GDP Q4 final reading up 2.2%, as expected, but leaves full year short of Trump’s goal

'Economic growth in the U.S. slowed in the final part of 2018, with GDP posting a gain of just 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

The final reading was in line with expectations of economists surveyed by Dow Jones. That was down from the previous estimate of 2.6 percent and leaves full-year growth at 2.9 percent. Third-quarter growth registered 3.4 percent. In all, 2018 was the best year for the economy since 2015 and well above the 2.2 percent increase in 2017. The economy grew 3 percent when compared with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Consumer spending as well as government expenditures at the state and national levels and nonresidential fixed investment all were revised down and subtracted from the GDP. Imports also were revised lower amid continuing tensions between the U.S. and its global trading partners.'

Economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter, leaving GDP short of Trump's goal

So where is this HUGE GDP gwroth that Trump promised (4 or 5% he said)? And where is this huge economic BOOM that Reps promised the tax cut would bring? most people on Wall Steet (and I) knew all along.

Trump's 4-5% GDP growth for a year will NEVER happen...guaranteed. He simply does not know what he is doing. He proved it when he begged the Fed to lower rates. If he is dependent on ultra low rates to prop up the economy...that is sure sign of desperation.

And trickle down economics NEVER works. NEVER (though I agree with the corporate tax cut - BUT NOT the income tax cut for mostly the rich).

And now - thanks to the tax cuts without cutting spending to match (like an idiot) - Trump is posting giant deficits.

Thanks for nothing lying, stack of excrement.
When you made a goal to lose 50 pounds and stop being a fat slob what happened when you only managed to lose 25 pounds?

Did you proclaim yourself a lying sack of leftist shit? Or did you realize that goals are necessary so you don't flounder around aimlessly?

I will admit that 4% is quite a bold goal but do you know how success in life is attained? By striving for the unattainable!

Yup. Great post and spot on.
'Economic growth in the U.S. slowed in the final part of 2018, with GDP posting a gain of just 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

The final reading was in line with expectations of economists surveyed by Dow Jones. That was down from the previous estimate of 2.6 percent and leaves full-year growth at 2.9 percent. Third-quarter growth registered 3.4 percent. In all, 2018 was the best year for the economy since 2015 and well above the 2.2 percent increase in 2017. The economy grew 3 percent when compared with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Consumer spending as well as government expenditures at the state and national levels and nonresidential fixed investment all were revised down and subtracted from the GDP. Imports also were revised lower amid continuing tensions between the U.S. and its global trading partners.'

Economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter, leaving GDP short of Trump's goal

So where is this HUGE GDP gwroth that Trump promised (4 or 5% he said)? And where is this huge economic BOOM that Reps promised the tax cut would bring? most people on Wall Steet (and I) knew all along.

Trump's 4-5% GDP growth for a year will NEVER happen...guaranteed. He simply does not know what he is doing. He proved it when he begged the Fed to lower rates. If he is dependent on ultra low rates to prop up the economy...that is sure sign of desperation.

And trickle down economics NEVER works. NEVER (though I agree with the corporate tax cut - BUT NOT the income tax cut for mostly the rich).

And now - thanks to the tax cuts without cutting spending to match (like an idiot) - Trump is posting giant deficits.

Thanks for nothing lying, stack of excrement.
When you made a goal to lose 50 pounds and stop being a fat slob what happened when you only managed to lose 25 pounds?

Did you proclaim yourself a lying sack of leftist shit? Or did you realize that goals are necessary so you don't flounder around aimlessly?

I will admit that 4% is quite a bold goal but do you know how success in life is attained? By striving for the unattainable!

Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.

It's easy, if Trump doesn't tell them EXACTLY what to think...FOX News or Breitbart does.

Trumpbots (apparently) rarely seek out information for themselves from independent sources. They just go to the sites that spew forth Trumpbot-talk.

' us?!? Landru?'
Last edited:
But McConnell and Ryan never offered to pass the tax cut Trump ran on.

