Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

Well...there was the one guy.. yeah.
He was abominable. Way worse than Tommy.
What finely broke the back of the lack of moderation here, was him talking about his granddaughter.
That got him perm banned.
You may have not been here then. That was when I first got here.
I was here. I was amazed by how this forum supported and nurtured him like it did.

He would justify pedophilia, I would point out that he had just justified pedophilia and one particular mod would infract me while removing my post.
I was here. I was amazed by how this forum supported and nurtured him like it did.

He would justify pedophilia, I would point out that he had just justified pedophilia and one particular mod would infract me while removing my post.
Yes. I remember. It made me not post here for months.
It was when that pedophile openly expressed interest in his granddaughter than finally got him banned.
It was appalling that it took that extreme to make it happen.
And so many members started calling him a pedophile that it was down to ban dozens of people - or the one sick fuck.
They chose the sick fuck.
No, my argument is merely logical.
It's not. It's illiterate. Let me post the words of the author again for you especially thick Bingos.

The part that’s also being left out is that I am talking about sexual education. I am talking about consent. I am talking about agency. And I am using my story to teach kids about the mistakes that I made the first time that I was having sex, so they don’t make those same mistakes. I am teaching kids about not feeling guilty when sexual abuse happens, and how to recognize sexual abuse—most teens don’t even recognize they’ve been abused. And how to fight back against those traumas that you can hold on to for so very long. So they’re leaving very, very important context out, intentionally of course, to try and say my book is pornographic.
Yes. I remember. It made me not post here for months.
It was when that pedophile openly expressed interest in his granddaughter than finally got him banned.
It was appalling that it took that extreme to make it happen.
And so many members started calling him a pedophile that it was down to ban dozens of people - or the one sick fuck.
They chose the sick fuck.

They just move on to more friendly sites, where they make a point of banning anybody who frowns on kiddie raping, which is a majority of them these days. It will come back here as well. The Banana Republic will be permanent; it isn't going away, despite all the breast beating and posturing by the GOP. It's been pretty easy for Democrats to bribe them so far; just give billionaires more tax breaks is all they need to do.
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It's not. It's illiterate. Let me post the words of the author again for you especially thick Bingos.

The part that’s also being left out is that I am talking about sexual education. I am talking about consent. I am talking about agency. And I am using my story to teach kids about the mistakes that I made the first time that I was having sex, so they don’t make those same mistakes. I am teaching kids about not feeling guilty when sexual abuse happens, and how to recognize sexual abuse—most teens don’t even recognize they’ve been abused. And how to fight back against those traumas that you can hold on to for so very long. So they’re leaving very, very important context out, intentionally of course, to try and say my book is pornographic.
You lack the education necessary to even understand the meaning of the word "illiterate".

What I would suggest to you if you with to prove the book isn't pornographic is to post the illustration it contains of the little boy performing fellatio.

That should settle matters quickly.
They just move on to more friendly sites, where they make a point of banning anybody who frowns on kiddie raping, which is a majority of them these days. It will come back here as well. The Banana Republic will be permanent; it isn't going away, despite all the breast beating and posturing by the GOP. It's been pretty easy for Democras to bribe them so far; just give billioniares more tax breaks is all they need to do.
You will own nothing and you will be happy.

Just imagine the fighting force we will have in 20 years when all these boys being sissy trained to be a sex toy for their daddy are put in the position of defending us from China?
No, it's not you dumb Bingo. Especially since I quoted the words of the author. 😄 Though admittedly I didn't consider that you might be an illiterate Bingo and unable to read.

The part that’s also being left out is that I am talking about sexual education. I am talking about consent. I am talking about agency. And I am using my story to teach kids about the mistakes that I made the first time that I was having sex, so they don’t make those same mistakes. I am teaching kids about not feeling guilty when sexual abuse happens, and how to recognize sexual abuse—most teens don’t even recognize they’ve been abused. And how to fight back against those traumas that you can hold on to for so very long. So they’re leaving very, very important context out, intentionally of course, to try and say my book is pornographic.

Can you read that you Bingo? 😄

Wow....the bullshit is strong with you.....

He shows children engaging in oral sex with adults.......he has them talking about strapping on dildos and lubing up and penetrating each dumb ass......

Defend that as "sex education." you idiot.
You lack the education necessary to even understand the meaning of the word "illiterate".

What I would suggest to you if you with to prove the book isn't pornographic is to post the illustration it contains of the little boy performing fellatio.

That should settle matters quickly.
I don't have to prove a negative you dumb Bingo. 😄 The author himself calls the description of events that happen between himself as a teen and an adult man abuse. He says it plainly. Anyone trying to portray this as pornography, as something meant to entice anyone, is an illiterate Bingo who's education stopped at picture books because they apparently never learned to read the captions.
You lack the education necessary to even understand the meaning of the word "illiterate".

What I would suggest to you if you with to prove the book isn't pornographic is to post the illustration it contains of the little boy performing fellatio.

That should settle matters quickly.

You will own nothing and you will be happy.

Just imagine the fighting force we will have in 20 years when all these boys being sissy trained to be a sex toy for their daddy are put in the position of defending us from China?

I've already incorporated a company that will be selling them to middle class Red Chinese Asians as house pets for their children. The interest from potential customers is reaching Cabbage Patch doll levels of fad hysteria already, and all we've done is run a survey. What they would want with the pets I can't fathom; maybe for the same reasons retarded monkeys are popular.

By the way, 'Curried Goats' is getting the highest bids lately, especially from the Peking Zoo.
I don't have to prove a negative you dumb Bingo. 😄 The author himself calls the description of events that happen between himself as a teen and an adult man abuse. He says it plainly. Anyone trying to portray this as pornography, as something meant to entice anyone, is an illiterate Bingo who's education stopped at picture books because they apparently never learned to read the captions.
You really do have some special issues, don't you?

Please post the blow job pic to show it isn't pornographic.
I don't have to prove a negative you dumb Bingo. 😄 The author himself calls the description of events that happen between himself as a teen and an adult man abuse. He says it plainly. Anyone trying to portray this as pornography, as something meant to entice anyone, is an illiterate Bingo who's education stopped at picture books because they apparently never learned to read the captions.
He also said he enjoyed parts of it... plainly.
He also said he enjoyed parts of it... plainly.
Which means what? That it isn't abuse? Despite the ignorant claims from the Right in the thread about a female teacher being arrested for sexually abusing her young male student, it isn't only abuse if they don't enjoy it. It's abuse because it's statutory rape.
Yes. I remember. It made me not post here for months.
It was when that pedophile openly expressed interest in his granddaughter than finally got him banned.
It was appalling that it took that extreme to make it happen.
And so many members started calling him a pedophile that it was down to ban dozens of people - or the one sick fuck.
They chose the sick fuck.
They only removed the sick fuck because they began to worry about the legal implications involved for knowingly abetting him.

Had they told any of us "yes, we are on to him and are just waiting for something actionable", they could have earned some respect. They didn't do that. Instead, they actually ran interference for him through their abusiveness toward posters who opposed pedophilia.

They still do it.
Which means what? That it isn't abuse? Despite the ignorant claims from the Right in the thread about a female teacher being arrested for sexually abusing her young male student, it isn't only abuse if they don't enjoy it. It's abuse because it's statutory rape.
You can read.
But your comprehension leaves something amiss

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