Gay Sex in Public a Major Health Risk ~ Naugle Calls on Homosexuals...

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Shogun, the pro-gay neoliberal of the board probably thinks this mayor is wrong

Gay Sex in Public a Major Health Risk ~ Naugle Calls on Homosexuals to Stem the Spread of HIV

Gay Sex in Public a Major Health Risk ~ Naugle Calls on Homosexuals to Stem the Spread of HIV

By Hilary White

FORT LAUDERDALE, August 23, 2007 ( - At a news conference at City Hall this week, Jim Naugle, the mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Florida has called on homosexual men to end their public sexual encounters in order to curb the local HIV/AIDS rate. "We want to put a stop to that activity," he said.

Since his first public comments in July, Naugle has been attacked on all sides for being nearly the only US public figure to oppose on moral grounds the encroachment of homosexual activity in his town.

Now Naugle is in the news again for his determination to clean up Fort Lauderdale's beaches and tourist spots, that he says are a health threat. The tourist destinations, he says, are being used as "cruising" scenes for homosexual men looking for the anonymous sexual encounters that characterize the "gay" subculture. This activity, he says, is one of the major factors in the spread of the HIV virus in the area.

"Our goal isn't to arrest people," the Mayor said. "Our goal is to stop the activity…and we're going to save some lives in the process." Naugle said that eight men have been arrested in two years for having sex in restrooms at public parks.

"The health department, based on past statistics, estimates that around five hundred people in Broward County are going to contract HIV from men having sex with men." The mayor said that the local health department estimates that 74% of HIV cases are the result of male homosexual activity.

Naugle first ran afoul of the US homosexual activist community when he supported the decision of the Boy Scouts to ban homosexual troop leaders. He has also objected to the presence of a large collection of homosexual pornography in the local public library.

His forthright campaign to clean up Fort Lauderdale has earned him the vilification of the mainstream press as well as the homosexual lobby. James A. Smith Sr., Executive Editor of the Florida Baptist Witness writes that a "Flush Naugle" campaign has been launched seeking his removal from office, although his current term ends in 2009 and he is ineligible for re-election.

Naugle, in his sixth term as the longest serving mayor in Fort Lauderdale history, clarified previous comments that he said were misrepresented in the Sun Sentinel. He said that he did not say that homosexual tourism should be discouraged, but that "the county has a dilemma, that the health department is fighting the disease and the Broward County Convention Center is inviting more people here, including promoting the bathhouses…"

He told press that he would ask members of the Tourist Development Council to stop promoting bathhouses, where homosexual men meet for sex. Tourist information provided by Broward County invites tourists to visit bathhouses. Fort Lauderdale is known as the "Venice of America" and is one of North America's most important tourist destinations.

But at the meeting today, Naugle found himself at odds with local tourism business leaders who are using the homosexual subculture to promote "gay" tourism locally.

NBC6 News reports that Fort Lauderdale Tourism Board members said the mayor's opposition to public sex in tourist spots and bathhouses is hurting business.

"The county is receiving quite a few e-mails and inquiries of concern about what's happening," said Richard Gray, owner of Palm Resorts and Spa. "The gay and lesbian tourism market is a massive market here. It's about a $1 billion industry. It's a very important niche market for Fort Lauderdale."
Charlie, why do you care about this issue?

Is it that you are concerned for the health of homosexuals or something?

Do you live in Ft. Lauderdale?

Are you tempted to go into gay bathhouses? Are you worried that you will get AIDS?

I can understand why perhaps the Mayor of that town cares, I suppose.

But why do you care?
Charlie, why do you care about this issue?

Is it that you are concerned for the health of homosexuals or something?

Do you live in Ft. Lauderdale?

Are you tempted to go into gay bathhouses? Are you worried that you will get AIDS?

I can understand why perhaps the Mayor of that town cares, I suppose.

But why do you care?

The Bass cares because the more that homosexuality spreads the more the AIDS rate will increase since it is linked with high rates of homosexual sex. Thats the hidden thing about homosexuality that people can't see. Here where the Bass lives there is no homosexuality and thus a very low to nonexistent AIDS infection is here.

