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Gay statists strike again...you will submit!!!!

So what? It's against the law in NY to discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation.

Shut up, you mindless, homofascist thug.

That's how you talk to them, folks. You are not going to reason a reprobate mind out of its insanity. You are not going reason a murderous Islamofascist out of his insanity. You know that. These jackasses are of the same ilk. Indeed, these are the very people who routinely defend the likes of Islamofascists and spit on Israel. They spit on America. You know these things about them. Hello! What makes you think you can reason with them?

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. The comrades. The citizens. The Bolsheviks. The Maoists. The fawning worshipers of the Dear Leader. Big Bother is their god. They're the cowardly conformists, the electrical shock of your life as directed by the authority figure standing behind them. They're the sheep. They're the mindless, Sieg Heiling worshipers of Hitler. They're the barbarians at the gate. Like the poor, they've always been with us. In short, they're the murderers, the liars, the willing accomplices of every tyranny and atrocity the world has ever known.

They are morally and intellectually depraved.

What makes you think you can reason with a person who cannot or will not grasp the limits of legitimate political/civil rights against the bulwark of inalienable human rights?
Why are these people always so stupid? "Oh I'm sorry , we're completely booked with all the weddings we want to handle until 2020"

done and done
You depraved moron. Ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty, and in this instance the only persons being unconstitutionally singled out in violation of their inalienable rights of free-association and private property are the Christians owners of this business.

You are a homofascist thug.


So hurry up and challenge the constitutionality of PA laws. Whatcha waiting for? Too lazy? Armed revolt just plain more to your liking rather than demanding your representative work?

Shut the hell up, punk. I won't be lectured by fascist thugs like you. I slap the piss out of cowardly punks like you . . . verbally speaking, you understand. Hmm. Unless of course you in get in my face, you know, invade my space, then I'm liable to kick your ass to the curb, literally.

A number of cases are already being adjudicated, on their way toward to the Supreme Court out of Colorado, New Mexico, California and other states. The Court had better get this right. I've personally been sued by a homofascist whore like you as I don't play the dodge game. I'm past that song and dance. That depraved sissy lost and was ordered to reimburse me for my legal expenses. But I haven't gotten a dime of that back and probably never will. I've put my assets on the line to defend liberty and have donated thousands to the various legal funds fighting this crap. Years ago I put my life on the line to defend liberty.

All punks like you have ever done all your lives is tear the Republic down and attack the inalienable rights of the people.

I'm in Arizona. I donated time, money and energy to pass The Arizona "Religious Rights" bill (Senate Bill 1062), vetoed by that cowardly bitch Brewer. That bill's coming back up when that statist bootlick is gone, and we will get it passed.

I will engage in civil disobedience if necessary, and I will take up arms if necessary.

Oh, and once again, shut the hell up, you mindless, bootlicking statist.

Time to call the orderlies and tell them to bring the butterfly nets and tranquilizers...
I fully expect to check in to this message board some day, only to find Rawlings staring out of my computer screen with a loaded gun to my head.....

First they fined the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they jailed the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they killed the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left who would speak for me.
Godwin's Law activated.

Yeah. By lying homofascists, and once again, persist down this road of tyranny, Americans will rise up and end you.
Yeah yeah...."gun to head" ....brrrrrrrr....I'm shaking.

This behavior will result in the sexually abnormal being shoved back in the closet and the door slammed shut.

Now you may ask: "Why is that?" The answer to which is that it is unreasonable.

There is no potential for a right, wherein the exercising of that right usurps the means of another to exercise their rights. This is why the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality must be destroyed. It is irrational and as such, it is a threat to freedom itself.

There is no other way it can be, therefore: That is how it must be.
I fully expect to check in to this message board some day, only to find Rawlings staring out of my computer screen with a loaded gun to my head.....

First they fined the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they jailed the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they killed the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left who would speak for me.
Godwin's Law activated.

Yeah. By lying homofascists, and once again, persist down this road of tyranny, Americans will rise up and end you.
Yeah yeah...."gun to head" ....brrrrrrrr....I'm shaking.

