Gay Marriage Ads Took Pounds of Flesh From Trump: 1st Time His Lead Shrank Almost By Half

Single parent homes have the hope of a mother and father. Gay marriage homes eradicate that hope forever. Marriage is a contract that doesn't involve singles. And the contractual terms which children enjoyed for over a thousand years were changed to their immediate demise; for life...

Except that none of that is true either. Denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents. Which hurts children by the 10s of thousands and helps no child.

Making your proposal worse than useless. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't remedy any of the 'problems' you cite. While your proposal does cause serious harm to children. Which the courts go into elaborate detail describing:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses.And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

All these harms but no benefits? Why would we ever do this? Obviously, we wouldn't.

Worse for you, the Supreme Court already found that the right to marry has nothing to do with kids:

Obergefell v. Hodges said:
This does not mean that the right to marry is less meaningful for those who do not or cannot have children. Precedent protects the right of a married couple not to procreate, so the right to marry cannot be conditioned on the capacity or commitment to procreate.

Just destroying your entire argument. Your 'argument' has been reduced to ignoring the explicit findings of the Supreme Court and making up your own.

That's not a legal argument.

...and...worst of all...they had NO SAY in the Hearing to change the contractual terms. They had no representation there for their stake in their unique enjoyment of the marriage contract at Obergefell..

Show us any Supreme Court hearing where 'all children' have had a 'representative'.

Its never happened. Your 'requirement' is just another piece of pseudo-legal gibberish that has no relevance to our law or the outcome of any case.
That's nice Skylar. But what does any of that have to do with the sudden gouge Trump took in the polls just after the "Trump is soft on gay marriage/transgender" ads were run in SC? You know, the first gouge that ever landed purchase on Trump's hide?... The polls said his lead shrank from 15 to 5 points. He only rebounded back to a 10 point lead because absentee ballots had been cast already before the ads went out.

If this keeps up Trump will be harmed so much- he will end up with the GOP nomination.
Single parent homes have the hope of a mother and father. Gay marriage homes eradicate that hope forever. Marriage is a contract that doesn't involve singles. And the contractual terms which children enjoyed for over a thousand years were changed to their immediate demise; for life...

Except that none of that is true either. Denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents. Which hurts children by the 10s of thousands and helps no child.

Making your proposal worse than useless. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't remedy any of the 'problems' you cite. While your proposal does cause serious harm to children. Which the courts go into elaborate detail describing:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses.And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

All these harms but no benefits? Why would we ever do this? Obviously, we wouldn't.

Worse for you, the Supreme Court already found that the right to marry has nothing to do with kids:

Obergefell v. Hodges said:
This does not mean that the right to marry is less meaningful for those who do not or cannot have children. Precedent protects the right of a married couple not to procreate, so the right to marry cannot be conditioned on the capacity or commitment to procreate.

Just destroying your entire argument. Your 'argument' has been reduced to ignoring the explicit findings of the Supreme Court and making up your own.

That's not a legal argument.

...and...worst of all...they had NO SAY in the Hearing to change the contractual terms. They had no representation there for their stake in their unique enjoyment of the marriage contract at Obergefell..

Show us any Supreme Court hearing where 'all children' have had a 'representative'.

Its never happened. Your 'requirement' is just another piece of pseudo-legal gibberish that has no relevance to our law or the outcome of any case.
That's nice Skylar. But what does any of that have to do with the sudden gouge Trump took in the polls just after the "Trump is soft on gay marriage/transgender" ads were run in SC?

You mean the primary he won handly by 10 points, scooping up every delegate? With Trumps average polling being 13 points and him winning by 10?

Remember,'re compulsively obsessed with same sex marriage. You've started 49 threads on the topic. You've created an entire website on the topic, pleading for donations. You've created your own message board where only you are a member and made 29 more threads on same sex marriage where you talk to yourself.

The general electorate doesn't share your singular compulsion.

And of course your abandoning all of your pseudo-legal nonsense about children having 'no say in hearings' and the 'marriage contract' didn't go unnoticed.

You simply have no idea how the law works. Making your nonsense chatter on the topic less than useful. Which might explain why you abandoned it so utterly.
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Nobody gives a shit about these sexual perverts - including Trump.
well, to be fair, he said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were in his words "beautiful". So..I think he gives a shit.

