Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans

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Republicans always need a group to be scared of and/or protected from.

For a long time it was Russians.
Then it was Arabs
Then it was China and Mexicans.

Now it is gays and trans.
They make an easy target for Republicans. Its easy to hate gays, and take their rights and personal freedoms.

Republicans have made attacking gays their main issue for 2024, with DeSantis leading the anti-gay charge.

It's a losing proposition and most (of what's left) of mainstream Republicans know it. However, they are powerless to stop it.
The main body of the Republican party slips further and further into fascism every week. :)

They think about gay people more than the gays themselves.

Well, as much issue as I take with many of The Banker's posts, and while he does paint with a rather broad brush here (I think the larger, quieter part of the GOP is tolerant of differences... I hope), speaking as a formally registered Republican (non-affiliated since Bush went into Iraq) who still leans to the right, I see what he's talking about in the OP and can't argue otherwise.

You can be damn sure I won’t. Been wanting to get to the Keys.

Not gonna happen now

This may provide why they hate gays and trans.

Why do you say new?

Gays/trans are the New Hate Target for the Republicans​

You have to blame filthy leftists for manifesting and fostering all the hate from good, real, core Americans. If you whackos weren’t so hell-bent on championing and pushing EVERYTHING indecent, immoral, abnormal, weird and unAmerican I doubt you’d feel so hated….Let the filthy degenerates among us be…let them stay underground and in the closet and nobody really gives two-fucks….shove the dirty bastards down our throat, down the throats of our children and you get hate….This shit is so simple. What else can I teach you gutter folks today?
Republicans always need a group to be scared of and/or protected from.

For a long time it was Russians.
Then it was Arabs
Then it was China and Mexicans.

Now it is gays and trans.
They make an easy target for Republicans. Its easy to hate gays, and take their rights and personal freedoms.

Republicans have made attacking gays their main issue for 2024, with DeSantis leading the anti-gay charge.

Democrats must have victims for every election. This time it's queers.
Russobot loving vermin. Eisenhower would take a dump on your Nazi loving racist head.

You're flaming Mr Failed Mod

Again you have no idea who votes for who....but there's absolutely no doubt I suspect you've voted straight left ticket since whenever.

Now get past you thinking I'll ever take you seriously
If you are encouraging your small children to quit drinking Bud are a bad parent at many levels.
Well, finally an admission that all of the boycotts the left have tried over the years was bad parenting. Why did it take you so long to admit this?
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