This behavior will result in the sexually abnormal being shoved back in the closet and the door slammed shut.

Now you may ask: "Why is that?" The answer to which is that it is unreasonable.

There is no potential for a right, wherein the exercising of that right usurps the means of another to exercise their rights. This is why the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality must be destroyed. It is irrational and as such, it is a threat to freedom itself.

There is no other way it can be, therefore: That is how it must be.
Sorry...not going back in the closet. :D
What if a health inspector decides all donuts are bad for you? does he get to close the bakery down if they sell donuts?

This is truly ridiculous.

Health inspectors don't 'decide' anything.

They administer necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies authorized by laws and measures predicated on, and justified by, facts and evidence, not capricious whims or subjective beliefs.

And the laws enacted authorizing regulatory policies are done so at the behest of the people in accordance with representative democracy and the Constitution of this Republic, where should the people believe a given regulatory policy is beyond the scope of government authority, they are at liberty to seek relief through either the political process or in the Federal courts.

You have never been through a health inspection of a restaurant, have you?

I seem to recall that they go much more smoothly when you slip the dude an envelope of cash, a fifth of good booze, or both...
Seems to me that you're a lying-ass fascist whore. I explained the matter in no uncertain terms. We are talking about inalienable human rights. You're claiming that it's okay to violate the same. You’re either as stupid as dirt or pretending not to understand the limits of your rights, pretending not to understand what you know in heart of hearts to be an outrageous violation of human dignity, indeed, a violation verging on murder that would have you screaming like the stuck pig that you are were it being perpetrated against the prerogatives of your free-association and private property.

Shut the hell up, you depraved bitch. You do not have the right to bring your pagan filth onto the property of a Christian. Trespass.

The only thing I will civilly entertain from you is an honest discussion regarding the facts of inalienable human rights or an apology for your monstrous, existential threats against my family and our way life, you pagan, bootlicking statist whore.

Code red, code red, patient Rawlings is having a meltdown! Code red, bring the straitjackets!
The homofascist thug of homofascist thugs who has expressed the vilest contempt for Christians and their inalienable rights whimpered.

Shut the hell up about the rule of law, you morally obtuse punk, and back at ya, along with the business end of a loaded gun pointed at your stupid head should the need arise to defend my inalienable rights, which it what you Marxist thugs are pushing this nation toward.

There's your rule of law, the law of the jungle to which you would reduce us all.

I am truly starting to wonder if the time is approaching to report this mouth-frothing nut to the FBI...
I will strike a deal. Remove marriage as a government financed tax subsidy (and whatever other government funding is given to the institution of marriage), and treat individuals the same as a married couple - then the same-sex marriage issue will end, as marriage will no longer exist as a government enforced subsidy - and instead will exist purely as a private contract.

If marriage is a 'religious institution' as the 'religious right' claim, then marriage is also unconstitutional as the US government then endorses one religious view over another. So puzzled why the 'religious right' even push this, since it actually undermines their claim rather than re-enforces it. If I was a judge it would be like 'side a says x is true on basis of their religion and scientifically lacking claims about LGBT people, therefore the same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional' *hammer falls*

But since it is obvious that the 'religious right' don't want compromise, more than happy for this to go state by state or court by court till every state in America allows same-sex marriage - in a few decades people will get the same silly looks for condemning same-sex marriage as they would now for condemning inter-racial marriage.
I will strike a deal. Remove marriage as a government financed tax subsidy (and whatever other government funding is given to the institution of marriage), and treat individuals the same as a married couple - then the same-sex marriage issue will end, as marriage will no longer exist as a government enforced subsidy - and instead will exist purely as a private contract.

If marriage is a 'religious institution' as the 'religious right' claim, then marriage is also unconstitutional as the US government then endorses one religious view over another. So puzzled why the 'religious right' even push this, since it actually undermines their claim rather than re-enforces it. If I was a judge it would be like 'side a says x is true on basis of their religion and scientifically lacking claims about LGBT people, therefore the same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional' *hammer falls*

But since it is obvious that the 'religious right' don't want compromise, more than happy for this to go state by state or court by court till every state in America allows same-sex marriage - in a few decades people will get the same silly looks for condemning same-sex marriage as they would now for condemning inter-racial marriage.
Burn the homes to save the village, eh? :rolleyes:
So what? It's against the law in NY to discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation.

