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Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by gop_jeff
Wow... 14 pages in three hours! I'll try to jump in here...

1. Homosexuality is neither normal nor natural. You don't need a complex scientific theory to understand this - you just need a basic anatomy lesson. Men are made for women, and women are made for men. It's not that hard.

Do you support making oral sex (even between heterosexuals) illegal?
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Matts - maybe I dont understand your line of questioning here, but what's the story on making oral sex illegal??

Sorry if my question was relatedly unclear. Let me fill in the gaps: One common argument against legalizing gay marriage is that it is not "natural". If unnatural behavior should not be permitted, then, assuming that oral sex is not natural, oral sex should not be permitted.
Originally posted by mattskramer
I have already gone over this. If we are to deny things that are not normal and natural, we should not allow reading glasses to be supported on the bridges of people's noses. The top of one's nose was never intended as a place to support glasses. Many medications are not natural. Should we prohibit people from taking medicine not found in nature? A dictionary was never intended to be used as a booster seat at the dinner table. Should we outlaw the use of large books as booster seats?

Did a bunch of ultra leftists screw with YOUR life by getting gay marriage legalized? - No.

Next excuse -

You're comparisons of glasses and dictionaries to homosexual sex and marriage is laughable. Those are adjustments not lifestyles. Next stretch of the imagination?
Originally posted by mattskramer
Sorry if my question was relatedly unclear. Let me fill in the gaps: One common argument against legalizing gay marriage is that it is not "natural". If unnatural behavior should not be permitted, then, assuming that oral sex is not natural, oral sex should not be permitted.

Oral sex and butt banging should be legal between a MAN AND WOMAN. You see thats the key, MAN AND WOMAN, like nature dictates. Sounds better than man and man or woman and woman. I think most of the rational thinking populace agrees with me on this.
Originally posted by OCA
You're comparisons of glasses and dictionaries to homosexual sex and marriage is laughable. Those are adjustments not lifestyles. Next stretch of the imagination?

Call it what you will. They can be adjustments and/or they can be preferences and/or they can be lifestyles. (contacts or glasses, books or booster seats, people of the same sex or people of the opposite sex). The comparison is relevant and sound.
I believe that there are two parts of constitutional law that may support Massachussette's recent decision and others to come:

the full faith and credit clause and equal protection(under the 14th Ammendment).

Personally, I don't see the big fucking deal.
I am not married, but imagine I will be soon. And I don't see how this effects me.

Run, run, run...the homos are coming.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by OCA
Oral sex and butt banging should be legal between a MAN AND WOMAN. You see thats the key, MAN AND WOMAN, like nature dictates. Sounds better than man and man or woman and woman. I think most of the rational thinking populace agrees with me on this.

So you saying that oral sex and butt banging, though perhaps unnatural, is okay, as long as it is done between a man and a woman. If so, then just saying that something should not be allowed, in and of itself, because it is unnatural is a poor reason. For the reason to be complete, it needs to be limited by mentioning the sexes involved.

"Sounds better" is an acoustically aesthetic trait and not necessarily a rational (logical) trait. I like the way "One and one make four" sounds. That does not mean that One and one make four.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Call it what you will. They can be adjustments and/or they can be preferences and/or they can be lifestyles. (contacts or glasses, books or booster seats, people of the same sex or people of the opposite sex). The comparison is relevant and sound.

Matts seeing as how at any given time depending on the choices being made in America only 1-5% of the population is gay, normal or abnormal? Is it normal for a man to stick his willy in another mans anus?

If we all know right from wrong and I strongly believe that everybody believes at some level that homosexuality is wrong, why do people follow through with homosexual acts? Personal pleasure is my first guess although not exactly sure how taking it from behind is pleasureable, my other guess is mental illness, unable to tell right from wrong which in that case denotes some sort of medical treatment is needed.
Originally posted by mattskramer
So you saying that oral sex and butt banging, though perhaps unnatural, is okay, as long as it is done between a man and a woman. If so, then just saying that something should not be allowed, in and of itself, because it is unnatural is a poor reason. For the reason to be complete, it needs to be limited by mentioning the sexes involved.

"Sounds better" is an acoustically aesthetic trait and not necessarily a rational (logical) trait. I like the way "One and one make four" sounds. That does not mean that One and one make four.

Argue it every which way from Sunday but you know rationally and logically that two people of the same sex are not meant to be together in the manner that marriage or sex denotes. You know how silly it is to try and argue otherwise?

I'm saying that this does not require a degree in nuclear physics to figure out. Its common sense.
Also between MAN AND WOMAN is exactly what i'm saying. If you want to screw your buddy in the can fine go right ahead, but don't try to legitimize your perversion by perverting the sanctity of marriage just so you can have something to hang your hat on.

