Gay pride parade

You said "cruise". :D

Who or what is inciting this rabid anti gay collection of people? A Mein Kampf for haters in the US? The "definition of marriage" laws being struck down?

Think about what you're saying for a minute.

Marriage goes back many centuries, and has always been defined in the west as a union between two people of the opposite sex. It is a very old tradition.

Now all of a sudden, we are all expected to redefine the institution, and accept a radical change practically over night.

The disgusting part of this, is that if you do not conform, you are now somehow "KKK", Nazi, haters, phobes, the list goes on.

I will never accept the change and redefinition. Legally I can't do anything about it, but I'll never view two men or two women being "married as I do two of the opposite sex.

Now for the most part I don't give a fuck what people do in private, I just don't particularly wish to see two fem men cuddling up in public. It's not the norm, and it's going to take time before it's accepted like hetero's cuddling up.

You guys need to accept the fact that the total acceptance is going to take a while longer.
It will happen slowly, as people die and are replaced by what's to come. Glad I won't be here by the way.

No, there are a significant number of societies that have not defined marriage as one man, one women. In any case, has not the US broken new ground on human rights? Why stop now? Get over the bizarre fear of gay Americans. I believe most, if not all, desire an America with liberty, charity, and malice toward none.
Who or what is inciting this rabid anti gay collection of people? A Mein Kampf for haters in the US? The "definition of marriage" laws being struck down?

Think about what you're saying for a minute.

Marriage goes back many centuries, and has always been defined in the west as a union between two people of the opposite sex. It is a very old tradition.

Now all of a sudden, we are all expected to redefine the institution, and accept a radical change practically over night.

The disgusting part of this, is that if you do not conform, you are now somehow "KKK", Nazi, haters, phobes, the list goes on.

I will never accept the change and redefinition. Legally I can't do anything about it, but I'll never view two men or two women being "married as I do two of the opposite sex.

Now for the most part I don't give a fuck what people do in private, I just don't particularly wish to see two fem men cuddling up in public. It's not the norm, and it's going to take time before it's accepted like hetero's cuddling up.

You guys need to accept the fact that the total acceptance is going to take a while longer.
It will happen slowly, as people die and are replaced by what's to come. Glad I won't be here by the way.

No, there are a significant number of societies that have not defined marriage as one man, one women. In any case, has not the US broken new ground on human rights? Why stop now? Get over the bizarre fear of gay Americans. I believe most, if not all, desire an America with liberty, charity, and malice toward none.

I don't fear them. I just believe it ruins the institution of marriage to open it up to new definitions. I'm a traditionalist, just like Obama was a few years ago.

Now if you want to use the lib definition of "disgusted" with seeing two men cuddling, as "fear" then go ahead knock yourself out.
We are back in Old San Juan for a couple days and just happened on the gay pride parade. People were having a great time. Lots of music, dancing, people of all ages, gay and straight. We watched for a long time and didn't see any negative reaction from the crowd. Heartening that we didn't see the ignorant hate that we see from the idiot phobes here.

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Fucked a couple Spanish boygirls, didya? I heard that's how libtards sow their wild oats.
We are back in Old San Juan for a couple days and just happened on the gay pride parade. People were having a great time. Lots of music, dancing, people of all ages, gay and straight. We watched for a long time and didn't see any negative reaction from the crowd. Heartening that we didn't see the ignorant hate that we see from the idiot phobes here.

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You mean that no marriages were ruined, no one turned into a raging homosexual and a good time was had by all?? :eek:

Not possible!!!!!
I bet Luddly was all up in the crowd, twerkin' it for the fellas & conversatin' with the diversity.

Yep, kinda like this...

Great fun. Though, not something I'd want to hold out to kids as an example to live by..

Have you tried a restaurant called Metropol? My family grew up in PR and many still live there and that's the favorite restaurant.

I'll try to remember to ask our driver but I haven't seen it. We just had dinner at Barrachines - home of the piña colada. Delicious.

It has been a long day and were ready to put our feet up.

We loved watching the newlyweds. They were happy and no one seemed to care they were gay. The dinosaur phobes are dying out and good riddance to them. I'll take the gays over the phony christians any day. And I'll trust the gays. Certain Christian types will stab you in the back and steal everything you have.

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Ahh darn, just when we were having a good time you had to go and get hateful.

Recognize yourself, don't you.

So funny that some believe their choice of car somehow projects thei sexuality.

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We are back in Old San Juan for a couple days and just happened on the gay pride parade. People were having a great time. Lots of music, dancing, people of all ages, gay and straight. We watched for a long time and didn't see any negative reaction from the crowd. Heartening that we didn't see the ignorant hate that we see from the idiot phobes here.

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You mean that no marriages were ruined, no one turned into a raging homosexual and a good time was had by all?? :eek:

Not possible!!!!!

Yep. Just good family fun.

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