Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be amputated

Jews are very influential in our culture. This is a fact which is not debatable. Much of that influence is not good.

What about the likes of pigpence, graham, jeffress, dobson, focus on the family, family research council? All call themselves Christian, but do not have a good influence on our society. In fact, they are a very negative influence.
Huh? So you are saying that because some Christians or Christian Orgs are 'not good' (undefined) that we should never question the promotion of abject perversion?
We should ignore our Bible? We should just go along with rampant homosexuality?


If you are a Christian and dislike homosexuality, I would suggest you not have sex with anyone of the same gender. Maybe even not allow it in your home.

But we are not a Christian nation, so what anyone else does is none of your business.
Where did I state that I would ban homosexuality? As a matter of fact I distinctly stated in a post to you that I was opposed to banning act of free will.

You are dealing with statists. If you disapprove of something they automatically believe the government is involved. They can think no other way because government is their life.
The main thing is, unless someone is doing something against their will or someone is doing something with someone underage, mind your own business.

If 2 consenting adults want to have fun, that is between them.

I think if somebody is sick that’s not my business. So Where do you people get the idea I have to pay for their healthcare ?
Is every problem, every imagined problem, somehow directly related to Jews in your dark, weird, deeply disturbing little world of hate, Indeepenent?
Jews are very influential in our culture. This is a fact which is not debatable. Much of that influence is not good.

What about the likes of pigpence, graham, jeffress, dobson, focus on the family, family research council? All call themselves Christian, but do not have a good influence on our society. In fact, they are a very negative influence.
Huh? So you are saying that because some Christians or Christian Orgs are 'not good' (undefined) that we should never question the promotion of abject perversion?
We should ignore our Bible? We should just go along with rampant homosexuality?

Who's telling YOU to ignore your bible? Are you trying to tell us we HAVE TO follow your bible too?
The main thing is, unless someone is doing something against their will or someone is doing something with someone underage, mind your own business.

If 2 consenting adults want to have fun, that is between them.

I think if somebody is sick that’s not my business. So Where do you people get the idea I have to pay for their healthcare ?
Just like you get the idea i have to pay for trump's stupid shit wall, or had to pay for bush to authorize torturing prisoners. It is called living in a democracy and paying taxes for all the things this country decides to fund, even if you do not agree with funding it. In your case, you are being an asshole who does not care if poor kids, seniors or poor adults do not have access to health care and die younger on average than those that do have enough dough to have decent health care. That makes you an asshole. Get it?
Ok. Never have I seen it put so simply and concisely...and hilariously.
Neither is the mouth....but....oral sex......and there we have it.
Exactly, and I don't know of any guys who don't want or enjoy a BJ.

I always thought that a BJ was a loving act intended to provide pleasure to a beloved partner. Silly me, the heterosexual.

BTW: why did the right-wingers start this hoopla about what happens in people's private bedrooms? The right-wingers have some sort of obsession with sex and the sexual practices of other people. While i assume that couples out in society have some private relationship, I do not pry. I assume that trump has some bed relationship with melania and pigpence has some sort of bed relationship with this karen, but I don't ask what it is they do together.

On the first part, that is exactly what it is.

On the second part, conservatives used to be all about smaller govt, less intrusive govt, and individual freedom. Not so much anymore.

I am enjoying the liberal nostalgia for small government and morality tremendously. The pining for George Bush...the halcyon memories of the Tea Party....
This is aimed not at you but at my friends on the right. Note this and never be fooled again.
What are you smoking that makes you think any liberal is pining for George Bush and his lying war on Iraq and his authorization of torturing prisoners in our custody and his and his party's allowing the second worst recession in our history to occur- the Bush Recession? And who remembers anything about the Tea Baggers except how bigoted and ignorant they were?

Jews are very influential in our culture. This is a fact which is not debatable. Much of that influence is not good.

What about the likes of pigpence, graham, jeffress, dobson, focus on the family, family research council? All call themselves Christian, but do not have a good influence on our society. In fact, they are a very negative influence.
Huh? So you are saying that because some Christians or Christian Orgs are 'not good' (undefined) that we should never question the promotion of abject perversion?
We should ignore our Bible? We should just go along with rampant homosexuality?


If you are a Christian and dislike homosexuality, I would suggest you not have sex with anyone of the same gender. Maybe even not allow it in your home.

But we are not a Christian nation, so what anyone else does is none of your business.
Where did I state that I would ban homosexuality? As a matter of fact I distinctly stated in a post to you that I was opposed to banning act of free will.

I didn't mention banning anything either. I was responding specifically to your "We should just go along with rampant homosexuality?" comment.
What exactly does rampant homosexuality mean? That is as rampant for those who are gay as rampant heterosexuality is for heteros? Are you saying it is okay to be a little bit gay but let's not go crazy? I don't even understand what rampant homosexuality is supposed to mean and who believes if gay people are not bullied, not treated as second class citizens, they will exhibit more rampant homosexuality.
Ok. Never have I seen it put so simply and concisely...and hilariously.
Neither is the mouth....but....oral sex......and there we have it.
Exactly, and I don't know of any guys who don't want or enjoy a BJ.

