....wonder where that comes from.

Its the only way they can pretend that they are 'Nature'. Its just a random appeal to authority fallacy.

The problem is, they'd have to condemn a post menopausal woman as fervently as a gay couple if they applied their standard consistently.

And calling their Granma a sick, unnatural pervert because she knocks boots with Pop-pop is something they seem unwilling to do..
No. It is an act of consensual mutilation. An act that you celebrate.

So your gay sex equals murder/cannibalism nonsense has been completely abandoned?
You are the one telling gay men what kind of sex they should have.

I'm the one recognizing a distinction between gay sex.....a murder/cannibalism.

You're incapable of recognizing such a distinction, concluding they are the exact same thing.

A rational person could tell the difference.
You are making a moral distinction. What gives you the right to impose your morals on someone else?

Is cannibalism all right with you if it involves a straight couple?
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your gay sex equals murder/cannibalism nonsense has been completely abandoned?
You are the one telling gay men what kind of sex they should have.

I'm the one recognizing a distinction between gay sex.....a murder/cannibalism.

You're incapable of recognizing such a distinction, concluding they are the exact same thing.

A rational person could tell the difference.
You are making a moral distinction. What gives you the right to impose your morals on someone else?

Is cannibalism all right with you if it involves a straight couple?
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your polling sample is.....2.

Wow. I can see why you *used* to be a lawyer.
Hey..............if sex is facilitated by the second strongest urge we have, which is to procreate, then why does the Church ignore that and force priests to become celibate?
You are the one telling gay men what kind of sex they should have.

I'm the one recognizing a distinction between gay sex.....a murder/cannibalism.

You're incapable of recognizing such a distinction, concluding they are the exact same thing.

A rational person could tell the difference.
You are making a moral distinction. What gives you the right to impose your morals on someone else?

Is cannibalism all right with you if it involves a straight couple?
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your polling sample is.....2.

Wow. I can see why you *used* to be a lawyer.
I haven't made a polling sample. You have proven yourself a moralistic bigot who says that sexual enjoyment without procreation is acceptable then proceeds to dictate what kind of non procreating sexual enjoyment meets your moral standards.
I'm the one recognizing a distinction between gay sex.....a murder/cannibalism.

You're incapable of recognizing such a distinction, concluding they are the exact same thing.

A rational person could tell the difference.
You are making a moral distinction. What gives you the right to impose your morals on someone else?

Is cannibalism all right with you if it involves a straight couple?
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your polling sample is.....2.

Wow. I can see why you *used* to be a lawyer.
I haven't made a polling sample. You have proven yourself a moralistic bigot who says that sexual enjoyment without procreation is acceptable then proceeds to dictate what kind of non procreating sexual enjoyment meets your moral standards.

You've plucked two examples out of the air.....and then tried to claim a connection to gay people.

With 10s of millions of gay folks, a polling sample of 2 is kind of a stretch.
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.
Hey..............if sex is facilitated by the second strongest urge we have, which is to procreate, then why does the Church ignore that and force priests to become celibate?
So their loyalty and devotion is not divided.
You are making a moral distinction. What gives you the right to impose your morals on someone else?

Is cannibalism all right with you if it involves a straight couple?
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your polling sample is.....2.

Wow. I can see why you *used* to be a lawyer.
I haven't made a polling sample. You have proven yourself a moralistic bigot who says that sexual enjoyment without procreation is acceptable then proceeds to dictate what kind of non procreating sexual enjoyment meets your moral standards.

You've plucked two examples out of the air.....and then tried to claim a connection to gay people.

With 10s of millions of gay folks, a polling sample of 2 is kind of a stretch.
Ohhh. So the fact that these lovers are a minority gives you the right to tell them what kind of sex they can have.
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
Is cannibalism all right with you if it involves a straight couple?
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your polling sample is.....2.

Wow. I can see why you *used* to be a lawyer.
I haven't made a polling sample. You have proven yourself a moralistic bigot who says that sexual enjoyment without procreation is acceptable then proceeds to dictate what kind of non procreating sexual enjoyment meets your moral standards.

You've plucked two examples out of the air.....and then tried to claim a connection to gay people.

With 10s of millions of gay folks, a polling sample of 2 is kind of a stretch.
Ohhh. So the fact that these lovers are a minority gives you the right to tell them what kind of sex they can have.

Ohh.....because your polling same is 2 for 10s of millions of people and you can't rationally draw any conclusions about a 'connection to gays', you're going to avoid the point entirely and try and change the subject.

Tispy...if even you are going to toss your claims on the rhetoric midden heap like the garbage they are, surely you'll understand if we treat your claims the same way.
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Good so you go right ahead and fight for a pedophiles right to screw a kid if you want that. Again using your own comments you seem to fight for that right for pedophiles to molest children in the privacy of their home.
Same argument. What gives you the right to tell anyone what kind of sex they can have.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.
So your polling sample is.....2.

Wow. I can see why you *used* to be a lawyer.
I haven't made a polling sample. You have proven yourself a moralistic bigot who says that sexual enjoyment without procreation is acceptable then proceeds to dictate what kind of non procreating sexual enjoyment meets your moral standards.

You've plucked two examples out of the air.....and then tried to claim a connection to gay people.

With 10s of millions of gay folks, a polling sample of 2 is kind of a stretch.
Ohhh. So the fact that these lovers are a minority gives you the right to tell them what kind of sex they can have.

Ohh.....because your polling same is 2 for 10s of millions of people and you can't rationally draw any conclusions about a 'connection to gays', you're going to avoid the point entirely and try and change the subject.

Tispy...if even you are going to toss your claims on the rhetoric midden heap like the garbage they are, surely you'll understand if we treat your claims the same way.
You are a moralistic old busy body deciding for others what kind of sex you think they should have. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? What's next breaking down the doors of men sodomizing one another?
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Good so you go right ahead and fight for a pedophiles right to screw a kid if you want that. Again using your own comments you seem to fight for that right for pedophiles to molest children in the privacy of their home.
As you have pointed out, children at whatever arbitrary age they are children, cannot consent. We are discussing the desires of two consenting adults.

Do you agree that consenting adults should be able to have whatever kind of sex they want to have?
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Oh, obviously. That's why you alleged a connection to gays. Because the issue is not being gay.

A polling sample of 2 out of 10s of millions doesn't establish any such 'connection'.

And the privacy to kill someone and eat them? This is what you're directly equating to consensual sex between adults?
Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Oh, obviously. That's why you alleged a connection to gays. Because the issue is not being gay.

A polling sample of 2 out of 10s of millions doesn't establish any such 'connection'.

And the privacy to kill someone and eat them? This is what you're directly equating to consensual sex between adults?
Are you denying the relationship was consensual? Are you telling these men that the relationship was not sexual? Did they have sex in public? Do you object just because it's icky?

You made a moral judgment.
Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Oh, obviously. That's why you alleged a connection to gays. Because the issue is not being gay.

A polling sample of 2 out of 10s of millions doesn't establish any such 'connection'.

And the privacy to kill someone and eat them? This is what you're directly equating to consensual sex between adults?
Are you denying the relationship was consensual? Are you telling these men that the relationship was not sexual? Did they have sex in public? Do you object just because it's icky?

You made a moral judgment.

Are you denying that one man KILLED another and ate him?

Again, a rational person can tell the difference between consensual sex between adults.....and murder/cannibalism.

That you can't tells us volumes.

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