Shut up, you mindless, homofascist thug.

That's how you talk to them, folks. You are not going to reason a reprobate mind out of its insanity. You are not going reason a murderous Islamofascist out of his insanity. You know that. These jackasses are of the same ilk. Indeed, these are the very people who routinely defend the likes of Islamofascists and spit on Israel. They spit on America. You know these things about them. Hello! What makes you think you can reason with them?

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. The comrades. The citizens. The Bolsheviks. The Maoists. The fawning worshipers of the Dear Leader. Big Bother is their god. They're the cowardly conformists, the electrical shock of your life as directed by the authority figure standing behind them. They're the sheep. They're the mindless, Sieg Heiling worshipers of Hitler. They're the barbarians at the gate. Like the poor, they've always been with us. In short, they're the murderers, the liars, the willing accomplices of every tyranny and atrocity the world has ever known.

They are morally and intellectually depraved.

What makes you think you can reason with a person who cannot or will not grasp the limits of legitimate political/civil rights against the bulwark of inalienable human rights?

So what's your point, Jarlaxle? The violation of inalienable human rights is no big deal?
This is no different that ruling that a wedding hall must accommodate white people.

Not sure why all the angst.

You don't understand that millions are repulsed by homosexually, regard it to be disgusting, depraved, contrary to their sensibilities, their morality or religious convictions? Behavior and the benign realities of everyday-walk-in-the-park morphological features/traits are the same thing?

Where you dropped on your head as a child? Is the brain damage permanent?

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computed for evidence of lesbian pornography!
I will strike a deal. Remove marriage as a government financed tax subsidy (and whatever other government funding is given to the institution of marriage), and treat individuals the same as a married couple - then the same-sex marriage issue will end, as marriage will no longer exist as a government enforced subsidy - and instead will exist purely as a private contract.

If marriage is a 'religious institution' as the 'religious right' claim, then marriage is also unconstitutional as the US government then endorses one religious view over another. So puzzled why the 'religious right' even push this, since it actually undermines their claim rather than re-enforces it. If I was a judge it would be like 'side a says x is true on basis of their religion and scientifically lacking claims about LGBT people, therefore the same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional' *hammer falls*

But since it is obvious that the 'religious right' don't want compromise, more than happy for this to go state by state or court by court till every state in America allows same-sex marriage - in a few decades people will get the same silly looks for condemning same-sex marriage as they would now for condemning inter-racial marriage.
Burn the homes to save the village, eh? :rolleyes:
Well, you can find all these people foaming at the mouth over the institution of marriage, and pointing out 'but...marriage shouldn't be a government institution', as a way to justify their opposition to same-sex marriage.

But they carefully omit the fact that an opposite-sex marriage is in effect a state sanctioned subsidy and benefit system of opposite-sex marriage people over single individuals i.e. individuals get less subsidies and benefits than if they were married and living together.

If the premise goes that it is 'unfair for same-sex couples to marry' on basis of marriage being a special-status category, then they have no choice but to accept that on the very basis of their argument that no one can have their marriage condoned or approved by the state (as marriage of any kind is in effect a special status category).
I will strike a deal. Remove marriage as a government financed tax subsidy (and whatever other government funding is given to the institution of marriage), and treat individuals the same as a married couple - then the same-sex marriage issue will end, as marriage will no longer exist as a government enforced subsidy - and instead will exist purely as a private contract.

If marriage is a 'religious institution' as the 'religious right' claim, then marriage is also unconstitutional as the US government then endorses one religious view over another. So puzzled why the 'religious right' even push this, since it actually undermines their claim rather than re-enforces it. If I was a judge it would be like 'side a says x is true on basis of their religion and scientifically lacking claims about LGBT people, therefore the same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional' *hammer falls*

Marriage is, clearly, not SOLELY a religious institution...offhand, my wife and I were married by a judge. my sister and brother-in-law were married by a JP.
So what? It's against the law in NY to discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation.

