Gay love is not against the law.

Are you denying that people request to be killed and are killed? This was an act between consenting adults. You can't accept your own bigotry.
Are you denying that people request to be killed and are killed? This was an act between consenting adults. You can't accept your own bigotry.

Are you claiming that this murder qualifies as an 'assisted suicide' under German law?

If so, show us.

Again, Tipsy......consensual sex between adults isn't murder/cannibalism. On this simple fact your argument broke from the OP.
Are you denying that people request to be killed and are killed? This was an act between consenting adults. You can't accept your own bigotry.

Are you claiming that this murder qualifies as an 'assisted suicide' under German law?

If so, show us.

Again, Tipsy......consensual sex between adults isn't murder/cannibalism. On this simple fact your argument broke from the OP.
The only reason why you won't accept that murder/cannibalism isn't consensual sex between adults is your own moral judgment. It is the same kind of moral judgment that someone else uses to say that anal sex is not acceptable sex even if the parties consent. You use your morality to vitiate the consent given just as others do. You are just the same as any other anti gay hater.
Are you denying that people request to be killed and are killed? This was an act between consenting adults. You can't accept your own bigotry.

Are you claiming that this murder qualifies as an 'assisted suicide' under German law?

If so, show us.

Again, Tipsy......consensual sex between adults isn't murder/cannibalism. On this simple fact your argument broke from the OP.
The only reason why you won't accept that murder/cannibalism isn't consensual sex between adults is your own moral judgment. It is the same kind of moral judgment that someone else uses to say that anal sex is not acceptable sex even if the parties consent. You use your morality to vitiate the consent given just as others do. You are just the same as any other anti gay hater.

More accurately, I don't accept that consensual sex between adults is the same thing as murder/cannibalism is because its not the same thing.

You're doubling down on a false equivalency fallacy. And it destroyed your argument from the very first post.
Yes, they still can conceive a child. No matter what.

Not every woman can conceive a child. Do you need someone to explain that to you?

They still haven't figured out that procreation isn't the only reason people have sex.

Why do people have sex? Because its enjoyable. Why is it enjoyable? Because nature designed it to be so, so that preservation of the species would go on.

And yet people masterbate, for no procreative purpose. They have oral sex, for non procreative purpose. They have sex after menopause, for no procreative purpose.They satisfy sexual urges for no procreative purpose.

And you're cool with all of that.

But if a lesbian satisfies sexual urges for no procreative purpose.....suddenly there's a problem?

Laughing...I don't think 'logic' means what you think it means. As your argument is a train wreck of irrational, arbitrary, illogical self contradiction.
Actually, everything you mentioned is a product of reproductive sex. Gay sex is not.

Its perfectly logical.

Not at all. A woman is built with sexual urges, even if her body will not produce a baby, those urges don't go away whether she can conceive or not.

Then why would a lesbian woman be any different?

Your argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
The urge a woman feels for another woman cannot be natural since it means the end of a biological line.

And that makes all the sense in the world.

No. It is an act of consensual mutilation. An act that you celebrate.

So your gay sex equals murder/cannibalism nonsense has been completely abandoned?
You are the one telling gay men what kind of sex they should have.

I'm the one recognizing a distinction between gay sex.....a murder/cannibalism.

You're incapable of recognizing such a distinction, concluding they are the exact same thing.

A rational person could tell the difference.
You are making a moral distinction. What gives you the right to impose your morals on someone else?

I'm making a factual distinction. Consensual sex between adults *isn't* the same thing as murder/cannibalism.

To you, they are. To rational people, they aren't.
It was consensual sex.

Now what?

Are you denying that people request to be killed and are killed? This was an act between consenting adults. You can't accept your own bigotry.

Are you claiming that this murder qualifies as an 'assisted suicide' under German law?

If so, show us.

Again, Tipsy......consensual sex between adults isn't murder/cannibalism. On this simple fact your argument broke from the OP.
The only reason why you won't accept that murder/cannibalism isn't consensual sex between adults is your own moral judgment. It is the same kind of moral judgment that someone else uses to say that anal sex is not acceptable sex even if the parties consent. You use your morality to vitiate the consent given just as others do. You are just the same as any other anti gay hater.
And with that, you win the thread.

Yes, they still can conceive a child. No matter what.

Not every woman can conceive a child. Do you need someone to explain that to you?

They still haven't figured out that procreation isn't the only reason people have sex.

Why do people have sex? Because its enjoyable. Why is it enjoyable? Because nature designed it to be so, so that preservation of the species would go on.

And yet people masterbate, for no procreative purpose. They have oral sex, for non procreative purpose. They have sex after menopause, for no procreative purpose.They satisfy sexual urges for no procreative purpose.

And you're cool with all of that.

But if a lesbian satisfies sexual urges for no procreative purpose.....suddenly there's a problem?

Laughing...I don't think 'logic' means what you think it means. As your argument is a train wreck of irrational, arbitrary, illogical self contradiction.
Actually, everything you mentioned is a product of reproductive sex. Gay sex is not.

Its perfectly logical.

Gay sex is whatever they say it is. If two gays agree on murder /cannibalism being gay sex, that's what it is. Skylar can't dictate to anyone what kind of sex they should have. All she can do is say its icky sex and she wouldn't do it.
Yes, they still can conceive a child. No matter what.

Not every woman can conceive a child. Do you need someone to explain that to you?

They still haven't figured out that procreation isn't the only reason people have sex.
That does seem to be a sticking point with many of them....wonder where that comes from.

Its the only way they can pretend that they are 'Nature'. Its just a random appeal to authority fallacy.

The problem is, they'd have to condemn a post menopausal woman as fervently as a gay couple if they applied their standard consistently.

