Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Republicans want Washington to be in charge of the sacred - to be the contractual gateway to the sanctity of marriage. They want a government bureaucrat to decide what forms of sex and love are permissible between two consenting, non-related adults. Get government out of the way and let God send people to hell for their choices. We don't need a nanny moral state controlling the decisions and freedom of consenting adults.

I want a minimal state, one that functions like a vending machine that hands out contracts to consenting adults so that they can be judged by God based on their free decisions. Maximize choice for adults, and let God - not Washington - be the judge.

Republican : "But I don't want them to flaunt it in front of me and my children."

Answer: They're not going to have sex in front of you; and if they do, they will be prosecuted for public indecency. They (all humans) have a right to hold hands and hug each other in public. If you're worried about your children growing up in a world where gays are not being actively prosecuted, than you need stronger children. The whole point of parenting is to raise children with sound analytical and critical faculties, so that they can evaluate and judge the world's moral content for themselves, based on their own free choice. If you're raising children that can't rise above their environment and make free choices about what they want and who they are, than you are to blame.

Republican: "But, as a citizen, if my Government allows gay marriage, than I become tacitly responsible through democratic participation for endorsing behavior which I think is evil or detrimental to society."

Answer: Stop making Washington so crucial to your religious and moral life. We don't want an all-powerful state that houses and enforces our morality. We want a minimal state that hands out boring contracts to adults as well as defending the nation against foreign enemies and protecting property at home. The sanctity of marriage comes from your free choice and your God. It has nothing to do with Washington. Stop looking to the Nanny Moral State for vindication of your marriage.

Republican: "But, are not gays looking to Washington for vindication of their marriage?"

Answer: Nope. They want the right not to be called morally inferior by the State, which denies them marriage because of a religious standard that Washington has no business enforcing. Religion and morality comes from people freely exercising their choice. The State must always remain neutral and minimalist, expanding freedom with blinders on, handing out contracts without bias, so as to maximize the religious and moral freedom of all citizens. Once the state is captured by one group who uses the centralized power of the State to deny rights to other groups, we have lost freedom.
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I think that no matter how many words you use, or how pretty you try to dress things up, anything other than full equality will clearly shine forth as 'separate but equal.'

And therefore unacceptable.

It isn't unacceptable if you consider that the church of LGBT is about behaviors and not race or gender.

Lots of behaviors are denied access or only allowed partial access to what others fully enjoy. For example, women enjoy using public bathrooms, but they are denied use of both mens and womens' bathrooms. Same with shower or locker rooms. Minors would like to drive cars, but for years they are only allowed a provisional license in most states with lots of restrictions for the first year especially.

A man demonstrating a penchant for pedophilia might be allowed to visit his children after a court hearing, but only supervised visitation while other men enjoy full company of their own children. [this one comes closest to the church of LGBT, see my signature for details].

Etc. etc. etc.

There are many examples of "separate and not fully equal" when behaviors are regulated by the majority.

Race, gender and religion are other matters and enjoy instead the full protection of the 14th. The evangelizing and blindly dogmatic cult of LGBT, complete with persecution for the non-reverent "heretics" [see: "bigots" "homophobes" "haters"] have not yet applied for federal recognition of their church so...they're still just behaviors...

I'm sorry that the church members of LGBT cannot see their issues for what they really are: behavioral. It's just that the rest of us can see it and we are in the majority. How do I know we are in the majority? Because of things like Chic Fil A, Duck Dynasty, and gay marriage being voted down TWICE in California, the most loopy fruit and nutcake state in the Union. If it can't get the popular support there, the nation does not support it in matter what any of the Church's cooked-up "polling data" lies about on national media..

Proof's in the pudding as they say.. or the basket of fried chicken...whatever...

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God was taken out of our schools, and look what has happened. Now slowly God is being taken out of marrige. I'm glad i'm saved
God was taken out of our schools, and look what has happened. Now slowly God is being taken out of marrige. I'm glad i'm saved

That's not true at all. Each May 22nd, kids in school in California have a special day set aside to worship Harvey Milk's sexual-omnipotence. There still is religion institutionalized in schools to this very day, right in California.
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive stealing was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if bulimia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if necrophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if drug addiction was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive gambling was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if domestic violence was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population. Will you accept it then?

