Gay Marriage is a Lie: Honest or Disagree?

So step-parents and adopted children are "natural"?

Did you know that we can make a child that has three biological parents? That if you want only a girl we should soon be able to make one from two women, no male genetics at all? If I make a baby in a lab, we do that, is it natural?

When children are commonly grown in test tubes, then we can do away with the institution of marriage. Until that time, marriage is fundamental to the propagation of the species.
Millions of married people have no children, never had any children. Should they not be "married" unless they plan to have children? How long should we give them to make one if that's true?

There is nothing unique about the union of same sex. The unique aspect on a union only exists between males and females.

As far as the ability of a couple to have a child:

Some are too old. We do not discriminate due to old age
Some male/female couples cannot. We do not discriminate based on disability
Some male/female couples do not want to have children. Roe v Wade prohibits us from getting involved in their procreation

Male/male couples cannot procreate

Female/female couples cannot procreate

You fail to see this? How?
What do you think?
Gay marriage is allowing two gay adults the same equality before the law that my wife and I had, when we paid $25 for a License from the State, a Marriage License, that changed our lives forever and so far, until death.

a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

As long as any straight couple who gets joined in a civil ceremony is said to have had a civil union, I have no problem with it.

But there are religions, recognized by the gov't, that have no problem with gays being married. Why can't they be married in that faith?
When children are commonly grown in test tubes, then we can do away with the institution of marriage. Until that time, marriage is fundamental to the propagation of the species.
Millions of married people have no children, never had any children. Should they not be "married" unless they plan to have children? How long should we give them to make one if that's true?

There is nothing unique about the union of same sex. The unique aspect on a union only exists between males and females.

As far as the ability of a couple to have a child:

Some are too old. We do not discriminate due to old age
Some male/female couples cannot. We do not discriminate based on disability
Some male/female couples do not want to have children. Roe v Wade prohibits us from getting involved in their procreation

Male/male couples cannot procreate

Female/female couples cannot procreate

You fail to see this? How?
I don't fail to see it. He said Marriage was for making babies? Do you agree? Based on the above I think you wouldn't agree.
Gay marriage is allowing two gay adults the same equality before the law that my wife and I had, when we paid $25 for a License from the State, a Marriage License, that changed our lives forever and so far, until death.

a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

As long as any straight couple who gets joined in a civil ceremony is said to have had a civil union, I have no problem with it.

But there are religions, recognized by the gov't, that have no problem with gays being married. Why can't they be married in that faith?

That church could sanctify their union, but their union is not a marriage.

What is so critical to you gays about the word "marriage" ? I know the answer, just want to hear one of you honestly admit it.
gay marriage is an oxymoron.
What if I told you only the genetics of a couple, and they are both XY, and I also told you that you would approve of them being married?

can two XY's produce a child? Can Rosie O'Donnel and her "wife" produce a child?

can a woman with XY chromosomes conceive? Be careful with your answer
A woman with XY? Interesting. Hmmmmm. Okay, who should she marry, an XX or XY?

Is "she" male or female?
Millions of married people have no children, never had any children. Should they not be "married" unless they plan to have children? How long should we give them to make one if that's true?

There is nothing unique about the union of same sex. The unique aspect on a union only exists between males and females.

As far as the ability of a couple to have a child:

Some are too old. We do not discriminate due to old age
Some male/female couples cannot. We do not discriminate based on disability
Some male/female couples do not want to have children. Roe v Wade prohibits us from getting involved in their procreation

Male/male couples cannot procreate

Female/female couples cannot procreate

You fail to see this? How?
I don't fail to see it. He said Marriage was for making babies? Do you agree? Based on the above I think you wouldn't agree.

I would restate it---------The purpose of marriage is to provide a sound foundation with a father and mother for the reproduction of the species.

Other than for tax and inheritence purposes, without children there is no need for being married. Since gays cannot reproduce, then they do not need marriage, they, and childless man/woman couples, need a civil union for legal purposes.
a civil union would do exactly the same thing, for you or a gay couple. The word "marriage" applies only to the union of one man and one woman.

The gay agenda is not about equality or justice. Its about forcing the acceptance of the word marriage to describe a homosexual union.

As long as any straight couple who gets joined in a civil ceremony is said to have had a civil union, I have no problem with it.

