Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Democrats are screaming that Romney won't release his returns back to 1970. With no issue of wrongdoing at all. Where are the audits for those years? The people recognize a witchunt when they see one.
I wonder. Does white Obamney's reluctance to release tax returns have something to do, with how his job performance may be then correlated, with his income?

I wonder how much white Obamney declared, when he got around to refinancing any company, which he then subjected to cuts, then out-sourcing, and even bankruptcy, after his wringer had run?

If auditors go over white Obamney's returns, year by year, what is to be known? Will we find out how much of his awesome paychecks turned up, incrementally, in foreign banks and investments?

Just sayin' . . .
And look at what the left is doing with what info they do have from him. For his own good? Really?
Yet, the left gives a pass on Obama's hiding of his college records and defends him for not doing so. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

It's just an election year tactic for Obama's campaign to create class warfare amoung Americans. I guess a person could call it a strategy.

Meister, be intellectual honest here for a second: You don't think it's in any way strange he hasn't done what every other candidate before him has done? You are really telling me if Obama had done the same thing you wouldn't be just as incredulous as the Left is?

Fear of being criticized over your tax records is no reason to withhold the information, unless you're a politician. But here's the thing: Conservatives spend much of their breath defending rich people, putting them on pedestals even. So shouldn't he just proudly release his tax forms and say, "Yes, I've made a lot of money in life, but I've paid my taxes on that money like ever other Patriotic American."? Instead, he looks suspicious and further implants the idea that he's just a spoiled rich asshole trying to buy an election.

Sorry man, but this is the truth, and I think you all know it. It's bad politics to do this, and you all know that. The whole "Look what they're doing just with what they have" excuse sounds like a good reason why Nixon would withhold the Watergate tapes. I'm not saying Mitt's even hiding anything necessarily, but he sure as fuck gives the impression he is.

You want honesty? Well, so do I. If the left hadn't for the last 15 years making Big business and rich people evil with their rhetoric, I think we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. How's that for honesty?

It's not Big Business that's inherently bad, Meister. It's Big Business left unregulated. Time and again history has shown us that unless we keep tabs on Wall Street and Corporate America, they WILL fuck us over. It's kind of part of the deal we make with them, or at least it should have been.

You can say that the Left has demonized Big Business, but will you admit that the Right Wing has attempted to lionize them? Canonize them even? How you can honestly criticize how the Left has viewed Big Business, when the Right Wing has become sycophantic about their defense of it? Maybe the Left is too harsh, but can you not see the Right isn't harsh ENOUGH?

Don't forget, it was the greatest modern Republican President who busted business in the chops, broke up trusts, and established the first effective business regulations of the 20th century. So it didn't used always be like this.

At what point did the Republican party make the decision to be the party of the Rich? And don't lie and say they're the party of EVERYONE. They're not. Their fiscal policies are specifically designed to keep the rich as wealthy as possible. Sure, you guys believe in trickle-down still, so you don't see it that way, but many of us sure as Hell do.
Of course, dumbfuck. It's in my original post. But considering that every other candidate in the modern era has, it begs the question: What is Mitt hiding?

No, it begs the statement 'Who gives a royal fuck?'

Dumb ass.

I give a Royal Fuck. My fellow voters give a fuck, and when the story has had a few days to sink in and they poll voters on it, they'll give a fuck.

I didn't elect you to speak for me, as a fellow voter.

Where are YOUR tax returns? Why haven't YOU released them to your fellow members?
Democrats are screaming that Romney won't release his returns back to 1970. With no issue of wrongdoing at all. Where are the audits for those years? The people recognize a witchunt when they see one.

LOL. Your hyperbole is amusing. 2012 - 12 = 2000 (not 1970). His unwillingness to release his records suggest he is hiding something. Maybe he will pull off an Oct. surprise and release his records back to 1970, or maybe not.

Romney is channeling Richard Nixon, I remember well Nixon running on "I have a plan" a plan to end the Vietnam War - which lasted another five + years after he took office in 1969.

Romney's unexplained plan is to fix our economy, no details yet other than cut taxes, cut government and cut regulations. Cool, anyone read the Philadelphia Inquirer series "America, What Went Wrong". An update of the 1991 series is in progress now.

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Obama, asking others what they are hiding

now that is RICH

It's hilarious watching them squeal about Mittens 'hiding' something while simultaneously ignoring all the unanswered questions about Obutthead. Leftists are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.
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Obama, asking others what they are hiding

now that is RICH

It's hilarious watching them squeal about Mittens 'hiding' something while simultaneously ignoring all the unanswered questions about Obutthead. Leftists are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

The 'Potamic Two-Step' double standard...
I'm more interested in Obama's plan for our future that Romneys tax returns from years ago. I want to hear about something that affects me.
I'm more interested in Obama's plan for our future that Romneys tax returns from years ago. I want to hear about something that affects me.

Mitt has a far better record than Obama by far...and what the left is so upset about.