This really is all it is, homosexuals know they are wrong so they look for anything, just anything that will lend some sort of semblance of normalcy to their lifestyle choice. Little do they realize that there is nothing short of an edict from God that will normalize it in the eyes of most.
Originally posted by OCA
Matts seeing as how at any given time depending on the choices being made in America only 1-5% of the population is gay, normal or abnormal? Is it normal for a man to stick his willy in another mans anus?

I don't think that it is normal, but I don't thing that "normalcy" matters. It was not considered normal for people from different races to get married. (I don't think that you can change your race) Some people still think that "people should stick with their own kind". Some people think that it is wrong for people from different religious persuasions to get married. I don't think that it is normal to smoke (and smoking is not an adjustment). I don't think that it is normal for people to chew their fingernails but some people engage in that behavior. I would not outlaw it.

If we all know right from wrong and I strongly believe that everybody believes at some level that homosexuality is wrong, why do people follow through with homosexual acts? Personal pleasure is my first guess although not exactly sure how taking it from behind is pleasurable, my other guess is mental illness, unable to tell right from wrong which in that case denotes some sort of medical treatment is needed.

I don't think that homosexual behavior, in and of itself, is wrong. (unusual, unnatural, repugnant to some but not "wrong") I think of it as a preference (and whether that preference is due to a biochemical imbalance or childhood trauma or neither makes no difference to me).
Well Matts we'll just have to agree to disagree but I gotta tell ya you are WAY in the minority on this issue in this country. You gotta take stands in life, it can't be whatever makes ya feel good should be legal. There have to be standards and absolutes and you don't get anymore absolute than marriage between man and woman. You might want to look at some of the fence ridin' you do on some subjects, are you afraid to offend?

Also the comparison to minorities and interracial marriage is bogus. Minorities are born the way they are, they can't change their skin color. On the other hand homosexuals always have the choice as to whether they should eat the pipe or not.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
You can try to call it whatever "nice" thing you want. doesnt change that it is perversion. Nor does it change the fact that the state is not God and cannot give gay couples the same benefits privelages and responsibilities of marriage. They will never be able to create life.

And God is something humans made to serve as an oversized security blanket.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
And God is something humans made to serve as an oversized security blanket.

So what if it is? Why does it bother you? Is it too much competition for the statist / collectivist cult you're pimping?
Originally posted by dilloduck
If any married people even try to make a comparison between the two, shame on them. Be glad you have what you have and ignore the wanna-haves. First gay divorce-----what a headline !!!

Don't get too excited.... you'll never hear about it. The liberal media will see to that.

Actually you've brought up a good point. There probably already has, but it's been kept hush, hush.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
call it twisting all you want. The fact of the matter is, whether anyone thinks its wrong or right, using the argument 'destroys the fabric of marriage' is irrelevant as you've pointed out. Just use the argument that its wrong, don't 'twist' another argument that is useless into it.

I wasn't. You were.

Marriage is two people of the opposite sex. It's been that way since the beginning of time.

Why now, all of a sudden do queers feel the need to be "MARRIED", when they'd have all the same legal benefits with a Civil Union?

Answer that?
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
And God is something humans made to serve as an oversized security blanket.

And you must believe in God also. Otherwise you wouldn't have the mark of the beast there in your picture of our President. You can't believe in the devil and not the Lord.

It's obvious which one of those two tickles your fancy.
And just to add, as I've seen this nowhere in this entire thread. I feel it's my duty as a Christian to point out what the Lord's true feelings are about queers.

Now keep in mind, same sex "marriage" is what these queers want. To be joined in Holy matrimony in the eyes of the Lord. Well..... news flash queer boys and girls..... the Lord ain't diggin' it. In fact, here's what the Lord thinks about it....

1. The Law of God Speaks Against it:

Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Deuteronomy 23:17, "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."

That's assuming you believe the bible is the true word of God and of Jesus Christ. Problem is, we don't know. Which version of the bible does this come from? Okay, okay, I'm playing the proverbial devil's advocate.

For the non-Christian world, of which I am a part, the word of God is meaningless. By all means, if you are opposed to homosexuality, don't practice it, associate with gay people, etc. Just because you are personally opposed to something doesn't give you the right or the responsibility to crusade against it. Gay people are born that way and, at least in the case of the gay people I know, they want the same rights and responsibilities as straight people. No special treatment, no extra freedom, just the right to marry, raise a family and strive for a piece of the American dream, that's it.

Several studies reveal that while no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, approximately 35% of paedophiles are homosexual... It is impossible to determine the number of male paedophiles, but they may constitute as much as 10% of male homosexuals.

Why is it that homosexuals though being a small percent of the population, are the ONLY group of people that have ever formed a national association in hopes of trying to eliminate the legal consent age for children to have sex?

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