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Gay statists strike again...you will submit!!!!

You see, folks, these punks really are that stupid and depraved. They really are that detached from reality. They truly are that indifferent to the disruption of your lives and the potentially staggering costs and sacrifices of defending your rights. They really do intend to destroy your livelihoods and your families . . . unless you submit.

They are not going to stop.

Stop entertaining their banal baby talk about irrelevant, legal minutia. We are past all that. They really think they can roll right over us with the corrupt due process of leftist judges and, with impunity, accuse us of not only violating their rule of law, but shamelessly allege that our resistance to their violation of our fundamental rights constitutes an imposition on them! They are insane. They are pathological liars. They are sociopaths.

That’s what you're up against. They are depraved animals, thugs of the first order.

If the courts do not correct these outrages soon, civil disobedience will be our only recourse short of taking up arms.
This is no different that ruling that a wedding hall must accommodate white people.

Not sure why all the angst.

You don't understand that millions are repulsed by homosexually, regard it to be disgusting, depraved, contrary to their sensibilities, their morality or religious convictions? Behavior and the benign realities of everyday-walk-in-the-park morphological features/traits are the same thing?

Where you dropped on your head as a child? Is the brain damage permanent?
Millions are repulsed by obese people too....and yet that doesn't deprive those people of the right to be treated equally.

And...am amused by your personal attacks.....which clearly show your weak argument for what it is.....weak.

What argument do you have? you hide behind crappy law and sneer. nothing more.

You haven't said why it is morally right to force others to give up their own morality, you just retort "its the law, neener neener"
That's right...it IS the law. And let me let you in on a little secret. Laws can be changed...if enough citizens want them changed. Laws can be repealed if enough citizens want them repealed. Laws can even have their constitutionality challenged by citizens who are affected by said laws.

The fact is....you are just whining because you KNOW you can not get enough citizens to vote your view on such laws. You are in the minority and you are crying about it.

Spoken like a true statist.

These laws shouldn't have to be changed, they should be thrown out as impingement on the freedom of others. Government shouldn't be involved, but it is.

And considering the current status of our governments, getting anything repealed or changed is next to impossible. So travesties like this are allowed to continue because progressives can always count on the low information apathetic voters to not care that their rights are being crushed, as long as their goodies keep coming in.

You hide behind the law like the gutless coward you are.

You apparently didn't really read my post. The law can be "thrown out" aka declared unconstitutional....if it is INDEED unconstitutional. Any citizen with standing in this case...i.e. a business owner in that state...can file a brief to challenge the constitutionality of such a law. That's how our country works, as per the Constitution. You don't like it....we get that....bummer to be you.
Right. So Homo marriage is not merely about equality, it's about oppression, and clearly it's about the necessity of civil disobedience if the courts don't rectify the matter in accordance with the inalienable rights of the First Amendment.

Nope, it's really about equality.

How are you more oppressed than bigots that don't want to serve blacks or Muslims?

Shut up, you confused twit.
You see, folks, these punks really are that stupid and depraved. They really are that detached from reality. They truly are that indifferent to the disruption of your lives and the potentially staggering costs and sacrifices of defending your rights. They really do intend to destroy your livelihoods and your families . . . unless you submit.

They are not going to stop.

Stop entertaining their banal baby talk about irrelevant, legal minutia. We are past all that. They really think they can roll right over us with the corrupt due process of leftist judges and, with impunity, accuse us of not only violating their rule of law, but shamelessly allege that our resistance to their violation of our fundamental rights constitutes an imposition on them! They are insane. They are pathological liars. They are sociopaths.

That’s what you're up against. They are depraved animals, thugs of the first order.

If the courts do not correct these outrages soon, civil disobedience will be our only recourse short of taking up arms.
Ahhhhhh! So there it is. Rawlings wants things his way, but doesn't want to have to spend the "costs and sacrifices of defending" what he thinks is his rights. He wants it handed to him cost-free. He's a moocher.
Again...you seem very afraid...trying to get people to "shut the hell up" . Not very nice....particularly when you also say "along with the business end of a loaded gun pointed at your stupid head". Now....let me ask you...is that the comment of a mature adult?

Not very nice? I'm impervious to your transparently obvious attempts at marginalization, and nobody who matters gives a flying you know what for your pathetically obtuse prattle.

