Gen. Flynn case about to blow up in Dimwinger's faces.

You mean like "Russian Collusion"?

And a buttload of convictions proved that collusion.

Just what did you hope to prove by the "WAAH! NO COLLUSINO" cult conspiracy theory? Only the most desperate and most dishonest cultists resort to it. When the point is the chronic dishonesty of the Trump cult, being that dishonest is really not your best choice.
This is the very latest on this ...

'Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.'

Sydney Powell is such an amazing lady! Bravo!:clap: you go girl!

Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

McCabe can lie his ass off and not be charged but setup Flynn on a phony perjury charge.

That's as dirty as Hillary's underwear.


Remember what he said? McCabe should be behind bars yesterday! he is as dirty as they come.

Had to look this up. This is why we no longer have faith in the FBI

McCabe, the second highest ranking FBI official, emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with raised voice: “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump,” according to direct sources. Many of his top lieutenants applauded and cheered such rhetoric. A scattered few did not.
How'd that work out in the Flynn sentencing hearing?

Ya know...the one where Flynn was supposed to get a slap on the wrist....

The one where the Judge read the indictment against Flynn and FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT and nearly gave him LIFE,.

Remember the Judge referring to TREASON?

And that was supposed to be a Trump friendly Judge (according to you freaks)

When the Judge finds out the FBI lied and altered documents, we'll see then, hmmmkay
So, you read it but didn't understand it.

So what makes you think this whiny retarded conspiracy theory will go any farther than all the other whiny retarded conspiracy theories that you've fallen for and then breathlessly repeated?

Oh, I see. Your masters spoon fed it to you, so you BELIEVE.

In the grave, Stalin seethes in envy, wishing that he had the legions of Useful Idiots that Trump has.
Motion to withdraw can be done prior to sentencing. Which will be filed Monday according to sources. With the coercion and fabrication of evidence this is going away, like it should have anyway..
You're delusional. Mikey lied, Mikey was convicted, and Mikey will pay the price.
I hope Flynn sues Comey for every penny he has.
Me too! While he is losing that lawsuit, lots of juicy details would become public.

I guess appointing a foreign agent as head of our national security was a poor choice...
Page, Papadopoulis , Flynn and Manafort have a strong case against the Obama DOJ, Obama admin, and the FBI.....and civil suits on Brennan, Comey, Stzrok....
False. They have no case. You are delusional. They have pled guilty and have been convicted. Not sure where you are getting this embarrassing fantasy....MindWars?

Carter Page was never charged with any crime - he told the Inquisition to go fuck themselves. Papadopoulos got royally fucked, and IS suing the Weissman Inquisition for illegal and unethical conduct.

Manafort is a criminal - he had nothing to do with the entire witch hunt, but he is a criminal and belongs in prison. (not more so that Weissman)

Flynn is where you vile filth are going to burn. That one is unraveling fast. What Weissman did is criminal. For the presiding judge to hold the prosecution in contempt after a guilty plea is entered is unprecedented. But the corruption of the FBI and the Weissman team is so over the top that it shakes the foundations of American jurisprudence. The attack on Flynn is malicious and partisan, based on lies and coercion.

Flynn will be exonerated. Sadly, the only thing that can happen to Weissman and the crooks with him is one year in jail on Contempt. The independent counsel provision shields him from the prison term he deserves. Again, Sullivan has ALREADY held Weissman in contempt, so he WILL go to jail. Could be as little as a day, or 30 days, or could be a year. Weissman was ordered to produce the exculpatory evidence he had hidden from the Flynn defense team and refused, hence the contempt citation.
Uh dumbfuck, Judge Sullivan is about to dismiss the guilty plea due to malfeasance on the part of the prosecution. He has held Weissman and his corrupt team in contempt for hiding exculpatory evidence.

REALLY????.....................the same judge Sullivan who said..............

'Not Hiding My Disgust': Judge Rebukes Flynn

December 18th......Flynn goes to PRISON.......