I've seen an ad in Oklahoma...leveling the accusation that Trump identifies as a democrat. Folks, you're going to have to do better than that. Speaking of nobody giving a shit...Trumpsters aren't loyal to party labels. So accusing Trump of being a democrat is like accusing him of not having his tie straight one day. Esoteric issues like tax rates and healthcare? Really? .. Someone is sabotaging the GOP ad campaigns from within. That's the only conclusion I can come to with the advice to run these types of milktoast "attacks"...

Long story short KNOW YOUR TRUMPSTERS! Visceral issues only, or no game, no bite, no purchase..
Nobody gives a shit about these sexual perverts - including Trump.
well, to be fair, he said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were in his words "beautiful". So..I think he gives a shit.

I've seen an ad in Oklahoma...leveling the accusation that Trump identifies as a democrat. Folks, you're going to have to do better than that. Speaking of nobody giving a shit...Trumpsters aren't loyal to party labels. So accusing Trump of being a democrat is like accusing him of not having his tie straight one day. Esoteric issues like tax rates and healthcare? Really? .. Someone is sabotaging the GOP ad campaigns from within. That's the only conclusion I can come to with the advice to run these types of milktoast "attacks"...

Long story short KNOW YOUR TRUMPSTERS! Visceral issues only, or no game, no bite, no purchase..

At this rate if Trump keeps up with his 'gayness' he will be saddled with the GOP nomination......
Nobody gives a shit about these sexual perverts - including Trump.
well, to be fair, he said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were in his words "beautiful". So..I think he gives a shit.

I've seen an ad in Oklahoma...leveling the accusation that Trump identifies as a democrat. Folks, you're going to have to do better than that. Speaking of nobody giving a shit...Trumpsters aren't loyal to party labels. So accusing Trump of being a democrat is like accusing him of not having his tie straight one day. Esoteric issues like tax rates and healthcare? Really? .. Someone is sabotaging the GOP ad campaigns from within. That's the only conclusion I can come to with the advice to run these types of milktoast "attacks"...

Long story short KNOW YOUR TRUMPSTERS! Visceral issues only, or no game, no bite, no purchase..
Doesn't matter
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..]

And marriage is beautiful- to those of us who are not bigots.

Trump's supporters don't care about 'gay marriage', don't care that Trump is a philanderer, don't care that he is not really a Conservative.

That you think that they do is hilarious.
Nobody gives a shit about these sexual perverts - including Trump.
well, to be fair, he said of the four or so gay marriages he's attended...they were in his words "beautiful". So..I think he gives a shit.

I've seen an ad in Oklahoma...leveling the accusation that Trump identifies as a democrat. Folks, you're going to have to do better than that. Speaking of nobody giving a shit...Trumpsters aren't loyal to party labels. So accusing Trump of being a democrat is like accusing him of not having his tie straight one day. Esoteric issues like tax rates and healthcare? Really? .. Someone is sabotaging the GOP ad campaigns from within. That's the only conclusion I can come to with the advice to run these types of milktoast "attacks"...

Long story short KNOW YOUR TRUMPSTERS! Visceral issues only, or no game, no bite, no purchase..

You're making the same silly mistake you always make: you're projecting your belief onto other people, assuming that they have the same obsessive compulsion about gay people that you do. You made this blunder regarding the Supreme Court, insisting that Kennedy thought just like you did. You made the same mistake with the Obergefell decision, insisting that the entire court thought like you did. And you're making the same mistake again, insisting that the electorate and trump supporters have to think just like you do.

Um, no. They don't. Sil......your obsession is yours.
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..]

And marriage is beautiful- to those of us who are not bigots.

Trump's supporters don't care about 'gay marriage', don't care that Trump is a philanderer, don't care that he is not really a Conservative.

That you think that they do is hilarious.
Unless you're a kid who wants both a mom and dad...then "gay marriage" isn't beautiful at all...

Let's test our theories on if Trump supporters are for or against gay marriage...OK? No worries, right?
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....

And you're making the same mistake again, insisting that the electorate and trump supporters have to think just like you do.

