Gay Marriage Ads Took Pounds of Flesh From Trump: 1st Time His Lead Shrank Almost By Half

I support Trump...but his disapproval of a man screwing another man in the ass as consummation of the Holy Sacrament of Marriage is a bit distressing........yo.
I support Trump...but his disapproval of a man screwing another man in the ass as consummation of the Holy Sacrament of Marriage is a bit distressing........yo.
Actually...Trump said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were "beautiful". And Trump says the issue of motherless/fatherless marriages for life for the children involved (gay marriage) is a "dead" legal issue.

So much for his spine to fight for what children used to enjoy contractual rights to: (traditional marriage mom/dad)...
I support Trump...but his disapproval of a man screwing another man in the ass as consummation of the Holy Sacrament of Marriage is a bit distressing........yo.
Actually...Trump said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were "beautiful". ..

Not surprising- after all Trump loved all of his 4 of his weddings too.
Thanks for making my point. Trump is not a traditional marriage proponent.
I support Trump...but his disapproval of a man screwing another man in the ass as consummation of the Holy Sacrament of Marriage is a bit distressing........yo.
Actually...Trump said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were "beautiful". ..

Not surprising- after all Trump loved all of his 4 of his weddings too.
Thanks for making my point. Trump is not a traditional marriage proponent.

Of course not- Trump is about Trump- if marrying a man would make him money and get him elected he wouldn't hesitate.

Instead Trump instead marries white models from other countries- a formula that works for him.
I support Trump...but his disapproval of a man screwing another man in the ass as consummation of the Holy Sacrament of Marriage is a bit distressing........yo.
Actually...Trump said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were "beautiful". ..

Not surprising- after all Trump loved all of his 4 of his weddings too.
Thanks for making my point. Trump is not a traditional marriage proponent.

Of course not- Trump is about Trump- if marrying a man would make him money and get him elected he wouldn't hesitate.

Instead Trump instead marries white models from other countries- a formula that works for him.

Finally we agree on something. And they said it could never happen..
I'm surprised you say you agree with me
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. Where in that video did Trump say his numbers decreased b/c of gay marriage? When these people reach the same conclusion that this video in no way proves your assertion you'll just spam it again claim it does regardless. Round and round we go...

From the interview the day after the South Carolina primaries on Fox News. At :44-1:12 Trump discusses how "tough" "very tough" the gay-marriage/transgender bathroom robo calls were at the last minute in SC. At 2:38-2:53 Trump says, in stark contrast with all of his other consistent boasting "we're winning!...on top of the world!" to date, instead,... "I'm fighting for my life" in the his telltale demeanor throughout the interview is devoid of the Trump bravado and filled instead with an exceedingly rare Trump humility and sheepishness. The man is wearing black and appears even to be grieving throughout.

Those calls took a soaring boasting blowhard down 10 notches. The first time an issue ever stuck to Donald Trump.. His supporters, across the board, are angry at the GOP precisely because they see their conservative leadership being tacitly accepting of the one issue that nauseates them at their bone marrow.
Here are the actual ads, buried a few pages back:

& Robo-call last minute ad:

The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America. " Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights
You Libtards should stop trying to make any point about Trump. After electing your Magic Neeeeeeegro twice, you have no standing to offer any critique of any candidate for the next hundred years.
You Libtards should stop trying to make any point about Trump. After electing your Magic Neeeeeeegro twice, you have no standing to offer any critique of any candidate for the next hundred years.
Only a far left liberal would want Trump to divide and conquer the GOP vote so that one of their candidates can win. Also, the far left has not been all that sly about trumping up racial divisions to harvest votes this year. So your use of the word "Neeeeeeeegro" is something a far left mole would insert as "a conservative viewpoint". Yet, of the two parties, which has a black candidate showing up at the primaries and debates?

Meanwhile "Log cabin republicans" are eroding the glue of the GOP from within...urging "gay marriage is have to reach across the aisle with your principles.."... the net effect of which is shocking the actual conservatives from the mindless ones following the herd around with blinders on.. (Trump phenomenon).. Divide and conquer, oldest trick in the book. the facts fly in the face of that false statistic. Read the polls in the link of this OP: A Cruzio Crunch...Can the Combo Thump Trump? "Bone Marrow" vs Technical Issues.. ...running 80-90+% de facto against gay marriage and what it really represents...
You Libtards should stop trying to make any point about Trump. After electing your Magic Neeeeeeegro twice, you have no standing to offer any critique of any candidate for the next hundred years.
Only a far left liberal would want Trump to divide and conquer the GOP vote so that one of their candidates can win....

Actually that is exactly what most voters of either party hope for.

It wasn't just the far right Conservatives who cheered on Ralph Nader when he ran for President- it the entire GOP.
Ah, one-line spamming again eh Syriusly? I'll just repost the ads and my points. You know I will..

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