Behind a pay wall, and I would NEVER pay the Antisemitic holocaust deniers of the NY Times - lying pigs that they are.

On Friday, Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order in United States v. Flynn that, while widely unnoticed, reveals something fascinating: A motion by Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea based on government misconduct is likely in the works.

Just a week ago, and thus before Sullivan quietly directed Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team to provide Flynn’s attorneys “any exculpatory evidence,” Washington Examiner columnist Byron York detailed the oddities of Flynn’s case. The next day, former assistant U.S. attorney and National Review contributing editor Andrew McCarthy connected more of the questionable dots. York added even more details a couple of days later. Together these articles provide the backdrop necessary to understand the significance of Sullivan’s order on Friday.}

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

You're not fooling anyone, nor are the little Goebbels of the NY Times.
He pled guilty to what?

LYING.....taking money from Turkey to kidnap a cleric living in the U.S. and sending him back to Ankara.
Taking money from Russia.....Being a
And there you have it. He was an existential threat to them and therefore he had to be taken out. McCabe and Strzok under Comey devised a plan and saw to it.

Lee Smith: Deep State Destroyed Flynn to Stop Audit of Its Operations
I don’t think he had the authority to do that.

That evidence, Flynn’s legal team alleges, includes an apparent admission by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page — who resigned after being discovered having an affair with agent Peter Strzok, with whom she shared anti-trump texts — that she had edited the 302 — something that she allegedly told FBI investigators she did not recall, the filing states.

The edits, the filing alleges, were substantive: they included a claim that Flynn said he did not discuss any sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Flynn’s lawyers allege he merely told the FBI he did not recall, and that the claim he said otherwise was added only after a transcript of his discussion with the ambassador had been leaked to the media.

In a footnote, the filing adds that former FBI general counsel James Baker “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to [Washington Post reporter David] Ignatius.” It also alleges that former National Intelligence Director James Clapper told Ignatius to “take the kill shot on Flynn.”

The filing emerged hours after reports that the Department of Justice had shifted its investigation of the origins of the Russia probe to become a criminal investigation under the supervision of prosecutor John H. Durham.

Flynn was subject to surveillance — allegedly in response to claims that he might have violated the Logan Act, an archaic and rarely-enforced law barring private citizens from diplomacy — during President-elect Donald Trump’s transition to office. Flynn’s name was then unmasked in the transcript of his telephone conversation with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which was then leaked illegally.

Flynn’s subsequent prosecution for lying to the FBI was key to the “Russia collusion” theory, later found to have no substance after a lengthy investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that took nearly two years to complete.

Critics have alleged that Mueller may have induced Flynn to plead guilty by suggesting that the government had more evidence of “Russia collusion” than it actually did.}

Michael Flynn's Lawyers Claim Lisa Page Altered FBI Interview Record to Frame Him | Breitbart

The Flynn frame up is falling apart.
And there you have it. He was an existential threat to them and therefore he had to be taken out. McCabe and Strzok under Comey devised a plan and saw to it.

Lee Smith: Deep State Destroyed Flynn to Stop Audit of Its Operations
I don’t think he had the authority to do that.

That evidence, Flynn’s legal team alleges, includes an apparent admission by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page — who resigned after being discovered having an affair with agent Peter Strzok, with whom she shared anti-trump texts — that she had edited the 302 — something that she allegedly told FBI investigators she did not recall, the filing states.

The edits, the filing alleges, were substantive: they included a claim that Flynn said he did not discuss any sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Flynn’s lawyers allege he merely told the FBI he did not recall, and that the claim he said otherwise was added only after a transcript of his discussion with the ambassador had been leaked to the media.

In a footnote, the filing adds that former FBI general counsel James Baker “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to [Washington Post reporter David] Ignatius.” It also alleges that former National Intelligence Director James Clapper told Ignatius to “take the kill shot on Flynn.”

The filing emerged hours after reports that the Department of Justice had shifted its investigation of the origins of the Russia probe to become a criminal investigation under the supervision of prosecutor John H. Durham.