Let me ask you why you're a fascist thug promoting the violation of INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS. Is that the behavior of an adult human being respecting the life, the liberty and the property of others, or that of an infantilized barbarian?

I'm reminded of what Golda Meir wrote about your Islamofascist cousins:

We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.​

Think about that in terms of dragging innocent human beings into court, forcing them into acts of civil disobedience or into taking up arms against you should all else fail, as we talk about your psychology.

Let's talk about your creepy obsession to control the lives of those with whom you disagree. Let's talk about your bizarre contempt for live and let live. Let's talk about your neurotic fear of liberty. Given the fact that there are no strings attached to the enterprise of you minding your own business and leaving those alone who don't wish to be unduly entangle in yours, why does that rejection drive you to acts of tyranny, you sick trick?

Indeed, let's talk about you nearly sociopathic narcissism.

Right. My "shut the hell up" means for you to literally shut the hell up. Who believes that? You lie as easily as a dog licks it genitals. Obviously, everyone with an IQ above that of gnat understands that I'm alluding to your blatant hypocrisy.


We have a $13,000 fine leveled against a family for "the audacity" of asserting its INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS in Pennsylvania. We have bakers and photographers, for example, being fined for asserting their INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS in other states. We have the suppression of the INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS of ideological free-association and parental authority in the private affairs of family via the state-sponsored imposition of paganism under the banner of psychobabble, junk science, against reparative therapy for children plagued by unwanted, same-sex attractions, including those suffering from the crisis of sexual identity, a well-established psychological phenomenon in the literature, due to the trauma of sexual molestation by same-sex predators. In San Francisco we have churches being routinely invaded and vandalized, and Christians being routinely assaulted on public thoroughfares by homosexuals with impunity. We even have a judge ordering a business owner to a "reeducation" camp of sorts in Colorado.


Of course I’m afraid, though not in the sense that you mean. Just how morally gone are you? I’m afraid in the sense that any rational human being would be, given the stakes and the dire alternatives should the courts fail the Republic. I'm afraid for my family, for my friends. I'm even afraid for you, though you're apparently beyond understanding why. You think you'll escape the tyranny of unmooring the Republic from the foundational imperatives of natural and conational law with regard to INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS? Just how naive are you?

Christians, by and large, are not going to submit. You'll delusional. What are you prepared to do?

Please, bodecea, you fascist bitch, by all means, keep talking, keep mocking, keep trying to marginalize. Lie. That’s the whole point of drawing you statist, bootlicking homofascists out. By all means, show us just how morally obtuse and monstrous you are. The more you do so, the clearer it becomes. Many still don't grasp the extent of the threat.
My goodness...the meltdown for not getting his own way is strong in this one.
First, Jim Crow laws predated bus service.

Hmmm...it didn't predate coaches and trains did it?

I am looking for the history paper that points out that segregation in transportation wasn't universal in the south until democrats passed Jim Crow laws...

Race and sexual orientation are not analogous. Until you libs stop that false comparison, you will get nowhere with this.
Civil rights are civil rights....are you sure you are a citizen of this country?

marriage is not a civil right. Forcing a supplier of a good or service to contract with you is not a civil right.

PA laws do not apply to two party contracts.

Civil marriage is....and has been declared so by several federal court decisions.....and by the Equal Protection under the Law clause in the 14th Amendment.

And if you disagree that a business should follow a state's laws on businesses.....you should work to either change those laws by repeal or even by getting them declared "unConstitutional" if you truely believe they go against the Constitution.

Right. So Homo marriage is not merely about equality, it's about oppression, and clearly it's about the necessity of civil disobedience if the courts don't rectify the matter in accordance with the inalienable rights of the First Amendment.
So...my marriage oppresses you? And to think you came across as being made of sterner stuff than that. You poor milquetoast, you.

I don't give a damn about what you do, you delusional narcissist, as long as you don't violate the life, the liberty or the property of another. But then, you lying-ass bitch, you knew what I was talking anyway, didn't you?
Again, so sorry that my marriage upsets...er....oppresses you so much. :(

The passive-aggressive milquetoast of perpetual victimhood sniveled.

Well yes. We've already pointed that out about you. :D
I'm going to continue sitting here laughing at your breakdown. That's what's "next" for me.