But there are religions, recognized by the gov't, that have no problem with gays being married. Why can't they be married in that faith?

That church could sanctify their union, but their union is not a marriage.

What is so critical to you gays about the word "marriage" ? I know the answer, just want to hear one of you honestly admit it.
Marriage is a word.
Equality is an American Founding Principle (people say).

Which one matters more?
What if I told you only the genetics of a couple, and they are both XY, and I also told you that you would approve of them being married?

can two XY's produce a child? Can Rosie O'Donnel and her "wife" produce a child?

can a woman with XY chromosomes conceive? Be careful with your answer
A woman with XY? Interesting. Hmmmmm. Okay, who should she marry, an XX or XY?

Is "she" male or female?

you brought it up, you clarify it.
gay marriage is an oxymoron.
What if I told you only the genetics of a couple, and they are both XY, and I also told you that you would approve of them being married?

can two XY's produce a child? Can Rosie O'Donnel and her "wife" produce a child?

can a woman with XY chromosomes conceive? Be careful with your answer

Marriage does not require producing a child.

Producing a child does not require marriage.

And why do you put the word "wife" into "" marks? Shall we put your "marriage" into the same marks?
There is nothing unique about the union of same sex. The unique aspect on a union only exists between males and females.

As far as the ability of a couple to have a child:

Some are too old. We do not discriminate due to old age
Some male/female couples cannot. We do not discriminate based on disability
Some male/female couples do not want to have children. Roe v Wade prohibits us from getting involved in their procreation

Male/male couples cannot procreate

Female/female couples cannot procreate

You fail to see this? How?
I don't fail to see it. He said Marriage was for making babies? Do you agree? Based on the above I think you wouldn't agree.

I would restate it---------The purpose of marriage is to provide a sound foundation with a father and mother for the reproduction of the species.

Other than for tax and inheritence purposes, without children there is no need for being married. Since gays cannot reproduce, then they do not need marriage, they, and childless man/woman couples, need a civil union for legal purposes.
So Marriage is only for people who are going to make babies then? Okay, since babies do tend to come later, even if not exactly nine months later, what union do people without children yet have in the beginning, a Marriage or a Civil Union?
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Government should get out of the marriage business altogether, but that will never happen. And yes the homosexual marriage movement is one big sham. It's about one thing and one thing only: more government power.
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can two XY's produce a child? Can Rosie O'Donnel and her "wife" produce a child?

can a woman with XY chromosomes conceive? Be careful with your answer
A woman with XY? Interesting. Hmmmmm. Okay, who should she marry, an XX or XY?

Is "she" male or female?

you brought it up, you clarify it.
I will, when you answer. What should XX be allowed to marry, men or women, XY or XX?

Is it XX and XX, or XX and XY?
Gay Marriage Is A Lie: Lesbian Masha Gessen And Glenn Beck Agree

I ran into a disagreement with someone over Masha Gessen's statement
that Gay Marriage is a Lie. I thought she was being honest.

I believe that the religious and spiritual beliefs about marriage should remain private or through the church, and the state/govt should only handle civil contracts by consensus without any religious bias either way. So that part of marriage doesn't belong under govt jurisdiction.

What do you think?

Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen - YouTube

Government should get out of the marriage business altogether, but that will never happen.
It is a bit late for that now.
I don't fail to see it. He said Marriage was for making babies? Do you agree? Based on the above I think you wouldn't agree.

I would restate it---------The purpose of marriage is to provide a sound foundation with a father and mother for the reproduction of the species.

Other than for tax and inheritence purposes, without children there is no need for being married. Since gays cannot reproduce, then they do not need marriage, they, and childless man/woman couples, need a civil union for legal purposes.
So Marriage is only for people who are going to make babies then? Okay, since babies do tend to come later, even if not exactly nine months later, what union do people without children yet have in the beginning, a Marriage or a Civil Union?

men and women have married in every culture since the dawn of man. The purpose was to provide a firm foundation for children. In modern societies a marriage contract is also a civil contract, so your question is moot.
God was taken out of our schools, and look what has happened. Now slowly God is being taken out of marrige. I'm glad i'm saved

Really? So if a Christian enters a public school, your God abandons them? If a Christian bows his head and prays silently, your God doesn't hear him?

This sort of nonsense is ridiculous. If your God abandons his followers because of a rule against school led prayer, he wasn't much of a god to begin with.

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