Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

Why do you think it wouldn't be? Let's say that it's entirely a choice, and I lived 1,000 years ago when gay people were tortured, killed, burned at the stake. We know that such things happened. Now, knowing that, would I really choose such a thing? Did I just want to give my society the finger? If it's a choice, why wouldn't I choose the one that wouldn't get me killed by the authorities if they found out?

You don't believe that masochists exist?
Sure, but very few would ever want to be burned at the stake. So, are you suggesting that all of these people, down through the ages, all chose to be gay because they liked pain?

Their choice, I won't question it. But if they choose that path, and you call it natural and I disagree, it is not I with the problem
Why do you think it wouldn't be? Let's say that it's entirely a choice, and I lived 1,000 years ago when gay people were tortured, killed, burned at the stake. We know that such things happened. Now, knowing that, would I really choose such a thing? Did I just want to give my society the finger? If it's a choice, why wouldn't I choose the one that wouldn't get me killed by the authorities if they found out?

No one is advocating burning gay people at the stake, nimrod.
Oh I don't know that I'd say that but it's been down. The question is, if it's a choice, why would I risk it?

Why did Christians risk being fed to the lions?
No neither, but then again, the children are Always created between a male and a female. It can happen in no other coupling.

Get it?
So step-parents and adopted children are "natural"?

Did you know that we can make a child that has three biological parents? That if you want only a girl we should soon be able to make one from two women, no male genetics at all? If I make a baby in a lab, we do that, is it natural?

Name the child conceived by the contribution of only males. No matter how many males. 1000000000 males, by themselves cannot create a child.

Keep trying, it is amusing
Still need an answer here. You're an honest person right?
I said nothing of living arrangements for children. I'm speaking only of Sexual Orientation. I'm assuming that you accept red hair, left handedness, green eyes, etc., all of which are "natural" to only a small percentage of the population. Do you reject those, just because the numbers are small?

Are step-families "unnatural"? Are "adopted children" unnatural?

No neither, but then again, the children are Always created between a male and a female. It can happen in no other coupling.

Get it?
So step-parents and adopted children are "natural"?

Did you know that we can make a child that has three biological parents? That if you want only a girl we should soon be able to make one from two women, no male genetics at all? If I make a baby in a lab, we do that, is it natural?

When children are commonly grown in test tubes, then we can do away with the institution of marriage. Until that time, marriage is fundamental to the propagation of the species.
So step-parents and adopted children are "natural"?

Did you know that we can make a child that has three biological parents? That if you want only a girl we should soon be able to make one from two women, no male genetics at all? If I make a baby in a lab, we do that, is it natural?

Name the child conceived by the contribution of only males. No matter how many males. 1000000000 males, by themselves cannot create a child.

Keep trying, it is amusing
Still need an answer here. You're an honest person right?

Answered time and time again. Soon be able? Lol.
No one is advocating burning gay people at the stake, nimrod.
Oh I don't know that I'd say that but it's been down. The question is, if it's a choice, why would I risk it?

Why did Christians risk being fed to the lions?
Well they must have felt something profound wouldn't you say, something they just couldn't ignore even though it put their very lives in grave danger? And they would have known that but done it anyway. Maybe something willed them to be that way?
No neither, but then again, the children are Always created between a male and a female. It can happen in no other coupling.

Get it?
So step-parents and adopted children are "natural"?

Did you know that we can make a child that has three biological parents? That if you want only a girl we should soon be able to make one from two women, no male genetics at all? If I make a baby in a lab, we do that, is it natural?

When children are commonly grown in test tubes, then we can do away with the institution of marriage. Until that time, marriage is fundamental to the propagation of the species.
Millions of married people have no children, never had any children. Should they not be "married" unless they plan to have children? How long should we give them to make one if that's true?
Oh I don't know that I'd say that but it's been down. The question is, if it's a choice, why would I risk it?

Why did Christians risk being fed to the lions?
Well they must have felt something profound wouldn't you say, something they just couldn't ignore even though it put their very lives in grave danger? And they would have known that but done it anyway. Maybe something willed them to be that way?

You speculate all you like. The fact remains that people will risk death to engage in certain behaviors.
Why did Christians risk being fed to the lions?
Well they must have felt something profound wouldn't you say, something they just couldn't ignore even though it put their very lives in grave danger? And they would have known that but done it anyway. Maybe something willed them to be that way?

You speculate all you like. The fact remains that people will risk death to engage in certain behaviors.
And whine when it catches up to them and ACT like the world owes them something.
Why did Christians risk being fed to the lions?
Well they must have felt something profound wouldn't you say, something they just couldn't ignore even though it put their very lives in grave danger? And they would have known that but done it anyway. Maybe something willed them to be that way?

You speculate all you like. The fact remains that people will risk death to engage in certain behaviors.
Let's say that you really wanted to have sex with a dog, but you knew we'd burn you at the stake if we caught you, you'd actually seen it happen before, would you still do it? Wouldn't you say to yourself, man I want to but if I get caught I'm dead, it's just not worth it? Now I'm sure a few would, but 1, or 2, or 3 out of a 100, year after year, age after age? That would be crazy wouldn't it?
Well they must have felt something profound wouldn't you say, something they just couldn't ignore even though it put their very lives in grave danger? And they would have known that but done it anyway. Maybe something willed them to be that way?

You speculate all you like. The fact remains that people will risk death to engage in certain behaviors.
And whine when it catches up to them and ACT like the world owes them something.
How would you feel if I said the world owes you nothing, nothing at all, not even life itself?

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