"Meltdown"? "Breakdown"? You think to marginalize? LOL!

Give it up. I'm impervious to your Alinsky tactics. You obviously aren't very familiar with me. I've been writing about "the business end of a loaded gun", which, of course, is nothing more at this point than an illustration concerning the depraved psychology of leftist thugs like you, for months to great effect. Where have you been? Just ask passive-aggressive Clayton Jones, whose nerve I obviously struck in the above. He occasionally lashes out, and it's always fun to slap that phony around.

It's a matter of illustration.

You don't have an argument that could possibly justify the violation of inalienable human rights, hence, your craven games.

In the above, you prattle about how the matter is cut-and-dried. Dude, you are one delusional silly ass. While we don't know yet what this family is going to do, by and large, Christians are not going to submit, no more than they have anywhere else thus far. Where have you been? The cases are in the courts. Your public accommodation codes are being challenged everywhere. If the courts don't get it right. . . .

The more you mock, the clearer it becomes to all just how incredibly stupid, naïve, dangerous and morally bankrupt you thugs are. Your sociopathic inability to grasp the extent of the tyranny you think to impose so casually, indeed, the breezy manner in which you think to dismiss my outrage as mere hysteria, makes my point regarding your psychology all the more compelling.
I'm going to continue sitting here laughing at your breakdown. That's what's "next" for me.

"Meltdown"? "Breakdown"? You think to marginalize? LOL!

Give it up. I'm impervious to your Alinsky tactics. You obviously aren't very familiar with me. I have always gone for the jugular with thugs like you. In fact, I've been writing about "the business end of a loaded gun", which, of course, is nothing more at this point than an illustration concerning the depraved psychology of leftist thugs like you, for months to great effect. Where have you been? Just ask passive-aggressive Clayton Jones, whose nerve I obviously struck in the above. He occasionally lashes out, and it's always fun to slap that phony around.

It's a matter of illustration.

You don't have an argument that could possibly justify the violation of inalienable human rights, hence, your craven games.

In the above, you prattle about how the matter is cut-and-dried. Dude, you are one delusional silly ass. While we don't know yet what this family is going to do, by and large, Christians are not going to submit, no more than they have anywhere else thus far. Where have you been? The cases are in the courts. Your public accommodation codes are being challenged everywhere. If the courts don't get it right. . . .

The more you mock, the clearer it becomes to all just how incredibly stupid, naïve, dangerous and morally bankrupt you thugs are. Your sociopathic inability to grasp the extent of the tyranny you think to impose so casually, indeed, the breezy manner in which you think to dismiss my outrage as mere hysteria, makes my point regarding your psychology all the more compelling.
First, Jim Crow laws predated bus service.

Hmmm...it didn't predate coaches and trains did it?

I am looking for the history paper that points out that segregation in transportation wasn't universal in the south until democrats passed Jim Crow laws...

Race and sexual orientation are not analogous. Until you libs stop that false comparison, you will get nowhere with this.
Civil rights are civil rights....are you sure you are a citizen of this country?

marriage is not a civil right. Forcing a supplier of a good or service to contract with you is not a civil right.

PA laws do not apply to two party contracts.

Civil marriage is....and has been declared so by several federal court decisions.....and by the Equal Protection under the Law clause in the 14th Amendment.

And if you disagree that a business should follow a state's laws on businesses.....you should work to either change those laws by repeal or even by getting them declared "unConstitutional" if you truely believe they go against the Constitution.

Right. So Homo marriage is not merely about equality, it's about oppression, and clearly it's about the necessity of civil disobedience if the courts don't rectify the matter in accordance with the inalienable rights of the First Amendment.
So...my marriage oppresses you? And to think you came across as being made of sterner stuff than that. You poor milquetoast, you.

As long as you don't use your insist that homo hookups be condoned by, or sanctioned by, the church you're welcome to them.

Sadly, you are incapable of stopping at the church door. You feel you have the right to batter it down and force your way in. And that is oppression, and will be stopped.

LOL...that there horse done left the barn waaaaaay long ago. Ironically for you, we were married religiously almost 20 years before the state legalized civil gay marriage. :lol:


I care deeply.
You are wrong......The Government today has just as much of a right to take your land as they did the Indians..........It's why they took it for "peace and freedom"

The irony is the people who hate Big Government always stand on the side of bigotry and future big gov.