‘This Is the Divider We All Feared’: Beck Slams Obama Camp for Perpetuating Debunked Lie About Romney

On CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, Candy Crowley had some tough questions for Obama campaign advisor and former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs regarding a recent attack ad targeting GOP nominee Mitt Romney for outsourcing.

Crowley ran the ad, noting that even the Washington Post rated it false (with “four Pinocchios”). She challenged Gibbs to give his take on why this now debunked lie is still being used against Romney. For reference, below is their exchange, courtesy of Mediaite:

Watch " CNN’s Candy Crowley Grills Obama Advisor Over Anti-Romney Attacks Rated False" Video at mediaite

As usual you attack the messenger, attack Obama, and and dismiss the central question with "I don't imagine why he isn't releasing his tax records". You must have a very weak ability to imagine, lack curiousity and/or are unable to confront matters which might distress you.

The fact that Romney places his money in foreign accounts means his money is not going to small businesses in America, does it not? Is Romney interested in helping small buisness in America as he claims, or not?

What is he hiding? I'm curious, and as a retired investigator my instinct is there is something there to discover. That unkown is enough to make me question his fitness for the office of POTUS.

My instincts tell me that you are about as genuinely curious and have the same politically slanted instincts as the shitstain that started this thread.:clap2:

Awww. You can't handle the fact that your candidate looks like a greasy, slimy, smarmy scumbucket and that it'll hurt your chances in the fall so you attack me. That's fine.

Where's Mitt's tax returns?

And where is Ubama's records?
Ole Etch A Sketch is the sneakiest and most dishonest candidate since Nixon. And, as usual, if Obama or any Dem hid his tax returns like Mittens is doing, the r would throw a fit, and rightly so.

But, the rw's will take and defend any lies and dishonesty from their own. Probably because they are just as dishonest as their candidates.
My instincts tell me that you are about as genuinely curious and have the same politically slanted instincts as the shitstain that started this thread.:clap2:

Awww. You can't handle the fact that your candidate looks like a greasy, slimy, smarmy scumbucket and that it'll hurt your chances in the fall so you attack me. That's fine.

Where's Mitt's tax returns?

And where is Ubama's records?

Yo, idiot. If you have access to the interwebs, you can go to a website that is unknown to most rw's but commonly used by more intelligent people. Just type in GOOGLEFUCKINGDOTCOM and they'll answer just about any question you have.

Good Luck and if you can't handle this very complicated task, ask any LIB/DEM for help.
Awww. You can't handle the fact that your candidate looks like a greasy, slimy, smarmy scumbucket and that it'll hurt your chances in the fall so you attack me. That's fine.

Where's Mitt's tax returns?

And where is Ubama's records?

Yo, idiot. If you have access to the interwebs, you can go to a website that is unknown to most rw's but commonly used by more intelligent people. Just type in GOOGLEFUCKINGDOTCOM and they'll answer just about any question you have.

Good Luck and if you can't handle this very complicated task, ask any LIB/DEM for help.
Cute deflection ass wipe.

Yet once again youve come up short.
No, it begs the statement 'Who gives a royal fuck?'

Dumb ass.

I give a Royal Fuck. My fellow voters give a fuck, and when the story has had a few days to sink in and they poll voters on it, they'll give a fuck.

I didn't elect you to speak for me, as a fellow voter.

Where are YOUR tax returns? Why haven't YOU released them to your fellow members?

Hey FuckFace, you asked "Who gives a royal fuck?" So I told you that I do. You do understand how conversation works, right? Oh, of course you don't. Sorry!

I'm not running for President, am I Dummy? And if I was, I'd release 12 years. I have nothing to hide on my returns, so I have no problem with anyone seeing them. I wouldn't let you see them, because you're a dumb fuck, but that's something entirely different.
And where is Ubama's records?

Yo, idiot. If you have access to the interwebs, you can go to a website that is unknown to most rw's but commonly used by more intelligent people. Just type in GOOGLEFUCKINGDOTCOM and they'll answer just about any question you have.

Good Luck and if you can't handle this very complicated task, ask any LIB/DEM for help.
Cute deflection ass wipe.

Yet once again youve come up short.

No wonder you see so little of Nerdite these days...:badgrin:
Ole Etch A Sketch is the sneakiest and most dishonest candidate since Nixon. And, as usual, if Obama or any Dem hid his tax returns like Mittens is doing, the r would throw a fit, and rightly so.

But, the rw's will take and defend any lies and dishonesty from their own. Probably because they are just as dishonest as their candidates.

So Yesterday and doesn't matter...
Yea, let's examine how Obama's income has increased since he became a politician. How much does an Illinois state senator make?? How much does a Senator from Illinois in Washington make?? How much does the president make?? Where the heck did he get all his money?? Did he actually work for it?? I'm thinking since he never held a "real" job, he doesn't deserve any of his money.

Let's take his instead of mine, K??

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