
NOW it feels like home! Glad to see your Size 15s leaving dirty footprints around here, Spud. I hope you enjoy yourself and appreciate the free speech we're all allowed here...at least as much as I'm enjoying it.

Good on yer my outsized pouchy friend!

Thats one of the best things about this site, Freedom of speech, and the feeling that here your voice really does count,
on another site, a Mod, I'll call it Tashah, is really a guy, when I pointed that out, with proof I got banned and the thread disappeared :eusa_whistle:
btw....I could bring shitloads of people here if I felt like it. But most are assholes, mean, obnoxious and think they are bad asses. Knowing what I know about most of the folks at usmb, I feel kind of protective of them cuz they would get chewed up.:lol:

So...I didn't tell them where I went. The few I did...didn't stay and they were from another board. Only one that did was Dabs.:clap2:

I wouldn't worry myself about those types, we get an influx from time to time, they always end up running with their tails between their legs, the ones that don't get themselves banned that is. :lol:

Since I am part of a recent "influx", just try to chase me off. I dare ya. :razz:

NOW it feels like home! Glad to see your Size 15s leaving dirty footprints around here, Spud. I hope you enjoy yourself and appreciate the free speech we're all allowed here...at least as much as I'm enjoying it.

Good on yer my outsized pouchy friend!

Thats one of the best things about this site, Freedom of speech, and the feeling that here your voice really does count,
on another site, a Mod, I'll call it Tashah, is really a guy, when I pointed that out, with proof I got banned and the thread disappeared :eusa_whistle:

I believe I know who you're referring to. I also believe this to be a crock of shit, if, for no other reason than she got pics of herself posted.
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Hi, I'm Spud, I came to this forum following in the paw-prints of a person I miss dearly at another forum, and I see I'm not alone in this. What can I say about me, I'm tall, handsome, extraordinarily intelligent, a master debater, and the most modest person you'll ever meet. I'm also Australian, so if I seem a bit odd at times, it's because I'm drunk and/or fighting a crocodile.

NOW it feels like home! Glad to see your Size 15s leaving dirty footprints around here, Spud. I hope you enjoy yourself and appreciate the free speech we're all allowed here...at least as much as I'm enjoying it.

Good on yer my outsized pouchy friend!

Andy! Glad to see you here, thanks for the welcome.
You didn't direct this at me, but I'll say it anyway. Politically, Catz and I disagree about as often, or more so, than we agree and Spud and I are nearly political opposites. Someone doesn't have to agree with everything, or goose-step, for them to be a friend. Wouldn't you agree? :)

I agree. Co existing can happen but both parties have to agree with that. One of Catz friends joined awhile back and I was quite friendly...but was ignored. So I thought I'd ask before I wasted any more time in giving a welcome to someone who doesn't want it.

I think I know who you're referring to and I'm not sure he's even been back since his intro thread. I can pretty much guarantee it had nothing to do with Catz telling him not to respond or anything like that. I agree with you though, you were awesomely friendly to me in my intro thread. :)

She was awesomely friendly to me, and I didn't even have an intro thread!! :lmao:
1. Love the avie.

2. EZ is on vacation.

3. So you are a friend of catzmeow? Are you the type that goosesteps or do you make up your own mind on who you "like"? (She and I have bumped heads).

4. I look just like my avie. Yep. That's me. For reals. Um hm.:lol:

You didn't direct this at me, but I'll say it anyway. Politically, Catz and I disagree about as often, or more so, than we agree and Spud and I are nearly political opposites. Someone doesn't have to agree with everything, or goose-step, for them to be a friend. Wouldn't you agree? :)

I chose people who accept facts, dont attempt to rewrite history, dont try to deny dictionary definitions and are willing to accept court documented evidence.

I chose friends who do not rely on personal insults to deny cold hard facts.

I just dont want friends who base their world view on emotion and lies.

Spud... ^^^^^^ her nic really is liesmatters... She is good for the laugh value though.

I know I've had my portion of ups and downs with some folks here. Sometimes I just stand on a nerve that someone's not going to let me forget for a while. Sometimes its the other way around. Just depends whether your more interested in burning down bridges to others or hanging out with them. Sometimes it is just a matter of how your feeling that particular day. There are some very strong friendships here too.
btw....I could bring shitloads of people here if I felt like it. But most are assholes, mean, obnoxious and think they are bad asses. Knowing what I know about most of the folks at usmb, I feel kind of protective of them cuz they would get chewed up.:lol:

So...I didn't tell them where I went. The few I did...didn't stay and they were from another board. Only one that did was Dabs.:clap2:

I wouldn't worry myself about those types, we get an influx from time to time, they always end up running with their tails between their legs, the ones that don't get themselves banned that is. :lol:

Since I am part of a recent "influx", just try to chase me off. I dare ya. :razz:

Depends on if you're one of the bolded types or not...... though unless you happen to be of the female persuasion I really have no desire participate in any chasing.......... :eusa_whistle:
I believe I know who you're referring to. I also believe this to be a crock of shit, if, for no other reason than she got pics of herself posted.

He has random pictures of his foot fetish:lol:
I believe I know who you're referring to. I also believe this to be a crock of shit, if, for no other reason than she got pics of herself posted.

Of course it might be a crock of shit, but can you really be sure that all or any photos posted by anyone online can be taken as proof of anything?

This is me btw...

I believe I know who you're referring to. I also believe this to be a crock of shit, if, for no other reason than she got pics of herself posted.

Of course it might be a crock of shit, but can you really be sure that all or any photos posted by anyone online can be taken as proof of anything?

This is me btw...


I am sure the ears belong to you, but who photo shopped the rest of you?? :lol:
I believe I know who you're referring to. I also believe this to be a crock of shit, if, for no other reason than she got pics of herself posted.

Of course it might be a crock of shit, but can you really be sure that all or any photos posted by anyone online can be taken as proof of anything?

This is me btw...



I cant breathe. lol.

some funny.
Oh for some fun. What's your province sir/madame? I should also ask what state?
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I wouldn't worry myself about those types, we get an influx from time to time, they always end up running with their tails between their legs, the ones that don't get themselves banned that is. :lol:

Since I am part of a recent "influx", just try to chase me off. I dare ya. :razz:

Depends on if you're one of the bolded types or not......
I'm sure I've been referred to by every one of those bolded words, so I may indeed be one of the bolded types depending on who you ask. ;)

though unless you happen to be of the female persuasion I really have no desire participate in any chasing.......... :eusa_whistle:
Save your energy then, old-timer. I am not the droid you are looking for.
Hi, I'm Spud, I came to this forum following in the paw-prints of a person I miss dearly at another forum, and I see I'm not alone in this. What can I say about me, I'm tall, handsome, extraordinarily intelligent, a master debater, and the most modest person you'll ever meet. I'm also Australian, so if I seem a bit odd at times, it's because I'm drunk and/or fighting a crocodile.

No sock puppet welcoming committee here so


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