Gay Pride event in Germany attacked by “southern youths” aka Muslims

Many of them represented Catholic princes and aristocrats who invested money with them, including Popes.
Jews in the Hungarian or Ukrainian shtetl
Never saw a Prince and the Catholics or Aristocrats were usually leading mobs ( Pogroms ) to burn them out
Yet American Far Left & Left Will side with the Arabs/ Palestinians every time when it comes to anything related to Israel ( The tiny Jewish State ) and Practicing Jews
That's an "enemy of my enemy" sort of thing. Except when it comes to leftists they immediately curb stomp the skull of whoever comes out on top. Leftists are only loyal to themselves...


It's not even a matter of ideals, nationality or anything else. All leftists are inclined to seek power. Not just power over a country for their "friends", stalin killed almost all of his sycophants after all. As did mao.

These are sick depraved individuals we are talking about, and everyone of them should be guests for one way trips on Air Pinochet courtesy of the US GOV'T once the left has been dismissed from every office in the land.

It ain't gonna happen, but I can dream just like George Carlin did....

And that's about where the rubber meets the road. Frankenstein had his monster (thanks to Mary Shelley of course) but the "lefties" never could mass produce gay Muslims; ruh roh!
There lies the dilemma

The elitist billionaires created these little monsters. Not because they wanted 90% OF THEIR SHIT STOLEN and wasted, but they wanted a political entity that protected them from actual believers of inane marxist bullshit.

I don't believe they ever envisioned the possibility that their mindless little monsters would escape containment so they tried to appease them, and then found out the little moonbats only foamed at the mouth with more venom. Now they have to basically crash the government, turn it into an authoritarian state and exterminate these tick turds along with anyone else who opposes collectivism because they can't be controlled either, and we will be left with a 2nd rate 1st world shit hole country like most euroweenie states are.

That's just my theory after all.... but make no mistake that nothing that has gotten all fucked up in this country isn't the result of deliberate actions of rich cock suckers that own political whores that pretend to be at odds with one another.

If there was any political whore at odds with anyone it was Trump and a handful of others the left specifically targets with extreme prejudice.

That's why all these "woke" sniveling globalist corporations don't put rainblows all over their shit when marketing products in the muslim countries.

No one there will buy the shit and they might even face violent repercussions if they did so.

never liked muslims... still don't but.. hey, even a broken clock....
Jews in the Hungarian or Ukrainian shtetl
Never saw a Prince and the Catholics or Aristocrats were usually leading mobs ( Pogroms ) to burn them out

Actually the Catholics who conquered large chunks of Slav lands in the east started a Jewish land rush there to replace the Russian Orthodox locals, which was why there were so many Jews there in the first place. 16th Century, I think, don't recall exactly. There is a 'History of the Jews' over at archive,org, a 6 volume set by Graetz, an Orthodox Jew so of course it's the usual one-sided Pity Party wherein The Evil Crazy Gentiles Smite Peaceful Humanitarian Jewish Racists For No Reason narrative is maintained, but the timelines are usually accurate and the biases obvious enough to make it possible to find the real stories.
What is your opinion of jiooooozzzee
I love Jewish people.

Lovely, kind, witty, my personal relationships have been great.


Zionists are fuckwads, because they are supremacists who impose themselves on others.

Yet, that is consistent with my feeling on any group that do that.

I dislike assholes, of any stripe.

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