Shut up, you mindless, homofascist thug.

That's how you talk to them, folks. You are not going to reason a reprobate mind out of its insanity. You are not going reason a murderous Islamofascist out of his insanity. You know that. These jackasses are of the same ilk. Indeed, these are the very people who routinely defend the likes of Islamofascists and spit on Israel. They spit on America. You know these things about them. Hello! What makes you think you can reason with them?

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. The comrades. The citizens. The Bolsheviks. The Maoists. The fawning worshipers of the Dear Leader. Big Bother is their god. They're the cowardly conformists, the electrical shock of your life as directed by the authority figure standing behind them. They're the sheep. They're the mindless, Sieg Heiling worshipers of Hitler. They're the barbarians at the gate. Like the poor, they've always been with us. In short, they're the murderers, the liars, the willing accomplices of every tyranny and atrocity the world has ever known.

They are morally and intellectually depraved.

What makes you think you can reason with a person who cannot or will not grasp the limits of legitimate political/civil rights against the bulwark of inalienable human rights?

So what's your point, Jarlaxle? The violation of inalienable human rights is no big deal?

My point? That you are having a spectacular, humorous, and highly-entertaining conniption! It's on the level of watching someone piss on an electric fence or play tether-ball while hammered!
So what? It's against the law in NY to discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation.

Shut up, you mindless, homofascist thug.

That's how you talk to them, folks. You are not going to reason a reprobate mind out of its insanity. You are not going reason a murderous Islamofascist out of his insanity. You know that. These jackasses are of the same ilk. Indeed, these are the very people who routinely defend the likes of Islamofascists and spit on Israel. They spit on America. You know these things about them. Hello! What makes you think you can reason with them?

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. The comrades. The citizens. The Bolsheviks. The Maoists. The fawning worshipers of the Dear Leader. Big Bother is their god. They're the cowardly conformists, the electrical shock of your life as directed by the authority figure standing behind them. They're the sheep. They're the mindless, Sieg Heiling worshipers of Hitler. They're the barbarians at the gate. Like the poor, they've always been with us. In short, they're the murderers, the liars, the willing accomplices of every tyranny and atrocity the world has ever known.

They are morally and intellectually depraved.

What makes you think you can reason with a person who cannot or will not grasp the limits of legitimate political/civil rights against the bulwark of inalienable human rights?

So what's your point, Jarlaxle? The violation of inalienable human rights is no big deal?
Drama! Drama! Drama! Oh woe is US!!! Our inalienable human rights to treat others like 2nd class citizens or worse is being abridged! Oh the Humanity!
I fully expect to check in to this message board some day, only to find Rawlings staring out of my computer screen with a loaded gun to my head.....

First they fined the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they jailed the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they killed the Christians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Christian.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left who would speak for me.
Godwin's Law activated.

Yeah. By lying homofascists, and once again, persist down this road of tyranny, Americans will rise up and end you.
Yeah yeah...."gun to head" ....brrrrrrrr....I'm shaking.

This behavior will result in the sexually abnormal being shoved back in the closet and the door slammed shut.

Now you may ask: "Why is that?" The answer to which is that it is unreasonable.

There is no potential for a right, wherein the exercising of that right usurps the means of another to exercise their rights. This is why the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality must be destroyed. It is irrational and as such, it is a threat to freedom itself.

There is no other way it can be, therefore: That is how it must be.
Sorry...not going back in the closet. :D

That's fine with me. It's not me that ya have to worry about. I do not exercise my rights to the detriment of the means of others to do the same.

Its YOU that threatens you. You are desperate to find legitimacy, but lack the strength of character to comport yourself within the scope of legitimacy. So, at the bare minimum, you advocate for behavior which must, inevitably, drive itself beyond the means of decent people to tolerate your usurpation of their means to live free and pursue the fulfillment of their lives.

