Gay Marriage May Have Cost Obama Floridah


When (not if) Romney loses, the GOP establishment will get behind Jeb Bush.

And all you conservatives who complained about how his Dad and Brother weren't "real conservatives" will fall in line behind him while the democrats bicker over who gets to succeed Obama.

If your scenario happens, I hope you're prepared to say/type the words "President Bush" again because there's no one out there that could beat him.

I really don't think Jeb's interested, tho.

I would gleefully vote for Jeb Bush.

I think he's just what the GOP needs. I think he's a guy who can get the GOP right with Hispanics and curb the nuttiness of the Fundies...

YOu guys don't get it, my real problem is with Romney as a person, not necessarily the idealogy.

Thanks for clarifying.
Jeb is a republican's republican. A real 'big tent' conservative.
JoeB, folks are becoming aware about your growing mental instability.

Which "folks" are those... the ones who spend most of a Weekend following me around while I've gone out and run errands a couple times a day? Thoes "folks".

JoeB, denial is not good. Tell us about those bad Mormons who were so mean to you in military training in 1983.
I hope people who are "pro-family values" or whatever misleading thing they call themselves learn how to spell Florida correctly.
I hope people who are "pro-family values" or whatever misleading thing they call themselves learn how to spell Florida correctly.


The grammar police is on patrol

JoeB, folks are becoming aware about your growing mental instability.

Which "folks" are those... the ones who spend most of a Weekend following me around while I've gone out and run errands a couple times a day? Thoes "folks".

JoeB, denial is not good. Tell us about those bad Mormons who were so mean to you in military training in 1983.

It wasn't that they were mean, it was that they were evil to anyone who wasn't part of their sick, twisted, messed up cult.

Frankly, we should throw a fence around Utah and declare it a cult deprogramming center. Once we're done with the Mormons, we can move on to the Scientologists.
Which "folks" are those... the ones who spend most of a Weekend following me around while I've gone out and run errands a couple times a day? Thoes "folks".

JoeB, denial is not good. Tell us about those bad Mormons who were so mean to you in military training in 1983.

It wasn't that they were mean, it was that they were evil to anyone who wasn't part of their sick, twisted, messed up cult.

Frankly, we should throw a fence around Utah and declare it a cult deprogramming center. Once we're done with the Mormons, we can move on to the Scientologists.

And your well-balanced unemotional approach is going to convince us? :lol:
JoeB, denial is not good. Tell us about those bad Mormons who were so mean to you in military training in 1983.

It wasn't that they were mean, it was that they were evil to anyone who wasn't part of their sick, twisted, messed up cult.

Frankly, we should throw a fence around Utah and declare it a cult deprogramming center. Once we're done with the Mormons, we can move on to the Scientologists.

And your well-balanced unemotional approach is going to convince us? :lol:

Oh, I don't know, I think most people are a little creeped out by Mormons. Even the Evangelicals who are currently suporting Romney. They just hate the Black Guy more.
It's a non-issue except for the Obamaniacs that will not sway one single vote.
It's a non-issue except for the Obamaniacs that will not sway one single vote.

Quite the contrary.

I think just enough moderates and conservatives will be offput by Romney's whacky cult to give Obama an edge.

You see, here's the dirty secret. Obama shouldn't be doing this well, given the economic conditions. We fired Bush and Carter for a lot less.

But the Republicans screwed up and nominated Romney, even though most of their own base didn't really want him, even against characters like Herman Cain. The establishment forced a bad candidate, and now they are kind of stuck with him.

When the Media starts doing these background stories on how really effed up Mormonism is, expect those numbers to drop.
It's a non-issue except for the Obamaniacs that will not sway one single vote.

Quite the contrary.

I think just enough moderates and conservatives will be offput by Romney's whacky cult to give Obama an edge.

You see, here's the dirty secret. Obama shouldn't be doing this well, given the economic conditions. We fired Bush and Carter for a lot less.

But the Republicans screwed up and nominated Romney, even though most of their own base didn't really want him, even against characters like Herman Cain. The establishment forced a bad candidate, and now they are kind of stuck with him.

When the Media starts doing these background stories on how really effed up Mormonism is, expect those numbers to drop.

The baptism of Jewish souls was a real hoot.

That ought to play well in Florida.

Especially since the Mormons were grabbing Nazis too. :lol:
It's a non-issue except for the Obamaniacs that will not sway one single vote.

Quite the contrary.

I think just enough moderates and conservatives will be offput by Romney's whacky cult to give Obama an edge.

You see, here's the dirty secret. Obama shouldn't be doing this well, given the economic conditions. We fired Bush and Carter for a lot less.

But the Republicans screwed up and nominated Romney, even though most of their own base didn't really want him, even against characters like Herman Cain. The establishment forced a bad candidate, and now they are kind of stuck with him.

When the Media starts doing these background stories on how really effed up Mormonism is, expect those numbers to drop.

The baptism of Jewish souls was a real hoot.

That ought to play well in Florida.

Especially since the Mormons were grabbing Nazis too. :lol:

One can only imagine Adolf Hitler running into Ann Frank in the Celestial Heaven. (Both of them got postumous Mormon Baptisms.)
It's a non-issue except for the Obamaniacs that will not sway one single vote.

Quite the contrary.

I think just enough moderates and conservatives will be offput by Romney's whacky cult to give Obama an edge.

You see, here's the dirty secret. Obama shouldn't be doing this well, given the economic conditions. We fired Bush and Carter for a lot less.

But the Republicans screwed up and nominated Romney, even though most of their own base didn't really want him, even against characters like Herman Cain. The establishment forced a bad candidate, and now they are kind of stuck with him.

When the Media starts doing these background stories on how really effed up Mormonism is, expect those numbers to drop.

The baptism of Jewish souls was a real hoot.

That ought to play well in Florida.

Especially since the Mormons were grabbing Nazis too. :lol:

Like these dead peeps are going to give a flying fuck what some of their loony descendants do like this?

Hell, people do weirder more irrational things all the time, like buying Lady Gagag music or watching American Idol.
Quite the contrary.

I think just enough moderates and conservatives will be offput by Romney's whacky cult to give Obama an edge.

You see, here's the dirty secret. Obama shouldn't be doing this well, given the economic conditions. We fired Bush and Carter for a lot less.

But the Republicans screwed up and nominated Romney, even though most of their own base didn't really want him, even against characters like Herman Cain. The establishment forced a bad candidate, and now they are kind of stuck with him.

When the Media starts doing these background stories on how really effed up Mormonism is, expect those numbers to drop.

The baptism of Jewish souls was a real hoot.

That ought to play well in Florida.

Especially since the Mormons were grabbing Nazis too. :lol:

Like these dead peeps are going to give a flying fuck what some of their loony descendants do like this?

Hell, people do weirder more irrational things all the time, like buying Lady Gagag music or watching American Idol.

The dead might not care, being dead and all, but those of us who didn't drink the Mormon Koolaid don't like them peeing on their graves much. I know I'd be damned angry if someone decided to postumously baptize my dead Mom as a fucking Mormon. (Incidently, my Mom came from the part of Missouri where they drove the Mormons out with angry mobs in 1838. Good times.)
One can only imagine Adolf Hitler running into Ann Frank in the Celestial Heaven. (Both of them got postumous Mormon Baptisms.)

If Hitler is in Heaven then I think I'll pass.

I don't think there is a heaven, so I don't care.

I think it's the massive disrespect for people's wishes that is the problem here.

Especially Baptizing Holocaust victims. These were folks who died for their beliefs. Baptizing them into this bizarre, homophobic, racist, misogynistic cult is really just adding insult to injury.

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