The other thing that this article exposes is how merchants and business people are using homosexuality to make money. Thats probably the main reason why homosexuality is spreading, its al about money. Most people condemn homosexuality and find it disgusting, but if it makes money for those few people it will not go away and instead it will spread. It all ties in with capitalism.
Charlie, why do you care about this issue?

Is it that you are concerned for the health of homosexuals or something?

Do you live in Ft. Lauderdale?

Are you tempted to go into gay bathhouses? Are you worried that you will get AIDS?

I can understand why perhaps the Mayor of that town cares, I suppose.

But why do you care?

Why do YOU care what he cares about or posts? He provided a news story about current events and health problems. What is YOUR agenda in asking him why he posted this?
Why do YOU care what he cares about or posts? He provided a news story about current events and health problems. What is YOUR agenda in asking him why he posted this?
It isn't current events...the story he linked to is a year old.

CB, if you are worried about getting aids from gay men, don't have sex with gay men. Seems pretty cut and dried to me.
If the government would have arrested homos with AIDS and quarantined them at the start of this epidemic. We wouldn't have this problem now.

But the Gay political agenda was more powerful than public safety.

Now diseased and infected homos roam the streets spreading their vile plague.
It isn't current events...the story he linked to is a year old.

CB, if you are worried about getting aids from gay men, don't have sex with gay men. Seems pretty cut and dried to me.

Lowering the AIDS is important to the Bass as it should be important to everyone. As for the sodomites, if they want to do their filth sex they should keep that private in their own houses, not in public bathrooms and in public places. The people who vigorously support the homosex movement never come out and say things of this nature is wrong. Sodomites should keep their homo-sextourism activities to themselves in their places, not in public places, it shows a lack of consideration for others on their part.
Why do YOU care what he cares about or posts? He provided a news story about current events and health problems. What is YOUR agenda in asking him why he posted this?

My agenda is to understand what he so fears about queers.

If queers are stupid enough to engage in unprotected sex with strangers, and they die because of that stupidity, why does he care?

Is he motivated for his affection for gay men?

I rather doubt that, don't you?

He's told us repeatedly in so many ways that he hates queers, so what motivates him to want prevent some of them from killing themselves by AIDES.

I'm seeking to really understand why some people here are so obsessed by homos.

Who cares what homos do?

Hetersexual men?


The more gay men there are the more straight women there are for us.

Speaking as a man who likes women, I wish a lot more men were gay than are, frankly.
CB, your posts sound paranoid and prejudiced. You DO realize that you can't get AIDS from going to a bathroom where people have had gay sex, right? You also realize that there aren't homosexuals brazenly displaying sexual activity, right?

You sound like one of those paranoid neo-cons.
My agenda is to understand what he so fears about queers.

If queers are stupid enough to engage in unprotected sex with strangers, and they die because of that stupidity, why does he care?

Is he motivated for his affection for gay men?

I rather doubt that, don't you?

He's told us repeatedly in so many ways that he hates queers, so what motivates him to want prevent some of them from killing themselves by AIDES.

I'm seeking to really understand why some people here are so obsessed by homos.

Who cares what homos do?

Hetersexual men?


The more gay men there are the more straight women there are for us.

Speaking as a man who likes women, I wish a lot more men were gay than are, frankly.

Homosexuals are NOT the only ones that get aids, now are they? But hey lets pretend it is so, maybe if we wish it to be true it really will be.....
If the government would have arrested homos with AIDS and quarantined them at the start of this epidemic. We wouldn't have this problem now.

But the Gay political agenda was more powerful than public safety.

Now diseased and infected homos roam the streets spreading their vile plague.

And what does the "government" do about people like you that are hate mongers? Is there anything or anybody else that you have on your list? You sound just like a "skin head" that needs to locked up because you are a thorn in side of our nation.
And what does the "government" do about people like you that are hate mongers? Is there anything or anybody else that you have on your list? You sound just like a "skin head" that needs to locked up because you are a thorn in side of our nation.
I don't hate anyone.

