Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

Gays are no more likely to molest your children than are members of your own family.
Maybe your family members would molest children; but mine wouldn't. :cool:

Actually since molesters who are strangers to children only comprise 10% of cases and family members comprise 30% of cases of molestation then your family members are 3 times more likely to molest your kids than a strange gay guy
Most children are abused by someone they know and trust.

An estimated 60% of perpetrators of sexual abuse are known to the child but are not family members, e.g., family friends, babysitters, childcare providers, neighbors.

About 30% of perpetrators are family members, e.g., fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins.

Just 10% of perpetrators are strangers to the child.

In most cases, the perpetrator is male regardless of whether the victim is a boy or girl. Heterosexual and gay men are equally likely to sexually abuse children. A perception that most perpetrators are gay men is a myth and harmful stereotype.

Some perpetrators are female -- It is estimated that women are the abusers in about 14% of cases reported among boys and 6% of cases reported among girls.
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Actually, they are.

Do you care to provide proof that refutes the findings of the American Psychological Association?

The psychiatric profession is quite subjective. There are no blood tests, cultures, CT scans, ultrasounds or other diagnostic tests used to determine a disorder or to prescribe the proper treatment. Most diagnoses are opinions only and have no medical data to back them up. Psychiatric medications are often prescribed in a trial and error fashion. They rely on feedback from the patient to adjust dosages or change medications. The psychiatric community has changed the classification of homosexuality based on nothing more than opinion and pressure from activist groups.

The occupation with the highest suicide rate is psychology.

Gay activists claim that gay teenagers have a suicide rate four times higher than normal kids. They blame this on intolerance and bullying. The media, schools, and universities think that by normalizing homosexuality they will reduce bullying and thus reduce gay suicide rates. The truth is that all people with psychological disorders have high suicide rates. Homosexual activists have successfully lobbied mental health authorities to remove homosexuality form the list of mental disorders. However, I feel that homosexuality is a disorder, and health officials were bullied into changing its classification, just as the activists are now bullying the public to accept gay marriage.

Read about it here: Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders « Conservative Colloquium
Homos are basically mentally ill and have No business being around children. Period

Do you care to offer scientific proof for your fears?
It is not a fear; but common sense. :cool:

If you let a homo baby set your child. And later on found out the he had molested your kid.

Would you say, "I don't see how this could have happened"? "Because science assured me that it would be OK for a homo to watch my child; and much safer than using a family member". :cuckoo:
Actually, they are.

Do you care to provide proof that refutes the findings of the American Psychological Association?

The psychiatric profession is quite subjective. There are no blood tests, cultures, CT scans, ultrasounds or other diagnostic tests used to determine a disorder or to prescribe the proper treatment. Most diagnoses are opinions only and have no medical data to back them up. Psychiatric medications are often prescribed in a trial and error fashion. They rely on feedback from the patient to adjust dosages or change medications. The psychiatric community has changed the classification of homosexuality based on nothing more than opinion and pressure from activist groups.

The occupation with the highest suicide rate is psychology.

Gay activists claim that gay teenagers have a suicide rate four times higher than normal kids. They blame this on intolerance and bullying. The media, schools, and universities think that by normalizing homosexuality they will reduce bullying and thus reduce gay suicide rates. The truth is that all people with psychological disorders have high suicide rates. Homosexual activists have successfully lobbied mental health authorities to remove homosexuality form the list of mental disorders. However, I feel that homosexuality is a disorder, and health officials were bullied into changing its classification, just as the activists are now bullying the public to accept gay marriage.

Read about it here: Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders « Conservative Colloquium

The statistics are the statistics.

Deviations from the norm are a natural part of any system therefore homosexuality is a natural part of the human system. In fact it always has been.

Evidence of gay relationships exists as early as 2400 B.C.

Sexuality exists on a spectrum just like any other trait or occurrence. It is neither right nor wrong it just is.
Homos are basically mentally ill and have No business being around children. Period

Do you care to offer scientific proof for your fears?
It is not a fear; but common sense.

If you let a homo baby set your child. And later on found out the he had molested your kid.

Would you say, "I don't see how this could have happened"? "Because science assured me that it would be OK for a homo to watch my child; and much safer than using a family member". :cuckoo:

If you want to go by percentages 60% of children are molested by someone they know that is not a member of their family. Babysitters are in that group. So you better never ever let someone you know watch your kid if you're afraid of your child getting molested.

30% of all molestation is committed by actual family members so you'd better never ever let a family member watch your kid.

10% of all molestation is perpetrated by strangers so you are much safer hiring a different babysitter every time you go out than using the same one over and over.
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Why does it constitute "fear" to note that homosexuals commit sex crimes? Heteros do as well...does that mean people who repeat that fact are "fearful" as well?

Considering how many threads this guy has started about the evils of homosexuality I can only surmise that he has an unhealthy obsession with gays because he is fearful

And he used the term perversion not crimes.

Hell some of the stuff my wife and I do could be considered a little perverse.

He still has yet to answer the question wither or not he likes and has had a blow job.
Sex with children is a perversion.

And really, homosexual acts are as well. I mean, the pretense that homosexuality is "normal" is just a pretense, and everybody knows it. It's not "normal"...the fact is it's a deviation from the norm, with only 3 percent or so engaging in it.

It is normal for them. That is what you don't understand.
And who's obsessing? I get tired of the pretense that homosexuals never molest children. It's a lie.

No one is saying or even suggesting homosexuals NEVER molest children.

The idea that the majority of pedophiles are gay is a flat out lie. The idea floated by the OP that percent wise homosexuals are more likely then a straight person to molest children is just flat out crazy.
Homos are basically mentally ill and have No business being around children. Period

Do you care to offer scientific proof for your fears?
It is not a fear; but common sense. :cool:

If you let a homo baby set your child. And later on found out the he had molested your kid.

Would you say, "I don't see how this could have happened"? "Because science assured me that it would be OK for a homo to watch my child; and much safer than using a family member". :cuckoo:

Its funny that you make this claim when the research shows no significant difference in children raised by gays as opposed to those raised by straights.
Since gays are basically mentally ill to begin with.

No homo should ever be around children unsupervised.

It's just asking for trouble. :doubt:

Absolute nonsense.

Study: Same-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids

"The vast consensus of all the studies shows that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," she tells WebMD. "In some ways children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

"What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," Perrin says."
Its funny that you make this claim when the research shows no significant difference in children raised by gays as opposed to those raised by straights.
Research by by homo scientists and gay agenda supporters will no doubt shine a positive light when it comes to this subject.

But common sense will tell any normal person that homos should never be allowed unsupervised around children. :cool:
Its funny that you make this claim when the research shows no significant difference in children raised by gays as opposed to those raised by straights.
Research by by homo scientists and gay agenda supporters will no doubt shine a positive light when it comes to this subject.

But common sense will tell any normal person that homos should never be allowed unsupervised around children. :cool:

So let me get this straight. You claim to be a psychologist and yet you are saying that the numerous studies shown in the link I provided are all biased?

If your common sense tells you that gays should never be left unsupervised around children, then your common sense isn't vary rational.
Let's hear it for sexual perversion!:lol: (AKA anything other than the "missionary" position).
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