I always thought that a BJ was a loving act intended to provide pleasure to a beloved partner. Silly me, the heterosexual.

BTW: why did the right-wingers start this hoopla about what happens in people's private bedrooms? The right-wingers have some sort of obsession with sex and the sexual practices of other people. While i assume that couples out in society have some private relationship, I do not pry. I assume that trump has some bed relationship with melania and pigpence has some sort of bed relationship with this karen, but I don't ask what it is they do together.

On the first part, that is exactly what it is.

On the second part, conservatives used to be all about smaller govt, less intrusive govt, and individual freedom. Not so much anymore.

I am enjoying the liberal nostalgia for small government and morality tremendously. The pining for George Bush...the halcyon memories of the Tea Party....
This is aimed not at you but at my friends on the right. Note this and never be fooled again.

I don't believe conservatives want small government, either.

You can't have small government and a lot of laws at the same time.

if you have laws against islam and atheism and evolution and gays and feminists and liberals you need big government to police all of that.
Neither is the mouth....but....oral sex......and there we have it.
Exactly, and I don't know of any guys who don't want or enjoy a BJ.

I always thought that a BJ was a loving act intended to provide pleasure to a beloved partner. Silly me, the heterosexual.

BTW: why did the right-wingers start this hoopla about what happens in people's private bedrooms? The right-wingers have some sort of obsession with sex and the sexual practices of other people. While i assume that couples out in society have some private relationship, I do not pry. I assume that trump has some bed relationship with melania and pigpence has some sort of bed relationship with this karen, but I don't ask what it is they do together.

On the first part, that is exactly what it is.

On the second part, conservatives used to be all about smaller govt, less intrusive govt, and individual freedom. Not so much anymore.

I am enjoying the liberal nostalgia for small government and morality tremendously. The pining for George Bush...the halcyon memories of the Tea Party....
This is aimed not at you but at my friends on the right. Note this and never be fooled again.
What are you smoking that makes you think any liberal is pining for George Bush and his lying war on Iraq and his authorization of torturing prisoners in our custody and his and his party's allowing the second worst recession in our history to occur- the Bush Recession? And who remembers anything about the Tea Baggers except how bigoted and ignorant they were?

View attachment 252934

Neither is the mouth....but....oral sex......and there we have it.
Exactly, and I don't know of any guys who don't want or enjoy a BJ.

I always thought that a BJ was a loving act intended to provide pleasure to a beloved partner. Silly me, the heterosexual.

BTW: why did the right-wingers start this hoopla about what happens in people's private bedrooms? The right-wingers have some sort of obsession with sex and the sexual practices of other people. While i assume that couples out in society have some private relationship, I do not pry. I assume that trump has some bed relationship with melania and pigpence has some sort of bed relationship with this karen, but I don't ask what it is they do together.

On the first part, that is exactly what it is.

On the second part, conservatives used to be all about smaller govt, less intrusive govt, and individual freedom. Not so much anymore.

I am enjoying the liberal nostalgia for small government and morality tremendously. The pining for George Bush...the halcyon memories of the Tea Party....
This is aimed not at you but at my friends on the right. Note this and never be fooled again.
What are you smoking that makes you think any liberal is pining for George Bush and his lying war on Iraq and his authorization of torturing prisoners in our custody and his and his party's allowing the second worst recession in our history to occur- the Bush Recession? And who remembers anything about the Tea Baggers except how bigoted and ignorant they were?

View attachment 252934

Neither is the mouth....but....oral sex......and there we have it.
Exactly, and I don't know of any guys who don't want or enjoy a BJ.

I always thought that a BJ was a loving act intended to provide pleasure to a beloved partner. Silly me, the heterosexual.

BTW: why did the right-wingers start this hoopla about what happens in people's private bedrooms? The right-wingers have some sort of obsession with sex and the sexual practices of other people. While i assume that couples out in society have some private relationship, I do not pry. I assume that trump has some bed relationship with melania and pigpence has some sort of bed relationship with this karen, but I don't ask what it is they do together.

On the first part, that is exactly what it is.

On the second part, conservatives used to be all about smaller govt, less intrusive govt, and individual freedom. Not so much anymore.

I am enjoying the liberal nostalgia for small government and morality tremendously. The pining for George Bush...the halcyon memories of the Tea Party....
This is aimed not at you but at my friends on the right. Note this and never be fooled again.

I don't believe conservatives want small government, either.

You can't have small government and a lot of laws at the same time.

if you have laws against islam and atheism and evolution and gays and feminists and liberals you need big government to police all of that.

