Gay pride parade

Luddly how's your back doing after all that twerkin' you were doing?

Love watching the phobes here. Slime like you are dying out. Face facts- most Americans are in favor of and believe in our constitution.

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Yes, people who fear their children being exposed to a lifestyle that will statistically leave them dead prematurely could be called homophobes. It might actually be a label to be proud of...

This isn't normal behavior. Sexual exhibitionism and compulsive hypersexuality are some of the main symptoms of childhood sexual abuse. You don't flaunt deviant sexuality down main street in front of kids; holding out to them that society approves of a aberrent and deadly fad...and most likely a subconscoius manifest symptom of assault:




Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Should you be homophobic?....

...Yeah....yeah, maybe you should....maybe it's a sign of sound mental health to be homophobic when "it" is trying to access your childrens' minds in public and behind closed doors...
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Gays are terrorist. Go back in the closet were you belong. Keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to see a bunch of promiscuous homo's march down the street with a parade. Perhaps at the end of the parade we could have a tomahawk missile strike.

Silly, ignorant and reactionary statement.

There have always been gays, there will always be gays and the US guarantees equality for them.

Deal with it.

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Gays are terrorist. Go back in the closet were you belong. Keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to see a bunch of promiscuous homo's march down the street with a parade. Perhaps at the end of the parade we could have a tomahawk missile strike.

And you're one of the hypocrites who whined when our govt killed a real terrorist with a drone.

My bet is you wouldn't say the same about half-dressed women in a parade for,oh say, football.

In fact, as I already described, many people did want to see this parade.

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See the post about family owned bakery. in this country the gay terror network goes after anyone or any business or institution that disagrees with their lifestyle. Liberal media helps them too. Gay rights is NOT A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE!
Gays are terrorist. Go back in the closet were you belong. Keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to see a bunch of promiscuous homo's march down the street with a parade. Perhaps at the end of the parade we could have a tomahawk missile strike.

And you're one of the hypocrites who whined when our govt killed a real terrorist with a drone.

My bet is you wouldn't say the same about half-dressed woman in a parade for,oh say, football.

In fact, as I already described, many people did want to see this parade.

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When me and my grandson leave a baseball game I don't want to have to wait on a gay pride parade to go by at the stop light. Also, in a public place, it would be disgusting for a woman to lift her shirt and show herself. Its call VALUES. Get some.
We need gay pride parades everywhere, it will drive all the Republicans insane and boost the economy.

And force them to accept that gays have the rights they do.

Those who don't believe in equality should move to Russia or North Korea.

Hate the constitution?


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Gays are terrorist. Go back in the closet were you belong. Keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to see a bunch of promiscuous homo's march down the street with a parade. Perhaps at the end of the parade we could have a tomahawk missile strike.

And you're one of the hypocrites who whined when our govt killed a real terrorist with a drone.

My bet is you wouldn't say the same about half-dressed woman in a parade for,oh say, football.

In fact, as I already described, many people did want to see this parade.

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When me and my grandson leave a baseball game I don't want to have to wait on a gay pride parade to go by at the stop light. Also, in a public place, it would be disgusting for a woman to lift her shirt and show herself. Its call VALUES. Get some.

The right to peaceable assembly is guaranteed. That means I cannot stop the KKK parading by me. If you give a crap about your own country, explain to your grandson that, while you disagree with a given issue, you would fight for the rights of fellow Americans.

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