Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

As I understand it, child molestors come in certain categories. There are the ones who NEVER have sex with an adult. They may choose either boys or girls to molest. They have no adult sexuality, so they can't truly be considered het or homo. Both definitions of heterosexuality and homosexuality involved adult sexuality.

There are heterosexuals who choose girls or boys to prey on depending on victim availability. These child molestors have adult relationships with women. They act out sexually, (under stress) by choosing a child of either gender to molest. The interest is NOT the gender of the child, but the age and innocence of the victim.

Then there are homosexual men, who have sex with underage boys. Their motivation is to be the child's first sexual experience. The virginity of the boy is what appeals.

It is not true that child molestors are primarily homosexual.
Majority of the perversions? Reading comprehension failure?

Re read the thread title. I'll help.

Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

It's not a majority, it's a disproportionate amount. Sort of like 99% of all terrorists are muslim, but islam composes 25% of the world population as a religion.
There is really nothing to "fear" about gays.

With their limp wrists flapping around; and their pronounced lisp when they talk. Plus, their over the top effeminate emotional behavior. They are actually quite comical and buffoonish.

But I would never let a homo be around my children. Because of their propensity for child molesting.

Nor would I ever shake hands with a homo or touch something they had recently handled. Due to the fact that most gays carry serious diseases and infections.

Why would gays be more likely to carry disease? That doesn't even make sense.

Excerpt: Study after study reveals that homosexuality, whether male or female, can take anywhere from 10, 20 to 30 years off of someone's lifespan. With all the attention on smoking, which the National Cancer Institute says takes from 7 to 10 years off someone's life, why not the same human outcry on homosexuality? Here's a behavior that's killing people 2 to 3 times the rate of smoking, yet nobody seems to care. In fact, we are encouraging and affirming individuals into the "gay" lifestyle. If you truly love someone, you would steer them away from self-destructive behaviors, rather than towards them, shouldn't you? Homosexuals need our tough love, not blind love, the kind of love that is going to love them no matter what they say and do. We must extend that helping hand and say " I think your worth saving, let's work on it together."

link: Homosexual Lifespan
The phrase "High Risk Lifestyle" has no meaning to you does it?

Yes, but he made it sound like he was talking rats or cockroaches, where just being in their airspace can infect you.
Meh, that's his personal hang up.

excerpt: Study after study reveals that homosexuality, whether male or female, can take anywhere from 10, 20 to 30 years off of someone's lifespan. With all the attention on smoking, which the National Cancer Institute says takes from 7 to 10 years off someone's life, why not the same human outcry on homosexuality? Here's a behavior that's killing people 2 to 3 times the rate of smoking, yet nobody seems to care. In fact, we are encouraging and affirming individuals into the "gay" lifestyle. If you truly love someone, you would steer them away from self-destructive behaviors, rather than towards them, shouldn't you? Homosexuals need our tough love, not blind love, the kind of love that is going to love them no matter what they say and do. We must extend that helping hand and say " I think your worth saving, let's work on it together."

link to entire article: Homosexual Lifespan
Gays are often singled out for suspicion of molesting children in numbers far out of proportion to their presence in the general population. In making this case, the arguments made by gay-rights opponents typically go something like this:8

■Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.
■Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys.
■Gays make up a tiny minority of the population. (Anti-gay opponents typically cite a figure somewhere between 1% and 3%.)
■Therefore, gay men are committing a disproportionate share of sexual crimes against children.
Child sexual abuse has a profound impact on victims and their families. Because we want to protect our children, we must ask: Are gays disproportionately abusing children?

Dr. Groth identified two classic types of child molesters that he labeled fixated and regressed. The fixated molester is one whose development is “fixated” at childhood. In other words, he has never grown up. He typically lives a Peter-Pan existence, in a Neverland of childlike identity and behavior. He doesn’t form adult relationships easily, or if he does, the relationships tend not to be very stable. Instead, he sees children as his peers. Other adults often see him as being “very good with children”, which allows him to obtain a position of trust as a role model, leader, or caretaker.

With his primary sexual interest in children and not adults, the fixated offender fits the classic definition of a “pedophile.” And because he is fixated on children, he cannot properly be considered to be either heterosexual or homosexual — he often finds adults of either sex repulsive.