Like I said to Syriusly, care to make a bet? Let's test the two different theories on the Trumpster's "support/not support" gay marriage thing. No worries, right? :popcorn:

Edit: I don't know what it is about this friend of Trump's..the George Takai guy...but he makes my flesh crawl every time I hear him talk. There's something about his voice... *shudder*... Just a personal thing of mine. He said he went out to a long lunch with Trump while they chatted about gay marriage. I kept thinking "how could Trump keep his food down, sitting across from that guy"?
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And the GOP is still stuck with Trump. SAD, HUH?
For the democrats, with advisors nestled in the GOP ranks as "Log Cabin Republicans"...not sad at all. More like "victory!".

But for the GOP who has leaned on a Chief adviser who was a 5-time draft dodger, raised by democrats with a lesbian daughter and a stake in the gay marriage game... yep. Sad. Very sad..
"Pentagon officers threaten to quit"..

"Mass. independents virtually ordered to vote against Trump"...

"Britain refuses to acknowledge Trump"...

"Trump wants to build a border wall"...

Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

WHO is the GOP getting strategic advice from ??? Moles, that's who. NONE of those issues matter to Trumpsters. In fact, they make him more popular.

Come to think of it, gotta wonder if since the pentagon people and the Mass liberals all sort of rally around Obama at this he putting them up to this? The galvanizing to Trump under the auspices of looking like the GOP trying to pry Trumpsters away?...
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..]

And marriage is beautiful- to those of us who are not bigots.

Trump's supporters don't care about 'gay marriage', don't care that Trump is a philanderer, don't care that he is not really a Conservative.

That you think that they do is hilarious.
Unless you're a kid who wants both a mom and dad...then "gay marriage" isn't beautiful at all..

Actually the kids I have known whose parents got married were over the moon happy to attend- and be part of their marriage.

Once again you demonstrate you don't have the faintest clue about anything other than you obsessive hatred of homosexuals and your desire to harm their children.
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....

And you're making the same mistake again, insisting that the electorate and trump supporters have to think just like you do.

Edit: I don't know what it is about this friend of Trump's..the George Takai guy...but he makes my flesh crawl every time I hear him talk

Of course you know what it is- George Takai is a thoughtful, well spoken, admired gay man.

Of course he makes your 'flesh crawl'.......
Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....?

Marriage- my marriage, the marriage of my friends who are gay- is beautiful- sad you don't think marriage is beautiful- and Takai is exactly right.

Trump will say anything to get elected. His supporters don't give a damn. Your people- the people who are obsessed like you- would be voting for Cruz or Carson- but they just aren't.
And the GOP is still stuck with Trump. SAD, HUH?
For the democrats, with advisors nestled in the GOP ranks as "Log Cabin Republicans"...not sad at all. More like "victory!".

But for the GOP who has leaned on a Chief adviser who was a 5-time draft dodger, raised by democrats with a lesbian daughter and a stake in the gay marriage game... yep. Sad. Very sad..

Silhouette is like the dog- regardless of what is said or discussed all she hears(instead of Ginger) is 'gay' 'gay' 'gay'

Here's the video I found where George Takai says Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..]

And marriage is beautiful- to those of us who are not bigots.

Trump's supporters don't care about 'gay marriage', don't care that Trump is a philanderer, don't care that he is not really a Conservative.

That you think that they do is hilarious.
Unless you're a kid who wants both a mom and dad...then "gay marriage" isn't beautiful at all...

1) Kids don't vote in presidential primaries
2) Why would children of same sex couples not what their parents to be able to marry?

Your claims just make no sense.
"Pentagon officers threaten to quit"..

"Mass. independents virtually ordered to vote against Trump"...

"Britain refuses to acknowledge Trump"...

"Trump wants to build a border wall"...

Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

WHO is the GOP getting strategic advice from ??? Moles, that's who. NONE of those issues matter to Trumpsters. In fact, they make him more popular.

Come to think of it, gotta wonder if since the pentagon people and the Mass liberals all sort of rally around Obama at this he putting them up to this? The galvanizing to Trump under the auspices of looking like the GOP trying to pry Trumpsters away?...

Sigh.....another conspiracy theory, Sil? Shall we put this with 'homosexuals have infiltrated Gallup' and my personal favorites 'homosexuals made the pope resign' conspiracy?

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