Gay Marriage Ads Took Pounds of Flesh From Trump: 1st Time His Lead Shrank Almost By Half

Other then your imagination, what proof do you have that these anti-gay marriage ads had any effect on Trump's campaign? We get it already. Gay marriage is the most important thing on the face of the Earth to you but for most Americans it is not a very pressing issue.

...People tend to worry about shit that actually effects their lives. Your queer next door neighbor canning preserves with his husband doesn't. Get a life, Mrs. Kravitz.

Two gay dudes using each other's anus as an artificial vagina (closet issues anyone?) and canning jam is fine as long as they don't try to adopt kids and deprive them for life of a mother. That's when society draws the line. Don't believe me? Canvass anyone who grew up with a mother and father and ask them..
You talk so much about gay sex....way more than any gay I know.
your Magic Neeeeeeegro .

Why is it that Trump attracts all of the racists like you?
Obama the 'Magic Negro'
Hey so you were just copying someone else's racist imagery- you aren't even creative enough to create your own racist terms!

Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events and the origin of're gonna have to work harder.....yo.
your Magic Neeeeeeegro .

Why is it that Trump attracts all of the racists like you?
Obama the 'Magic Negro'
Hey so you were just copying someone else's racist imagery- you aren't even creative enough to create your own racist terms!

Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events .

Says the person citing an editorial from 2007- 9 years ago......which I guess to you is a 'current event'.
February 16, 2016
...thanks to a new poll from MSNBC's parent company, NBC, in partnership with the Wall Street Journal...That poll shows Trump in second place nationally, two points behind Ted Cruz. This is the first major poll in which Trump hasn't led the field nationally since October....NBC and the Journal also polled in January, shortly before the actual voting began. Since then, Trump has fallen 7 percentage points and Cruz has gained 8, with a margin of error of 4.9. Donald Trump trails in a national poll for the first time in four months

^^ This was polling results after this ad was uploaded to youtube February 11, 2016

Fox News today where Trump refers to the gay marriage robo calls Feb. 20, 2016. Called them ambiguously "tough calls...very tough calls".. cue :44-1:12

Transcripts of audio:

The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America. " Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights

That ad is a Hoot! Be afraid! OMIGOD! The end of our Judeo-Christian ethics! The end of America! :rofl:
your Magic Neeeeeeegro .

Why is it that Trump attracts all of the racists like you?
Obama the 'Magic Negro'
Hey so you were just copying someone else's racist imagery- you aren't even creative enough to create your own racist terms!

Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events .

Says the person citing an editorial from 2007- 9 years ago......which I guess to you is a 'current event'.
That's the time your Magic Neeeegro came on the that ancient history? You reason like a ten year old so.....
You Libtards should stop trying to make any point about Trump. After electing your Magic Neeeeeeegro twice, you have no standing to offer any critique of any candidate for the next hundred years.
Why are you using the term "Magic Neeeeeeegro" is a thread about Trump? What is the purpose?
To pretend like republicans hate negros. The left has been fanning those flames quite a while now. Are you late to the scene?

Meanwhile..while MSNBC celebrates Trump's big victory in sin city...while Fox News today looped sordid scenes of near naked crowds drinking, carousing and twerking in Nevada..(now why does the idea of Trump winning give Rachael Maddow the giggles?) the evangelical states of Super Tuesday and beyond are in the sights of other candidates.

Hey, that reminds me.., did you hear a new big controversy on gay marriage in Florida is now starting to broil? Should be reaching a crescendo right about... *checks watch*...when is that Florida primary again?.... Pastor Protection Act - Florida Regulators Gone Wild.
You don't support Trump or Cruz? Who do you support?

Like most of the Trumpsters (except I know his personality issues to be frightening as POTUS; where they do not), I support the candidate who will pressure Obergefell to be reheard with children having separate representation for their unique rights to the marriage contract. They were not allowed or were not present at the Obergefell Hearing. All parties to a proposed contract revision must have representation at that revision table.

Um, none of that is actually true. There's no such requirement. You made it up. Show us anywhere that any law or any court has found that the marriage of parents creates a minor contract for their children. Show us anywhere that any law or any court has found that children are married to their parents. Or any Supreme Court hearing where 'children' had a 'representative'.