On the other hand, the regressed molester is very different. His attraction to children is usually more temporary. Unlike the fixated molester, the regressed molester’s primary sexual attraction is toward other adults. But stressful conditions that go along with adult responsibly or difficulties in his adult relationships may overwhelm him, causing his sexual focus to “regress” towards children. This regression sometimes serves as a substitute for adult relationship, and his attraction to children may vary according to the varying stresses he encounters in his adult life demands.

In some cases, he may temporarily relate to the child as a peer, much as a fixated offender relates to children. But more often, he is simply lashing out against the stresses in his life, and the child becomes a convenient target. The offender may find a sense of power in his sexual relationship with a child that he doesn't get with an adult. When that happens this relationship with the child is often violent. But regardless of the nature of the relationship, the gender of the child is often irrelevant — it’s the easy access and vulnerability that makes the child a target.

Regressed offenders are typically heterosexual in their adult relationships.
Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
Gays are often singled out for suspicion of molesting children in numbers far out of proportion to their presence in the general population. In making this case, the arguments made by gay-rights opponents typically go something like this:8

■Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.
■Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys.
■Gays make up a tiny minority of the population. (Anti-gay opponents typically cite a figure somewhere between 1% and 3%.)
■Therefore, gay men are committing a disproportionate share of sexual crimes against children.
Child sexual abuse has a profound impact on victims and their families. Because we want to protect our children, we must ask: Are gays disproportionately abusing children?

Dr. Groth identified two classic types of child molesters that he labeled fixated and regressed. The fixated molester is one whose development is “fixated” at childhood. In other words, he has never grown up. He typically lives a Peter-Pan existence, in a Neverland of childlike identity and behavior. He doesn’t form adult relationships easily, or if he does, the relationships tend not to be very stable. Instead, he sees children as his peers. Other adults often see him as being “very good with children”, which allows him to obtain a position of trust as a role model, leader, or caretaker.

With his primary sexual interest in children and not adults, the fixated offender fits the classic definition of a “pedophile.” And because he is fixated on children, he cannot properly be considered to be either heterosexual or homosexual — he often finds adults of either sex repulsive.

On the other hand, the regressed molester is very different. His attraction to children is usually more temporary. Unlike the fixated molester, the regressed molester’s primary sexual attraction is toward other adults. But stressful conditions that go along with adult responsibly or difficulties in his adult relationships may overwhelm him, causing his sexual focus to “regress” towards children. This regression sometimes serves as a substitute for adult relationship, and his attraction to children may vary according to the varying stresses he encounters in his adult life demands.

In some cases, he may temporarily relate to the child as a peer, much as a fixated offender relates to children. But more often, he is simply lashing out against the stresses in his life, and the child becomes a convenient target. The offender may find a sense of power in his sexual relationship with a child that he doesn't get with an adult. When that happens this relationship with the child is often violent. But regardless of the nature of the relationship, the gender of the child is often irrelevant — it’s the easy access and vulnerability that makes the child a target.

Regressed offenders are typically heterosexual in their adult relationships.
Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
And heeeeere come the advocacy links. What next? "News" from NAMBLA?
There is really nothing to "fear" about gays.

With their limp wrists flapping around; and their pronounced lisp when they talk. Plus, their over the top effeminate emotional behavior. They are actually quite comical and buffoonish.

But I would never let a homo be around my children. Because of their propensity for child molesting.

Nor would I ever shake hands with a homo or touch something they had recently handled. Due to the fact that most gays carry serious diseases and infections.

LMAO!! So much for your claim of having a degree in psychology. If you think the stereotypes you listed are even close to the reality of most gays, you are totally lost.

You are either an idiot or a troll. Perhaps you would like to use your description on Esera Tuaolo? He played defensive line on the NFL for 9 years?

Or Billy Bean, the professional baseball player?

In fact, unless you never shake hands and never touch anything, the chances are pretty good that your rule has been broken more times than you know.

But feel free to give us any evidence you have that "... most gays carry serious diseases and infections".
No one here is a fan of NAMBLA. I'm sure not.

