Gaza death toll rises to 11,470


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gaza death toll rises to 11,470 — TV channel
According to the media, the death toll has not been updated for several days due to the collapse of the Palestinian enclave's health system

Remote : Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:26:59 +0300
Local : 2023-11-17(Friday) 07 : 26 : 59

Found via NicerApp WebOS

i think the Israelis are secretly, even openly now, engaging in a scorched-Earth, all-out war against Hamas without much regard for civilian casualties among their enemies.
i think the Israelis are hoping to 'discourage their Palestinian enemies from bad behavior in the future' by causing a multitude of the victims they suffered in a surprise attack among their enemies, again, without regard as to the guilt of those that they kill.
and i think the Israelis are wrong to assume this.

they (the Israelis) know damn well the Muslim fighters promote a myth of even involuntary martyrs being allowed access to Allah's Heavens after their death.
maybe this is even true. all Muslim texts seem to say so, or the majority of them at least, because i hear that argumentation getting used by Muslims online plenty of times each year.

so i ask of the Israelis to show some professionality in how they, as the militarily superior force in the region, will relocate or manage the Palestinians in the near to midterm future.
i call upon Prime Minister Netanyahu and his entire leadership to show some wisdom in addition to raw strength.

thank you for your attention.
opinions are most welcome.
Gaza death toll rises to 11,470 — TV channel
According to the media, the death toll has not been updated for several days due to the collapse of the Palestinian enclave's health system

Remote : Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:26:59 +0300
Local : 2023-11-17(Friday) 07 : 26 : 59
Found via NicerApp WebOS

i think the Israelis are secretly, even openly now, engaging in a scorched-Earth, all-out war against Hamas without much regard for civilian casualties among their enemies.
i think the Israelis are hoping to 'discourage their Palestinian enemies from bad behavior in the future' by causing a multitude of the victims they suffered in a surprise attack among their enemies, again, without regard as to the guilt of those that they kill.
and i think the Israelis are wrong to assume this.

they (the Israelis) know damn well the Muslim fighters promote a myth of even involuntary martyrs being allowed access to Allah's Heavens after their death.
maybe this is even true. all Muslim texts seem to say so, or the majority of them at least, because i hear that argumentation getting used by Muslims online plenty of times each year.

so i ask of the Israelis to show some professionality in how they, as the militarily superior force in the region, will relocate or manage the Palestinians in the near to midterm future.
i call upon Prime Minister Netanyahu and his entire leadership to show some wisdom in addition to raw strength.

thank you for your attention.
opinions are most welcome.
And to think, if those rockets launched from Gaza, never were launched, all those people would be alive today.
I always notice that whenever they report from any Gaza hospital where they claim people are dying because there is no fuel for the generators ... the lights are always on.

I'm not a certified electrician ... but I'm 98.6% sure you can't run the lights without the generators.

neither side has the moral high ground...israel has no option but to cleanse gaza of hamas i the only one who thinks continuing to hold hostages is just a bad move...hamas claims 60 hostages have been killed by israel bombing...

there is no truth....only propaganda by both sides...there is no humanity...nor a god
Gaza death toll rises to 11,470 — TV channel
According to the media, the death toll has not been updated for several days due to the collapse of the Palestinian enclave's health system

Remote : Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:26:59 +0300
Local : 2023-11-17(Friday) 07 : 26 : 59
Found via NicerApp WebOS

i think the Israelis are secretly, even openly now, engaging in a scorched-Earth, all-out war against Hamas without much regard for civilian casualties among their enemies.
i think the Israelis are hoping to 'discourage their Palestinian enemies from bad behavior in the future' by causing a multitude of the victims they suffered in a surprise attack among their enemies, again, without regard as to the guilt of those that they kill.
and i think the Israelis are wrong to assume this.

they (the Israelis) know damn well the Muslim fighters promote a myth of even involuntary martyrs being allowed access to Allah's Heavens after their death.
maybe this is even true. all Muslim texts seem to say so, or the majority of them at least, because i hear that argumentation getting used by Muslims online plenty of times each year.

so i ask of the Israelis to show some professionality in how they, as the militarily superior force in the region, will relocate or manage the Palestinians in the near to midterm future.
i call upon Prime Minister Netanyahu and his entire leadership to show some wisdom in addition to raw strength.

thank you for your attention.
opinions are most welcome.