Trump never had the ability to take the abuse the dems would heap on any republican, let alone one who one on Comey's surprise, and then turn and offer an olive branch of a middle class tax cuts and in doing so go against the wishes of the gop establishment. So in a way he's sort of a third man out. Neither Mitch the Turtle nor the dems will help him out
If that's "success" I want to see what failure looks like.

How about -4 % growth, a plunging stock market, the country losing half a million jobs a month and a Senate minority willing to go to historic lengths with the cloture and filibuster rules to block every measure Obama proposes.
How about -4 % growth, a plunging stock market, the country losing half a million jobs a month and a Senate minority willing to go to historic lengths with the cloture and filibuster rules to block every measure Obama proposes.
Obama's gone along with "hope and change". What's your point?
'Economic growth in the U.S. slowed in the final part of 2018, with GDP posting a gain of just 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

The final reading was in line with expectations of economists surveyed by Dow Jones. That was down from the previous estimate of 2.6 percent and leaves full-year growth at 2.9 percent. Third-quarter growth registered 3.4 percent. In all, 2018 was the best year for the economy since 2015 and well above the 2.2 percent increase in 2017. The economy grew 3 percent when compared with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Consumer spending as well as government expenditures at the state and national levels and nonresidential fixed investment all were revised down and subtracted from the GDP. Imports also were revised lower amid continuing tensions between the U.S. and its global trading partners.'

Economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter, leaving GDP short of Trump's goal

So where is this HUGE GDP gwroth that Trump promised (4 or 5% he said)? And where is this huge economic BOOM that Reps promised the tax cut would bring? most people on Wall Steet (and I) knew all along.

Trump's 4-5% GDP growth for a year will NEVER happen...guaranteed. He simply does not know what he is doing. He proved it when he begged the Fed to lower rates. If he is dependent on ultra low rates to prop up the economy...that is sure sign of desperation.

And trickle down economics NEVER works. NEVER (though I agree with the corporate tax cut - BUT NOT the income tax cut for mostly the rich).

And now - thanks to the tax cuts without cutting spending to match (like an idiot) - Trump is posting giant deficits.

Thanks for nothing lying, stack of excrement.
When you made a goal to lose 50 pounds and stop being a fat slob what happened when you only managed to lose 25 pounds?

Did you proclaim yourself a lying sack of leftist shit? Or did you realize that goals are necessary so you don't flounder around aimlessly?

I will admit that 4% is quite a bold goal but do you know how success in life is attained? By striving for the unattainable!

Yup. Great post and spot on.

I feel better now.
That's the trick.
We chant MAGA! Our WWII Nazi group name?
And the zero college white boy cult follows , We say something and it happens.
So Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month and eventually created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2?
Knees news didn't tell us that?
Sounds like the zero college white boy cultist shit to me
'Economic growth in the U.S. slowed in the final part of 2018, with GDP posting a gain of just 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

The final reading was in line with expectations of economists surveyed by Dow Jones. That was down from the previous estimate of 2.6 percent and leaves full-year growth at 2.9 percent. Third-quarter growth registered 3.4 percent. In all, 2018 was the best year for the economy since 2015 and well above the 2.2 percent increase in 2017. The economy grew 3 percent when compared with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Consumer spending as well as government expenditures at the state and national levels and nonresidential fixed investment all were revised down and subtracted from the GDP. Imports also were revised lower amid continuing tensions between the U.S. and its global trading partners.'

Economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter, leaving GDP short of Trump's goal

So where is this HUGE GDP gwroth that Trump promised (4 or 5% he said)? And where is this huge economic BOOM that Reps promised the tax cut would bring? most people on Wall Steet (and I) knew all along.

Trump's 4-5% GDP growth for a year will NEVER happen...guaranteed. He simply does not know what he is doing. He proved it when he begged the Fed to lower rates. If he is dependent on ultra low rates to prop up the economy...that is sure sign of desperation.