What if insatiable greed was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if the desire to murder was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if the desire to marry more than one person, polygamy, was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if pedophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?...

...You see, behaviors are behaviors are behaviors. Teasing out *just* "LGBT" for special treatment and priveleges denies all the others their "equality". After all, if it feels born that way, who can tell you it is not?
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive stealing was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if bulimia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if necrophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if drug addiction was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive gambling was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if domestic violence was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population. Will you accept it then?

What if insatiable greed was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if the desire to murder was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if the desire to marry more than one person, polygamy, was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if pedophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?...

...You see, behaviors are behaviors are behaviors. Teasing out *just* "LGBT" for special treatment and priveleges denies all the others their "equality". After all, if it feels born that way, who can tell you it is not?
Can you answer the questions, without using more questions? What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

You answer mine and I'll answer yours. That's fair right?
God was taken out of our schools, and look what has happened. Now slowly God is being taken out of marrige. I'm glad i'm saved

Let the individual come to God out of freedom rather than a state imposed loyalty prayer.

Be more secure with Jesus. He doesn't need Washington to do His work.

God is doing fine spreading Love without the help of your sacred Moral Brownshirts.
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What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive stealing was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if bulimia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if necrophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if drug addiction was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive gambling was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if domestic violence was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population. Will you accept it then?

What if insatiable greed was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if the desire to murder was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if the desire to marry more than one person, polygamy, was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if pedophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?...

...You see, behaviors are behaviors are behaviors. Teasing out *just* "LGBT" for special treatment and priveleges denies all the others their "equality". After all, if it feels born that way, who can tell you it is not?
Can you answer the questions, without using more questions? What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

You answer mine and I'll answer yours. That's fair right?

I know you are more intellectually savvy than that. You know my questions clearly answered your question. A minority behavior does not dictate to the majority what's what. That is why we have penal and civil codes. You cannot intellectually separate your tiny little cult of LGBT from all the other behaviors that feel to the experiencee "born that way"..

And so, it's why we have separate categories for people in the cult of LGBT. Their behaviors mandate a check upon their spread. Just as the majority would act to check the spread of all the other behaviors listed above. What makes your group of behaviors so special? That you "do it" with the same gender? Really? That's your claim to "race" equality while all the others above are arbitrarily denied? What harm is it to society for example, if bulimia was legitimized? Only the person is involved in their "eating orientation" after all and it harms no one else. Is it discriminatory not to have vomit urns at restaurant tables? In the purest legal sense of your argument for LGBTs wanting to marry, we should make it mandatory to place vomit urns on restaurant tables so that that compulsive orientation doesn't have to feel shamed or "in the closet" when it runs to the bathroom to vomit after every meal.

You may think this is an absurd comparison. But it isn't from a legal perspective. Blind justice demands that we separate out compulsive behaviors from race or religion or gender so that other compulsive behaviors may not have a legal toe in the door for future "discrimination lawsuits" based upon the false premise: "born that way"..
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What if compulsive stealing was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if bulimia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if necrophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if drug addiction was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive gambling was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if domestic violence was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population. Will you accept it then?

What if insatiable greed was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if the desire to murder was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if the desire to marry more than one person, polygamy, was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if pedophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?...

...You see, behaviors are behaviors are behaviors. Teasing out *just* "LGBT" for special treatment and priveleges denies all the others their "equality". After all, if it feels born that way, who can tell you it is not?
Can you answer the questions, without using more questions? What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

You answer mine and I'll answer yours. That's fair right?

I know you are more intellectually savvy than that. You know my questions clearly answered your question. A minority behavior does not dictate to the majority what's what. That is why we have penal and civil codes. You cannot intellectually separate your tiny little cult of LGBT from all the other behaviors that feel to the experiencee "born that way"..

And so, it's why we have separate categories for people in the cult of LGBT. Their behaviors mandate a check upon their spread.

