Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans

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Republicans always need a group to be scared of and/or protected from.

For a long time it was Russians.
Then it was Arabs
Then it was China and Mexicans.

Now it is gays and trans.
They make an easy target for Republicans. Its easy to hate gays, and take their rights and personal freedoms.

Republicans have made attacking gays their main issue for 2024, with DeSantis leading the anti-gay charge.

When the alphabet group expose themselves to children with lewd debauchery, child molestation, pedophiles, pushing children to be converted to the opposite sex........then we have a problem. As far as their adult drag shows away from minors, gay clubs, I've got no problem.
Republicans always need a group to be scared of and/or protected from.

For a long time it was Russians.
Then it was Arabs
Then it was China and Mexicans.

Now it is gays and trans.
They make an easy target for Republicans. Its easy to hate gays, and take their rights and personal freedoms.

Republicans have made attacking gays their main issue for 2024, with DeSantis leading the anti-gay charge.

LGBTs weren't hated until they started all their mentally aberrated "Pride" parades (what is there to be proud of ?). That worsened by their blatant attempts to indoctrinate children into their lunacism, has made them the most disgraced and disgusted pariahs in US history. All the hate and criticism they get, they DESERVE, and they brought it all on themselves.
When the alphabet group expose themselves to children with lewd debauchery, child molestation, pedophiles, pushing children to be converted to the opposite sex........then we have a problem. As far as their adult drag shows away from minors, gay clubs, I've got no problem.
With the drag shows and other idiocies of these lunatics, away from kids, the only ones really with a problem ( a huge one) are the LGBTs themselves (and sadly, their families)
No, but depriving an entire group of people of rights granted to everyone else is. And do not pretend that's not happening or being attempted, you're smarter than that.
LGBTs should NOT HAVE rights granted to everyone else. They are not like "everyone else". They are mentally disturbed lunatics, who try to influence kids to become like them.

They are one of the most dangerous pariahs in US society and should be treated as such. They are lucky to not be incarcerated in mental institutions.
LGBTs weren't hated until they started all their mentally aberrated "Pride" parades (what is there to be proud of ?). That worsened by their blatant attempts to indoctrinate children into their lunacism, has made them the most disgraced and disgusted pariahs in US history. All the hate and criticism they get, they DESERVE, and they brought it all on themselves.

Odd. Other than your rants. I can’t seem to find any evidence of it. Support for Gay Marriage remains high.

71% support. If the Republicans had 71% support on any issue they would call those opposing the worst Unamerican traitors in history.

In the meantime the Evangelicals are dwindling, and somehow this opposition to majority ideals and dwindling numbers of radicals is going to be a big winner in the election. Or something.
LGBTs weren't hated until they started all their mentally aberrated "Pride" parades (what is there to be proud of ?). That worsened by their blatant attempts to indoctrinate children into their lunacism, has made them the most disgraced and disgusted pariahs in US history. All the hate and criticism they get, they DESERVE, and they brought it all on themselves.
So they’re fine as long as they hide and you don’t have to see them.

Got it
Odd. Other than your rants. I can’t seem to find any evidence of it. Support for Gay Marriage remains high.

71% support. If the Republicans had 71% support on any issue they would call those opposing the worst Unamerican traitors in history.

In the meantime the Evangelicals are dwindling, and somehow this opposition to majority ideals and dwindling numbers of radicals is going to be a big winner in the election. Or something.
You believe everythng you read. Ho hum yawn****
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