Gay marriage is still banned in the Navajo nation

Great, that means democrats CAN marry 8 year old girls.

I now see why pedophile laws will be changed

Only a retard thinks that's what that means. Thanks for the confirmation.
I get to define marriage, if an unelected judge gets to. In this case, marriage is defined by history, culture, and society.

Glad to know you love fascism. Democrats, always proving they are dictators and facsists. Controlling language, to maintain power

Nope, you don't. No one gives a shit what definitions you make up. You can call an apple a "banana," it still won't matter anymore than your definition of marriage.

You are right that society does. And our society, empowered by the Constitution, defines legal marriage as the union between two consenting people who are at least the age of consent according to their respective state's laws.
According to Google, marriage is a man and a woman
Link, gee, you must be really stupid
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Since when do you care how words were used a century and a half ago? Here's the definition of the word, "gay," from that antiquated dictionary...


... you'll notice it didn't also mean homosexual back then, even though it does now. You're so stupid, YOU proved that the meanings of words change over time; which is what you were arguing against.

Actually, the law included a ban of same-sex marriage. That ban was nullified. The law remains.
I’m talking about what I think is… no laws are involved.

That includes What is marriage in the cultural definition, what is its purpose, what is it objectively, what is assumed in a marriage, what are the norms.

Marriage as an institution is doing poorly in this modern society, with divorces up and less people being married. I would say there’s a strong correlation (or causation) in regards to so much of our society declining as the institution of marriage has been abandoned, watered down, etc.
Since when do you care how words were used a century and a half ago? Here's the definition of the word, "gay," from that antiquated dictionary...


... you'll notice it didn't also mean homosexual back then, even though it does now. You're so stupid, YOU proved that the meanings of words change over time; which is what you were arguing against.

Marriage is between a man and woman.

Marxist dictate they must control the language.

The courts don't dictate to society. I do understand the Democrats have took control on many courts.

As Roe vs Wade was overturned, so will the misuse of words.

It must still sting for you, when all those laws the democrats enacted against African Americans got overturned by us conservatives.

Yep, democrats made African Americans slaves, wrote laws that made them property. That certainly is upsetting to you, to know one day us conservatives will destroy your repressive laws, unconstitutional laws.

I am now going to enjoy a gay evening at home, but not the gay perversion, you think of.

Married, man and woman, words describe things, tyranny destroy things
Marriage is between a man and woman.

Marxist dictate they must control the language.

The courts don't dictate to society. I do understand the Democrats have took control on many courts.

As Roe vs Wade was overturned, so will the misuse of words.

It must still sting for you, when all those laws the democrats enacted against African Americans got overturned by us conservatives.

Yep, democrats made African Americans slaves, wrote laws that made them property. That certainly is upsetting to you, to know one day us conservatives will destroy your repressive laws, unconstitutional laws.

I am now going to enjoy a gay evening at home, but not the gay perversion, you think of.

Married, man and woman, words describe things, tyranny destroy things


Nope, not in the U.S....

Screenshot_20231025_194931_Samsung Internet.jpg

Yep, democrats made African Americans slaves, wrote laws that made them property. That certainly is upsetting to you, to know one day us conservatives will destroy your repressive laws, unconstitutional laws.


Uh, yeah... right leaning religious Democrats who would be Republicans today if they were still alive.

Uh, yeah... right leaning religious Democrats who would be Republicans today if they were still alive.
wrong, Biden is alive today and Biden did vote for the leader of the KKK to lead the senate 6 times

try your bullshit lies somewhere else, the democrat party is the party of hate and racism, always has been always will be, democrats prove it everyday, right here in these threads

Biden loved the KKK leader so much, you know the one, the one that set a record long filibuster opposing the civil rights movement. And yes, I know your excuses for the KKK leader, he said he was sorry and it was in the past, yet it was not, we got his buddy as president now.

Even now we have dozens of examples of Democrats siding with today's NAZI's, Hamas. Even elected Democrats siding with the 21st NAZI's.
Hatred, bigotry, and racism is found today where it always has been found, the democrat party.
wrong, Biden is alive today and Biden did vote for the leader of the KKK to lead the senate 6 times

Sad you have to lie to prop up your failed position.

try your bullshit lies somewhere else, the democrat party is the party of hate and racism, always has been always will be, democrats prove it everyday, right here in these threads

Nope, no lie. Who do you think mainly resided in the Bible Belt back then? Leftwing Liberals?? :lmao:
Sad you have to lie to prop up your failed position.
Nope, no lie. Who do you think mainly resided in the Bible Belt back then? Leftwing Liberals?? :lmao:
It is called immigration from the north, you ignorant fool

either way, the KKK leader did not change parties, if even a bit of what you claim is true, why did biden and the leader of the KKK stay in the democrat party, why did the segregationists stay in the democrat party.

The KKK leader and Biden are not from the south, you certainly have no understanding of history.

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