And calling their Granma a sick, unnatural pervert because she knocks boots with Pop-pop is something they seem unwilling to do..
Actually, this was explained to you. That you are unwilling to concede the difference is your problem alone.

Hey..............if sex is facilitated by the second strongest urge we have, which is to procreate, then why does the Church ignore that and force priests to become celibate?
I guess that is for the church to decide.

Nature isn't the church.

Cannibalism seems to have more of a connection to gays. This German guy, Luke Mangotta, Jeffrey Dahmer. Gay and cannibalism are developing quite a relationship.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Good so you go right ahead and fight for a pedophiles right to screw a kid if you want that. Again using your own comments you seem to fight for that right for pedophiles to molest children in the privacy of their home.
She not fighting for it. She is simply pointing out that you are a bigot because you do not fight for it.

Is that clear enough for you?

I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Oh, obviously. That's why you alleged a connection to gays. Because the issue is not being gay.

A polling sample of 2 out of 10s of millions doesn't establish any such 'connection'.

And the privacy to kill someone and eat them? This is what you're directly equating to consensual sex between adults?
Are you denying the relationship was consensual? Are you telling these men that the relationship was not sexual? Did they have sex in public? Do you object just because it's icky?

You made a moral judgment.

Are you denying that one man KILLED another and ate him?

Again, a rational person can tell the difference between consensual sex between adults.....and murder/cannibalism.

That you can't tells us volumes.
Rational people also understand that it is impossible for two men to have sex.

So what?

Are you denying that people request to be killed and are killed? This was an act between consenting adults. You can't accept your own bigotry.

Are you claiming that this murder qualifies as an 'assisted suicide' under German law?

If so, show us.

Again, Tipsy......consensual sex between adults isn't murder/cannibalism. On this simple fact your argument broke from the OP.
The only reason why you won't accept that murder/cannibalism isn't consensual sex between adults is your own moral judgment. It is the same kind of moral judgment that someone else uses to say that anal sex is not acceptable sex even if the parties consent. You use your morality to vitiate the consent given just as others do. You are just the same as any other anti gay hater. win again.

Please show us, other than THIS gay couple, where cannibalism is connected with gay people.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Good so you go right ahead and fight for a pedophiles right to screw a kid if you want that. Again using your own comments you seem to fight for that right for pedophiles to molest children in the privacy of their home.
She not fighting for it. She is simply pointing out that you are a bigot because you do not fight for it.

Is that clear enough for you?

And you can throw around the word bigot all you want, it doesn't affect me as I already have said I am bigoted against pedophiles. It is telling however, that you support pedophiles screwing kids. Or are you going to backpeddle and finally admit you don't support that?
So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Oh, obviously. That's why you alleged a connection to gays. Because the issue is not being gay.

A polling sample of 2 out of 10s of millions doesn't establish any such 'connection'.

And the privacy to kill someone and eat them? This is what you're directly equating to consensual sex between adults?
Are you denying the relationship was consensual? Are you telling these men that the relationship was not sexual? Did they have sex in public? Do you object just because it's icky?

You made a moral judgment.

Are you denying that one man KILLED another and ate him?

Again, a rational person can tell the difference between consensual sex between adults.....and murder/cannibalism.

That you can't tells us volumes.
Rational people also understand that it is impossible for two men to have sex.

So what?

They lost. We wiped the floor with them.
I did, with Luke Mangotta and Jeffrey Dahmer both gay cannibals. The difference is, their victims weren't willing. In this case not only was the victim willing, but he sought out someone willing to satisfy his desires.

So you list two people within a span from 1991 to 2016 and you claim THAT means there is a connection to gays? You do realize there are many people laughing at your comment now right?

Two people in a span of 25 years apart does not make a connection to gays. PERIOD.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Good so you go right ahead and fight for a pedophiles right to screw a kid if you want that. Again using your own comments you seem to fight for that right for pedophiles to molest children in the privacy of their home.
She not fighting for it. She is simply pointing out that you are a bigot because you do not fight for it.

Is that clear enough for you?

And you can throw around the word bigot all you want, it doesn't affect me as I already have said I am bigoted against pedophiles. It is telling however, that you support pedophiles screwing kids. Or are you going to backpeddle and finally admit you don't support that?

Can you link me to where I said I supported it?

I am all ears.

BTW, what is a pedophile? Is it a twenty year old having sex with a 17 year old?

These two men engaged in a consensual sex act. Who is anyone to invade their bedroom and say what they did was wrong?

German cannibal who killed and ate his gay lover says what it was like
Cannibalism is just an orientation.


And you support pedophiles screwing kids right? I mean you wouldn't want to be a bigot afterall.
It doesn't matter how many there are. The issue is not being gay. The issue is privacy and the freedom to decide what kind of sexual satisfaction an individual wishes to have.

Oh, obviously. That's why you alleged a connection to gays. Because the issue is not being gay.

A polling sample of 2 out of 10s of millions doesn't establish any such 'connection'.

And the privacy to kill someone and eat them? This is what you're directly equating to consensual sex between adults?
Are you denying the relationship was consensual? Are you telling these men that the relationship was not sexual? Did they have sex in public? Do you object just because it's icky?

You made a moral judgment.

Are you denying that one man KILLED another and ate him?

Again, a rational person can tell the difference between consensual sex between adults.....and murder/cannibalism.

That you can't tells us volumes.
Rational people also understand that it is impossible for two men to have sex.

So what?

They lost. We wiped the floor with them.

Nope, not at all. You have only shown you support pedophiles screwing children because you think the government shouldn't go into the bedroom.

You are pretty much the pigeon playing chess, you speak a lot, shit on the board, and then claim you won.

The simple fact is you are wrong and have been proven wrong. Cannibalism and assisted suicide are not related AT ALL to sexual activities.

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