You conservatives and liberals should fight that out.
Is every problem, every imagined problem, somehow directly related to Jews in your dark, weird, deeply disturbing little world of hate, Indeepenent?
Jews are very influential in our culture. This is a fact which is not debatable. Much of that influence is not good.

What about the likes of pigpence, graham, jeffress, dobson, focus on the family, family research council? All call themselves Christian, but do not have a good influence on our society. In fact, they are a very negative influence.
Huh? So you are saying that because some Christians or Christian Orgs are 'not good' (undefined) that we should never question the promotion of abject perversion?
We should ignore our Bible? We should just go along with rampant homosexuality?

You ignore most of your bible, yourselves, particularly anything that Jesus had to say. You cherry-pick what you want from it.

The assertion in the post was that Jewish people have an influence on society that has not been good, which is ridiculous. The people I named are the scum of Christianity, yet you worship them.

The whole anti-LGBT thing is a product of some heterosexuals' sexual insecurities, nothing more, and certainly no product of religion. Homosexuality is no more "rampant" than heterosexuality is; a steady percentage has always been present, and homosexuals are not doing anyone harm.

Have fun living up to the rules of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. I suggest you go over them line by line.

BTW: the Sultan's edict also covers adultery. Should trump be stoned to death?
DOTR Pasted a link to CNN where Harry Reid said he wished for George Bush everyday...

But it is clear he is talking about George Bush, the man, compared to Trump, the sniveling piece of shit excuse for a man...get it? Bush was an awful president, but a good man. Still is. His actions immediately following 9/11 were awesome, he made clear we were going to find those responsible, but it was not a war on Islam, but a war with those who used Islam for an excuse for their murders and brutality. He did not give in to hate, like Trump has so long after 9/11. He never insulted war heroes. He was compassionate about illegals, still is. I truly believe if Cheney had not been his VP, we would never have invaded Iraq on lies and never tortured prisoners. Trump has said we should bring back waterboarding and a lot worse, and is in favor of killing the wives and children of terrorist suspects to make them talk. He is a miserable bag of shit.

Welcome to the enlightened Sultanate of Brunei.

Brunei could start whipping or stoning gay people to death next week when strict new laws are introduced, human rights groups have warned.

The tiny oil-rich nation already implements Sharia laws, with homosexuality punishable with up to ten years in prison.

But from the start of next month the government plans to amend the penal code to mean LGBT people and adulterers could be stoned to death, with thieves facing having hands or feet amputated.

Amnesty International today slammed the plans, describing the Islamic criminal laws for gay sex and theft as 'vicious'.

Brunei was the first East Asian country to introduce Islamic criminal law in 2014 when it announced the first of three stages of legal changes that included fines or jail for offences like pregnancy outside marriage or failing to pray on Friday.

Previously, homosexuality was illegal in Brunei and punishable by up to ten years imprisonment. But the changes would allow whipping and stoning to death for Muslims found guilty of adultery, sodomy and rape, said human rights groups.

I wonder how many Antifa and Dims now plan on moving there.

More @ Gay sex punishable by stoning to death under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in by Brunei | Daily Mail Online
"I wonder how many Antifa and Dims now plan on moving there."
Who the fuck would? I mean, really. You? I'm staying right the fuck here in USA, VA.

You have some really good posts and comments. Why post this?


Yeah, try to ban sodomy. Far more straight couples enjoy sodomy than gay couples.
You need some diversity in your life

I have lots of diversity in my life. But what, exactly, does the comment you quoted have to do with needing more diversity?
Because you know nothing of what you speak

What? No reply? No claim that you know all about gay people? No assertions that I am wrong.

Okey dokey.
"I wonder how many Antifa and Dims now plan on moving there."
Who the fuck would? I mean, really. You? I'm staying right the fuck here in USA, VA.

You have some really good posts and comments. Why post this?

Why not? It's exactly what we could be facing here if we continue to bring Muslims into this country, give them the right to vote, and have them elect their twisted representatives to our governments.
"I wonder how many Antifa and Dims now plan on moving there."
Who the fuck would? I mean, really. You? I'm staying right the fuck here in USA, VA.

You have some really good posts and comments. Why post this?

Why not? It's exactly what we could be facing here if we continue to bring Muslims into this country, give them the right to vote, and have them elect their twisted representatives to our governments.

Some prominent christian conservative republicans also want to "punish"/"criminalize" homosexuals.

Judging by many of the conservative posters on the message board a lot of NOT so prominent christian conservatives would have no problem killing gays.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning

Thank you for admitting that you are a fascist hate monger who wants to kill gays!

Most cons are too cowardly to admit it.

The thing is; you can't eradicate homosexuality by killing them all....

in 20 years....they will be back......

gays are BORN ......

every generation has some children that grow up to be gay.

BTW.....when you say you want to kill all gays how does this fit in with your claim that ALL LIFE IS PRECIOUS!.....

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