You'll find you made all of it up. And your pseudo-legal imagination creates no requirements for anyone.
Single parent homes have the hope of a mother and father. Gay marriage homes eradicate that hope forever. Marriage is a contract that doesn't involve singles. And the contractual terms which children enjoyed for over a thousand years were changed to their immediate demise; for life...

Except that none of that is true either. Denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents. Which hurts children by the 10s of thousands and helps no child.

Making your proposal worse than useless. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't remedy any of the 'problems' you cite. While your proposal does cause serious harm to children. Which the courts go into elaborate detail describing:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses.And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

All these harms but no benefits? Why would we ever do this? Obviously, we wouldn't.

Worse for you, the Supreme Court already found that the right to marry has nothing to do with kids:

Obergefell v. Hodges said:
This does not mean that the right to marry is less meaningful for those who do not or cannot have children. Precedent protects the right of a married couple not to procreate, so the right to marry cannot be conditioned on the capacity or commitment to procreate.

Just destroying your entire argument. Your 'argument' has been reduced to ignoring the explicit findings of the Supreme Court and making up your own.

That's not a legal argument.

...and...worst of all...they had NO SAY in the Hearing to change the contractual terms. They had no representation there for their stake in their unique enjoyment of the marriage contract at Obergefell..

Show us any Supreme Court hearing where 'all children' have had a 'representative'.

Its never happened. Your 'requirement' is just another piece of pseudo-legal gibberish that has no relevance to our law or the outcome of any case.
Single parent homes have the hope of a mother and father. Gay marriage homes eradicate that hope forever. Marriage is a contract that doesn't involve singles. And the contractual terms which children enjoyed for over a thousand years were changed to their immediate demise; for life...

Except that none of that is true either. Denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents. Which hurts children by the 10s of thousands and helps no child.

Making your proposal worse than useless. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't remedy any of the 'problems' you cite. While your proposal does cause serious harm to children. Which the courts go into elaborate detail describing:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses.And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

All these harms but no benefits? Why would we ever do this? Obviously, we wouldn't.

Worse for you, the Supreme Court already found that the right to marry has nothing to do with kids:

Obergefell v. Hodges said:
This does not mean that the right to marry is less meaningful for those who do not or cannot have children. Precedent protects the right of a married couple not to procreate, so the right to marry cannot be conditioned on the capacity or commitment to procreate.

Just destroying your entire argument. Your 'argument' has been reduced to ignoring the explicit findings of the Supreme Court and making up your own.

That's not a legal argument.

...and...worst of all...they had NO SAY in the Hearing to change the contractual terms. They had no representation there for their stake in their unique enjoyment of the marriage contract at Obergefell..

Show us any Supreme Court hearing where 'all children' have had a 'representative'.

Its never happened. Your 'requirement' is just another piece of pseudo-legal gibberish that has no relevance to our law or the outcome of any case.
That's nice Skylar. But what does any of that have to do with the sudden gouge Trump took in the polls just after the "Trump is soft on gay marriage/transgender" ads were run in SC? You know, the first gouge that ever landed purchase on Trump's hide?... The polls said his lead shrank from 15 to 5 points. He only rebounded back to a 10 point lead because absentee ballots had been cast already before the ads went out.

Do you think the ads for running in Texas and all the other Super Tuesday states should come out earlier this time? :popcorn:
Why is it that Trump attracts all of the racists like you?
Obama the 'Magic Negro'
Hey so you were just copying someone else's racist imagery- you aren't even creative enough to create your own racist terms!

Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events .

Says the person citing an editorial from 2007- 9 years ago......which I guess to you is a 'current event'.
That's the time your Magic Neeeegro came on the that ancient history? You reason like a ten year old so.....
Who IS this "your Magic Neeeegro" you are referring to?
Gay marriage sure tripped up Trump in Nevada. :lol:
You don't understand what the other candidates were (or rather, were not) doing with Nevada yet, do you?... Did you catch Fox News yesterday running loops of throngs of people drinking, carousing and twerking in Las Vegas? You know, "Sin City".. Caught on yet? How would a "big winner of the support of the culture of Nevada" be received by the Super Tuesday evangelicals do you suppose? :popcorn: They were giving Trump enough rope to hang himself with. Because they learned last week which issue sticks to Trump.

