Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans

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So on the one hand you have Republicans actually molesting kids, and on the other you have trannies reading stories on the hope that THEY will become accepted as humans and not be treated badly

And you ignore the molesters and focus on story tellers

Yea… that makes sense
Do we expect liberals to post anything but that which is entirely backwards and 180 degrees off course ? Let's not forget Americas #1 PUBLIC child molester (on camera) > Joe HANDS Biden.

We call you haters BECAUSE you hate.

You’re ruled by that emotion
People correctly HATE having lunatics trying to spread their warped disease to other people, including kids. To NOT hate that is highly improper.

These loons don't even know how far out in the lunatic fringe they are.
So they’re fine as long as they hide and you don’t have to see them.

Got it
They re NEVER "fine". They are mwntally disturbed nutjobs who harm themselves and, sadly, their families (the most unspoken about victims)

Thankfully, I dont have any of these screwballs in my family. If I had one of them in my family who was very open, like Dylan Mulvaney (just one example), I would probably change my last name, and not let that lunatic anywhere near my home. I'd get a restraining order against him.
Generally, they hate us with the violence of a million suns

But when we say, "Hey, maybe don't join women's sports if you're a bio man..."

They cry about "hate".

So yes....this
The men who join womens' sports, are the lowest creatures ever to set foot on US soil. Incapable of competing with other men, these pitiful cowards go to where they can compete unfairly, allowed in by brainless morons who ought to be digging ditches.
You believe everythng you read. Ho hum yawn****

I believe what is supported by evidence. Let’s examine it. According to the Right people overwhelmingly oppose Abortion. Yet in Red Kansas the voters cast their ballots to protect Abortion. In Wisconsin the voters picked a Supreme Court Justice that vowed to protect Abortion.

One Red and one Purple state. Both voted overwhelmingly to protect Abortion. I guess that massive Majority we hear about is all together in one state.

The problem isn’t that I believe what I read. The problem is that you won’t believe that you are in the minority or that your ideals and beliefs are extremist. If you were more honest you wouldn’t make such easily demonstrable false statements.
The men who join womens' sports, are the lowest creatures ever to set foot on US soil. Incapable of competing with other men, these pitiful cowards go to where they can compete unfairly, allowed in by brainless morons who ought to be digging ditches.
Who are these men?

Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans​

This is the latest liberal straw man
Liberals are always looking for someone to be the latest victims of those rascally Republicans.

Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans​

This is the latest liberal straw man
You say this crap as if this very narrative isn't being broadcasted in certain news cycles to everyday Americans. :rolleyes: Go sell your wannabe Jedi mind tricks elsewhere.
You say this crap as if this very narrative isn't being broadcasted in certain news cycles to everyday Americans. :rolleyes: Go sell your wannabe Jedi mind tricks elsewhere.
Liberals are always looking for more people to be called victims. Divide people into various groups of victims. That’s their strategy for acquiring more power.
It's a losing proposition and most (of what's left) of mainstream Republicans know it. However, they are powerless to stop it.
The main body of the Republican party slips further and further into fascism every week. :)

You're full of crap.
Does that list make drag queen story time okay?
Tell me

When Bozo was on TV all those years was he grooming clowns (assuming you were a regular viewer)?
When KIZZ was performing were they grooming glamor rockers?
When someone dresses like this

Are they grooming MAGADUMIANS?
Liberals are always looking for more people to be called victims. Divide people into various groups of victims. That’s their strategy for acquiring more power.
MAGADUMIANS are always looking for victims.
It's called being a predator.
Which is why you find so many child molestors amiong them.
Republicans always need a group to be scared of and/or protected from.

For a long time it was Russians.
Then it was Arabs
Then it was China and Mexicans.

Now it is gays and trans.
They make an easy target for Republicans. Its easy to hate gays, and take their rights and personal freedoms.

Republicans have made attacking gays their main issue for 2024, with DeSantis leading the anti-gay charge.

I have repeated this many times. A culture war is not going to win the 2024 election. Republicans can not win on this strategy and they can not win on economy, GDP, job creation, nor unemployment.
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