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Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by Big D
Several studies reveal that while no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, approximately 35% of paedophiles are homosexual... It is impossible to determine the number of male paedophiles, but they may constitute as much as 10% of male homosexuals.

Why is it that homosexuals though being a small percent of the population, are the ONLY group of people that have ever formed a national association in hopes of trying to eliminate the legal consent age for children to have sex?


NO ONE will answer you on this Big D. You've got the goods on it and everybody knows it.

There's an illegal taint to homosexuality. Most people try and just look at the two people. They can't bring themselves to "picture" exactly what it is that they do. They find that too disgusting and repulsive..... because it is.

Queers are sick. Today's society would be leaps and bounds ahead of itself if they'd go back to treating it as such.

Had my son been born with homo tendencies, I'd have taken him to the psychiatrist, like any other responsible parent would do for a sick child.
Originally posted by acludem
Just because you are personally opposed to something doesn't give you the right or the responsibility to crusade against it.


What kind of horse shit is that? You are NOT serious are you?

Well let me tell you something skippy, if I'm OPPOSED to something, I feel it's my DUTY to "crusade" against it.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
NO ONE will answer you on this Big D. You've got the goods on it and everybody knows it.

There's an illegal taint to homosexuality. Most people try and just look at the two people. They can't bring themselves to "picture" exactly it is that they do. They find that too disgusting and repulsive..... because it is.

Queers are sick. Today's society would be leaps and bounds ahead of itself if they'd go back to treating it as such.

Had my son been born with homo tendencies, I'd have taken him to the psychiatrist, like any other responsible parent would for a sick child.

Big D(ungheap)'s feeble attempt to associate homosexuality with paedophillia is no different than his association of race with criminal behavior.

This association of sexual orientation with psychopathology and criminality is nothing more than a thinly veiled appeal to people's fears and prejudices. You took it, hook...line..and sinker.

Homosexuals are not "sick", just different in their sexuality, and that's enough to scare the shit out of people who are already insecure about their own sexuality. Studies have shown that the most virulent homophobes have strong, and suppressed, attraction to members of the same gender. Homosexuality was removed as a psychiatric disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual more than 30 years ago. No responsiblee, ethical psychiatrist would "treat" your child for homosexuality. For that you'd have to find someone with roots in the lunacy of right-wing theology and ideology.

So, if you have any gay friends who want to tie the knot, just get 'em a nice wedding gift and wish them well.
Originally posted by acludem
Massachussetts will show people that gay marriage is no threat to the sanctity of marriage. Soon people will forget why they were opposed to gay marriage. Just as people have forgotten why they were opposed to interracial marriage (well most people anyway). We, here in Missouri, will have a ban on gay marriage amendment on our ballot in November, it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Today is a great day for equality in the Commonwealth of Massachussetts and in the United States.


You and bully just don't get it, do you. While what MA is doing is wrong and is the will of a few activist judges, these couple are not married. They can call themselves married if they want, but they're not. Marriage is a religiously derived term, coming from a religion that not only defines the term very specifically, but vehemently opposses homosexuality.

It is biologically impossible for a homosexual couple to be married. If you think this is narrow minded...well tell it to God.
Originally posted by Bern80
You and bully just don't get it, do you. While what MA is doing is wrong and is the will of a few activist judges, these couple are not married. They can call themselves married if they want, but they're not. Marriage is a religiously derived term, coming from a religion that not only defines the term very specifically, but vehemently opposses homosexuality.

It is biologically impossible for a homosexual couple to be married. If you think this is narrow minded...well tell it to God.

eau contraire. I do believe that marriage is defined by the state, not the federal government, and as such, these same sex couples are now married. I don't think its the will of a 'few activist judges' as you already know that MA is one of the most liberal states in the nation. If it were true that a majority of the populace in MA were against this there would be more reports of protests and more vehement outcries against it. That obviously isn't the case. As President Bush would say, its the sound of a few 'focus groups' that are against it.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Big D(ungheap)'s feeble attempt to associate homosexuality with paedophillia is no different than his association of race with criminal behavior.

This association of sexual orientation with psychopathology and criminality is nothing more than a thinly veiled appeal to people's fears and prejudices. You took it, hook...line..and sinker.

Homosexuals are not "sick", just different in their sexuality, and that's enough to scare the shit out of people who are already insecure about their own sexuality. Studies have shown that the most virulent homophobes have strong, and suppressed, attraction to members of the same gender. Homosexuality was removed as a psychiatric disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual more than 30 years ago. No responsiblee, ethical psychiatrist would "treat" your child for homosexuality. For that you'd have to find someone with roots in the lunacy of right-wing theology and ideology.

