Gay Teacher fired

Right...divorcees and people who have sex before wedlock should be fired immediately, right? The point is they aren't. Only the gay "sinners" get fired.
The Bible allows divorce under certain conditions....although it's frowned upon.

Whereas, homosexuality is soundly condemned as a serious sin that will get you a one way ticket to hell. ... :doubt:
My understanding of the bible suggests this is true.
What I find hard to accept is the way some people want to be openly and actively gay but claim to uphold the rest of the bible.

Sort of like choosing the bits you like but rebelling against the bits that don't suit you.
Ner, he should be sacked as you can't work in a Catholic school and be sexually active with another bloke.
The same goes for adulterers, thieves and so on, so don't bother calling me anti gay.

Right...divorcees and people who have sex before wedlock should be fired immediately, right? The point is they aren't. Only the gay "sinners" get fired.

Pass ENDA now!
Presumably if single women or men went around proclaiming their latest sexual exploits they would be fired too.
Get off the victim mentality thing. You're not black. This isn't the 1960s. The Church is not Bull Connor.

They weren't "proclaiming sexual exploits", they just got a marriage license.

The church will change or die, just watch.
Right...divorcees and people who have sex before wedlock should be fired immediately, right? The point is they aren't. Only the gay "sinners" get fired.

Pass ENDA now!
Presumably if single women or men went around proclaiming their latest sexual exploits they would be fired too.
Get off the victim mentality thing. You're not black. This isn't the 1960s. The Church is not Bull Connor.

They weren't "proclaiming sexual exploits", they just got a marriage license.

The church will change or die, just watch.

It's the equivalent. Rubbing the church's nose in it.
Play with fire, get burned.
Here is the problem....

"Shall make no law" is a restriction on government. I always see people trying to have it both ways.

You cannot have government employees mention 'God' because it violates the First Amendment and some mythical separation of church and state. Yet, here we are saying the government can absolutely violate religion in the name of the secular.

“We have never held that an individual’s religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law … On the contrary, the record of more than a century of free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.”

Employment Division v. Smith
Now, read the First Amendment again.

A law is not valid if it interferes with the free exercise of religion. Please do not confuse unchallenged with Constitutional.

The first amendment doesn't grant people the ability to ignore the law.

It sets a very dangerous precedent to say that religiously owned businesses can ignore any law that might conflict with their religion.

This should be very simple. Religion is a personal thing. If you don't beleive in contraception, don't use it. If you think being gay is wrong, don't be gay. But don't be a dick to everyone else you know because you think it makes your savior happy that you're an ass.
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It is a sin to lay down with someone of the same sex. It is not a sin to be gay it is a sin to practice it.

My understanding of the bible suggests this is true.
What I find hard to accept is the way some people want to be openly and actively gay but claim to uphold the rest of the bible.

Sort of like choosing the bits you like but rebelling against the bits that don't suit you.
Ner, he should be sacked as you can't work in a Catholic school and be sexually active with another bloke.
The same goes for adulterers, thieves and so on, so don't bother calling me anti gay.

Right...divorcees and people who have sex before wedlock should be fired immediately, right? The point is they aren't. Only the gay "sinners" get fired.

Pass ENDA now!

#1 I don't believe that sexual orientation is covered under PA anti-discrimination laws.

#2 Passage of the ENDA wouldn't help either.

Sec 6.
Exemption for Religious Organizations
(a)In general

This Act shall not apply to a corporation, association, educational institution or institution of learning, or society that is exempt from the religious discrimination provisions of title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.) pursuant to section 702(a) or 703(e)(2) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 2000e–1(a), 2000e–2(e)(2)) (referred to in this section as a "religious employer").​

The teacher took this job knowing the rules, which he intended to break. Then he could file a lawsuit and try to force the Catholic church to change its doctrine.
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.
Business is right. Church is a business....whose income flows UNTAXED!...whose property is UNTAXED!...whose profits are HUGE!

...and all you gotta do to start one is say the're a church!
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.

A private religious school is not a business, that's the point. They can establish their own standards for code of conduct. This is just another ploy for the LGBT community in their aims to have their "lifestyle" become socially acceptable and be declared a minority.
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If the court finds the church violated the gay's civil rights while he was serving a public interest, then the case can be made for damages.