They cut their losses early in Nevada, for a reason...stay tuned...

There is one issue Trump's flock does not agree with him on. And it's an issue that their disagreement isn't mild or trivial. It's a visceral issue that runs from faith to factories and right into Hillary's camp. Enjoy the battle you won yesterday (odd that a liberal would REALLY want Trump to win?). Whoop it up. Might as well enjoy life each day because you never know what tomorrow will bring..
Last edited:
Hey so you were just copying someone else's racist imagery- you aren't even creative enough to create your own racist terms!

Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events .

Says the person citing an editorial from 2007- 9 years ago......which I guess to you is a 'current event'.
That's the time your Magic Neeeegro came on the that ancient history? You reason like a ten year old so.....
Who IS this "your Magic Neeeegro" you are referring to?
Shouldn't that be "to whom you refer?
Gay marriage sure tripped up Trump in Nevada. :lol:
You don't understand what the other candidates were (or rather, were not) doing with Nevada yet, do you?... Did you catch Fox News yesterday running loops of throngs of people drinking, carousing and twerking in Las Vegas? You know, "Sin City".. Caught on yet? How would a "big winner of the support of the culture of Nevada" be received by the Super Tuesday evangelicals do you suppose? :popcorn: They were giving Trump enough rope to hang himself with. Because they learned last week which issue sticks to Trump.

They cut their losses early in Nevada, for a reason...stay tuned...

There is one issue Trump's flock does not agree with him on. And it's an issue that their disagreement isn't mild or trivial. It's a visceral issue that runs from faith to factories and right into Hillary's camp. Enjoy the battle you won yesterday (odd that a liberal would REALLY want Trump to win?). Whoop it up. Might as well enjoy life each day because you never know what tomorrow will bring..

I am sorry that gay marriage didn't have the impact you thought it would on Trump's campaign. Queers are the center of your universe but that pales in comparison to those more concerned about the economy.

Who said I wanted Trump to win? Informing you that gay marriage isn't a major factor in this election does not a Trump supporter make.
I am sorry that gay marriage didn't have the impact you thought it would on Trump's campaign...

Oh....but they did... Cue to 44-1:12 Trump discusses how "tough" "very tough" the gay-marriage/transgender bathroom robo calls were at the last minute in SC. At 2:38-2:53 Trump says, in stark contrast with all of his other consistent boasting "we're winning!...on top of the world!" to date, instead,... "I'm fighting for my life" in the his telltale demeanor throughout the interview is devoid of the Trump bravado and filled instead with an exceedingly rare Trump humility and sheepishness. The man is wearing black and appears even to be grieving throughout.

Those calls took a soaring boasting blowhard down 10 notches. The first time an issue ever stuck to Donald Trump.. His supporters, across the board, are angry at the GOP precisely because they see their conservative leadership being tacitly accepting of the one issue that nauseates them at their bone marrow.

Huge impact those ads. That one with 2,200 views was major! Trump won the evangelical vote in SC and won by 10%. These ads are clearly killing his campaign. He would have won Nevada by 30% instead of 20% if it weren't for queer marriage. lol
Why is it that Trump attracts all of the racists like you?
Obama the 'Magic Negro'
Hey so you were just copying someone else's racist imagery- you aren't even creative enough to create your own racist terms!

Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events .

Says the person citing an editorial from 2007- 9 years ago......which I guess to you is a 'current event'.
That's the time your Magic Neeeegro came on the that ancient history? You reason like a ten year old so.....

A ten year old is far beyond your reasoning capacity.

You- in support of your racist claims said: "Not really...just showing how out of touch you are with current events"- citing an article from 9 years ago.

9 years ago= current event for the man who wants to talk about "Magic Negro" in a thread about Trump.

The only thing missing is you calling President Obama 'that boy'

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