And trickle down economics NEVER works. NEVER (though I agree with the corporate tax cut - BUT NOT the income tax cut for mostly the rich).

And now - thanks to the tax cuts without cutting spending to match (like an idiot) - Trump is posting giant deficits.

Thanks for nothing lying, stack of excrement.
When you made a goal to lose 50 pounds and stop being a fat slob what happened when you only managed to lose 25 pounds?

Did you proclaim yourself a lying sack of leftist shit? Or did you realize that goals are necessary so you don't flounder around aimlessly?

I will admit that 4% is quite a bold goal but do you know how success in life is attained? By striving for the unattainable!

Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.

It's easy, if Trump doesn't tell them EXACTLY what to think...FOX News or Breitbart does.

Trumpbots (apparently) rarely seek out information for themselves from independent sources. They just go to the sites that spew forth Trumpbot-talk.

' us?!? Landru?'
Like this one.
Ironic that our posters are old white farts who don't know the def of liberal or snowflake and are sucking off their socialist SS Medicare and don't even know it.
Easier to whinge
Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.
The 2.9% number took seven fucking years and $5 trillion in money printing to attain.

Fucking dunce.
Take note that the GDP isn't at 2.2%, it's up 2.2%. Obama was the only administration in modern history to fail to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in any one of the long, long eight years.
Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.
The 2.9% number took seven fucking years and $5 trillion in money printing to attain.

Fucking dunce.
Obama had a whole lot worse starting point. Everyone predicting a decline this year...
'Economic growth in the U.S. slowed in the final part of 2018, with GDP posting a gain of just 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

The final reading was in line with expectations of economists surveyed by Dow Jones. That was down from the previous estimate of 2.6 percent and leaves full-year growth at 2.9 percent. Third-quarter growth registered 3.4 percent. In all, 2018 was the best year for the economy since 2015 and well above the 2.2 percent increase in 2017. The economy grew 3 percent when compared with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Consumer spending as well as government expenditures at the state and national levels and nonresidential fixed investment all were revised down and subtracted from the GDP. Imports also were revised lower amid continuing tensions between the U.S. and its global trading partners.'

Economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter, leaving GDP short of Trump's goal

So where is this HUGE GDP gwroth that Trump promised (4 or 5% he said)? And where is this huge economic BOOM that Reps promised the tax cut would bring? most people on Wall Steet (and I) knew all along.

Trump's 4-5% GDP growth for a year will NEVER happen...guaranteed. He simply does not know what he is doing. He proved it when he begged the Fed to lower rates. If he is dependent on ultra low rates to prop up the economy...that is sure sign of desperation.

And trickle down economics NEVER works. NEVER (though I agree with the corporate tax cut - BUT NOT the income tax cut for mostly the rich).

And now - thanks to the tax cuts without cutting spending to match (like an idiot) - Trump is posting giant deficits.

Thanks for nothing lying, stack of excrement.
Oboingo was totally dependent upon the Fed to prop him up, and he never even approached 3% annual growth.

Grow the fuck up.

We hit 2.9% in 2015 dumbfuck
Yippy skippy....It only took seven fucking years, an unstimulating $800+ "stimulus" scam, and $4+ trillion of funny money pumped into Wall Street.

If that's "success" I want to see what failure looks like.

7 years? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you really suck at math.
2009 (when the Mulatto Maexist took office)- the 4th quarter of 2015


Most of us refer to that as a "rounding error", asshole.
Take note that the GDP isn't at 2.2%, it's up 2.2%. Obama was the only administration in modern history to fail to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in any one of the long, long eight years.
Something trump has not yet done.
Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.
The 2.9% number took seven fucking years and $5 trillion in money printing to attain.

