GDP expected to grow 0.4% the fourth quarter

You’d think they would tire of bitching constantly.

Get used to it. Over 64% of the people in this country hate him.
You wouldn't know that because you stay safe in your bubble.
Do you have a credible source for this 64% who hate Donnie?

BTW I find Donnie a failure in many ways, but my reasons are legitimate and logical. You hate because the billionaire’s media tells you to.
Annualized GDP growth rate in the first 14 quarters of the Trump administration: 2.5%
Annualized GDP growth rate in the last 14 quarters of the Obama administration: 2.3%

Real Gross Domestic Product

That's embarrassing as hell for Republicans.

Obama inherited the worst recession since the 1930's, and spent 8 years with Republicans obstructing him at every turn in the road. Not just obstruction, unprecedented seditious obstruction, and he finishes at 2.3%.

Trump inherits a booming economy with low unemployment, cheap energy prices, and a stock market that hit records every month Obama was in office. With control of both Houses of Congress by Republicans, that gave him everything he wanted, and has managed to get to 2.5%.

In anyone's reality that's called Obama kicking Trumps orange ass, with both hands tied behind his back.
One name. John McCain. I'm glad the loser is gone. He had screwed this country long enough.

Impeach him

but while you're waiting for him to be perpwalked out of the WH, give us a list of presidents that have made EVERY campaign promise come true.

That is the standard for previous presidents? All?

This jackass hasn't followed through on 10% of his major promises....and zero when you look at the one's that he
hasn't been able to do via executive order.

He is a failure by any standard.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander Perhaps you'd like Trump to slap our faces and we turn our faces asking for another? The man is a pos and deserves to be called on it all Sorry you don't agree

What's good for the goose is good for the gander

and yet you ignore the goose, and cook the gander.

You're a partisan asshole, and everyone on the board knows it.
LOL And how many disparaging words has you the non partisan AH, said about his king?

you have a short memory.

I don't like having Trump as President, I didn't vote for him, and I won't vote for him if he runs next year.

you, on the other hand, will vote for whichever candidate has a 'D' behind their name next year.

no matter how much they stink

^^^ That's like cheering for the Detroit Tigers to win the 2019 World Series between the Nationals and the Astros.
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
and yet you ignore the goose, and cook the gander.

You're a partisan asshole, and everyone on the board knows it.
LOL And how many disparaging words has you the non partisan AH, said about his king?

you have a short memory.

I don't like having Trump as President, I didn't vote for him, and I won't vote for him if he runs next year.

you, on the other hand, will vote for whichever candidate has a 'D' behind their name next year.

no matter how much they stink

^^^ That's like cheering for the Detroit Tigers to win the 2019 World Series between the Nationals and the Astros.
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL
LOL And how many disparaging words has you the non partisan AH, said about his king?

you have a short memory.

I don't like having Trump as President, I didn't vote for him, and I won't vote for him if he runs next year.

you, on the other hand, will vote for whichever candidate has a 'D' behind their name next year.

no matter how much they stink

^^^ That's like cheering for the Detroit Tigers to win the 2019 World Series between the Nationals and the Astros.
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL

You saw me use the word Dumbfuck to describe you and surmised that I am Faun ?
you have a short memory.

I don't like having Trump as President, I didn't vote for him, and I won't vote for him if he runs next year.

you, on the other hand, will vote for whichever candidate has a 'D' behind their name next year.

no matter how much they stink

^^^ That's like cheering for the Detroit Tigers to win the 2019 World Series between the Nationals and the Astros.
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL

You saw me use the word Dumbfuck to describe you and surmised that I am Faun ?

eagle1462010, I will accept your apology now, if you like. can embarrass yourself further.

^^^ That's like cheering for the Detroit Tigers to win the 2019 World Series between the Nationals and the Astros.
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL

You saw me use the word Dumbfuck to describe you and surmised that I am Faun ?

eagle1462010, I will accept your apology now, if you like. can embarrass yourself further.
Nope..............I still think you 2 are socks.
you have a short memory.

I don't like having Trump as President, I didn't vote for him, and I won't vote for him if he runs next year.

you, on the other hand, will vote for whichever candidate has a 'D' behind their name next year.

no matter how much they stink

^^^ That's like cheering for the Detroit Tigers to win the 2019 World Series between the Nationals and the Astros.
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL

You saw me use the word Dumbfuck to describe you and surmised that I am Faun ?
Who doesn't call that dumbfuck a dumbfuck? And why are you talking to myself?
Hi..........Lone Laughter.............sock

Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL

You saw me use the word Dumbfuck to describe you and surmised that I am Faun ?

eagle1462010, I will accept your apology now, if you like. can embarrass yourself further.
Nope..............I still think you 2 are socks.
^^^ dumbfuck
Faun, did you make a mistake and expose us?
Listen started using the word Dumbfuck........

I'd say you exposed yourself..........LOL

You saw me use the word Dumbfuck to describe you and surmised that I am Faun ?

eagle1462010, I will accept your apology now, if you like. can embarrass yourself further.
Nope..............I still think you 2 are socks.
^^^ dumbfuck
Actually, to be technically fair, trump didnt promise 4, 5 or 6%, he said "I think we could hit 4, 5, or 6%". He never actually made any kind of promise.
Try not to invent fake quotes next time:
Trump: "We're bringing it (the GDP) from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”
He only said we"could" in reference to anything above 4%.
Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Grow the economy by 4 percent a year

Impeach him

but while you're waiting for him to be perpwalked out of the WH, give us a list of presidents that have made EVERY campaign promise come true.

You Repubtards impeached the greatest president the USA ever had, Clintion for lying about having sex with an intern who literally threw herself at him. Then elected Bush to destroy the USA. So don't even try lecturing anyone ever about holding Trump accountable for exponentially far worse violations.

Impeach him

but while you're waiting for him to be perpwalked out of the WH, give us a list of presidents that have made EVERY campaign promise come true.

You Repubtards impeached the greatest president the USA ever had, Clintion for lying about having sex with an intern who literally threw herself at him. Then elected Bush to destroy the USA. So don't even try lecturing anyone ever about holding Trump accountable for exponentially far worse violations.
A President forced to do cuts by the GOP via shutting down the Gov't........that damn near balanced the budget....along with Base Closures..............and then took credit for it.........LOL

N. Korea............another winner..........LOL

Somalia...........tucked tail and ran........wouldn't give the reinforcements the military wanted there. But now we have a Great movie called Black Hawk Down.............

Billy boy could sell a icecube to an Eskimo in the middle of winter.......Why everyone called him Slick........but he took credit for what he was forced to do.

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