So, if you have any gay friends who want to tie the knot, just get 'em a nice wedding gift and wish them well.

Bully this whole post of yours is PC run amok. Why oh why are people so afraid to make a judgement where homosexuality is concerned? We by coddling these people are doing exactly the opposite of what they need. They need people to tell them what they are doing is wrong and for someone to be a true friend and help them get the psychological or medical help they need. Hell most of em just need a long night at the Mustang Ranch in Reno and they will never think about a hairy ass again.

Nice try on the suppressed homosexuality though, although it sounds good most anti-homosexuals or right thinking people oppose it on moral and ethical grounds.
Originally posted by OCA
Nice try on the suppressed homosexuality though, although it sounds good most anti-homosexuals or right thinking people oppose it on moral and ethical grounds.

OCA, are you homophobic?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
OCA, are you homophobic?

Not by the longest stretch of the imagination. I oppose it on moral, ethical and logical grounds. The only fear that I have though is homosexual infiltration of the educational system and a possible eventuality of teaching that homsexuality as a viable lifestyle equal to heterosexuality.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
OCA, are you homophobic?

Hmmm, when someone expresses an opposition to homosexuality an attempt is made to lable them homophobic. Can we use the same logic and try to lable a person who believes in abortion "babyaphobic"?

Come on who is opposed to babies? They are so cute and innocent.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Hmmm, when someone expresses an opposition to homosexuality an attempt is made to lable them homophobic. Can we use the same logic and try to lable a person who believes in abortion "babyaphobic"?

Come on who is opposed to babies? They are so cute and innocent.

Biker because in this situation and this topic it is way easier to attack the messenger rather than the message. You'll never hear 1 sound reason wht its logical for two people of the opposite sex to be together but you'll sure as hell hear homophobic thrown around quite a bit.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Hmmm, when someone expresses an opposition to homosexuality an attempt is made to lable them homophobic. Can we use the same logic and try to lable a person who believes in abortion "babyaphobic"?

Come on who is opposed to babies? They are so cute and innocent.

I asked a question, I didn't attempt to label. I truly want to know why some people feel as strongly about their opposition to homosexuality or lesbianism as they do.

I, personally, grew up with semi-homophobic families but as an adult I've come across a good number of them and with the exception of a couple of them, they were decent people who felt that their private lives were theirs, not anyone elses. Kind of like I think.

So, I think my question is valid. Do you not?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

So, I think my question is valid. Do you not?

Beyond a personal satisfaction of attaching a lable to someone after their answer I see no need to ask such a question. I could ask Big D if he is a racsist and regardless of his answer it will do little to change the person he is or the manner in which he posts here.
Because somebody opposes something it automatically means they are fearful? How did you arrive at the semi-homophobic figure? That term was interesting. I'm opposed to taxes, doesn't mean I fear them. I'm opposed to instant replay in the NFL, doesn't mean I fear it.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Beyond a personal satisfaction of attaching a lable to someone after their answer I see no need to ask such a question. I could ask Big D if he is a racsist and regardless of his answer it will do little to change the person he is or the manner in which he posts here.

asking the question can then lead to others, like WHY does someone feel this way or WHY then, if they don't feel that way, they came to that position? It helps to understand a persons position better if they understand the reasoning that position was obtained.
Originally posted by OCA
Because somebody opposes something it automatically means they are fearful? How did you arrive at the semi-homophobic figure? That term was interesting. I'm opposed to taxes, doesn't mean I fear them. I'm opposed to instant replay in the NFL, doesn't mean I fear it.

growing up I heard all the jokes and remarks about 'fags, queers, homo's, etc. kids tease with the same remarks against other kids. My perception is that this behavior isn't automatic, its learned behavior from their parents. This is why arguments begin because now we blame sexism, racism, and any other ism's on the parents of said child and it gets us nowhere.

phobia's don't necessarily imply fear as evidenced by the websters definition below.

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.
I look at this subject like I do abortion.

unfortunately, it is now law and not much we can do about it.

God will decide, in the end, who is right and who is wrong.
It is natural. There have always been gays. It may be a minority trait/behavior, but minorities are not automatically immoral or wrong. I have my problems with gay activists but this whole "unnatural" argument is ignorant and fallacious on it's face.
Regardless of the Webster defenition it is quite obvious the meaning and intent behind "homophobe" when applied by the left on this topic.

Then the part of the defenition where it says "despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous". Have you checked stats on AIDS in the homosexual community compared to heterosexuals?
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