Gaza death toll rises to 11,470 — TV channel
According to the media, the death toll has not been updated for several days due to the collapse of the Palestinian enclave's health system

Remote : Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:26:59 +0300
Local : 2023-11-17(Friday) 07 : 26 : 59
Found via NicerApp WebOS

i think the Israelis are secretly, even openly now, engaging in a scorched-Earth, all-out war against Hamas without much regard for civilian casualties among their enemies.
i think the Israelis are hoping to 'discourage their Palestinian enemies from bad behavior in the future' by causing a multitude of the victims they suffered in a surprise attack among their enemies, again, without regard as to the guilt of those that they kill.
and i think the Israelis are wrong to assume this.

they (the Israelis) know damn well the Muslim fighters promote a myth of even involuntary martyrs being allowed access to Allah's Heavens after their death.
maybe this is even true. all Muslim texts seem to say so, or the majority of them at least, because i hear that argumentation getting used by Muslims online plenty of times each year.

so i ask of the Israelis to show some professionality in how they, as the militarily superior force in the region, will relocate or manage the Palestinians in the near to midterm future.
i call upon Prime Minister Netanyahu and his entire leadership to show some wisdom in addition to raw strength.

thank you for your attention.
opinions are most welcome.
It's really much simpler than that. Hamas has promised to try to repeat the Oct. 7 attack over and over until Israel is destroyed so the only way to prevent that is to destroy Hamas. The goal is not to influence how the terrorists think, but to utterly destroy them and their weapons and other military assets, and then to maintain security control over Gaza so they will never be able to rebuild again.

It is unclear how many civilians may have died because of Israel's attacks on Hamas. Israel claimed a few days ago that it had killed 5,000 terrorists, so of the nearly 12,000 dead Hamas claims, that means about 7,000 civilians were killed if Hamas' numbers can be trusted, but Hamas rockets have had about 33% failure rate, meaning they crashed inside of Gaza, and since Hamas and Islamic Jihad have fired about 12,000 rockets at Israel, 4,000 of them crashed in northern Gaza killing likely thousands of civilians, so we simply don't know how many civilians died as a result of Israel's attacks on Hamas.

Israel claims to be meticulously following International Humanitarian Law, and there is no evidence to suggest they haven't, so civilian deaths are as low as they can be and still be consistent with the goal of destroying Hamas.
Gaza death toll rises to 11,470 — TV channel
According to the media, the death toll has not been updated for several days due to the collapse of the Palestinian enclave's health system

Remote : Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:26:59 +0300
Local : 2023-11-17(Friday) 07 : 26 : 59
Found via NicerApp WebOS

i think the Israelis are secretly, even openly now, engaging in a scorched-Earth, all-out war against Hamas without much regard for civilian casualties among their enemies.
i think the Israelis are hoping to 'discourage their Palestinian enemies from bad behavior in the future' by causing a multitude of the victims they suffered in a surprise attack among their enemies, again, without regard as to the guilt of those that they kill.
and i think the Israelis are wrong to assume this.

they (the Israelis) know damn well the Muslim fighters promote a myth of even involuntary martyrs being allowed access to Allah's Heavens after their death.
maybe this is even true. all Muslim texts seem to say so, or the majority of them at least, because i hear that argumentation getting used by Muslims online plenty of times each year.

so i ask of the Israelis to show some professionality in how they, as the militarily superior force in the region, will relocate or manage the Palestinians in the near to midterm future.
i call upon Prime Minister Netanyahu and his entire leadership to show some wisdom in addition to raw strength.

thank you for your attention.
opinions are most welcome.
And millions upon millions of so-called "Christians" will applaud this massacre of non-Hamas people.
It's really much simpler than that. Hamas has promised to try to repeat the Oct. 7 attack over and over until Israel is destroyed so the only way to prevent that is to destroy Hamas. The goal is not to influence how the terrorists think, but to utterly destroy them and their weapons and other military assets, and then to maintain security control over Gaza so they will never be able to rebuild again.

It is unclear how many civilians may have died because of Israel's attacks on Hamas. Israel claimed a few days ago that it had killed 5,000 terrorists, so of the nearly 12,000 dead Hamas claims, that means about 7,000 civilians were killed if Hamas' numbers can be trusted, but Hamas rockets have had about 33% failure rate, meaning they crashed inside of Gaza, and since Hamas and Islamic Jihad have fired about 12,000 rockets at Israel, 4,000 of them crashed in northern Gaza killing likely thousands of civilians, so we simply don't know how many civilians died as a result of Israel's attacks on Hamas.

Israel claims to be meticulously following International Humanitarian Law, and there is no evidence to suggest they haven't, so civilian deaths are as low as they can be and still be consistent with the goal of destroying Hamas.
you like to listen to the bed time stories of Fox News of course?
you like to listen to the bed time stories of Fox News of course?
You should have read Toomuchbooze when he posted on the failed Ukraine offensives .
He used to regularly regale us with his stories of how the UAF had advanced a few yards after taking over deserted villages with a handful of houses .
A natural Troll Comedian .
I love a good fairy tale.

Once upon a time, there were evil dirty Jews in Israel who sat around dreaming up ways to kill as many Palestinians as possible, but how? I know, says Bibi, I will create the State of Iran to fund the elected government of Hamas to destroy us. Then when they murder thousands of us, it will give us the excuse to destroy them all completely.

The end.



Once upon a time, there were evil dirty Jews in Israel who sat around dreaming up ways to kill as many Palestinians as possible, but how? I know, says Bibi, I will create the State of Iran to fund the elected government of Hamas to destroy us. Then when they murder thousands of us, it will give us the excuse to destroy them all completely.

The end.


You're actually not too far from the truth. They had to create an enemy to justify the slaughter. Black Ops is an old, tried-and-true method designed to justify acts of war.

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