The Left (you) did the same thing with 'fairness'. You pushed it and coerced, cajoled and harangued, until you forced sound principle out, which ... inevitably, pushed up the perceived value of real estate beyond the means of the market to sustain those values, at which point the patented catastrophe common to leftist policy crashed the international financial markets, leaving in its wake millions of people losing their homes. Crushing the dreams of the poor and middle class, who's only crime was that they tolerated your foolishness and some, probably actually bought into it.

Now where was the fairness in that? Was that your intentions? No... Of course not. Which, again, is what makes you people dangerous.

Whether you want to go into the closet or not, you will fairly soon find yourself moving away from where you live and settling into a new life, where you will be 'straight as an arrow'. Because to be recognized as sexually abnormal, will be 'undesirable'.

And you'll have no one to blame, but yourselves. (Naturally you'll secretly blame everyone else, but the 'opinions of the sexually abnormal', at that point, will not be up for consideration.)


Crazy ironic, ain't it?
Last edited:
This is no different that ruling that a wedding hall must accommodate white people.

Not sure why all the angst.

You don't understand that millions are repulsed by homosexually, regard it to be disgusting, depraved, contrary to their sensibilities, their morality or religious convictions? Behavior and the benign realities of everyday-walk-in-the-park morphological features/traits are the same thing?

Where you dropped on your head as a child? Is the brain damage permanent?

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computed for evidence of lesbian pornography!

What exactly is wrong with lesbian porn? Do I need to hide my hard drive?
So what? It's against the law in NY to discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation.

Shut up, you mindless, homofascist thug.

That's how you talk to them, folks. You are not going to reason a reprobate mind out of its insanity. You are not going reason a murderous Islamofascist out of his insanity. You know that. These jackasses are of the same ilk. Indeed, these are the very people who routinely defend the likes of Islamofascists and spit on Israel. They spit on America. You know these things about them. Hello! What makes you think you can reason with them?

They are the pitchfork-wielding Jacobins. The comrades. The citizens. The Bolsheviks. The Maoists. The fawning worshipers of the Dear Leader. Big Bother is their god. They're the cowardly conformists, the electrical shock of your life as directed by the authority figure standing behind them. They're the sheep. They're the mindless, Sieg Heiling worshipers of Hitler. They're the barbarians at the gate. Like the poor, they've always been with us. In short, they're the murderers, the liars, the willing accomplices of every tyranny and atrocity the world has ever known.

They are morally and intellectually depraved.

What makes you think you can reason with a person who cannot or will not grasp the limits of legitimate political/civil rights against the bulwark of inalienable human rights?

So what's your point, Jarlaxle? The violation of inalienable human rights is no big deal?
Drama! Drama! Drama! Oh woe is US!!! Our inalienable human rights to treat others like 2nd class citizens or worse is being abridged! Oh the Humanity!

Sad that you don't recognize private property rights as being important.

Oh , and you can shove your "public accommodation" argument. If that were true, the law wouldn't carve out special groups that I couldn't discriminate against, it would simply say " YOU CAN'T DISCRIMINATE PERIOD"

Time for some honesty from all sides.
I will strike a deal. Remove marriage as a government financed tax subsidy (and whatever other government funding is given to the institution of marriage), and treat individuals the same as a married couple - then the same-sex marriage issue will end, as marriage will no longer exist as a government enforced subsidy - and instead will exist purely as a private contract.

If marriage is a 'religious institution' as the 'religious right' claim, then marriage is also unconstitutional as the US government then endorses one religious view over another. So puzzled why the 'religious right' even push this, since it actually undermines their claim rather than re-enforces it. If I was a judge it would be like 'side a says x is true on basis of their religion and scientifically lacking claims about LGBT people, therefore the same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional' *hammer falls*

But since it is obvious that the 'religious right' don't want compromise, more than happy for this to go state by state or court by court till every state in America allows same-sex marriage - in a few decades people will get the same silly looks for condemning same-sex marriage as they would now for condemning inter-racial marriage.

Be honest, gays don't want that compromise either. They won't be happy until Christians who are morally opposed are FORCED to accept their "marriages"

It's pathetic behavior on both ends.

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