Flynn was subject to surveillance — allegedly in response to claims that he might have violated the Logan Act, an archaic and rarely-enforced law barring private citizens from diplomacy — during President-elect Donald Trump’s transition to office. Flynn’s name was then unmasked in the transcript of his telephone conversation with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which was then leaked illegally.

Flynn’s subsequent prosecution for lying to the FBI was key to the “Russia collusion” theory, later found to have no substance after a lengthy investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that took nearly two years to complete.

Critics have alleged that Mueller may have induced Flynn to plead guilty by suggesting that the government had more evidence of “Russia collusion” than it actually did.}

Michael Flynn's Lawyers Claim Lisa Page Altered FBI Interview Record to Frame Him | Breitbart

The Flynn frame up is falling apart.
Ahhh...his legal team. That explains it.
And a buttload of convictions proved that collusion.

Just what did you hope to prove by the "WAAH! NO COLLUSINO" cult conspiracy theory? Only the most desperate and most dishonest cultists resort to it. When the point is the chronic dishonesty of the Trump cult, being that dishonest is really not your best choice.
No.. There were exactly ZERO convictions related to conclusion.

Congratulations on waking from your coma.

While you were sleeping Mueller and a team of Trump haters spent 2 years, somewhere around $28Million, 1000s of subpoenas, 100s of interviews, got unheard of openness from the Trump WH, and got NADDA.

You really should start a thread on something you understand.
And there you have it. He was an existential threat to them and therefore he had to be taken out. McCabe and Strzok under Comey devised a plan and saw to it.

Lee Smith: Deep State Destroyed Flynn to Stop Audit of Its Operations
I don’t think he had the authority to do that.

That evidence, Flynn’s legal team alleges, includes an apparent admission by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page — who resigned after being discovered having an affair with agent Peter Strzok, with whom she shared anti-trump texts — that she had edited the 302 — something that she allegedly told FBI investigators she did not recall, the filing states.

The edits, the filing alleges, were substantive: they included a claim that Flynn said he did not discuss any sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Flynn’s lawyers allege he merely told the FBI he did not recall, and that the claim he said otherwise was added only after a transcript of his discussion with the ambassador had been leaked to the media.

In a footnote, the filing adds that former FBI general counsel James Baker “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to [Washington Post reporter David] Ignatius.” It also alleges that former National Intelligence Director James Clapper told Ignatius to “take the kill shot on Flynn.”

The filing emerged hours after reports that the Department of Justice had shifted its investigation of the origins of the Russia probe to become a criminal investigation under the supervision of prosecutor John H. Durham.

Flynn was subject to surveillance — allegedly in response to claims that he might have violated the Logan Act, an archaic and rarely-enforced law barring private citizens from diplomacy — during President-elect Donald Trump’s transition to office. Flynn’s name was then unmasked in the transcript of his telephone conversation with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which was then leaked illegally.

Flynn’s subsequent prosecution for lying to the FBI was key to the “Russia collusion” theory, later found to have no substance after a lengthy investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that took nearly two years to complete.

Critics have alleged that Mueller may have induced Flynn to plead guilty by suggesting that the government had more evidence of “Russia collusion” than it actually did.}

Michael Flynn's Lawyers Claim Lisa Page Altered FBI Interview Record to Frame Him | Breitbart

The Flynn frame up is falling apart.
Ahhh...his legal team. That explains it.

Ahh, you LOVE corruption. That explains it.
You mean like "Russian Collusion"?

And a buttload of convictions proved that collusion.

Just what did you hope to prove by the "WAAH! NO COLLUSINO" cult conspiracy theory? Only the most desperate and most dishonest cultists resort to it. When the point is the chronic dishonesty of the Trump cult, being that dishonest is really not your best choice.
Not a single one was related to collusion.
No.. There were exactly ZERO convictions related to conclusion.

If you're this delusional, what's the point in talking to you?

You're now only useful as a demonstration of how 1/3 of the US now lives in an alternate reality.

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