Fucking dunce.
Obama had a whole lot worse starting point. Everyone predicting a decline this year...
Irrelevant to the fact.
'Economic growth in the U.S. slowed in the final part of 2018, with GDP posting a gain of just 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

The final reading was in line with expectations of economists surveyed by Dow Jones. That was down from the previous estimate of 2.6 percent and leaves full-year growth at 2.9 percent. Third-quarter growth registered 3.4 percent. In all, 2018 was the best year for the economy since 2015 and well above the 2.2 percent increase in 2017. The economy grew 3 percent when compared with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Consumer spending as well as government expenditures at the state and national levels and nonresidential fixed investment all were revised down and subtracted from the GDP. Imports also were revised lower amid continuing tensions between the U.S. and its global trading partners.'

Economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter, leaving GDP short of Trump's goal

So where is this HUGE GDP gwroth that Trump promised (4 or 5% he said)? And where is this huge economic BOOM that Reps promised the tax cut would bring? most people on Wall Steet (and I) knew all along.

Trump's 4-5% GDP growth for a year will NEVER happen...guaranteed. He simply does not know what he is doing. He proved it when he begged the Fed to lower rates. If he is dependent on ultra low rates to prop up the economy...that is sure sign of desperation.

And trickle down economics NEVER works. NEVER (though I agree with the corporate tax cut - BUT NOT the income tax cut for mostly the rich).

And now - thanks to the tax cuts without cutting spending to match (like an idiot) - Trump is posting giant deficits.

Thanks for nothing lying, stack of excrement.
Oboingo was totally dependent upon the Fed to prop him up, and he never even approached 3% annual growth.

Grow the fuck up.

We hit 2.9% in 2015 dumbfuck
Yippy skippy....It only took seven fucking years, an unstimulating $800+ "stimulus" scam, and $4+ trillion of funny money pumped into Wall Street.

If that's "success" I want to see what failure looks like.

7 years? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you really suck at math.
2009- the 4th quarter of 2015


Most of us refer to that as a "rounding error" asshole.

Couldn't resist the foul mouth?
WV vocabulary?
Why read more?
Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.
The 2.9% number took seven fucking years and $5 trillion in money printing to attain.

Fucking dunce.
Obama had a whole lot worse starting point. Everyone predicting a decline this year...
Irrelevant to the fact.
Only to the stupidly partisan.
Oboingo was totally dependent upon the Fed to prop him up, and he never even approached 3% annual growth.

Grow the fuck up.

We hit 2.9% in 2015 dumbfuck
Yippy skippy....It only took seven fucking years, an unstimulating $800+ "stimulus" scam, and $4+ trillion of funny money pumped into Wall Street.

If that's "success" I want to see what failure looks like.

7 years? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you really suck at math.
2009- the 4th quarter of 2015


Most of us refer to that as a "rounding error" asshole.

Couldn't resist the foul mouth?
WV vocabulary?
Why read more?
Wasn't talking to you, jackass.
Goes down well with zero college old white farts.
All you have to do is to chant MAGA! Our WWII Nazi group name and wear a dumb hat
Wow, under the previous administration 2.9% was seen as a failure and worthy of it is worthy of praise.

I do not know how you partisan sheep keep these things straight in your heads.
The 2.9% number took seven fucking years and $5 trillion in money printing to attain.

Fucking dunce.
Obama had a whole lot worse starting point. Everyone predicting a decline this year...
Irrelevant to the fact.
Only to the stupidly partisan.
The stupidly partisan hacks deride economic growth without such foolhardy and ineffective money printing, stupid partisan hack.
We hit 2.9% in 2015 dumbfuck
Yippy skippy....It only took seven fucking years, an unstimulating $800+ "stimulus" scam, and $4+ trillion of funny money pumped into Wall Street.

If that's "success" I want to see what failure looks like.

7 years? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you really suck at math.
2009- the 4th quarter of 2015


Most of us refer to that as a "rounding error" asshole.

Couldn't resist the foul mouth?
WV vocabulary?
Why read more?
Wasn't talking to you, jackass.

I'm not in WV
ANOTHER insult.
Zero college rubes just can't spew a sentence w/o one.
Great kid training

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