That's a long step from where matters are now.

nobody violated his civil rights. Catholic school is a PRIVATE enterprise and there was recently a SCOTUS case exactly in the same plane - religious schools can FIRE or discriminate against certain behavior if it is in direct conflict with their teaching.
Right...divorcees and people who have sex before wedlock should be fired immediately, right? The point is they aren't. Only the gay "sinners" get fired.
The Bible allows divorce under certain conditions....although it's frowned upon.

Whereas, homosexuality is soundly condemned as a serious sin that will get you a one way ticket to hell. ... :doubt:

The Bible only sanctions divorce in cases of adultery, and just barely.

As for one way tickets to hell, Paul condemns gays and masturbators in the same breath. So if one lives by the "judge lest ye be judged" credo, a lot of self-abusing judgmental homophobes are going to be spending eternity with gays. :lol:
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The Church should be able to fire the gay teacher, just as it should be able to fire a woman for getting an abortion.
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.

A private religious school is not a business, that's the point. They can establish their own standards for code of conduct. This is just another ploy for the LGBT community in their aims to have their "lifestyle" become socially acceptable and be declared a minority.

I can't agree with someone who knows someone is gay and then turns around and fires them for practicing their lifestyle. Just doesn't float for me. Are they going to fire every teacher that has sex out of wedlock?
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.

A private religious school is not a business, that's the point. They can establish their own standards for code of conduct. This is just another ploy for the LGBT community in their aims to have their "lifestyle" become socially acceptable and be declared a minority.

I can't agree with someone who knows someone is gay and then turns around and fires them for practicing their lifestyle. Just doesn't float for me. Are they going to fire every teacher that has sex out of wedlock?

Do you know that the school officials knew he was gay before he advertised his "marriage"? I'm guessing he kept that part of his life secret from the school as it was most likely part of his "contract" with the school.
Well I don't really know the particulars of this case and to be honest I don't really want to.

I have mixed feelings about the gay issue. Some of the in your face bullshit really gets on my nerves. But on the other hand we are often as in their face as they are ours. It's become a big ole circle jerk of public stunts by both sides.

Live and let live.
Thank you!

My gut feeling was that Jesus didn't comment on the subject - that so much of the religious rancor over homosexuals was manufactured of whole cloth as were so many other aspects of what now passes for Christianity.

Druidism is much safer. We only gotta please the oak trees and they don't say a whole lot.

Are you druids allowed to have sexual relationships with trees other than oaks? I mean what happens if one of you falls in love with a maple?

I don't believe there is an issue with tree altar boys in druidism.
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.

A private religious school is not a business, that's the point. They can establish their own standards for code of conduct. This is just another ploy for the LGBT community in their aims to have their "lifestyle" become socially acceptable and be declared a minority.

I can't agree with someone who knows someone is gay and then turns around and fires them for practicing their lifestyle. Just doesn't float for me. Are they going to fire every teacher that has sex out of wedlock?

They certainly should have the right to do so.
If he sues I kinda hope he wins. I think the lifestyle is wrong but boundaries that one business must follow should be applied to all. Equal treatment and all that jazz.

A private religious school is not a business, that's the point. They can establish their own standards for code of conduct. This is just another ploy for the LGBT community in their aims to have their "lifestyle" become socially acceptable and be declared a minority.

I can't agree with someone who knows someone is gay and then turns around and fires them for practicing their lifestyle. Just doesn't float for me. Are they going to fire every teacher that has sex out of wedlock?

Baptist Daycare Fires Worker Because She Got Pregnant Out Of Wedlock
In other news...

A jury found that an Ohio archdiocese discriminated against a teacher who was fired after becoming pregnant via artificial insemination, leaving legal experts expecting an appeal that they say could have a much wider legal impact.

Christa Dias, who was fired from two schools in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati in October 2010, was awarded more than $170,000 Monday after winning her federal anti-discrimination lawsuit against the archdiocese.

Catholic Teacher Fired After Getting Pregnant Awarded $171,000

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