In over 12 years of clinical experience working with child molesters, we have yet to see any example of a regression from an adult homosexual orientation. The child offender who is also attracted to and engaged in adult relationships is heterosexual.27

Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
Defend their behavior and you are their friend.

If you don't want fleas, don't sleep with animals.
If you look at the incidence of STD and, especially, HIV in straight men, straight women, gay men, and gay women, which group has the lowest incidence per capita??


So you are statistically safer shaking hands with a gay woman than with anyone else.
No one here is a fan of NAMBLA. I'm sure not.

In over 12 years of clinical experience working with child molesters, we have yet to see any example of a regression from an adult homosexual orientation. The child offender who is also attracted to and engaged in adult relationships is heterosexual.27

Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
Defend their behavior and you are their friend.

If you don't want fleas, don't sleep with animals.

Who's defending behavior? I'm not. I'm showing the truth of the research. Homosexuals are not the majority offenders of child sexual abuse.

I hate just as much hate for homosexual child offenders as I do heterosexual ones.
Again, NOBODY said homosexuals are the majority of child sexual abusers.

People are being way too soft on pedophiles. They aren't sick. They ARE a disease.

[ame=]What occurred in Andrew Vachss' life to make him want to fight predators - YouTube[/ame]
Phallometric (penis-measuring) tests, while controversial for many reasons, supported the conclusion that as a group overall, gay men were no more likely to respond sexually to male children than straight men. Furthermore these tests supported these sex offenders’ statements when they claimed to be gay or straight:

These studies show that only rarely are sex offenders against male children diagnosed as androphiles [homosexual in adult orientation] and that phallometric diagnosis of gynophilic [heterosexual in adult orientation] and androphilic volunteers almost always corresponds to their claimed erotic preference.29

Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
No one here is a fan of NAMBLA. I'm sure not.

In over 12 years of clinical experience working with child molesters, we have yet to see any example of a regression from an adult homosexual orientation. The child offender who is also attracted to and engaged in adult relationships is heterosexual.27

Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
Defend their behavior and you are their friend.

If you don't want fleas, don't sleep with animals.

Who's defending behavior? I'm not. I'm showing the truth of the research. Homosexuals are not the majority offenders of child sexual abuse.

I hate just as much hate for homosexual child offenders as I do heterosexual ones.
Again... stop listening to the voices in your head saying what NOBODY else has said.

There is a DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT of homosexuals as compared to heterosexuals committing these horrible crimes and acts.

If you're going to give answers to questions nobody asked, I'm just going to ignore you for the time being.
No one here is a fan of NAMBLA. I'm sure not.

In over 12 years of clinical experience working with child molesters, we have yet to see any example of a regression from an adult homosexual orientation. The child offender who is also attracted to and engaged in adult relationships is heterosexual.27

Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?
Defend their behavior and you are their friend.

If you don't want fleas, don't sleep with animals.

Who's defending behavior? I'm not. I'm showing the truth of the research. Homosexuals are not the majority offenders of child sexual abuse.

I hate just as much hate for homosexual child offenders as I do heterosexual ones.

I agree that when someone is abused as a child they are more likely to grow up as a child molester. I have also noticed that abused children often grow up as homosexuals also.
Defend their behavior and you are their friend.

If you don't want fleas, don't sleep with animals.

Who's defending behavior? I'm not. I'm showing the truth of the research. Homosexuals are not the majority offenders of child sexual abuse.

I hate just as much hate for homosexual child offenders as I do heterosexual ones.

I agree that when someone is abused as a child they are more likely to grow up as a child molester. I have also noticed that abused children often grow up as homosexuals also.

More grow up as heterosexuals than homosexuals. You seem to be trying to infer that child molestation determines adult sexual orientation.

It doesn't.'re wrong about that.

The newest information shows that a huge percentage of homosexuals were molested as children.

There is definitely a link.
Again, NOBODY said homosexuals are the majority of child sexual abusers.


Okay, translate again please.

I've worked with child predators.

Every one of them identified as "gay". In fact, a couple of them claimed they turned to pedophilia because they were ashamed of being homosexual.

I'm sure somehow the anti-heteros will claim that means that pedophilia (whoops we aren't supposed to use that word) is caused by heterosexuals...

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