Gay marriage will reduce the stigma of HIV

I think its nuts for anyone to be happy about getting HIV. You'd have to be a acid drinker to think this way.
The Altar and HIV |

Notice he only says it will reduce stigma of HIV and not reduce HIV I. Gay men the highest at risk group according to the article .

I'd point out sexual orientation groups are not any higher or lower simply by virtue of which they are. Can't get HIV or anything else from someone who isn't a carrier of it. Instead what the groups at higher risk actually are are the ones who have lots of partners be they gay or straight. More different people you're having sex with, the more likely you finally have sex with one carrying something icky. Whereas if (assuming perfect fidelity) you and just one other person ever have sex together, and are both clean, HIV isn't gonna be a problem barring infection from other sources.
Gay men are the highest risk group due to their sexual practices. It's not just promiscuity, it is the nature of anal sex, how it is a very efficient way to transmit blood born illnesses.
The Altar and HIV |

Notice he only says it will reduce stigma of HIV and not reduce HIV I. Gay men the highest at risk group according to the article .

I'd point out sexual orientation groups are not any higher or lower simply by virtue of which they are. Can't get HIV or anything else from someone who isn't a carrier of it. Instead what the groups at higher risk actually are are the ones who have lots of partners be they gay or straight. More different people you're having sex with, the more likely you finally have sex with one carrying something icky. Whereas if (assuming perfect fidelity) you and just one other person ever have sex together, and are both clean, HIV isn't gonna be a problem barring infection from other sources.

Umm this is just wrong. Anal sex has a higher chance of spreading STDs then vaginal sex. The amount of homosexuals partaking in anal sex is much higher then heterosexuals. Thus if you're gay you are much more likely to get HIV.

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