"little cult of LGBT" :lol:
And should we be able to prove, to your satisfaction, that gay is "natural", then what? Will you be okay with it then?
Is it really? I don't have a problem with the behavior other than the FORCED ACCEPTENCE aspect...and NO you can't re-arrange nature and expect normalcy.
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

Blind is natural, but only for a few, by all means they should not be prohibited from driving semi trucks.
Is it really? I don't have a problem with the behavior other than the FORCED ACCEPTENCE aspect...and NO you can't re-arrange nature and expect normalcy.
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

Blind is natural, but only for a few, by all means they should not be prohibited from driving semi trucks.
Not really the question now is it? What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?
What if compulsive stealing was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if bulimia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if necrophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if drug addiction was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if compulsive gambling was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if domestic violence was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population. Will you accept it then?

What if insatiable greed was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Would you accept it then?

What if the desire to murder was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if the desire to marry more than one person, polygamy, was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

What if pedophilia was natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?...

...You see, behaviors are behaviors are behaviors. Teasing out *just* "LGBT" for special treatment and priveleges denies all the others their "equality". After all, if it feels born that way, who can tell you it is not?
Can you answer the questions, without using more questions? What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

You answer mine and I'll answer yours. That's fair right?

I know you are more intellectually savvy than that. You know my questions clearly answered your question. A minority behavior does not dictate to the majority what's what. That is why we have penal and civil codes. You cannot intellectually separate your tiny little cult of LGBT from all the other behaviors that feel to the experiencee "born that way"..

And so, it's why we have separate categories for people in the cult of LGBT. Their behaviors mandate a check upon their spread. Just as the majority would act to check the spread of all the other behaviors listed above. What makes your group of behaviors so special? That you "do it" with the same gender? Really? That's your claim to "race" equality while all the others above are arbitrarily denied? What harm is it to society for example, if bulimia was legitimized? Only the person is involved in their "eating orientation" after all and it harms no one else. Is it discriminatory not to have vomit urns at restaurant tables? In the purest legal sense of your argument for LGBTs wanting to marry, we should make it mandatory to place vomit urns on restaurant tables so that that compulsive orientation doesn't have to feel shamed or "in the closet" when it runs to the bathroom to vomit after every meal.

You may think this is an absurd comparison. But it isn't from a legal perspective. Blind justice demands that we separate out compulsive behaviors from race or religion or gender so that other compulsive behaviors may not have a legal toe in the door for future "discrimination lawsuits" based upon the false premise: "born that way"..
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?
God was taken out of our schools, and look what has happened. Now slowly God is being taken out of marrige. I'm glad i'm saved

Let the individual come to God out of freedom rather than a state imposed loyalty prayer.

Be more secure with Jesus. He doesn't need Washington to do His work.

God is doing fine spreading Love without the help of your sacred Moral Brownshirts.

When God gets tired of the Godless lifestyles, he will come get his children and leave non believers to live in the cesspool you created. Like sodom, and remember what happened there?
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

no....because it is abnormal for the rest of the population......because it is not 'natural' for children to have 2 mothers or 2 fathers....marriage is the basis for the family unit which is the basic foundation of society....the family unit is naturally composed of a mother, a father, and a child....
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

no....because it is abnormal for the rest of the population......because it is not 'natural' for children to have 2 mothers or 2 fathers....marriage is the basis for the family unit which is the basic foundation of society....the family unit is naturally composed of a mother, a father, and a child....
Correct. These people wish to redefine the natural order...and force everyone to accept doesn't work, NEVER will.
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

no....because it is abnormal for the rest of the population......because it is not 'natural' for children to have 2 mothers or 2 fathers....marriage is the basis for the family unit which is the basic foundation of society....the family unit is naturally composed of a mother, a father, and a child....
Correct. These people wish to redefine the natural order...and force everyone to accept doesn't work, NEVER will.
But what if it is part of the "natural" order? Will you accept it then?
What if gay is natural, but it's just natural for a minority of the population? Will you accept it then?

no....because it is abnormal for the rest of the population......because it is not 'natural' for children to have 2 mothers or 2 fathers....marriage is the basis for the family unit which is the basic foundation of society....the family unit is naturally composed of a mother, a father, and a child....

Send a gay couple to the moon and civilization ends there, send a man and woman to the moon, and a whole new civilization starts. Liberals still think homosexuality is natural. Sheesh

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