But I do want to see society protected from infectious diseases and rampant immorality.

Is that so bad?
I don't hate anyone.

But I do want to see society protected from infectious diseases and rampant immorality.

Is that so bad?

This is not your first post of "hate" ... think or read back to your own posts. Or the next time you get on to post just make sure that the drugs have worn off before you do. Will that work for ya? :eusa_shifty:
I don't hate anyone.

But I do want to see society protected from infectious diseases and rampant immorality.

Is that so bad?

I , as a christian do not like Immorality either, BUT in a free society who gets to decide what is and is not the correct Morality? I know for a fact I do not want to live in a Muslim nations under their concept of Morals. And I am quite sure all the non religious types do not like to live under my morals either.

The key then becomes simple, we are free to do as we please so long as we are not hurting or causing trouble for others.

A gay person that practices their sex in their own private abode, with consenting adults is no threat to me at all. I do not like seeing them kissing and carrying on in public, but then I bet some of them do not like us straights doing the same. No harm no foul.

I DO however have a problem with the gay practice of having sex in public places. There are parks and recreation sites people simply won't go to anymore because the gays have so polluted the area with left overs from their gay sex that it is unsafe and un sanitary.

I do NOT want to walk into a bathroom and find 2 guys screwing in the stalls or giving each other head. And I sure as shit do not want to sit on a toilet seat they left their left over sex crap on. And I shouldn't have to.

Gays do that. There is a culture that goes with that and they think it is perfectly acceptable. It is not. I do not want to go to bath house and find any sex there either. And again I shouldn't have to WORRY about that. It is ILLEGAL. I don't want to get hit on by guys hanging around bathrooms either.

If I chose to walk into a gay bar, I have no reason to complain if that happens. I do if it is a PUBLIC park, bath house, beach or any other PUBLIC place.

Prostitutes get arrested for doing that shit, so should gays.
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This is not your first post of "hate" ... think or read back to your own posts. Or the next time you get on to post just make sure that the drugs have worn off before you do. Will that work for ya? :eusa_shifty:
I don't do drugs, and am totally opposed to illegal drugs.

Also, I don't hate anyone. Hate takes way too much emotional energy.

If I may ask, why all of he personal atacks?
I don't do drugs, and am totally opposed to illegal drugs.

Also, I don't hate anyone. Hate takes way too much emotional energy.

If I may ask, why all of he personal atacks?

You though would make lots of things illegal, now wouldn't you? And you would enforce those laws by any means possible.
I , as a christian do not like Immorality either, BUT in a free society who gets to decide what is and is not the correct Morality? I know for a fact I do not want to live in a Muslim nations under their concept of Morals. And I am quite sure all the non religious types do not like to live under my morals either.


If I chose to walk into a gay bar, I have no reason to complain if that happens. I do if it is a PUBLIC park, bath house, beach or any other PUBLIC place.

Prostitutes get arrested for doing that shit, so should gays.

:thup: Excellant post! I have a problem with flamboyant gay's too, on public streets or in public places.

Sunni Man has a definite problem against "gay people", in general. He has made it obvious over and over in his posts on thread after thread. And he uses his "right of free speech" to do so. :doubt:
I , as a christian do not like Immorality either, BUT in a free society who gets to decide what is and is not the correct Morality?
For our society to survive. We have to have some laws governing morality.

Otherwise, the next thing will be that NAMBLA is considered normal, and marriages between men and animals will be legal.
I don't do drugs, and am totally opposed to illegal drugs.

Also, I don't hate anyone. Hate takes way too much emotional energy.

If I may ask, why all of he personal atacks?

Ok you asked I am going to tell you, smartass!

Our oldest son was gay. He died two years ago because of HIV/AIDS and cancer - at the age of 42. Because he was "gay" did not make me love him one iota less than my other two children. I was there when he was born .... and I was with him when he took his last breathe.

And yes I do stand up against assholes like yourself that makes comments against people that are "gay". Is that enough reason or do you need more?
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