Want to explain how I support big government considering all the times you have accused me of being an anarchist?
Wow...you've got a lot of anger penned up inside you. I'd suggest therapy, but I'm sure that's just too "french and gay" for you, right? That was a lot of butthurt in one post.

So, you really don't care to get rid of all Public Accommodation laws, just the ones that protect the gheys like Christians and blacks are protected?

So, braggart, what was your lawsuit about? Couldn't have been a Public Accommodation lawsuit since gays aren't protected in Arizona against discrimination in Public Accommodation. You knew that already, right?

As for the emboldened paragraph in your post, you don't have the first clue what my thinking is as you don't have the first clue about what the Lockean tradition of natural law on which this nation was founded is, and I won't be wasting any of my time on your pedestrian IQ in that regard.


See this is stinking pile of excrement that you people are. I responded to a post that inquired what I had specifically done in defense of liberty. I didn't raise the question. I didn't elicit it. I simply and honestly answered it. Take braggart and shove it up your ass, lunatic.

Butt hurt? Pent up anger? LOL! That's what you leftist whores always say in the face of righteous anger; that's the game you leftist whores always play. I'm impervious. Let me help you, morally clueless one. Look up the word contempt.

You're a degenerate, a useful idiot, a rank barbarian. Check?

The details are none of your business. However, the impetus of the "Arizona Religious Rights Bill" was the more than a dozen test-case lawsuits that were brought against Arizona business owners coupled with the spreading disease of inordinately intrusive public accommodation codes in other states. You don't know what you're talking about. Take your accusation of lying and shove it back down your pie hole, past your lying tongue and gag on it, mkay, bitch?
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Would a minority-owned business be forced to cater a KKK event?
Yes they would.

Actually the wouldn't, the KKK isn't a race, religion, ethnicity, place of national origin, sex or sexual orientation so in most states they are not covered under Public Accommodation Laws. (They would be in California because of the CSC ruling about the Uhr (sp?) Act, not not others.)

For example from New Mexico (See PDF page 20) -->> www.adfmedia.org/files/ElanePhotoNMSCopinion.pdf

Would a minority-owned business be forced to cater a KKK event?
Yes they would.

Actually the wouldn't, the KKK isn't a race, religion, ethnicity, place of national origin, sex or sexual orientation so in most states they are not covered under Public Accommodation Laws. (They would be in California because of the CSC ruling about the Uhr (sp?) Act, not not others.)

For example from New Mexico (See PDF page 20) -->> www.adfmedia.org/files/ElanePhotoNMSCopinion.pdf

Sexual orientation didn't used to be covered under Public Accommodation Laws. So perhaps it's just a matter of time. You people tend to change the laws, legally or illegally, to suit yourselves.
Would a minority-owned business be forced to cater a KKK event?
Yes they would.

Actually the wouldn't, the KKK isn't a race, religion, ethnicity, place of national origin, sex or sexual orientation so in most states they are not covered under Public Accommodation Laws. (They would be in California because of the CSC ruling about the Uhr (sp?) Act, not not others.)

For example from New Mexico (See PDF page 20) -->> www.adfmedia.org/files/ElanePhotoNMSCopinion.pdf


would a Christian owned business be forced to cater a muslim prayer session? How about a druid ceremony?
Would a minority-owned business be forced to cater a KKK event?
Yes they would.

Actually the wouldn't, the KKK isn't a race, religion, ethnicity, place of national origin, sex or sexual orientation so in most states they are not covered under Public Accommodation Laws. (They would be in California because of the CSC ruling about the Uhr (sp?) Act, not not others.)

For example from New Mexico (See PDF page 20) -->> www.adfmedia.org/files/ElanePhotoNMSCopinion.pdf

Sexual orientation didn't used to be covered under Public Accommodation Laws. So perhaps it's just a matter of time. You people tend to change the laws, legally or illegally, to suit yourselves.

I'm more a Goldwater Conservative, he voted against the Civil Rights act of 1964 specifically because of the Public Accommodation laws impact on private business.

I support that position and the repeal of PA laws, that doesn't mean I can't discuss how the laws work.


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